2022-10-23 23:45:43 -07:00

264 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import argparse
import serial
import sys
# Main function
def main():
# Open a serial port, and load the image at the specified address.
# We will use a UART timeout value of 12 second. This should be long
# enough that the slave will respond to us, but short enough that a human
# operator should see errors quickly..
# Max flashing time depends on the amount of SRAM available.
# For very large images, the flashing happens page by page.
# However if the image can fit in the free SRAM, it could take a long time
# for the whole image to be flashed at the end.
# The largest image which can be stored depends on the max SRAM.
# Assuming worst case ~100 ms/page of flashing time, and allowing for the
# image to be close to occupying full SRAM (256K) which is 128 pages.
# Read the binary file from the command line.
with open(args.binfile, mode='rb') as binfile:
application = binfile.read()
if len(args.trailerfile) > 0:
with open(args.trailerfile, mode='rb') as binfile:
trailer= binfile.read()
trailer = []
print('Loading {} bytes over serial port {}...'.format(len(application), args.port), flush=True)
with serial.Serial(args.port, args.baud, timeout=12) as ser:
load_image(application, trailer, int(args.address, 0), ser)
# Load image
# Given a serial port and a binary file, loads the target device using the
def load_image(application, trailer, address, ser):
# Gather the important binary metadata.
applen = len(application)
crc = crc32(application)
new_image = []
trailerlen = len(trailer)
if trailerlen > 0:
print('Adding Security Trailer')
#print([hex(n) for n in new_image])
if (args.bauddetect):
# Making sure autobaud gets set.
response = ser.read(1)
# Make sure we got the number of bytes we asked for.
if len(response) == 0:
raise NoResponseError
# Send a New Image command.
response = send_bytewise_command(0x2, new_image, 4, ser)
if response[0] != 0x2:
raise NoAckError
# Set the override pin.
send_ackd_command(0x5, [args.ovr, args.level], ser)
# Loop over the bytes in the image, and send them to the target.
resp = 0
for x in range(0, applen, 512):
# Split the application into chunks of 512 bytes.
# This is the max chunk size supported by the UART bootloader
chunk = application[x:x+512]
# Build a data packet with a "data command" a "length" and the actual
# payload bytes, and send it to the target.
resp = send_bytewise_command(0x3, int_to_bytes(len(chunk)) + list(chunk), 4, ser)
# Check the CRC.
if word_from_bytes(resp, 0) == 0x3:
# If the CRC was good, optionally reset the target and let it run.
if (args.reset):
send_command(0x4, [], 0, ser)
print('CRC was bad')
# Send ACK'd command
# Sends a command, and waits for an ACK.
def send_ackd_command(command, params, ser):
response = send_command(command, params, 4, ser)
if response[0] != 0x2:
raise NoAckError
# Send command
# Sends a command, and waits for the response.
def send_command(command, params, response_len, ser):
# Send the command first.
# Next, send the parameters.
for param in params:
response = ''
response = ser.read(response_len)
# Make sure we got the number of bytes we asked for.
if len(response) != response_len:
print('No response for command 0x{:08X}'.format(command))
raise NoResponseError
return response
# Send a command that uses an array of bytes as its parameters.
def send_bytewise_command(command, params, response_len, ser):
# Send the command first.
# Next, send the parameters.
response = ''
response = ser.read(response_len)
# Make sure we got the number of bytes we asked for.
if len(response) != response_len:
print('No response for command 0x{:08X}'.format(command))
raise NoResponseError
return response
# Turn a 32-bit number into a series of bytes for transmission.
# This command will split a 32-bit integer into an array of bytes, ordered
# LSB-first for transmission over the UART.
def int_to_bytes(n):
A = [n & 0xFF,
(n >> 8) & 0xFF,
(n >> 16) & 0xFF,
(n >> 24) & 0xFF]
return A
# Extract a word from a byte array
def word_from_bytes(B, n):
return (B[n] + (B[n + 1] << 8) + (B[n + 2] << 16) + (B[n + 3] << 24))
# CRC function that matches the CRC used by the Apollo bootloader.
poly32 = 0x1EDC6F41
def crc32(L):
rem = 0
for b in L:
rem = rem ^ (b << 24)
for i in range(8):
if rem & 0x80000000:
rem = ((rem << 1) ^ poly32)
rem = (rem << 1)
rem = rem & 0xFFFFFFFF
return rem
# Errors
class BootError(Exception):
class NoAckError(BootError):
class NoResponseError(BootError):
# Main program flow
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description =
'UART Boot Host for Apollo or Apollo2')
help = 'Binary file to program into the target device')
parser.add_argument('address', help = 'Link address (hex)')
parser.add_argument('port', help = 'Serial COMx Port')
parser.add_argument('-b', dest='baud', default=115200, type=int,
help = 'Baud Rate (default is 115200)')
parser.add_argument('-o', dest ='ovr', default = 18, type=int,
help = 'Override pin (default is 18)')
parser.add_argument('-l', dest='level', default=0, type=int,
help = 'Override pin polarity (0 or 1) Default is active low')
parser.add_argument('-s', dest = 'trailerfile', default='',
help = 'Binary file for (optional) security trailer')
parser.add_argument('-r', dest = 'reset', default=1, type=int,
help = 'Should it send reset command after image download? (0/1) (default is 1)')
parser.add_argument('-a', dest = 'bauddetect', default=1, type=int,
help = 'Should it send a preamble for slave to detect the baudrate? (0/1) (default is 1)')
args = parser.parse_args()