2022-10-23 23:45:43 -07:00

335 lines
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* \file
* \brief Attribute protocol constants and definitions from the Bluetooth specification.
* Copyright (c) 2009-2019 Arm Ltd.
* Copyright (c) 2019 Packetcraft, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef ATT_DEFS_H
#define ATT_DEFS_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/*! \addtogroup STACK_ATT_API
* \{ */
/** \name ATT PDU Format
* ATT PDU defaults and constants
#define ATT_HDR_LEN 1 /*!< \brief Attribute PDU header length */
#define ATT_AUTH_SIG_LEN 12 /*!< \brief Authentication signature length */
#define ATT_DEFAULT_MTU 23 /*!< \brief Default value of ATT_MTU */
#define ATT_MAX_MTU 517 /*!< \brief Maximum value of ATT_MTU */
#define ATT_DEFAULT_PAYLOAD_LEN 20 /*!< \brief Default maximum payload length for most PDUs */
/** \name ATT Maximum Value Parameters
* maximum values for ATT attribute length and offset
#define ATT_VALUE_MAX_LEN 512 /*!< \brief Maximum attribute value length */
#define ATT_VALUE_MAX_OFFSET 511 /*!< \brief Maximum attribute value offset */
/** \name ATT Transaction Timeout
* Maximum time allowed between transaction request and response.
#define ATT_MAX_TRANS_TIMEOUT 30 /*!< \brief Maximum transaction timeout in seconds */
/** \name ATT Error Codes
* ATT Protocol operation status codes found in PDUs
#define ATT_SUCCESS 0x00 /*!< \brief Operation successful */
#define ATT_ERR_HANDLE 0x01 /*!< \brief Invalid handle */
#define ATT_ERR_READ 0x02 /*!< \brief Read not permitted */
#define ATT_ERR_WRITE 0x03 /*!< \brief Write not permitted */
#define ATT_ERR_INVALID_PDU 0x04 /*!< \brief Invalid pdu */
#define ATT_ERR_AUTH 0x05 /*!< \brief Insufficient authentication */
#define ATT_ERR_NOT_SUP 0x06 /*!< \brief Request not supported */
#define ATT_ERR_OFFSET 0x07 /*!< \brief Invalid offset */
#define ATT_ERR_AUTHOR 0x08 /*!< \brief Insufficient authorization */
#define ATT_ERR_QUEUE_FULL 0x09 /*!< \brief Prepare queue full */
#define ATT_ERR_NOT_FOUND 0x0A /*!< \brief Attribute not found */
#define ATT_ERR_NOT_LONG 0x0B /*!< \brief Attribute not long */
#define ATT_ERR_KEY_SIZE 0x0C /*!< \brief Insufficient encryption key size */
#define ATT_ERR_LENGTH 0x0D /*!< \brief Invalid attribute value length */
#define ATT_ERR_UNLIKELY 0x0E /*!< \brief Other unlikely error */
#define ATT_ERR_ENC 0x0F /*!< \brief Insufficient encryption */
#define ATT_ERR_GROUP_TYPE 0x10 /*!< \brief Unsupported group type */
#define ATT_ERR_RESOURCES 0x11 /*!< \brief Insufficient resources */
#define ATT_ERR_DATABASE_OUT_OF_SYNC 0x12 /*!< \brief Client out of synch with database */
#define ATT_ERR_VALUE_NOT_ALLOWED 0x13 /*!< \brief Value not allowed */
#define ATT_ERR_WRITE_REJ 0xFC /*!< \brief Write request rejected */
#define ATT_ERR_CCCD 0xFD /*!< \brief CCCD improperly configured */
#define ATT_ERR_IN_PROGRESS 0xFE /*!< \brief Procedure already in progress */
#define ATT_ERR_RANGE 0xFF /*!< \brief Value out of range */
/** \name Proprietary Internal Error Codes
* These codes may be sent to application but are not present in any ATT PDU.
#define ATT_ERR_MEMORY 0x70 /*!< \brief Out of memory */
#define ATT_ERR_TIMEOUT 0x71 /*!< \brief Transaction timeout */
#define ATT_ERR_OVERFLOW 0x72 /*!< \brief Transaction overflow */
#define ATT_ERR_INVALID_RSP 0x73 /*!< \brief Invalid response PDU */
#define ATT_ERR_CANCELLED 0x74 /*!< \brief Request cancelled */
#define ATT_ERR_UNDEFINED 0x75 /*!< \brief Other undefined error */
#define ATT_ERR_REQ_NOT_FOUND 0x76 /*!< \brief Required characteristic not found */
#define ATT_ERR_MTU_EXCEEDED 0x77 /*!< \brief Attribute PDU length exceeded MTU size */
#define ATT_CONTINUING 0x78 /*!< \brief Procedure continuing */
#define ATT_RSP_PENDING 0x79 /*!< \brief Responsed delayed pending higher layer */
/** \name ATT Application Error Codes
* These codes may be sent to application but are not present in any ATT PDU.
#define ATT_ERR_VALUE_RANGE 0x80 /*!< \brief Value out of range */
/** \name ATT HCI Error Status
/*! \brief Base value for HCI error status values passed through ATT.
* Since the values of HCI and ATT error codes overlap, the constant
* \ref ATT_HCI_ERR_BASE is added to HCI error codes before being passed through ATT.
* See \ref HCI_SUCCESS for HCI error code values.
#define ATT_HCI_ERR_BASE 0x20
/** \name ATT PDU Types
* PDU Types for all possible over-the-air ATT operations.
#define ATT_PDU_ERR_RSP 0x01 /*!< \brief Error response */
#define ATT_PDU_MTU_REQ 0x02 /*!< \brief Exchange mtu request */
#define ATT_PDU_MTU_RSP 0x03 /*!< \brief Exchange mtu response */
#define ATT_PDU_FIND_INFO_REQ 0x04 /*!< \brief Find information request */
#define ATT_PDU_FIND_INFO_RSP 0x05 /*!< \brief Find information response */
#define ATT_PDU_FIND_TYPE_REQ 0x06 /*!< \brief Find by type value request */
#define ATT_PDU_FIND_TYPE_RSP 0x07 /*!< \brief Find by type value response */
#define ATT_PDU_READ_TYPE_REQ 0x08 /*!< \brief Read by type request */
#define ATT_PDU_READ_TYPE_RSP 0x09 /*!< \brief Read by type response */
#define ATT_PDU_READ_REQ 0x0A /*!< \brief Read request */
#define ATT_PDU_READ_RSP 0x0B /*!< \brief Read response */
#define ATT_PDU_READ_BLOB_REQ 0x0C /*!< \brief Read blob request */
#define ATT_PDU_READ_BLOB_RSP 0x0D /*!< \brief Read blob response */
#define ATT_PDU_READ_MULT_REQ 0x0E /*!< \brief Read multiple request */
#define ATT_PDU_READ_MULT_RSP 0x0F /*!< \brief Read multiple response */
#define ATT_PDU_READ_GROUP_TYPE_REQ 0x10 /*!< \brief Read by group type request */
#define ATT_PDU_READ_GROUP_TYPE_RSP 0x11 /*!< \brief Read by group type response */
#define ATT_PDU_WRITE_REQ 0x12 /*!< \brief Write request */
#define ATT_PDU_WRITE_RSP 0x13 /*!< \brief Write response */
#define ATT_PDU_WRITE_CMD 0x52 /*!< \brief Write command */
#define ATT_PDU_SIGNED_WRITE_CMD 0xD2 /*!< \brief Signed write command */
#define ATT_PDU_PREP_WRITE_REQ 0x16 /*!< \brief Prepare write request */
#define ATT_PDU_PREP_WRITE_RSP 0x17 /*!< \brief Prepare write response */
#define ATT_PDU_EXEC_WRITE_REQ 0x18 /*!< \brief Execute write request */
#define ATT_PDU_EXEC_WRITE_RSP 0x19 /*!< \brief Execute write response */
#define ATT_PDU_VALUE_NTF 0x1B /*!< \brief Handle value notification */
#define ATT_PDU_VALUE_IND 0x1D /*!< \brief Handle value indication */
#define ATT_PDU_VALUE_CNF 0x1E /*!< \brief Handle value confirmation */
#define ATT_PDU_MAX 0x1F /*!< \brief PDU Maximum */
/** \name ATT PDU Length Fields
* Length constants of PDU fixed length fields
#define ATT_ERR_RSP_LEN 5 /*!< \brief Error response length. */
#define ATT_MTU_REQ_LEN 3 /*!< \brief MTU request length. */
#define ATT_MTU_RSP_LEN 3 /*!< \brief MTU response length. */
#define ATT_FIND_INFO_REQ_LEN 5 /*!< \brief Find information request length. */
#define ATT_FIND_INFO_RSP_LEN 2 /*!< \brief Find information response length. */
#define ATT_FIND_TYPE_REQ_LEN 7 /*!< \brief Find type request length. */
#define ATT_FIND_TYPE_RSP_LEN 1 /*!< \brief Find type response length. */
#define ATT_READ_TYPE_REQ_LEN 5 /*!< \brief Read type request length. */
#define ATT_READ_TYPE_RSP_LEN 2 /*!< \brief Read type response length. */
#define ATT_READ_REQ_LEN 3 /*!< \brief Read request length. */
#define ATT_READ_RSP_LEN 1 /*!< \brief Read response length. */
#define ATT_READ_BLOB_REQ_LEN 5 /*!< \brief Read blob request legnth. */
#define ATT_READ_BLOB_RSP_LEN 1 /*!< \brief Read blob response length. */
#define ATT_READ_MULT_REQ_LEN 1 /*!< \brief Read multiple request length. */
#define ATT_READ_MULT_RSP_LEN 1 /*!< \brief Read multiple response length. */
#define ATT_READ_GROUP_TYPE_REQ_LEN 5 /*!< \brief Read group type request length. */
#define ATT_READ_GROUP_TYPE_RSP_LEN 2 /*!< \brief Read group type response length. */
#define ATT_WRITE_REQ_LEN 3 /*!< \brief Write request length. */
#define ATT_WRITE_RSP_LEN 1 /*!< \brief Write response length. */
#define ATT_WRITE_CMD_LEN 3 /*!< \brief Write command length. */
#define ATT_SIGNED_WRITE_CMD_LEN (ATT_WRITE_CMD_LEN + ATT_AUTH_SIG_LEN) /*!< \brief Signed write command length. */
#define ATT_PREP_WRITE_REQ_LEN 5 /*!< \brief Prepared write command length. */
#define ATT_PREP_WRITE_RSP_LEN 5 /*!< \brief Prepared write response length. */
#define ATT_EXEC_WRITE_REQ_LEN 2 /*!< \brief Execute write request length. */
#define ATT_EXEC_WRITE_RSP_LEN 1 /*!< \brief Execute write response length. */
#define ATT_VALUE_NTF_LEN 3 /*!< \brief Value notification length. */
#define ATT_VALUE_IND_LEN 3 /*!< \brief Value indication length. */
#define ATT_VALUE_CNF_LEN 1 /*!< \brief Value confirmation length. */
/** \name ATT Find Information Response Format
#define ATT_FIND_HANDLE_16_UUID 0x01 /*!< \brief Handle and 16 bit UUID */
#define ATT_FIND_HANDLE_128_UUID 0x02 /*!< \brief Handle and 128 bit UUID */
/** \name ATT Execute Write Request Flags
#define ATT_EXEC_WRITE_CANCEL 0x00 /*!< \brief Cancel all prepared writes */
#define ATT_EXEC_WRITE_ALL 0x01 /*!< \brief Write all pending prepared writes */
/** \name ATT PDU Masks
#define ATT_PDU_MASK_SERVER 0x01 /*!< \brief Server bit mask */
#define ATT_PDU_MASK_COMMAND 0x40 /*!< \brief Command bit mask */
#define ATT_PDU_MASK_SIGNED 0x80 /*!< \brief Auth signature bit mask */
/** \name ATT Handle Constants
* Invalid, minimum and maximum handle values.
#define ATT_HANDLE_NONE 0x0000 /*!< \brief Handle none. */
#define ATT_HANDLE_START 0x0001 /*!< \brief Handle start. */
#define ATT_HANDLE_MAX 0xFFFF /*!< \brief Handle max. */
/** \name ATT UUID Lengths
#define ATT_NO_UUID_LEN 0 /*!< \brief Length when no UUID is present ;-) */
#define ATT_16_UUID_LEN 2 /*!< \brief Length in bytes of a 16 bit UUID */
#define ATT_128_UUID_LEN 16 /*!< \brief Length in bytes of a 128 bit UUID */
/** \name GATT Characteristic Properties
* Properties for how a characteristic may be interacted with through the ATT Protocol.
#define ATT_PROP_BROADCAST 0x01 /*!< \brief Permit broadcasts */
#define ATT_PROP_READ 0x02 /*!< \brief Permit reads */
#define ATT_PROP_WRITE_NO_RSP 0x04 /*!< \brief Permit writes without response */
#define ATT_PROP_WRITE 0x08 /*!< \brief Permit writes with response */
#define ATT_PROP_NOTIFY 0x10 /*!< \brief Permit notifications */
#define ATT_PROP_INDICATE 0x20 /*!< \brief Permit indications */
#define ATT_PROP_AUTHENTICATED 0x40 /*!< \brief Permit signed writes */
#define ATT_PROP_EXTENDED 0x80 /*!< \brief More properties defined in extended properties */
/** \name GATT Characteristic Extended Properties
#define ATT_EXT_PROP_RELIABLE_WRITE 0x0001 /*!< \brief Permit reliable writes */
#define ATT_EXT_PROP_WRITEABLE_AUX 0x0002 /*!< \brief Permit write to characteristic descriptor */
/** \name GATT Client Charactertic Configuration
* Configures a characteristic to send notifications or indications, if applicable.
#define ATT_CLIENT_CFG_NOTIFY 0x0001 /*!< \brief Notify the value */
#define ATT_CLIENT_CFG_INDICATE 0x0002 /*!< \brief Indicate the value */
/** \name GATT Server Characteristic Configuration
#define ATT_SERVER_CFG_BROADCAST 0x0001 /*!< \brief Broadcast the value */
/** \name GATT Characteristic Format
* GATT Format descriptor values
#define ATT_FORMAT_BOOLEAN 0x01 /*!< \brief Boolean */
#define ATT_FORMAT_2BIT 0x02 /*!< \brief Unsigned 2 bit integer */
#define ATT_FORMAT_NIBBLE 0x03 /*!< \brief Unsigned 4 bit integer */
#define ATT_FORMAT_UINT8 0x04 /*!< \brief Unsigned 8 bit integer */
#define ATT_FORMAT_UINT12 0x05 /*!< \brief Unsigned 12 bit integer */
#define ATT_FORMAT_UINT16 0x06 /*!< \brief Unsigned 16 bit integer */
#define ATT_FORMAT_UINT24 0x07 /*!< \brief Unsigned 24 bit integer */
#define ATT_FORMAT_UINT32 0x08 /*!< \brief Unsigned 32 bit integer */
#define ATT_FORMAT_UINT48 0x09 /*!< \brief Unsigned 48 bit integer */
#define ATT_FORMAT_UINT64 0x0A /*!< \brief Unsigned 64 bit integer */
#define ATT_FORMAT_UINT128 0x0B /*!< \brief Unsigned 128 bit integer */
#define ATT_FORMAT_SINT8 0x0C /*!< \brief Signed 8 bit integer */
#define ATT_FORMAT_SINT12 0x0D /*!< \brief Signed 12 bit integer */
#define ATT_FORMAT_SINT16 0x0E /*!< \brief Signed 16 bit integer */
#define ATT_FORMAT_SINT24 0x0F /*!< \brief Signed 24 bit integer */
#define ATT_FORMAT_SINT32 0x10 /*!< \brief Signed 32 bit integer */
#define ATT_FORMAT_SINT48 0x11 /*!< \brief Signed 48 bit integer */
#define ATT_FORMAT_SINT64 0x12 /*!< \brief Signed 64 bit integer */
#define ATT_FORMAT_SINT128 0x13 /*!< \brief Signed 128 bit integer */
#define ATT_FORMAT_FLOAT32 0x14 /*!< \brief IEEE-754 32 bit floating point */
#define ATT_FORMAT_FLOAT64 0x15 /*!< \brief IEEE-754 64 bit floating point */
#define ATT_FORMAT_SFLOAT 0x16 /*!< \brief IEEE-11073 16 bit SFLOAT */
#define ATT_FORMAT_FLOAT 0x17 /*!< \brief IEEE-11073 32 bit FLOAT */
#define ATT_FORMAT_DUINT16 0x18 /*!< \brief IEEE-20601 format */
#define ATT_FORMAT_UTF8 0x19 /*!< \brief UTF-8 string */
#define ATT_FORMAT_UTF16 0x1A /*!< \brief UTF-16 string */
#define ATT_FORMAT_STRUCT 0x1B /*!< \brief Opaque structure */
/** \name GATT Database Hash
* GATT database hash values
#define ATT_DATABASE_HASH_LEN 16 /*!< \brief Database hash length. */
/** \name GATT Client Supported Features
* Flags of features supported by the GATT Client
#define ATTS_CSF_ROBUST_CACHING 1 /*!< \brief Robust caching. */
#define ATTS_CSF_OCT0_FEATURES ATTS_CSF_ROBUST_CACHING /*!< \brief Mask of all client supported features. */
#define ATT_CSF_LEN 1 /*!< \brief Length of client supported features array. */
/*! \} */ /* STACK_ATT_API */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* ATT_DEFS_H */