//***************************************************************************** // // am_hal_rtc.c //! @file //! //! @brief Functions for interfacing with the Real-Time Clock (RTC). //! //! @addtogroup rtc3 Real-Time Clock (RTC) //! @ingroup apollo3hal //! @{ // //***************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** // // Copyright (c) 2020, Ambiq Micro // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this // software without specific prior written permission. // // Third party software included in this distribution is subject to the // additional license terms as defined in the /docs/licenses directory. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // This is part of revision 2.4.2 of the AmbiqSuite Development Package. // //***************************************************************************** #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include "am_mcu_apollo.h" //***************************************************************************** // // Converts a Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) byte to its Decimal form. // //***************************************************************************** static uint8_t bcd_to_dec(uint8_t ui8BCDByte) { return (((ui8BCDByte & 0xF0) >> 4) * 10) + (ui8BCDByte & 0x0F); } //***************************************************************************** // // Converts a Decimal byte to its Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) form. // //***************************************************************************** static uint8_t dec_to_bcd(uint8_t ui8DecimalByte) { return (((ui8DecimalByte / 10) << 4) | (ui8DecimalByte % 10)); } //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief Selects the clock source for the RTC. //! //! @param ui32OSC the clock source for the RTC. //! //! This function selects the clock source for the RTC. //! //! Valid values for ui32OSC are: //! //! AM_HAL_RTC_OSC_XT //! //! @return None //! //! @note After selection of the RTC oscillator, a 2 second delay occurs before //! the new setting is reflected in status. Therefore the CLKGEN.STATUS.OMODE //! bit will not reflect the new status until after the 2s wait period. //! // //***************************************************************************** void am_hal_rtc_osc_select(uint32_t ui32OSC) { if ( ui32OSC == AM_HAL_RTC_OSC_XT ) { // Clear bit to 0 for XTAL CLKGEN->OCTRL &= ~CLKGEN_OCTRL_OSEL_Msk; } } //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief Enable/Start the RTC oscillator. //! //! Starts the RTC oscillator. //! //! @return None. // //***************************************************************************** void am_hal_rtc_osc_enable(void) { // // Start the RTC Oscillator. // RTC->RTCCTL_b.RSTOP = 0; } //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief Disable/Stop the RTC oscillator. //! //! Stops the RTC oscillator. //! //! @return None. // //***************************************************************************** void am_hal_rtc_osc_disable(void) { // // Stop the RTC Oscillator. // RTC->RTCCTL_b.RSTOP = 1; } //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief Configures the RTC for 12 or 24 hour time keeping. //! //! @param b12Hour - A 'true' configures the RTC for 12 hour time keeping. //! //! Configures the RTC for 12 (true) or 24 (false) hour time keeping. //! //! @return None. // //***************************************************************************** void am_hal_rtc_time_12hour(bool b12Hour) { // // Set the 12/24 hour bit. // RTC->RTCCTL_b.HR1224 = b12Hour; } //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief Enable selected RTC interrupts. //! //! @param ui32Interrupt - desired interrupts //! //! Enables the RTC interrupts. //! //! ui32Interrupt should be the following: //! //! AM_HAL_RTC_INT_ALM //! //! @return None. // //***************************************************************************** void am_hal_rtc_int_enable(uint32_t ui32Interrupt) { // // Enable the interrupts. // RTC->INTEN |= ui32Interrupt; } //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief Return the enabled RTC interrupts. //! //! Returns the enabled RTC interrupts. //! //! @return enabled RTC interrupts. Return is 0 or: //! //! AM_HAL_RTC_INT_ALM // //***************************************************************************** uint32_t am_hal_rtc_int_enable_get(void) { // // Read the RTC interrupt enable register, and return its contents. // return RTC->INTEN; } //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief Disable selected RTC interrupts. //! //! @param ui32Interrupt - desired interrupts //! //! Disables the RTC interrupts. //! //! ui32Interrupt should be the following: //! //! AM_HAL_RTC_INT_ALM //! //! @return None. // //***************************************************************************** void am_hal_rtc_int_disable(uint32_t ui32Interrupt) { // // Disable the interrupts. // RTC->INTEN &= ~ui32Interrupt; } //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief Sets the selected RTC interrupts. //! //! @param ui32Interrupt - desired interrupts //! //! Sets the RTC interrupts causing them to immediately trigger. //! //! ui32Interrupt should be the following: //! //! AM_HAL_RTC_INT_ALM //! //! @return None. // //***************************************************************************** void am_hal_rtc_int_set(uint32_t ui32Interrupt) { // // Set the interrupts. // RTC->INTSET = ui32Interrupt; } //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief Clear selected RTC interrupts. //! //! @param ui32Interrupt - desired interrupts //! //! Clears the RTC interrupts. //! //! ui32Interrupt should be the following: //! //! AM_HAL_RTC_INT_ALM //! //! @return None. // //***************************************************************************** void am_hal_rtc_int_clear(uint32_t ui32Interrupt) { // // Clear the interrupts. // RTC->INTCLR = ui32Interrupt; } //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief Returns the RTC interrupt status. //! //! @param bEnabledOnly - return the status of only the enabled interrupts. //! //! Returns the RTC interrupt status. //! //! @return Bitwise representation of the current interrupt status. //! //! The return value will be 0 or the following: //! //! AM_HAL_RTC_INT_ALM // //***************************************************************************** uint32_t am_hal_rtc_int_status_get(bool bEnabledOnly) { // // Get the interrupt status. // if ( bEnabledOnly ) { uint32_t u32RetVal; u32RetVal = RTC->INTSTAT; u32RetVal &= RTC->INTEN; return u32RetVal & (AM_HAL_RTC_INT_ALM); } else { return RTC->INTSTAT & (AM_HAL_RTC_INT_ALM); } } //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief Set the Real Time Clock counter registers. //! //! @param *pTime - A pointer to the time structure. //! //! Sets the RTC counter registers to the supplied values. //! //! @return None. // //***************************************************************************** void am_hal_rtc_time_set(am_hal_rtc_time_t *pTime) { // // Enable writing to the counters. // RTC->RTCCTL_b.WRTC = RTC_RTCCTL_WRTC_EN; // // Write the RTCLOW register. // RTC->CTRLOW = _VAL2FLD(RTC_CTRLOW_CTRHR, dec_to_bcd(pTime->ui32Hour)) | _VAL2FLD(RTC_CTRLOW_CTRMIN, dec_to_bcd(pTime->ui32Minute)) | _VAL2FLD(RTC_CTRLOW_CTRSEC, dec_to_bcd(pTime->ui32Second)) | _VAL2FLD(RTC_CTRLOW_CTR100, dec_to_bcd(pTime->ui32Hundredths)); // // Write the RTCUP register. // RTC->CTRUP = _VAL2FLD(RTC_CTRUP_CEB, (pTime->ui32CenturyEnable)) | _VAL2FLD(RTC_CTRUP_CB, (pTime->ui32Century)) | _VAL2FLD(RTC_CTRUP_CTRWKDY, (pTime->ui32Weekday)) | _VAL2FLD(RTC_CTRUP_CTRYR, dec_to_bcd((pTime->ui32Year))) | _VAL2FLD(RTC_CTRUP_CTRMO, dec_to_bcd((pTime->ui32Month))) | _VAL2FLD(RTC_CTRUP_CTRDATE, dec_to_bcd((pTime->ui32DayOfMonth))); // // Disable writing to the counters. // RTC->RTCCTL_b.WRTC = RTC_RTCCTL_WRTC_DIS; } //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief Get the Real Time Clock current time. //! //! @param *pTime - A pointer to the time structure to store the current time. //! //! Gets the RTC's current time //! //! @return 0 for success and 1 for error. // //***************************************************************************** uint32_t am_hal_rtc_time_get(am_hal_rtc_time_t *pTime) { uint32_t ui32RTCLow, ui32RTCUp, ui32Value; // // Read the upper and lower RTC registers. // ui32RTCLow = RTC->CTRLOW; ui32RTCUp = RTC->CTRUP; // // Break out the lower word. // ui32Value = ((ui32RTCLow & RTC_CTRLOW_CTRHR_Msk) >> RTC_CTRLOW_CTRHR_Pos); pTime->ui32Hour = bcd_to_dec(ui32Value); ui32Value = ((ui32RTCLow & RTC_CTRLOW_CTRMIN_Msk) >> RTC_CTRLOW_CTRMIN_Pos); pTime->ui32Minute = bcd_to_dec(ui32Value); ui32Value = ((ui32RTCLow & RTC_CTRLOW_CTRSEC_Msk) >> RTC_CTRLOW_CTRSEC_Pos); pTime->ui32Second = bcd_to_dec(ui32Value); ui32Value = ((ui32RTCLow & RTC_CTRLOW_CTR100_Msk) >> RTC_CTRLOW_CTR100_Pos); pTime->ui32Hundredths = bcd_to_dec(ui32Value); // // Break out the upper word. // pTime->ui32ReadError = ((ui32RTCUp & RTC_CTRUP_CTERR_Msk) >> RTC_CTRUP_CTERR_Pos); pTime->ui32CenturyEnable = ((ui32RTCUp & RTC_CTRUP_CEB_Msk) >> RTC_CTRUP_CEB_Pos); pTime->ui32Century = ((ui32RTCUp & RTC_CTRUP_CB_Msk) >> RTC_CTRUP_CB_Pos); ui32Value = ((ui32RTCUp & RTC_CTRUP_CTRWKDY_Msk) >> RTC_CTRUP_CTRWKDY_Pos); pTime->ui32Weekday = bcd_to_dec(ui32Value); ui32Value = ((ui32RTCUp & RTC_CTRUP_CTRYR_Msk) >> RTC_CTRUP_CTRYR_Pos); pTime->ui32Year = bcd_to_dec(ui32Value); ui32Value = ((ui32RTCUp & RTC_CTRUP_CTRMO_Msk) >> RTC_CTRUP_CTRMO_Pos); pTime->ui32Month = bcd_to_dec(ui32Value); ui32Value = ((ui32RTCUp & RTC_CTRUP_CTRDATE_Msk) >> RTC_CTRUP_CTRDATE_Pos); pTime->ui32DayOfMonth = bcd_to_dec(ui32Value); // // Was there a read error? // if (pTime->ui32ReadError) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief Sets the alarm repeat interval. //! //! @param ui32RepeatInterval the desired repeat interval. //! //! Sets the alarm repeat interval. //! //! Valid values for ui32RepeatInterval: //! //! AM_HAL_RTC_ALM_RPT_DIS //! AM_HAL_RTC_ALM_RPT_YR //! AM_HAL_RTC_ALM_RPT_MTH //! AM_HAL_RTC_ALM_RPT_WK //! AM_HAL_RTC_ALM_RPT_DAY //! AM_HAL_RTC_ALM_RPT_HR //! AM_HAL_RTC_ALM_RPT_MIN //! AM_HAL_RTC_ALM_RPT_SEC //! AM_HAL_RTC_ALM_RPT_10TH //! AM_HAL_RTC_ALM_RPT_100TH //! //! @return None. // //***************************************************************************** void am_hal_rtc_alarm_interval_set(uint32_t ui32RepeatInterval) { uint32_t ui32RptInt, ui32Alm100, ui32Value; switch(ui32RepeatInterval) { // // If repeat every 10th set RPT and ALM100 field accordinly // case AM_HAL_RTC_ALM_RPT_10TH: ui32RptInt = AM_HAL_RTC_ALM_RPT_SEC; ui32Alm100 = AM_HAL_RTC_ALM100_10TH; break; // // If repeat every 100th set RPT and ALM100 field accordinly // case AM_HAL_RTC_ALM_RPT_100TH: ui32RptInt = AM_HAL_RTC_ALM_RPT_SEC; ui32Alm100 = AM_HAL_RTC_ALM100_100TH; break; // // Otherwise set RPT as value passed. ALM100 values need to be 0xnn // in this setting where n = 0-9. // default: // // Get the current value of the ALM100 field. // ui32Value = RTC->ALMLOW_b.ALM100; // // If ALM100 was previous EVERY_10TH or EVERY_100TH reset to zero // otherwise keep previous setting. // ui32Alm100 = ui32Value >= 0xF0 ? 0 : ui32Value; // // Set RPT value to value passed. // ui32RptInt = ui32RepeatInterval; break; } // // Write the interval to the register. // RTC->RTCCTL_b.RPT = ui32RptInt; // // Write the Alarm 100 bits in the ALM100 register. // RTC->ALMLOW_b.ALM100 = ui32Alm100; } //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief Sets the RTC's Alarm. //! //! @param *pTime - A pointer to the time structure. //! @param ui32RepeatInterval - the desired alarm repeat interval. //! //! Set the Real Time Clock Alarm Parameters. //! //! Valid values for ui32RepeatInterval: //! //! AM_HAL_RTC_ALM_RPT_DIS //! AM_HAL_RTC_ALM_RPT_YR //! AM_HAL_RTC_ALM_RPT_MTH //! AM_HAL_RTC_ALM_RPT_WK //! AM_HAL_RTC_ALM_RPT_DAY //! AM_HAL_RTC_ALM_RPT_HR //! AM_HAL_RTC_ALM_RPT_MIN //! AM_HAL_RTC_ALM_RPT_SEC //! AM_HAL_RTC_ALM_RPT_10TH //! AM_HAL_RTC_ALM_RPT_EVERY_100TH //! //! @return None. // //***************************************************************************** void am_hal_rtc_alarm_set(am_hal_rtc_time_t *pTime, uint32_t ui32RepeatInterval) { uint8_t ui8Value = 0; // // Write the interval to the register. // RTC->RTCCTL |= _VAL2FLD(RTC_RTCCTL_RPT, (ui32RepeatInterval > 0x7 ? 0x7 : ui32RepeatInterval)); // // Check if the interval is 10th or every 100th and track it in ui8Value. // if (ui32RepeatInterval == AM_HAL_RTC_ALM_RPT_10TH) { ui8Value = 0xF0; } else if (ui32RepeatInterval == AM_HAL_RTC_ALM_RPT_100TH) { ui8Value = 0xFF; } // // Write the ALMUP register. // RTC->ALMUP = _VAL2FLD(RTC_ALMUP_ALMWKDY, (pTime->ui32Weekday)) | _VAL2FLD(RTC_ALMUP_ALMMO, dec_to_bcd((pTime->ui32Month))) | _VAL2FLD(RTC_ALMUP_ALMDATE, dec_to_bcd((pTime->ui32DayOfMonth))); // // Write the ALMLOW register. // RTC->ALMLOW = _VAL2FLD(RTC_ALMLOW_ALMHR, dec_to_bcd(pTime->ui32Hour)) | _VAL2FLD(RTC_ALMLOW_ALMMIN, dec_to_bcd(pTime->ui32Minute)) | _VAL2FLD(RTC_ALMLOW_ALMSEC, dec_to_bcd(pTime->ui32Second)) | _VAL2FLD(RTC_ALMLOW_ALM100, dec_to_bcd(pTime->ui32Hundredths) | ui8Value); } //***************************************************************************** // //! @brief Get the Real Time Clock Alarm Parameters //! //! @param *pTime - A pointer to the time structure to store the current alarm. //! //! Gets the RTC's Alarm time //! //! @return None. // //***************************************************************************** void am_hal_rtc_alarm_get(am_hal_rtc_time_t *pTime) { uint32_t ui32ALMLow, ui32ALMUp, ui32Value; // // Read the upper and lower RTC registers. // ui32ALMLow = RTC->ALMLOW; ui32ALMUp = RTC->ALMUP; // // Break out the lower word. // ui32Value = ((ui32ALMLow & RTC_ALMLOW_ALMHR_Msk) >> RTC_ALMLOW_ALMHR_Pos); pTime->ui32Hour = bcd_to_dec(ui32Value); ui32Value = ((ui32ALMLow & RTC_ALMLOW_ALMMIN_Msk) >> RTC_ALMLOW_ALMMIN_Pos); pTime->ui32Minute = bcd_to_dec(ui32Value); ui32Value = ((ui32ALMLow & RTC_ALMLOW_ALMSEC_Msk) >> RTC_ALMLOW_ALMSEC_Pos); pTime->ui32Second = bcd_to_dec(ui32Value); ui32Value = ((ui32ALMLow & RTC_ALMLOW_ALM100_Msk) >> RTC_ALMLOW_ALM100_Pos); pTime->ui32Hundredths = bcd_to_dec(ui32Value); // // Break out the upper word. // pTime->ui32ReadError = 0; pTime->ui32CenturyEnable = 0; pTime->ui32Century = 0; ui32Value = ((ui32ALMUp & RTC_ALMUP_ALMWKDY_Msk) >> RTC_ALMUP_ALMWKDY_Pos); pTime->ui32Weekday = bcd_to_dec(ui32Value); pTime->ui32Year = 0; ui32Value = ((ui32ALMUp & RTC_ALMUP_ALMMO_Msk) >> RTC_ALMUP_ALMMO_Pos); pTime->ui32Month = bcd_to_dec(ui32Value); ui32Value = ((ui32ALMUp & RTC_ALMUP_ALMDATE_Msk) >> RTC_ALMUP_ALMDATE_Pos); pTime->ui32DayOfMonth = bcd_to_dec(ui32Value); } //***************************************************************************** // // End Doxygen group. //! @} // //*****************************************************************************