// **************************************************************************** // // ancs_main.c //! @file //! //! @brief Ambiq Micro's demonstration of ANCSC. //! //! @{ // // **************************************************************************** //***************************************************************************** // // Copyright (c) 2020, Ambiq Micro // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // // 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this // software without specific prior written permission. // // Third party software included in this distribution is subject to the // additional license terms as defined in the /docs/licenses directory. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // This is part of revision 2.4.2 of the AmbiqSuite Development Package. // //***************************************************************************** #include <string.h> #include "wsf_types.h" #include "bstream.h" #include "wsf_msg.h" #include "wsf_trace.h" #include "wsf_assert.h" #include "hci_api.h" #include "dm_api.h" #include "smp_api.h" #include "att_api.h" #include "app_cfg.h" #include "app_api.h" #include "app_db.h" #include "app_ui.h" #include "app_hw.h" #include "svc_ch.h" #include "svc_core.h" #include "svc_dis.h" #include "gatt_api.h" // ancs #include "ancc_api.h" #include "ancs_api.h" #include "am_util.h" static volatile bool ph_incoming = false; static uint32_t ph_notiuid; /************************************************************************************************** Macros **************************************************************************************************/ /*! WSF message event starting value */ #define ANCS_MSG_START 0xA0 /*! WSF message event enumeration */ enum { ANCC_ACTION_TIMER_IND = ANCS_MSG_START, /*! ANCC action timer expired */ ANCC_DISCOVER_TIMER_IND, /*! ANCC discover delay timer expired */ }; /************************************************************************************************** Data Types **************************************************************************************************/ /*! Application message type */ typedef union { wsfMsgHdr_t hdr; dmEvt_t dm; attsCccEvt_t ccc; attEvt_t att; } ancsMsg_t; /************************************************************************************************** Global Variables **************************************************************************************************/ /*! application control block */ static struct { /* ancs tracking variables */ uint16_t hdlList[APP_DB_HDL_LIST_LEN]; wsfHandlerId_t handlerId; uint8_t discState; uint16_t connInterval; /* connection interval */ } ancsCb; /************************************************************************************************** Configurable Parameters **************************************************************************************************/ /*! configurable parameters for advertising */ static const appAdvCfg_t ancsAdvCfg = { {60000, 0, 0}, /*! Advertising durations in ms */ { 800, 0, 0} /*! Advertising intervals in 0.625 ms units */ }; /*! configurable parameters for slave */ static const appSlaveCfg_t ancsSlaveCfg = { ANCS_CONN_MAX, /*! Maximum connections */ }; /*! configurable parameters for security */ static const appSecCfg_t ancsSecCfg = { DM_AUTH_BOND_FLAG, /*! Authentication and bonding flags */ 0, /*! Initiator key distribution flags */ DM_KEY_DIST_LTK, /*! Responder key distribution flags */ FALSE, /*! TRUE if Out-of-band pairing data is present */ FALSE /*! TRUE to initiate security upon connection */ }; /*! configurable parameters for ANCS connection parameter update */ static const appUpdateCfg_t ancsUpdateCfg = { 3000, /*! Connection idle period in ms before attempting connection parameter update; set to zero to disable */ 6, /*! 7.5ms */ 15, /*! 18.75ms */ 0, /*! Connection latency */ 600, /*! Supervision timeout in 10ms units */ 5 /*! Number of update attempts before giving up */ }; /*! SMP security parameter configuration */ /* Configuration structure */ static const smpCfg_t ancsSmpCfg = { 3000, /*! 'Repeated attempts' timeout in msec */ SMP_IO_NO_IN_NO_OUT, /*! I/O Capability */ 7, /*! Minimum encryption key length */ 16, /*! Maximum encryption key length */ 3, /*! Attempts to trigger 'repeated attempts' timeout */ 0 /*! Device authentication requirements */ }; /*! Configurable parameters for service and characteristic discovery */ static const appDiscCfg_t ancsDiscCfg = { TRUE /*! TRUE to wait for a secure connection before initiating discovery */ }; /*! ANCC Configurable parameters */ static const anccCfg_t ancsAnccCfg = { 200 /*! action timer expiration period in ms */ }; /************************************************************************************************** Advertising Data **************************************************************************************************/ /*! advertising data, discoverable mode */ static const uint8_t ancsAdvDataDisc[] = { /*! flags */ 2, /*! length */ DM_ADV_TYPE_FLAGS, /*! AD type */ DM_FLAG_LE_GENERAL_DISC | /*! flags */ DM_FLAG_LE_BREDR_NOT_SUP, /*! tx power */ 2, /*! length */ DM_ADV_TYPE_TX_POWER, /*! AD type */ 0, /*! tx power */ /*! service UUID list */ 3, /*! length */ DM_ADV_TYPE_16_UUID, /*! AD type */ UINT16_TO_BYTES(ATT_UUID_DEVICE_INFO_SERVICE), /*! device name */ 5, /*! length */ DM_ADV_TYPE_LOCAL_NAME, /*! AD type */ 'A', //advertise data has to be shorter than 31 bytes. 'N', 'C', 'S' }; /*! scan data, discoverable mode */ static const uint8_t ancsScanDataDisc[] = { /*! service UUID */ 17, /*! length */ DM_ADV_TYPE_128_SOLICIT, /*! AD type */ ATT_UUID_ANCS_SERVICE, }; /************************************************************************************************** ATT Client Discovery Data **************************************************************************************************/ /*! Discovery states: enumeration of services to be discovered */ enum { ANCS_DISC_GATT_SVC, /* GATT service */ ANCS_DISC_ANCS_SVC, /* discover ANCS service */ ANCS_DISC_SVC_MAX /* Discovery complete */ }; /*! Start of each service's handles in the the handle list */ #define ANCS_DISC_GATT_START 0 #define ANCS_DISC_ANCS_START (ANCS_DISC_GATT_START + GATT_HDL_LIST_LEN) #define ANCS_DISC_HDL_LIST_LEN (ANCS_DISC_ANCS_START + ANCC_HDL_LIST_LEN) /*! Pointers into handle list for each service's handles */ static uint16_t *pAncsGattHdlList = &ancsCb.hdlList[ANCS_DISC_GATT_START]; static uint16_t *pAncsAnccHdlList = &ancsCb.hdlList[ANCS_DISC_ANCS_START]; /* sanity check: make sure handle list length is <= app db handle list length */ WSF_CT_ASSERT(ANCS_DISC_HDL_LIST_LEN <= APP_DB_HDL_LIST_LEN); /************************************************************************************************** ATT Client Configuration Data **************************************************************************************************/ /* * Data for configuration after service discovery */ /* Default value for CCC notifications */ static const uint8_t ancsCccNtfVal[] = {UINT16_TO_BYTES(ATT_CLIENT_CFG_NOTIFY)}; /* List of characteristics to configure after service discovery */ static const attcDiscCfg_t ancsDiscCfgList[] = { /* Write: GATT service changed ccc descriptor */ {ancsCccNtfVal, sizeof(ancsCccNtfVal), (GATT_SC_CCC_HDL_IDX + ANCS_DISC_GATT_START)}, /* Write: ANCS setting ccc descriptor */ {ancsCccNtfVal, sizeof(ancsCccNtfVal), (ANCC_NOTIFICATION_SOURCE_CCC_HDL_IDX + ANCS_DISC_ANCS_START)}, /* Write: ANCS setting ccc descriptor */ {ancsCccNtfVal, sizeof(ancsCccNtfVal), (ANCC_DATA_SOURCE_CCC_HDL_IDX + ANCS_DISC_ANCS_START)}, }; /* Characteristic configuration list length */ #define ANCS_DISC_CFG_LIST_LEN (sizeof(ancsDiscCfgList) / sizeof(attcDiscCfg_t)) /* sanity check: make sure configuration list length is <= handle list length */ WSF_CT_ASSERT(ANCS_DISC_CFG_LIST_LEN <= ANCS_DISC_HDL_LIST_LEN); /************************************************************************************************** Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptors **************************************************************************************************/ /*! enumeration of client characteristic configuration descriptors */ enum { ANCS_GATT_SC_CCC_IDX, /*! GATT service, service changed characteristic */ ANCS_NUM_CCC_IDX }; /*! client characteristic configuration descriptors settings, indexed by above enumeration */ static const attsCccSet_t ancsCccSet[ANCS_NUM_CCC_IDX] = { /* cccd handle value range security level */ {GATT_SC_CH_CCC_HDL, ATT_CLIENT_CFG_INDICATE, DM_SEC_LEVEL_NONE}, /* ANCS_GATT_SC_CCC_IDX */ }; /*************************************************************************************************/ /*! * \fn ancsDmCback * * \brief Application DM callback. * * \param pDmEvt DM callback event * * \return None. */ /*************************************************************************************************/ static void ancsDmCback(dmEvt_t *pDmEvt) { dmEvt_t *pMsg; if ((pMsg = WsfMsgAlloc(sizeof(dmEvt_t))) != NULL) { memcpy(pMsg, pDmEvt, sizeof(dmEvt_t)); WsfMsgSend(ancsCb.handlerId, pMsg); } } /*************************************************************************************************/ /*! * \fn ancsAttCback * * \brief Application ATT callback. * * \param pEvt ATT callback event * * \return None. */ /*************************************************************************************************/ static void ancsAttCback(attEvt_t *pEvt) { attEvt_t *pMsg; if ((pMsg = WsfMsgAlloc(sizeof(attEvt_t) + pEvt->valueLen)) != NULL) { memcpy(pMsg, pEvt, sizeof(attEvt_t)); pMsg->pValue = (uint8_t *) (pMsg + 1); memcpy(pMsg->pValue, pEvt->pValue, pEvt->valueLen); WsfMsgSend(ancsCb.handlerId, pMsg); } } /*************************************************************************************************/ /*! * \fn ancsCccCback * * \brief Application ATTS client characteristic configuration callback. * * \param pDmEvt DM callback event * * \return None. */ /*************************************************************************************************/ static void ancsCccCback(attsCccEvt_t *pEvt) { attsCccEvt_t *pMsg; appDbHdl_t dbHdl; /* if CCC not set from initialization and there's a device record */ if ((pEvt->handle != ATT_HANDLE_NONE) && ((dbHdl = AppDbGetHdl((dmConnId_t) pEvt->hdr.param)) != APP_DB_HDL_NONE)) { /* store value in device database */ AppDbSetCccTblValue(dbHdl, pEvt->idx, pEvt->value); } if ((pMsg = WsfMsgAlloc(sizeof(attsCccEvt_t))) != NULL) { memcpy(pMsg, pEvt, sizeof(attsCccEvt_t)); WsfMsgSend(ancsCb.handlerId, pMsg); } } /*************************************************************************************************/ /*! * \fn ancsProcCccState * * \brief Process CCC state change. * * \param pMsg Pointer to message. * * \return None. */ /*************************************************************************************************/ static void ancsProcCccState(ancsMsg_t *pMsg) { APP_TRACE_INFO3("ccc state ind value:%d handle:%d idx:%d", pMsg->ccc.value, pMsg->ccc.handle, pMsg->ccc.idx); } /*************************************************************************************************/ /*! * \fn ancsClose * * \brief Perform UI actions on connection close. * * \param pMsg Pointer to message. * * \return None. */ /*************************************************************************************************/ static void ancsClose(ancsMsg_t *pMsg) { } /*************************************************************************************************/ /*! * \fn ancsSetup * * \brief Set up advertising and other procedures that need to be performed after * device reset. * * \param pMsg Pointer to message. * * \return None. */ /*************************************************************************************************/ static void ancsSetup(ancsMsg_t *pMsg) { /* set advertising and scan response data for discoverable mode */ AppAdvSetData(APP_ADV_DATA_DISCOVERABLE, sizeof(ancsAdvDataDisc), (uint8_t *) ancsAdvDataDisc); AppAdvSetData(APP_SCAN_DATA_DISCOVERABLE, sizeof(ancsScanDataDisc), (uint8_t *) ancsScanDataDisc); /* set advertising and scan response data for connectable mode */ AppAdvSetData(APP_ADV_DATA_CONNECTABLE, 0, NULL); AppAdvSetData(APP_SCAN_DATA_CONNECTABLE, 0, NULL); /* start advertising; automatically set connectable/discoverable mode and bondable mode */ AppAdvStart(APP_MODE_AUTO_INIT); } /*************************************************************************************************/ /*! * \fn ancsValueUpdate * * \brief Process a received ATT read response, notification, or indication. * * \param pMsg Pointer to ATT callback event message. * * \return None. */ /*************************************************************************************************/ static void ancsValueUpdate(attEvt_t *pMsg) { /* iOS notification */ if ((pMsg->handle == pAncsAnccHdlList[ANCC_NOTIFICATION_SOURCE_HDL_IDX]) || (pMsg->handle == pAncsAnccHdlList[ANCC_DATA_SOURCE_HDL_IDX]) || (pMsg->handle == pAncsAnccHdlList[ANCC_CONTROL_POINT_HDL_IDX])) { AnccNtfValueUpdate(pAncsAnccHdlList, pMsg, ANCC_ACTION_TIMER_IND); } else { APP_TRACE_INFO0("Data received from other other handle"); } /* GATT */ if (GattValueUpdate(pAncsGattHdlList, pMsg) == ATT_SUCCESS) { return; } } /*************************************************************************************************/ /*! * \fn ancsBtnCback * * \brief Button press callback. * * \param btn Button press. * * \return None. */ /*************************************************************************************************/ static void ancsBtnCback(uint8_t btn) { dmConnId_t connId; APP_TRACE_INFO1("btn = %d", btn); /* button actions when connected */ if ((connId = AppConnIsOpen()) != DM_CONN_ID_NONE) { switch (btn) { case APP_UI_BTN_1_DOWN: break; case APP_UI_BTN_1_SHORT: break; case APP_UI_BTN_1_MED: break; case APP_UI_BTN_1_LONG: AppConnClose(connId); break; case APP_UI_BTN_2_DOWN: break; case APP_UI_BTN_2_SHORT: break; default: break; } } /* button actions when not connected */ else { switch (btn) { case APP_UI_BTN_1_SHORT: /* start or restart advertising */ AppAdvStart(APP_MODE_AUTO_INIT); break; case APP_UI_BTN_1_MED: /* enter discoverable and bondable mode mode */ AppSetBondable(TRUE); AppAdvStart(APP_MODE_DISCOVERABLE); break; case APP_UI_BTN_1_LONG: /* clear bonded device info and restart advertising */ AppDbDeleteAllRecords(); AppAdvStart(APP_MODE_AUTO_INIT); break; default: break; } } } /*************************************************************************************************/ /*! * \fn ancsDiscCback * * \brief Discovery callback. * * \param connId Connection identifier. * \param status Service or configuration status. * * \return None. */ /*************************************************************************************************/ static void ancsDiscCback(dmConnId_t connId, uint8_t status) { switch(status) { case APP_DISC_INIT: /* set handle list when initialization requested */ AppDiscSetHdlList(connId, ANCS_DISC_HDL_LIST_LEN, ancsCb.hdlList); break; case APP_DISC_SEC_REQUIRED: /* request security */ AppSlaveSecurityReq(connId); break; case APP_DISC_READ_DATABASE_HASH: /* Read peer's database hash */ AppDiscReadDatabaseHash(connId); break; case APP_DISC_START: /* initialize discovery state */ ancsCb.discState = ANCS_DISC_GATT_SVC; /* discover GATT service */ GattDiscover(connId, pAncsGattHdlList); break; case APP_DISC_FAILED: APP_TRACE_INFO1("!!!!!Disc Failed. discState = %d!!!!!", ancsCb.discState); case APP_DISC_CMPL: //expecting only ancs service to be discovered ancsCb.discState++; if (ancsCb.discState == ANCS_DISC_ANCS_SVC) { /* discover ANCS service */ AnccSvcDiscover(connId, pAncsAnccHdlList); APP_TRACE_INFO0("Discovering ANCS."); } else { /* discovery complete */ AppDiscComplete(connId, APP_DISC_CMPL); APP_TRACE_INFO0("Finished ANCS discovering."); /* start configuration */ APP_TRACE_INFO0("Disc CFG start."); AppDiscConfigure(connId, APP_DISC_CFG_START, ANCS_DISC_CFG_LIST_LEN, (attcDiscCfg_t *) ancsDiscCfgList, ANCS_DISC_HDL_LIST_LEN, ancsCb.hdlList); } break; case APP_DISC_CFG_START: /* start configuration */ AppDiscConfigure(connId, APP_DISC_CFG_START, ANCS_DISC_CFG_LIST_LEN, (attcDiscCfg_t *) ancsDiscCfgList, ANCS_DISC_HDL_LIST_LEN, ancsCb.hdlList); break; case APP_DISC_CFG_CMPL: AppDiscComplete(connId, status); APP_TRACE_INFO0("Finished Disc CFG."); break; case APP_DISC_CFG_CONN_START: /* start connection setup configuration */ AppDiscConfigure(connId, APP_DISC_CFG_CONN_START, ANCS_DISC_CFG_LIST_LEN, (attcDiscCfg_t *) ancsDiscCfgList, ANCS_DISC_HDL_LIST_LEN, ancsCb.hdlList); break; default: break; } } /*************************************************************************************************/ /*! * \fn ancsProcMsg * * \brief Process messages from the event handler. * * \param pMsg Pointer to message. * * \return None. */ /*************************************************************************************************/ static void ancsProcMsg(ancsMsg_t *pMsg) { uint8_t uiEvent = APP_UI_NONE; switch(pMsg->hdr.event) { case ANCC_ACTION_TIMER_IND: AnccActionHandler(ANCC_ACTION_TIMER_IND); break; case ANCC_DISCOVER_TIMER_IND: AnccStartServiceDiscovery(); break; case ATTC_READ_RSP: case ATTC_HANDLE_VALUE_NTF: case ATTC_HANDLE_VALUE_IND: APP_TRACE_INFO0("------------ATTC_HANDLE_VALUE_NTF/IND------------"); ancsValueUpdate((attEvt_t *) pMsg); break; case ATTC_WRITE_RSP: // write respose after Control point operation. APP_TRACE_INFO0("------------ATTC_WRITE_RSP------------"); break; case ATTS_HANDLE_VALUE_CNF: break; case ATTS_CCC_STATE_IND: ancsProcCccState(pMsg); break; case ATT_MTU_UPDATE_IND: APP_TRACE_INFO1("Negotiated MTU %d", ((attEvt_t *)pMsg)->mtu); break; case DM_RESET_CMPL_IND: AttsCalculateDbHash(); DmSecGenerateEccKeyReq(); ancsSetup(pMsg); uiEvent = APP_UI_RESET_CMPL; break; case DM_ADV_START_IND: uiEvent = APP_UI_ADV_START; break; case DM_ADV_STOP_IND: uiEvent = APP_UI_ADV_STOP; break; case DM_CONN_OPEN_IND: /* set bondable here to enable bond/pair after disconnect */ AnccConnOpen(pMsg->hdr.param, pAncsAnccHdlList); uiEvent = APP_UI_CONN_OPEN; break; case DM_CONN_CLOSE_IND: ancsClose(pMsg); AnccConnClose(); uiEvent = APP_UI_CONN_CLOSE; break; case DM_CONN_UPDATE_IND: break; case DM_SEC_PAIR_CMPL_IND: DmSecGenerateEccKeyReq(); uiEvent = APP_UI_SEC_PAIR_CMPL; APP_TRACE_INFO1("------------MTU SIZE = %d------------", AttGetMtu(pMsg->hdr.param)); break; case DM_SEC_PAIR_FAIL_IND: DmSecGenerateEccKeyReq(); uiEvent = APP_UI_SEC_PAIR_FAIL; break; case DM_SEC_ENCRYPT_IND: uiEvent = APP_UI_SEC_ENCRYPT; break; case DM_SEC_ENCRYPT_FAIL_IND: uiEvent = APP_UI_SEC_ENCRYPT_FAIL; break; case DM_SEC_AUTH_REQ_IND: AppHandlePasskey(&pMsg->dm.authReq); break; case DM_SEC_ECC_KEY_IND: DmSecSetEccKey(&pMsg->dm.eccMsg.data.key); break; case DM_SEC_COMPARE_IND: AppHandleNumericComparison(&pMsg->dm.cnfInd); break; case DM_PRIV_CLEAR_RES_LIST_IND: APP_TRACE_INFO1("Clear resolving list status 0x%02x", pMsg->hdr.status); break; case DM_HW_ERROR_IND: uiEvent = APP_UI_HW_ERROR; break; case DM_VENDOR_SPEC_CMD_CMPL_IND: { #if defined(AM_PART_APOLLO) || defined(AM_PART_APOLLO2) uint8_t *param_ptr = &pMsg->dm.vendorSpecCmdCmpl.param[0]; switch (pMsg->dm.vendorSpecCmdCmpl.opcode) { case 0xFC20: //read at address { uint32_t read_value; BSTREAM_TO_UINT32(read_value, param_ptr); APP_TRACE_INFO3("VSC 0x%0x complete status %x param %x", pMsg->dm.vendorSpecCmdCmpl.opcode, pMsg->hdr.status, read_value); } break; default: APP_TRACE_INFO2("VSC 0x%0x complete status %x", pMsg->dm.vendorSpecCmdCmpl.opcode, pMsg->hdr.status); break; } #endif } break; default: break; } if (uiEvent != APP_UI_NONE) { AppUiAction(uiEvent); } } /*************************************************************************************************/ /*! * \fn AncsHandlerInit * * \brief Application handler init function called during system initialization. * * \param handlerID WSF handler ID. * * \return None. */ /*************************************************************************************************/ void AncsHandlerInit(wsfHandlerId_t handlerId) { APP_TRACE_INFO0("AncsHandlerInit"); /* store handler ID */ ancsCb.handlerId = handlerId; /* Set configuration pointers */ pAppAdvCfg = (appAdvCfg_t *) &ancsAdvCfg; pAppSlaveCfg = (appSlaveCfg_t *) &ancsSlaveCfg; pAppSecCfg = (appSecCfg_t *) &ancsSecCfg; pAppUpdateCfg = (appUpdateCfg_t *) &ancsUpdateCfg; pAppDiscCfg = (appDiscCfg_t *) &ancsDiscCfg; pSmpCfg = (smpCfg_t *) &ancsSmpCfg; /* Initialize application framework */ AppSlaveInit(); AppServerInit(); AppDiscInit(); AnccInit(handlerId, (anccCfg_t*)(&ancsAnccCfg), ANCC_DISCOVER_TIMER_IND); } /*************************************************************************************************/ /*! * \fn AncsHandler * * \brief WSF event handler for application. * * \param event WSF event mask. * \param pMsg WSF message. * * \return None. */ /*************************************************************************************************/ void AncsHandler(wsfEventMask_t event, wsfMsgHdr_t *pMsg) { if (pMsg != NULL) { APP_TRACE_INFO2("ANCS got evt %d on handle 0x%04x", pMsg->event, ((attEvt_t *)pMsg)->handle); if ( pMsg->event <= ATT_CBACK_END ) { //process discovery-related ATT messages AppDiscProcAttMsg((attEvt_t *) pMsg); //process ATT messages } else if (pMsg->event >= DM_CBACK_START && pMsg->event <= DM_CBACK_END) { /* process advertising and connection-related messages */ AppSlaveProcDmMsg((dmEvt_t *) pMsg); /* process security-related messages */ AppSlaveSecProcDmMsg((dmEvt_t *) pMsg); /* process discovery-related messages */ AppDiscProcDmMsg((dmEvt_t *) pMsg); } /* perform profile and user interface-related operations */ ancsProcMsg((ancsMsg_t *) pMsg); } } void ancsAnccAttrCback(active_notif_t* pAttr) { // this is an application demo, print the notification info if ( pAttr->attrId == BLE_ANCS_NOTIF_ATTR_ID_APP_IDENTIFIER ) { APP_TRACE_INFO0("************************************************************"); APP_TRACE_INFO0("* Notification Received "); APP_TRACE_INFO1("* UID = %d", anccCb.anccList[pAttr->handle].notification_uid); switch(anccCb.anccList[pAttr->handle].category_id) { case BLE_ANCS_CATEGORY_ID_OTHER: APP_TRACE_INFO0("* Category = Other"); break; case BLE_ANCS_CATEGORY_ID_INCOMING_CALL: APP_TRACE_INFO0("* Category = Incoming Call"); ph_incoming = true; ph_notiuid = anccCb.anccList[pAttr->handle].notification_uid; break; case BLE_ANCS_CATEGORY_ID_MISSED_CALL: APP_TRACE_INFO0("* Category = Missed Call"); ph_incoming = false; break; case BLE_ANCS_CATEGORY_ID_VOICE_MAIL: APP_TRACE_INFO0("* Category = Voice Mail"); break; case BLE_ANCS_CATEGORY_ID_SOCIAL: APP_TRACE_INFO0("* Category = Social"); break; case BLE_ANCS_CATEGORY_ID_SCHEDULE: APP_TRACE_INFO0("* Category = Schedule"); break; case BLE_ANCS_CATEGORY_ID_EMAIL: APP_TRACE_INFO0("* Category = Email"); break; case BLE_ANCS_CATEGORY_ID_NEWS: APP_TRACE_INFO0("* Category = News"); break; case BLE_ANCS_CATEGORY_ID_HEALTH_AND_FITNESS: APP_TRACE_INFO0("* Category = Health and Fitness"); break; case BLE_ANCS_CATEGORY_ID_BUSINESS_AND_FINANCE: APP_TRACE_INFO0("* Category = Business and Finance"); break; case BLE_ANCS_CATEGORY_ID_LOCATION: APP_TRACE_INFO0("* Category = Location"); break; case BLE_ANCS_CATEGORY_ID_ENTERTAINMENT: APP_TRACE_INFO0("* Category = Entertainment"); break; default: break; } switch(anccCb.anccList[pAttr->handle].event_id) { case BLE_ANCS_EVENT_ID_NOTIFICATION_ADDED: APP_TRACE_INFO0("* Event ID = Added"); break; case BLE_ANCS_EVENT_ID_NOTIFICATION_MODIFIED: APP_TRACE_INFO0("* Event ID = Modified"); break; case BLE_ANCS_EVENT_ID_NOTIFICATION_REMOVED: APP_TRACE_INFO0("* Event ID = Removed"); break; default: break; } APP_TRACE_INFO0("* EventFlags = "); for ( uint16_t i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { if ( anccCb.anccList[pAttr->handle].event_flags & (0x00000001 << i) ) { switch(i) { case 0: APP_TRACE_INFO0("Silent "); break; case 1: APP_TRACE_INFO0("Important "); break; case 2: APP_TRACE_INFO0("PreExisting "); break; case 3: APP_TRACE_INFO0("PositiveAction "); break; case 4: APP_TRACE_INFO0("NegativeAction "); break; default: break; } } } APP_TRACE_INFO1("* Category Count = %d", anccCb.anccList[pAttr->handle].category_count); } else if (pAttr->attrId == BLE_ANCS_NOTIF_ATTR_ID_TITLE) { if ( pAttr->attrLength != 0 ) { APP_TRACE_INFO0("* Title = "); APP_TRACE_INFO1("%s", &(pAttr->attrDataBuf[pAttr->parseIndex])); } } else if (pAttr->attrId == BLE_ANCS_NOTIF_ATTR_ID_SUBTITLE) { if ( pAttr->attrLength != 0 ) { APP_TRACE_INFO0("* Subtitle = "); APP_TRACE_INFO1("%s", &(pAttr->attrDataBuf[pAttr->parseIndex])); } } else if (pAttr->attrId == BLE_ANCS_NOTIF_ATTR_ID_MESSAGE) { if ( pAttr->attrLength != 0 ) { APP_TRACE_INFO0("* Message = "); APP_TRACE_INFO1("%s", &(pAttr->attrDataBuf[pAttr->parseIndex])); } } else if (pAttr->attrId == BLE_ANCS_NOTIF_ATTR_ID_DATE) { if ( pAttr->attrLength != 0 ) { APP_TRACE_INFO0("* Date & Time = "); APP_TRACE_INFO1("%s", &(pAttr->attrDataBuf[pAttr->parseIndex])); } } else if (pAttr->attrId == BLE_ANCS_NOTIF_ATTR_ID_POSITIVE_ACTION_LABEL) { if ( pAttr->attrLength != 0 ) { APP_TRACE_INFO0("* Positive Action = "); APP_TRACE_INFO1("%s", &(pAttr->attrDataBuf[pAttr->parseIndex])); } } else if (pAttr->attrId == BLE_ANCS_NOTIF_ATTR_ID_NEGATIVE_ACTION_LABEL) { if (pAttr->attrLength != 0) { APP_TRACE_INFO0("* Negative Action = "); APP_TRACE_INFO1("%s", &(pAttr->attrDataBuf[pAttr->parseIndex])); } } } bool ancsRejectCall(void) { if (true == ph_incoming) { AncsPerformNotiAction(anccCb.hdlList, ph_notiuid, BLE_ANCS_NOTIF_ACTION_ID_NEGATIVE); ph_incoming = false; return true; } else { return false; } } void ancsAnccNotifCback(active_notif_t* pAttr, uint32_t notiUid) { // // removes notifications received // // AncsPerformNotiAction(pNotiAnccHdlList, notiUid, BLE_ANCS_NOTIF_ACTION_ID_NEGATIVE); APP_TRACE_INFO0("************************************************************"); } void anccNotiRemoveCback(ancc_notif_t* pAttr) { APP_TRACE_INFO1("Nofity removed, category_id = %d", pAttr->category_id); } /*************************************************************************************************/ /*! * \fn AncsStart * * \brief Start the application. * * \return None. */ /*************************************************************************************************/ void AncsStart(void) { /* Register for stack callbacks */ DmRegister(ancsDmCback); DmConnRegister(DM_CLIENT_ID_APP, ancsDmCback); AttRegister(ancsAttCback); AttConnRegister(AppServerConnCback); AttsCccRegister(ANCS_NUM_CCC_IDX, (attsCccSet_t *) ancsCccSet, ancsCccCback); /* Register for app framework callbacks */ AppUiBtnRegister(ancsBtnCback); /* Register for app framework discovery callbacks */ AppDiscRegister(ancsDiscCback); // // Register for ancc callbacks // AnccCbackRegister(ancsAnccAttrCback, ancsAnccNotifCback, anccNotiRemoveCback); /* Initialize attribute server database */ SvcCoreGattCbackRegister(GattReadCback, GattWriteCback); SvcCoreAddGroup(); SvcDisAddGroup(); /* Set Service Changed CCCD index. */ GattSetSvcChangedIdx(ANCS_GATT_SC_CCC_IDX); /* Reset the device */ DmDevReset(); }