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2022-10-23 23:45:43 -07:00
* \file terminal.h
* \brief Terminal handler.
* $Date: 2016-12-28 16:12:14 -0600 (Wed, 28 Dec 2016) $
* $Revision: 10805 $
* Copyright (c) 2015-2017 ARM Ltd., all rights reserved.
* ARM confidential and proprietary.
* IMPORTANT. Your use of this file is governed by a Software License Agreement
* ("Agreement") that must be accepted in order to download or otherwise receive a
* copy of this file. You may not use or copy this file for any purpose other than
* as described in the Agreement. If you do not agree to all of the terms of the
* Agreement do not use this file and delete all copies in your possession or control;
* if you do not have a copy of the Agreement, you must contact ARM Ltd. prior
* to any use, copying or further distribution of this software.
#ifndef TERMINAL_H
#define TERMINAL_H
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "wsf_types.h"
#include "wsf_os.h"
#define TERMINAL_MAX_ARGC 8u /*!< Maximum number of arguments to any command. */
#define TERMINAL_MAX_COMMAND_LEN 100u /*!< Maximum length of command line. */
#define TERMINAL_PRINTF_MAX_LEN 128u /*!< Maximum length of any printed output. */
#define TERMINAL_STRING_PROMPT "> " /*!< Prompt string. */
#define TERMINAL_STRING_ERROR "ERROR: " /*!< Error prefix. */
#define TERMINAL_STRING_USAGE "USAGE: " /*!< Usage prefix. */
#define TERMINAL_STRING_NEW_LINE "\r\n" /*!< New line string. */
/*! \brief Terminal command error codes. */
TERMINAL_ERROR_OK = 0, /*!< Command completed. */
TERMINAL_ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS = 1, /*!< ERROR: Invalid argument(s) */
TERMINAL_ERROR_TOO_FEW_ARGUMENTS = 2, /*!< ERROR: Too few arguments */
TERMINAL_ERROR_TOO_MANY_ARGUMENTS = 3, /*!< ERROR: Too many arguments */
TERMINAL_ERROR_EXEC = 4 /*!< Command completed with execution error. */
Data Types
* \brief Handler for a terminal command.
* \param argc The number of arguments passed to the command.
* \param argv The array of arguments; the 0th argument is the command.
* \return Error code.
typedef uint8_t (*terminalHandler_t)(uint32_t argc, char **argv);
* \brief Handler for transmit.
* \param pBuf Buffer to transmit.
* \param len Number of bytes to transmit.
* \return None.
typedef void (*terminalUartTx_t)(const uint8_t *pBuf, uint32_t len);
/*! \brief Terminal command. */
typedef struct terminalCommand_tag
struct terminalCommand_tag *pNext; /*!< Pointer to next command in list. */
const char *pName; /*!< Name of command. */
const char *pHelpStr; /*!< Help String for command. */
terminalHandler_t handler; /*!< Handler for command. */
} terminalCommand_t;
Function Prototypes
* \fn TerminalInit
* \brief Initialize terminal.
* \param handlerId Handler ID for TerminalHandler().
* \return None.
void TerminalInit(wsfHandlerId_t handlerId);
* \fn TerminalRegisterUartTxFunc
* \brief Register the UART Tx Function for the platform.
* \return None.
void TerminalRegisterUartTxFunc(terminalUartTx_t uartTxFunc);
* \fn TerminalRegisterCommand
* \brief Register command with terminal.
* \param pCommand Command.
* \return None.
void TerminalRegisterCommand(terminalCommand_t *pCommand);
* \fn TerminalHandler
* \brief Handler for terminal messages.
* \param event WSF event mask.
* \param pMsg WSF message.
* \return None.
void TerminalHandler(wsfEventMask_t event, wsfMsgHdr_t *pMsg);
* \fn TerminalRx
* \brief Called by application when a data byte is received.
* \param dataByte received byte
* \return None.
void TerminalRx(uint8_t dataByte);
* \fn TerminalTxStr
* \brief Called by application to transmit string.
* \param pStr String.
* \return None.
void TerminalTxStr(const char *pStr);
* \fn TerminalTxChar
* \brief Called by application to transmit character.
* \param c Character.
* \return None.
void TerminalTxChar(char c);
* \fn TerminalTxPrint
* \brief Called by application to print formatted data.
* \param pStr Message format string
* \param ... Additional arguments, printf-style
* \return None.
void TerminalTxPrint(const char *pStr, ...);
* \fn TerminalTx
* \brief Application function to transmit data..
* \param pData Data.
* \param len Length of data, in bytes.
* \return None.
void TerminalTx(const uint8_t *pData, uint16_t len);
#endif /* TERMINAL_H */