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2022-10-23 23:45:43 -07:00
* \file
* \brief Link layer constant definitions.
* $Date: 2017-03-10 20:10:06 -0600 (Fri, 10 Mar 2017) $
* $Revision: 11511 $
* Copyright (c) 2013-2017 ARM Ltd., all rights reserved.
* ARM Ltd. confidential and proprietary.
* IMPORTANT. Your use of this file is governed by a Software License Agreement
* ("Agreement") that must be accepted in order to download or otherwise receive a
* copy of this file. You may not use or copy this file for any purpose other than
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#ifndef LL_DEFS_H
#define LL_DEFS_H
#include "wsf_types.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/*** Version ***/
#define LL_VER_BT_CORE_SPEC_4_0 0x06 /*!< Bluetooth core specification 4.0 */
#define LL_VER_BT_CORE_SPEC_4_1 0x07 /*!< Bluetooth core specification 4.1 */
#define LL_VER_BT_CORE_SPEC_4_2 0x08 /*!< Bluetooth core specification 4.2 */
#define LL_VER_BT_CORE_SPEC_5_0 0x09 /*!< Bluetooth core specification 5.0 */
#define LL_COMP_ID_ARM 0x005F /*!< ARM Ltd. company ID. */
/*** Common ***/
#define LL_RSSI_MIN -127 /*!< Minimum RSSI value. */
#define LL_RSSI_MAX 20 /*!< Maximum RSSI value. */
#define LL_RSSI_NOT_AVAIL 127 /*!< RSSI is not available. */
#define LL_CRC_LEN 3 /*!< CRC length. */
#define LL_AA_LEN 4 /*!< Access address length. */
#define LL_PREAMBLE_LEN_1M 1 /*!< Preamble length (LE 1M PHY). */
#define LL_PREAMBLE_LEN_2M 2 /*!< Preamble length (LE 2M PHY). */
#define LL_PREAMBLE_LEN_CODED_BITS 10 /*!< Preamble length (LE Coded PHY). */
#define LL_CI_LEN_BITS 2 /*!< Coding indicator length (LE Coded PHY). */
#define LL_TERM1_LEN_BITS 3 /*!< TERM1 length (LE Coded PHY). */
#define LL_TERM2_LEN_BITS 3 /*!< TERM2 length (LE Coded PHY). */
#define LL_RAND_ADDR_MSBS_MASK 0x03 /*!< Mask of 2 most significant bits of BD Random Address */
#define LL_RAND_ADDR_MSBS_POS 46 /*!< Position of 2 MSBs of BD Random Address */
#define LL_RAND_ADDR_MSBS_STATIC 0x03 /*!< 2 most significant bits of BD Random Address are '0b11', static random address */
#define LL_RAND_ADDR_MSBS_RPA 0x01 /*!< 2 most significant bits of BD Random Address are '0b01', resolvable private address */
#define LL_RAND_ADDR_MSBS_NRPA 0x00 /*!< 2 most significant bits of BD Random Address are '0b00', non-resolvable private address */
#define LL_RAND_ADDR_MSBS_IVLD 0x02 /*!< 2 most significant bits of BD Random Address are '0b10', invalid random address */
/*** Advertising PDU ***/
/*! \brief Advertising channel PDU types. */
/* --- Core Spec 4.0 --- */
LL_PDU_ADV_IND = 0, /*!< Connectable undirected advertising PDU. */
LL_PDU_ADV_DIRECT_IND = 1, /*!< Connectable directed advertising PDU. */
LL_PDU_ADV_NONCONN_IND = 2, /*!< Non-connectable undirected advertising PDU. */
LL_PDU_SCAN_REQ = 3, /*!< Scan request PDU. */
LL_PDU_SCAN_RSP = 4, /*!< Scan response PDU. */
LL_PDU_CONNECT_IND = 5, /*!< Connect indication PDU. */
LL_PDU_ADV_SCAN_IND = 6, /*!< Scannable undirected advertising PDU. */
/* --- Core Spec 5.0 --- */
LL_PDU_AUX_SCAN_REQ = 3, /*!< Auxiliary scan request PDU. */
LL_PDU_AUX_CONNECT_REQ = 5, /*!< Auxiliary connect request PDU. */
LL_PDU_ADV_EXT_IND = 7, /*!< Extended advertising PDU. */
LL_PDU_AUX_ADV_IND = 7, /*!< Auxiliary advertising PDU. */
LL_PDU_AUX_SCAN_RSP = 7, /*!< Auxiliary scan response PDU. */
LL_PDU_AUX_SYNC_IND = 7, /*!< Auxiliary synchronize PDU. */
LL_PDU_AUX_CHAIN_IND = 7, /*!< Auxiliary chain PDU. */
LL_PDU_AUX_CONNECT_RSP = 8, /*!< Auxiliary connect response PDU. */
#define LL_SCAN_REQ_PDU_LEN 12 /*!< Size of a scan request PDU. */
#define LL_CONN_IND_PDU_LEN 34 /*!< Size of a connect indication PDU. */
#define LL_CHAN_ADV_MIN_IDX 37 /*!< Minimum advertising channel index. */
#define LL_CHAN_ADV_MAX_IDX 39 /*!< Maximum advertising channel index. */
#define LL_NUM_CHAN_ADV 3 /*!< Total number of advertising channels. */
#define LL_ADVBU_MAX_LEN 31 /*!< Maximum advertising channel host data length. */
#define LL_ADVB_MAX_LEN 39 /*!< Maximum advertising channel PDU length. */
#define LL_ADVB_MIN_LEN (LL_ADVB_MAX_LEN - LL_ADVBU_MAX_LEN) /*!< Minimum advertising channel packet length. */
/*!< Maximum time for a 1M advertising channel PDU. */
/*!< Maximum time for a 2M advertising channel PDU. */
/*!< Maximum time for a Coded S2 advertising channel PDU. */
/*!< Maximum time for a Coded S8 advertising channel PDU. */
#define LL_ADV_PKT_MAX_USEC LL_ADVB_MAX_TIME_1M /*!< Maximum time in microseconds for an advertising packet. */
/*!< Maximum time in microseconds for a scan request packet. */
#define LL_SCAN_RSP_MAX_USEC LL_ADVB_MAX_TIME_1M /*!< Maximum time in microseconds for a scan response packet. */
#define LL_ADV_HDR_LEN 2 /*!< Advertising channel header length. */
#define LL_ADV_HDR_TYPE_OFFS 0 /*!< Advertising header type offset. */
#define LL_ADV_HDR_TYPE_MSK 0x0F /*!< Advertising header type mask. */
#define LL_ADV_HDR_LEN_OFFS 1 /*!< Advertising header length offset. */
#define LL_ADV_HDR_LEN_MSK 0x3F /*!< Advertising header length mask for 4.2. */
#define LL_ADV_EXT_HDR_LEN_MSK 0xFF /*!< Advertising extension header length mask for 5.0. */
#define LL_ADV_PREFIX_LEN 6 /*!< Advertising PDU payload prefix length (AdvA). */
#define LL_SCAN_PREFIX_LEN 6 /*!< Scan request/response PDU payload prefix length (AdvA). */
#define LL_ADV_ACCESS_ADDR UINT32_C(0x8E89BED6) /*!< Advertising channel access address. */
#define LL_ADV_CRC_INIT UINT32_C(0x555555) /*!< Advertising CRC initial value. */
#define LL_DIR_ADV_INTER_TICKS 6 /*!< Advertising interval between directed advertising events (3.75 ms). */
#define LL_DIR_ADV_DUR_TICKS 2048 /*!< Maximum high duty cycle directed advertising duration (1.28 seconds). */
LL_EXT_HDR_ADV_ADDR_BIT = (1 << 0), /*!< Extended header AdvA bit. */
LL_EXT_HDR_TGT_ADDR_BIT = (1 << 1), /*!< Extended header TargetA bit. */
LL_EXT_HDR_SUPP_INFO_BIT = (1 << 2), /*!< Extended header SuppInfo bit. */
LL_EXT_HDR_ADI_BIT = (1 << 3), /*!< Extended header AdvDataInfo bit. */
LL_EXT_HDR_AUX_PTR_BIT = (1 << 4), /*!< Extended header AuxPtr bit. */
LL_EXT_HDR_SYNC_INFO_BIT = (1 << 5), /*!< Extended header SyncInfo bit. */
LL_EXT_HDR_TX_PWR_BIT = (1 << 6), /*!< Extended header TxPower bit. */
#define LL_MAX_ADV_HANDEL 0xEF /*!< Maximum advertising handle. */
#define LL_MAX_ADV_SID 0x0F /*!< Maximum advertising SID */
#define LL_EXT_ADV_HDR_MIN_LEN 1 /*!< Minimum extended advertising header length (+1 for ExtHdrLen and AdvMode fields). */
#define LL_EXT_ADV_HDR_MAX_LEN 64 /*!< Maximum extended advertising header length (+1 for ExtHdrLen and AdvMode fields). */
#define LL_EXT_ADVBU_MAX_LEN 251 /*!< Maximum extended advertising channel PDU host data length. */
#define LL_EXT_ADVB_MAX_LEN 257 /*!< Maximum extended advertising channel PDU length. */
#define LL_AUX_PTR_MAX_USEC 2457600 /*!< Maximum AuxPtr offset value in microseconds. */
#define LL_SYNC_MIN_TIMEOUT 0x000A /*!< Minimum synchronization timeout. */
#define LL_SYNC_MAX_TIMEOUT 0x4000 /*!< Maximum synchronization timeout. */
#define LL_SYNC_MAX_SKIP 0x01F3 /*!< Maximum synchronization skip. */
#define LL_SYNC_MAX_HANDLE 0x0EFF /*!< Maximum synchronization handle. */
#define LL_PER_ADV_INT_MIN 0x0006 /*!< Minimum periodic advertising interval. */
/*** Data PDU ***/
/*! \brief Data channel LL Control PDU types. */
/* --- Core Spec 4.0 --- */
LL_PDU_CONN_UPDATE_IND = 0x00, /*!< Connection update indication PDU. */
LL_PDU_CHANNEL_MAP_IND = 0x01, /*!< Channel map indication PDU. */
LL_PDU_TERMINATE_IND = 0x02, /*!< Terminate indication PDU. */
LL_PDU_ENC_REQ = 0x03, /*!< Encryption request PDU. */
LL_PDU_ENC_RSP = 0x04, /*!< Encryption response PDU. */
LL_PDU_START_ENC_REQ = 0x05, /*!< Start encryption request PDU. */
LL_PDU_START_ENC_RSP = 0x06, /*!< Start encryption response PDU. */
LL_PDU_UNKNOWN_RSP = 0x07, /*!< Unknown response PDU. */
LL_PDU_FEATURE_REQ = 0x08, /*!< Feature request PDU. */
LL_PDU_FEATURE_RSP = 0x09, /*!< Feature response PDU. */
LL_PDU_PAUSE_ENC_REQ = 0x0A, /*!< Pause encryption request PDU. */
LL_PDU_PAUSE_ENC_RSP = 0x0B, /*!< Pause encryption response PDU. */
LL_PDU_VERSION_IND = 0x0C, /*!< Version indication PDU. */
LL_PDU_REJECT_IND = 0x0D, /*!< Reject indication PDU. */
/* --- Core Spec 4.2 --- */
LL_PDU_SLV_FEATURE_REQ = 0x0E, /*!< Slave feature request PDU. */
LL_PDU_CONN_PARAM_REQ = 0x0F, /*!< Connection parameter request PDU. */
LL_PDU_CONN_PARAM_RSP = 0x10, /*!< Connection parameter response PDU. */
LL_PDU_REJECT_EXT_IND = 0x11, /*!< Reject extended indication PDU. */
LL_PDU_PING_REQ = 0x12, /*!< Ping request PDU. */
LL_PDU_PING_RSP = 0x13, /*!< Ping response PDU. */
LL_PDU_LENGTH_REQ = 0x14, /*!< Data length request PDU. */
LL_PDU_LENGTH_RSP = 0x15, /*!< Data length response PDU. */
/* --- Core Spec 5.0 --- */
LL_PDU_PHY_REQ = 0x16, /*!< PHY request PDU. */
LL_PDU_PHY_RSP = 0x17, /*!< PHY response PDU. */
LL_PDU_PHY_UPDATE_IND = 0x18, /*!< PHY update indication PDU. */
LL_PDU_MIN_USED_CHAN_IND = 0x19, /*!< Minimum used channels indication PDU. */
LL_PDU_UNSPECIFIED = 0xFF /*!< Unspecified PDU. */
/* Data PDU length */
/* --- Core Spec 4.0 --- */
#define LL_CONN_UPD_IND_PDU_LEN 12 /*!< Connection update indication PDU length. */
#define LL_CHAN_MAP_IND_PDU_LEN 8 /*!< Channel map indication PDU length. */
#define LL_TERMINATE_IND_PDU_LEN 2 /*!< Terminate indication PDU length. */
#define LL_ENC_REQ_LEN 23 /*!< Encryption request PDU length. */
#define LL_ENC_RSP_LEN 13 /*!< Encryption response PDU length. */
#define LL_START_ENC_LEN 1 /*!< Start encryption request/response PDU length. */
#define LL_UNKNOWN_RSP_LEN 2 /*!< Unknown response PDU length. */
#define LL_FEATURE_PDU_LEN 9 /*!< Feature request/response PDU length. */
#define LL_PAUSE_ENC_LEN 1 /*!< Pause encryption request/response PDU length. */
#define LL_VERSION_IND_PDU_LEN 6 /*!< Version indication PDU length. */
#define LL_REJECT_IND_PDU_LEN 2 /*!< Reject indication PDU length. */
/* --- Core Spec 4.2 --- */
#define LL_CONN_PARAM_PDU_LEN 24 /*!< Connection parameter request or response PDU length. */
#define LL_REJECT_EXT_IND_PDU_LEN 3 /*!< Reject extended indication PDU length. */
#define LL_PING_PDU_LEN 1 /*!< Ping request/response PDU length. */
#define LL_DATA_LEN_PDU_LEN 9 /*!< Data length request or response PDU length. */
/* --- Core Spec 5.0 --- */
#define LL_PHY_PDU_LEN 3 /*!< PHY request/response PDU length. */
#define LL_PHY_UPD_IND_PDU_LEN 5 /*!< PHY update indication PDU length. */
#define LL_MIN_USED_CHAN_PDU_LEN 3 /*!< Minimum used channels indication PDU length. */
#define LL_EMPTY_PDU_LEN 2 /*!< Length of an empty data PDU. */
#define LL_DATA_HDR_LEN 2 /*!< Data channel header length. */
#define LL_DATA_MIC_LEN 4 /*!< Data channel PDU MIC length. */
#define LL_DATA_HDR_LLID_MSK 0x03 /*!< Data PDU LLID mask. */
#define LL_DATA_HDR_LEN_MSK 0xFF /*!< Data header length mask. BLE 4.2 data len extension allows 8 bits. */
#define LL_MAX_NUM_CHAN_DATA 37 /*!< Maximum number of used data channels. */
#define LL_MIN_NUM_CHAN_DATA 2 /*!< Minimum number of used data channels. */
/*! \brief Data PDU LLID types. */
LL_LLID_VS_PDU = 0x00, /*!< Vendor specific PDU. */
/* N.B. next two enumerations intentionally use identical values. */
LL_LLID_EMPTY_PDU = 0x01, /*!< Empty PDU. */
LL_LLID_CONT_PDU = 0x01, /*!< Data PDU: continuation fragment of an L2CAP message. */
LL_LLID_START_PDU = 0x02, /*!< Data PDU: start of an L2CAP message or a complete L2CAP message with no fragmentation. */
LL_LLID_CTRL_PDU = 0x03, /*!< Control PDU. */
/*** Encryption ***/
#define LL_ECC_KEY_LEN 32 /*!< ECC key length. */
#define LL_DEF_RES_ADDR_TO_SEC 900 /*!< Default resolvable address timeout in seconds. */
#define LL_RAND_LEN 8 /*!< Length of random number */
#define LL_KEY_LEN 16 /*!< Encryption key length. */
#define LL_SKD_LEN LL_KEY_LEN /*!< Session key diversifier length. */
#define LL_IV_LEN 8 /*!< Initialization vector length. */
#define LL_DEF_AUTH_TO_MS 30000 /*!< Default authentication timeout in milliseconds. */
/*** LLCP ***/
/*!< Convert data length to time. */
/*!< Convert data length to time. */
/*!< Convert data length to time. */
/*!< Convert data length to time. */
#define LL_MIN_INSTANT 6 /*!< Minimum number of CE to apply a CONN_UPD or CHAN_MAP. */
#define LL_MAX_DATA_LEN_MIN 27 /*!< Minimum value for maximum Data PDU length */
#define LL_MAX_DATA_LEN_ABS_MAX 251 /*!< Absolute maximum limit for maximum Data PDU length */
#define LL_MAX_DATA_TIME_MIN 328 /*!< Minimum value for maximum Data PDU time */
#define LL_MAX_DATA_TIME_ABS_MAX 17040 /*!< Absolute maximum limit for maximum Data PDU time */
#define LL_MAX_DATA_TIME_ABS_MAX_1M 2120 /*!< Absolute maximum limit for maximum Data PDU time (LE 1M PHY) */
#define LL_T_PRT_SEC 40 /*!< LLCP procedure response timeout in seconds. */
#define LL_MAX_ADV_DLY_MS 10 /*!< Maximum advertising delay in milliseconds. */
#define LL_MIN_CONN_INTERVAL 6 /*!< Minimum value for connection interval. */
#define LL_MAX_CONN_INTERVAL 3200 /*!< Maximum value for connection interval. */
#define LL_MIN_TX_WIN_SIZE 1 /*!< Minimum value for transmit window size. */
#define LL_MAX_TX_WIN_SIZE 8 /*!< Maximum value for transmit window size. */
#define LL_MAX_CONN_LATENCY 499 /*!< Maximum value for connection slave latency. */
#define LL_MIN_SUP_TIMEOUT 10 /*!< Minimum value for connection supervision timeout. */
#define LL_MAX_SUP_TIMEOUT 3200 /*!< Maximum value for connection supervision timeout. */
#define LL_MIN_POWER_THRESHOLD -128 /*!< Minimum value for power threshold. */
#define LL_MAX_POWER_THRESHOLD 127 /*!< Maximum value for power threshold. */
#define LL_ALL_PHYS_MSK 0x7 /*!< All supported LE PHYs mask. */
/*** DTM ***/
#define LL_DTM_HDR_LEN 2 /*!< Direct Test Mode PDU header length. */
#define LL_DTM_SYNC_WORD UINT32_C(0x71764129) /*!< Direct Test Mode sync word. */
#define LL_DTM_CRC_INIT UINT32_C(0x555555) /*!< Direct Test Mode CRC initial value. */
#define LL_DTM_MAX_INT_US 12500 /*!< Maximum time interval between packets in microseconds. */
#define LL_DTM_PDU_ABS_MAX_LEN 255 /*!< Absolute maximum DTM PDU length. */
#define LL_DTM_MAX_CHAN_IDX 39 /*!< Maximum channel index. */
/*** Baseband ***/
#define LL_CHAN_DATA_MIN_IDX 0 /*!< Minimum data channel index. */
#define LL_CHAN_DATA_MAX_IDX 36 /*!< Maximum data channel index. */
#define LL_CHAN_DATA_ALL UINT64_C(0x0000001FFFFFFFFF) /*!< Maximum data channel index. */
#define LL_BLE_BIT_PER_US 1 /*!< BLE PHY rate. */
#define LL_BLE_US_PER_BYTE_1M 8 /*!< BLE PHY speed (LE 1M PHY). */
#define LL_BLE_US_PER_BYTE_2M 4 /*!< BLE PHY speed (LE 2M PHY). */
#define LL_BLE_US_PER_BYTE_CODED_S8 64 /*!< BLE PHY speed (LE Coded PHY, S=8). */
#define LL_BLE_US_PER_BIT_CODED_S8 8 /*!< BLE PHY speed (LE Coded PHY, S=8). */
#define LL_BLE_US_PER_BYTE_CODED_S2 16 /*!< BLE PHY speed (LE Coded PHY, S=2). */
#define LL_BLE_US_PER_BIT_CODED_S2 2 /*!< BLE PHY speed (LE Coded PHY, S=2). */
#define LL_BLE_TIFS_US 150 /*!< BLE inter-frame space. */
#define LL_BLE_MAFS_US 300 /*!< BLE minimum AUX frame space. */
#define LL_BLE_US_PER_TICK 625 /*!< Microseconds per BLE tick. */
#define LL_MIN_PKT_TIME_US_1M 80 /*!< Minimum packet time (i.e. empty PDU) on LE 1M PHY. */
#define LL_MIN_PKT_TIME_US_2M 44 /*!< Minimum packet time (i.e. empty PDU) on LE 2M PHY. */
#define LL_MIN_PKT_TIME_US_CODED_S8 720 /*!< Minimum packet time (i.e. empty PDU) on LE Coded PHY, S=8. */
#define LL_MIN_PKT_TIME_US_CODED_S2 462 /*!< Minimum packet time (i.e. empty PDU) on LE Coded PHY, S=2. */
#define LL_MIN_ADV_TX_PWR_LVL -20 /*!< Minimum Tx power level for advertising. */
#define LL_MAX_ADV_TX_PWR_LVL 10 /*!< Maximum Tx power level for advertising. */
#define LL_MIN_TX_PWR_LVL -30 /*!< Minimum Tx power level for connections. */
#define LL_MAX_TX_PWR_LVL 20 /*!< Maximum Tx power level for connections. */
#define LL_MAX_TIFS_DEVIATION 2 /*!< Maximum TIFS deviation in microseconds. */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* LL_DEFS_H */