491 lines
17 KiB
491 lines
17 KiB
//! @file HM01B0.h
#ifndef HM01B0_H
#define HM01B0_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
#include "am_mcu_apollo.h"
#include "am_bsp.h"
#include "am_util.h"
#define HM01B0_DRV_VERSION (0)
#define HM01B0_DRV_SUBVERSION (5)
#define HM01B0_DEFAULT_ADDRESS (0x24)
#define HM01B0_PIXEL_X_NUM (324)
#define HM01B0_PIXEL_Y_NUM (244)
#define HM01B0_REG_MODEL_ID_H (0x0000)
#define HM01B0_REG_MODEL_ID_L (0x0001)
#define HM01B0_REG_SILICON_REV (0x0002)
#define HM01B0_REG_FRAME_COUNT (0x0005)
#define HM01B0_REG_PIXEL_ORDER (0x0006)
#define HM01B0_REG_MODE_SELECT (0x0100)
#define HM01B0_REG_IMAGE_ORIENTATION (0x0101)
#define HM01B0_REG_SW_RESET (0x0103)
#define HM01B0_REG_GRP_PARAM_HOLD (0x0104)
#define HM01B0_REG_INTEGRATION_H (0x0202)
#define HM01B0_REG_INTEGRATION_L (0x0203)
#define HM01B0_REG_ANALOG_GAIN (0x0205)
#define HM01B0_REG_DIGITAL_GAIN_H (0x020E)
#define HM01B0_REG_DIGITAL_GAIN_L (0x020F)
#define HM01B0_REG_AE_TARGET_MEAN (0x2101)
#define HM01B0_REG_AE_MIN_MEAN (0x2102)
#define HM01B0_REG_CONVERGE_IN_TH (0x2103)
#define HM01B0_REG_CONVERGE_OUT_TH (0x2104)
#define HM01B0_REG_I2C_ID_SEL (0x3400)
#define HM01B0_REG_I2C_ID_REG (0x3401)
// #define HM01B0_REG_MODE_SELECT (0x0100)
// #define HM01B0_REG_IMAGE_ORIENTATION (0x0101)
// #define HM01B0_REG_GRP_PARAM_HOLD (0x0104)
#define HM01B0_REG_GRP_PARAM_HOLD_HOLD (0x01)
HM01B0_ERR_OK = 0x00,
typedef struct
uint16_t ui16Reg;
uint8_t ui8Val;
} hm_script_t;
typedef struct
uint16_t ui16SlvAddr;
am_hal_iom_mode_e eIOMMode;
uint32_t ui32IOMModule;
am_hal_iom_config_t sIOMCfg;
void *pIOMHandle;
uint32_t ui32CTimerModule;
uint32_t ui32CTimerSegment;
uint32_t ui32CTimerOutputPin;
uint8_t ui8PinSCL;
uint8_t ui8PinSDA;
uint8_t ui8PinD0;
uint8_t ui8PinD1;
uint8_t ui8PinD2;
uint8_t ui8PinD3;
uint8_t ui8PinD4;
uint8_t ui8PinD5;
uint8_t ui8PinD6;
uint8_t ui8PinD7;
uint8_t ui8PinVSYNC;
uint8_t ui8PinHSYNC;
uint8_t ui8PinPCLK;
uint8_t ui8PinTrig;
uint8_t ui8PinInt;
void (*pfnGpioIsr)(void);
} hm01b0_cfg_t;
typedef struct
uint8_t ui8AETargetMean;
uint8_t ui8AEMinMean;
uint8_t ui8ConvergeInTh;
uint8_t ui8ConvergeOutTh;
uint8_t ui8AEMean;
} hm01b0_ae_cfg_t;
typedef struct
uint8_t ui8IntegrationH;
uint8_t ui8IntegrationL;
uint8_t ui8AGain;
uint8_t ui8DGain_H;
uint8_t ui8DGain_L;
} hm01b0_snr_expo_gain_ctrl_t;
//! @brief Write HM01B0 registers
//! @param psCfg - Pointer to HM01B0 configuration structure.
//! @param ui16Reg - Register address.
//! @param pui8Value - Pointer to the data to be written.
//! @param ui32NumBytes - Length of the data in bytes to be written.
//! This function writes value to HM01B0 registers.
//! @return Error code.
uint32_t hm01b0_write_reg(hm01b0_cfg_t *psCfg, \
uint16_t ui16Reg, uint8_t *pui8Value, uint32_t ui32NumBytes);
//! @brief Read HM01B0 registers
//! @param psCfg - Pointer to HM01B0 configuration structure.
//! @param ui16Reg - Register address.
//! @param pui8Value - Pointer to the buffer for read data to be put into.
//! @param ui32NumBytes - Length of the data to be read.
//! This function reads value from HM01B0 registers.
//! @return Error code.
uint32_t hm01b0_read_reg(hm01b0_cfg_t *psCfg, \
uint16_t ui16Reg, uint8_t *pui8Value, uint32_t ui32NumBytes);
//! @brief Load HM01B0 a given script
//! @param psCfg - Pointer to HM01B0 configuration structure.
//! @param psScrip - Pointer to the script to be loaded.
//! @param ui32ScriptCmdNum - Number of entries in a given script.
//! This function loads HM01B0 a given script.
//! @return Error code.
uint32_t hm01b0_load_script(hm01b0_cfg_t *psCfg, hm_script_t *psScript, uint32_t ui32ScriptCmdNum);
//! @brief Power up HM01B0
//! @param psCfg - Pointer to HM01B0 configuration structure.
//! This function powers up HM01B0.
//! @return none.
void hm01b0_power_up(hm01b0_cfg_t *psCfg);
//! @brief Power down HM01B0
//! @param psCfg - Pointer to HM01B0 configuration structure.
//! This function powers up HM01B0.
//! @return none.
void hm01b0_power_down(hm01b0_cfg_t *psCfg);
//! @brief Enable MCLK
//! @param psCfg - Pointer to HM01B0 configuration structure.
//! This function utilizes CTimer to generate MCLK for HM01B0.
//! @return none.
void hm01b0_mclk_enable(hm01b0_cfg_t *psCfg);
//! @brief Disable MCLK
//! @param psCfg - Pointer to HM01B0 configuration structure.
//! This function disable CTimer to stop MCLK for HM01B0.
//! @return none.
void hm01b0_mclk_disable(hm01b0_cfg_t *psCfg);
//! @brief Initialize interfaces
//! @param psCfg - Pointer to HM01B0 configuration structure.
//! This function initializes interfaces.
//! @return Error code.
uint32_t hm01b0_init_if(hm01b0_cfg_t *psCfg);
//! @brief Deinitialize interfaces
//! @param psCfg - Pointer to HM01B0 configuration structure.
//! This function deinitializes interfaces.
//! @return Error code.
uint32_t hm01b0_deinit_if(hm01b0_cfg_t *psCfg);
//! @brief Get HM01B0 Model ID
//! @param psCfg - Pointer to HM01B0 configuration structure.
//! @param pui16MID - Pointer to buffer for the read back model ID.
//! This function reads back HM01B0 model ID.
//! @return Error code.
uint32_t hm01b0_get_modelid(hm01b0_cfg_t *psCfg, uint16_t *pui16MID);
//! @brief Initialize HM01B0
//! @param psCfg - Pointer to HM01B0 configuration structure.
//! @param psScript - Pointer to HM01B0 initialization script.
//! @param ui32ScriptCmdNum - No. of commands in HM01B0 initialization script.
//! This function initilizes HM01B0 with a given script.
//! @return Error code.
uint32_t hm01b0_init_system(hm01b0_cfg_t *psCfg, hm_script_t *psScript, uint32_t ui32ScriptCmdNum);
//! @brief Set HM01B0 in the walking 1s test mode
//! @param psCfg - Pointer to HM01B0 configuration structure.
//! This function sets HM01B0 in the walking 1s test mode.
//! @return Error code.
uint32_t hm01b0_test_walking1s(hm01b0_cfg_t *psCfg);
//! @brief Check the data read from HM01B0 in the walking 1s test mode
//! @param pui8Buffer - Pointer to data buffer.
//! @param ui32BufferLen - Buffer length
//! @param ui32PrintCnt - Number of mismatched data to be printed out
//! This function sets HM01B0 in the walking 1s test mode.
//! @return Error code.
void hm01b0_test_walking1s_check_data_sanity(uint8_t *pui8Buffer, uint32_t ui32BufferLen, uint32_t ui32PrintCnt);
//! @brief Software reset HM01B0
//! @param psCfg - Pointer to HM01B0 configuration structure.
//! This function resets HM01B0 by issuing a reset command.
//! @return Error code.
uint32_t hm01b0_reset_sw(hm01b0_cfg_t *psCfg);
//! @brief Get current HM01B0 operation mode.
//! @param psCfg - Pointer to HM01B0 configuration structure.
//! @param pui8Mode - Pointer to buffer
//! - for the read back operation mode to be put into
//! This function get HM01B0 operation mode.
//! @return Error code.
uint32_t hm01b0_get_mode(hm01b0_cfg_t *psCfg, uint8_t *pui8Mode);
//! @brief Set HM01B0 operation mode.
//! @param psCfg - Pointer to HM01B0 configuration structure.
//! @param ui8Mode - Operation mode. One of:
//! @param framecnt - Frame count for HM01B0_REG_MODE_SELECT_STREAMING_NFRAMES.
//! - Discarded if other modes.
//! This function set HM01B0 operation mode.
//! @return Error code.
uint32_t hm01b0_set_mode(hm01b0_cfg_t *psCfg, uint8_t ui8Mode, uint8_t framecnt);
//! @brief Activate the updated settings to HM01B0.
//! @param psCfg - Pointer to HM01B0 configuration structure.
//! Some settings updated to HM01B0 will only be affected after calling this function
//! 1. AE settings
//! @return Error code.
uint32_t hm01b0_cmd_update(hm01b0_cfg_t *psCfg);
//! @brief Get HM01B0 AE settings
//! @param psCfg - Pointer to HM01B0 configuration structure.
//! @param psAECfg - Pointer to the structure hm01b0_ae_cfg_t.
//! This function checks if AE is converged or not and returns ui32Err accordingly.
//! If caller needs detailed AE settings, psAECfg has to be non NULL.
//! @return Error code.
uint32_t hm01b0_get_ae(hm01b0_cfg_t *psCfg, hm01b0_ae_cfg_t *psAECfg);
//! @brief AE calibration.
//! @param psCfg - Pointer to HM01B0 configuration structure.
//! @param ui8CalFrames - Frame counts for calibratoin.
//! @param pui8Buffer - Pointer to the frame buffer.
//! @param ui32BufferLen - Framebuffer size.
//! This function lets HM01B0 AE settled as much as possible within a given frame counts.
//! @return Error code.
uint32_t hm01b0_cal_ae(hm01b0_cfg_t *psCfg, uint8_t ui8CalFrames, uint8_t *pui8Buffer, uint32_t ui32BufferLen);
//! @brief Save HM01B0 exposure gain settings.
//! @param psCfg - Pointer to HM01B0 configuration structure.
//! @param psExpoGainCtrl - Pointer to the structure hm01b0_snr_expo_gain_ctrl_t
//! This function saves HM01B0 exposure gain settings.
//! @return Error code.
uint32_t hm01b0_save_exposure_gains(hm01b0_cfg_t *psCfg, hm01b0_snr_expo_gain_ctrl_t *psExpoGainCtrl);
//! @brief Restore HM01B0 exposure gain settings.
//! @param psCfg - Pointer to HM01B0 configuration structure.
//! @param psExpoGainCtrl - Pointer to the structure hm01b0_snr_expo_gain_ctrl_t
//! This function restores HM01B0 exposure gain settings. The call flow shall be
//! hm01b0_restore_exposure_gains() -> hm01b0_cmd_update() -> hm01b0_set_mode()
//! @return Error code.
uint32_t hm01b0_restore_exposure_gains(hm01b0_cfg_t *psCfg, hm01b0_snr_expo_gain_ctrl_t *psExpoGainCtrl);
//! @brief Hardware trigger HM01B0 to stream.
//! @param psCfg - Pointer to HM01B0 configuration structure.
//! @param bTrigger - True to start streaming
//! - False to stop streaming
//! This function triggers HM01B0 to stream by toggling the TRIG pin.
//! @return Error code.
uint32_t hm01b0_hardware_trigger_streaming(hm01b0_cfg_t *psCfg, bool bTrigger);
//! @brief Set HM01B0 mirror mode.
//! @param psCfg - Pointer to HM01B0 configuration structure.
//! @param bHmirror - Horizontal mirror
//! @param bVmirror - Vertical mirror
//! This function set HM01B0 mirror mode.
//! @return Error code.
uint32_t hm01b0_set_mirror(hm01b0_cfg_t *psCfg, bool bHmirror, bool bVmirror);
//! @brief Read data of one frame from HM01B0.
//! @param psCfg - Pointer to HM01B0 configuration structure.
//! @param pui8Buffer - Pointer to the frame buffer.
//! @param ui32BufferLen - Framebuffer size.
//! This function read data of one frame from HM01B0.
//! @return Error code.
uint32_t hm01b0_blocking_read_oneframe(hm01b0_cfg_t *psCfg, \
uint8_t *pui8Buffer, uint32_t ui32BufferLen);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // AM_HAL_CTIMER_H