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2022-10-23 23:45:43 -07:00
* Copyright (c) 2019, Ambiq Micro
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
* this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this
* software without specific prior written permission.
* Third party software included in this distribution is subject to the
* additional license terms as defined in the /docs/licenses directory.
* @file apollo1.h
* @brief CMSIS HeaderFile
* @version 1.0
* @date 11. September 2019
* @note Generated by SVDConv V3.3.27 on Wednesday, 11.09.2019 13:18:32
* from File './apollo1.svd',
* last modified on Wednesday, 11.09.2019 18:18:32
/** @addtogroup Ambiq Micro
* @{
/** @addtogroup apollo1
* @{
#ifndef APOLLO1_H
#define APOLLO1_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** @addtogroup Configuration_of_CMSIS
* @{
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ Interrupt Number Definition ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
typedef enum {
/* ======================================= ARM Cortex-M4 Specific Interrupt Numbers ======================================== */
Reset_IRQn = -15, /*!< -15 Reset Vector, invoked on Power up and warm reset */
NonMaskableInt_IRQn = -14, /*!< -14 Non maskable Interrupt, cannot be stopped or preempted */
HardFault_IRQn = -13, /*!< -13 Hard Fault, all classes of Fault */
MemoryManagement_IRQn = -12, /*!< -12 Memory Management, MPU mismatch, including Access Violation
and No Match */
BusFault_IRQn = -11, /*!< -11 Bus Fault, Pre-Fetch-, Memory Access Fault, other address/memory
related Fault */
UsageFault_IRQn = -10, /*!< -10 Usage Fault, i.e. Undef Instruction, Illegal State Transition */
SVCall_IRQn = -5, /*!< -5 System Service Call via SVC instruction */
DebugMonitor_IRQn = -4, /*!< -4 Debug Monitor */
PendSV_IRQn = -2, /*!< -2 Pendable request for system service */
SysTick_IRQn = -1, /*!< -1 System Tick Timer */
/* ========================================== apollo1 Specific Interrupt Numbers =========================================== */
WDT_IRQn = 1, /*!< 1 WDT */
VCOMP_IRQn = 3, /*!< 3 VCOMP */
IOSLAVE_IRQn = 4, /*!< 4 IOSLAVE */
IOMSTR0_IRQn = 6, /*!< 6 IOMSTR0 */
IOMSTR1_IRQn = 7, /*!< 7 IOMSTR1 */
ADC_IRQn = 8, /*!< 8 ADC */
GPIO_IRQn = 9, /*!< 9 GPIO */
CTIMER_IRQn = 10, /*!< 10 CTIMER */
UART_IRQn = 11 /*!< 11 UART */
} IRQn_Type;
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ Processor and Core Peripheral Section ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* =========================== Configuration of the ARM Cortex-M4 Processor and Core Peripherals =========================== */
#define __CM4_REV 0x0100U /*!< CM4 Core Revision */
#define __NVIC_PRIO_BITS 3 /*!< Number of Bits used for Priority Levels */
#define __Vendor_SysTickConfig 0 /*!< Set to 1 if different SysTick Config is used */
#define __MPU_PRESENT 1 /*!< MPU present */
#define __FPU_PRESENT 1 /*!< FPU present */
/** @} */ /* End of group Configuration_of_CMSIS */
#include "core_cm4.h" /*!< ARM Cortex-M4 processor and core peripherals */
#include "system_apollo1.h" /*!< apollo1 System */
#ifndef __IM /*!< Fallback for older CMSIS versions */
#define __IM __I
#ifndef __OM /*!< Fallback for older CMSIS versions */
#define __OM __O
#ifndef __IOM /*!< Fallback for older CMSIS versions */
#define __IOM __IO
/* ======================================== Start of section using anonymous unions ======================================== */
#if defined (__CC_ARM)
#pragma push
#pragma anon_unions
#elif defined (__ICCARM__)
#pragma language=extended
#elif defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wc11-extensions"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wreserved-id-macro"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wgnu-anonymous-struct"
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wnested-anon-types"
#elif defined (__GNUC__)
/* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
#elif defined (__TMS470__)
/* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
#elif defined (__TASKING__)
#pragma warning 586
#elif defined (__CSMC__)
/* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
#warning Not supported compiler type
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ Device Specific Peripheral Section ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/** @addtogroup Device_Peripheral_peripherals
* @{
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ ADC ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief Analog Digital Converter Control (ADC)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x50008000) ADC Structure */
union {
__IOM uint32_t CFG; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) Configuration Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t ADCEN : 1; /*!< [0..0] This bit enables the ADC module. While the ADC is enabled,
the ADCCFG and SLOT Configuration regsiter settings must
remain stable and unchanged. */
__IOM uint32_t TMPSPWR : 1; /*!< [1..1] This enables power to the temperature sensor module.
After setting this bit, the temperature sensor will remain
powered down while the ADC is power is disconnected (i.e,
when the ADC PWDSTAT is 2'b10). */
__IOM uint32_t RPTEN : 1; /*!< [2..2] This bit enables Repeating Scan Mode. */
__IOM uint32_t LPMODE : 2; /*!< [4..3] Select power mode to enter between active scans. */
__IOM uint32_t OPMODE : 2; /*!< [6..5] Select the sample rate mode. It adjusts the current in
the ADC for higher sample rates. A 12MHz ADC clock can
result in a sample rate up to 1Msps depending on the trigger
or repeating mode rate. A 1.5MHz ADC clock can result in
a sample rate up 125K sps. NOTE: All other values not specified
below are undefined. */
__IOM uint32_t BATTLOAD : 1; /*!< [7..7] Control 500 Ohm battery load resistor. */
__IOM uint32_t REFSEL : 2; /*!< [9..8] Select the ADC reference voltage. */
__IM uint32_t : 6;
__IOM uint32_t TRIGSEL : 4; /*!< [19..16] Select the ADC trigger source. */
__IOM uint32_t TRIGPOL : 1; /*!< [20..20] This bit selects the ADC trigger polarity for external
off chip triggers. */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t CLKSEL : 3; /*!< [26..24] Select the source and frequency for the ADC clock.
All values not enumerated below are undefined. */
} CFG_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t STAT; /*!< (@ 0x00000004) ADC Power Status */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t PWDSTAT : 2; /*!< [1..0] Indicates the power-status of the ADC. */
} STAT_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t SWT; /*!< (@ 0x00000008) Software trigger */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t SWT : 8; /*!< [7..0] Writing 0x37 to this register generates a software trigger. */
} SWT_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t SL0CFG; /*!< (@ 0x0000000C) Slot 0 Configuration Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t SLEN0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] This bit enables slot 0 for ADC conversions. */
__IOM uint32_t WCEN0 : 1; /*!< [1..1] This bit enables the window compare function for slot
0. */
__IM uint32_t : 6;
__IOM uint32_t CHSEL0 : 4; /*!< [11..8] Select one of the 13 channel inputs for this slot. */
__IM uint32_t : 4;
__IOM uint32_t THSEL0 : 3; /*!< [18..16] Select the track and hold delay for this slot. NOTE:
The track and hold delay must be less than 50us for correct
operation. When the ADC is configured to use the 1.5Mhz
clock, the track and hold delay cannot exceed 64 clocks. */
__IM uint32_t : 5;
__IOM uint32_t ADSEL0 : 3; /*!< [26..24] Select the number of measurements to average in the
accumulate divide module for this slot. */
} SL0CFG_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t SL1CFG; /*!< (@ 0x00000010) Slot 1 Configuration Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t SLEN1 : 1; /*!< [0..0] This bit enables slot 1 for ADC conversions. */
__IOM uint32_t WCEN1 : 1; /*!< [1..1] This bit enables the window compare function for slot
1. */
__IM uint32_t : 6;
__IOM uint32_t CHSEL1 : 4; /*!< [11..8] Select one of the 13 channel inputs for this slot. */
__IM uint32_t : 4;
__IOM uint32_t THSEL1 : 3; /*!< [18..16] Select the track and hold delay for this slot. NOTE:
The track and hold delay must be less than 50us for correct
operation. When the ADC is configured to use the 1.5 Mhz
clock, the track and hold delay cannot exceed 64 clocks. */
__IM uint32_t : 5;
__IOM uint32_t ADSEL1 : 3; /*!< [26..24] Select the number of measurements to average in the
accumulate divide module for this slot. */
} SL1CFG_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t SL2CFG; /*!< (@ 0x00000014) Slot 2 Configuration Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t SLEN2 : 1; /*!< [0..0] This bit enables slot 2 for ADC conversions. */
__IOM uint32_t WCEN2 : 1; /*!< [1..1] This bit enables the window compare function for slot
2. */
__IM uint32_t : 6;
__IOM uint32_t CHSEL2 : 4; /*!< [11..8] Select one of the 13 channel inputs for this slot. */
__IM uint32_t : 4;
__IOM uint32_t THSEL2 : 3; /*!< [18..16] Select the track and hold delay for this slot. NOTE:
The track and hold delay must be less than 50us for correct
operation. When the ADC is configured to use the 1.5Mhz
clock, the track and hold delay cannot exceed 64 clocks. */
__IM uint32_t : 5;
__IOM uint32_t ADSEL2 : 3; /*!< [26..24] Select the number of measurements to average in the
accumulate divide module for this slot. */
} SL2CFG_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t SL3CFG; /*!< (@ 0x00000018) Slot 3 Configuration Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t SLEN3 : 1; /*!< [0..0] This bit enables slot 3 for ADC conversions. */
__IOM uint32_t WCEN3 : 1; /*!< [1..1] This bit enables the window compare function for slot
3. */
__IM uint32_t : 6;
__IOM uint32_t CHSEL3 : 4; /*!< [11..8] Select one of the 13 channel inputs for this slot. */
__IM uint32_t : 4;
__IOM uint32_t THSEL3 : 3; /*!< [18..16] Select the track and hold delay for this slot. NOTE:
The track and hold delay must be less than 50us for correct
operation. When the ADC is configured to use the 1.5Mhz
clock, the track and hold delay cannot exceed 64 clocks. */
__IM uint32_t : 5;
__IOM uint32_t ADSEL3 : 3; /*!< [26..24] Select the number of measurements to average in the
accumulate divide module for this slot. */
} SL3CFG_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t SL4CFG; /*!< (@ 0x0000001C) Slot 4 Configuration Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t SLEN4 : 1; /*!< [0..0] This bit enables slot 4 for ADC conversions. */
__IOM uint32_t WCEN4 : 1; /*!< [1..1] This bit enables the window compare function for slot
4. */
__IM uint32_t : 6;
__IOM uint32_t CHSEL4 : 4; /*!< [11..8] Select one of the 13 channel inputs for this slot. */
__IM uint32_t : 4;
__IOM uint32_t THSEL4 : 3; /*!< [18..16] Select the track and hold delay for this slot. NOTE:
The track and hold delay must be less than 50us for correct
operation. When the ADC is configured to use the 1.5Mhz
clock, the track and hold delay cannot exceed 64 clocks. */
__IM uint32_t : 5;
__IOM uint32_t ADSEL4 : 3; /*!< [26..24] Select the number of measurements to average in the
accumulate divide module for this slot. */
} SL4CFG_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t SL5CFG; /*!< (@ 0x00000020) Slot 5 Configuration Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t SLEN5 : 1; /*!< [0..0] This bit enables slot 5 for ADC conversions. */
__IOM uint32_t WCEN5 : 1; /*!< [1..1] This bit enables the window compare function for slot
5. */
__IM uint32_t : 6;
__IOM uint32_t CHSEL5 : 4; /*!< [11..8] Select one of the 13 channel inputs for this slot. */
__IM uint32_t : 4;
__IOM uint32_t THSEL5 : 3; /*!< [18..16] Select track and hold delay for this slot. NOTE: The
track and hold delay must be less than 50us for correct
operation. When the ADC is configured to use the 1.5Mhz
clock, the track and hold delay cannot exceed 64 clocks. */
__IM uint32_t : 5;
__IOM uint32_t ADSEL5 : 3; /*!< [26..24] Select number of measurements to average in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
} SL5CFG_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t SL6CFG; /*!< (@ 0x00000024) Slot 6 Configuration Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t SLEN6 : 1; /*!< [0..0] This bit enables slot 6 for ADC conversions. */
__IOM uint32_t WCEN6 : 1; /*!< [1..1] This bit enables the window compare function for slot
6. */
__IM uint32_t : 6;
__IOM uint32_t CHSEL6 : 4; /*!< [11..8] Select one of the 13 channel inputs for this slot. */
__IM uint32_t : 4;
__IOM uint32_t THSEL6 : 3; /*!< [18..16] Select track and hold delay for this slot. NOTE: The
track and hold delay must be less than 50us for correct
operation. When the ADC is configured to use the 1.5Mhz
clock, the track and hold delay cannot exceed 64 clocks. */
__IM uint32_t : 5;
__IOM uint32_t ADSEL6 : 3; /*!< [26..24] Select the number of measurements to average in the
accumulate divide module for this slot. */
} SL6CFG_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t SL7CFG; /*!< (@ 0x00000028) Slot 7 Configuration Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t SLEN7 : 1; /*!< [0..0] This bit enables slot 7 for ADC conversions. */
__IOM uint32_t WCEN7 : 1; /*!< [1..1] This bit enables the window compare function for slot
7. */
__IM uint32_t : 6;
__IOM uint32_t CHSEL7 : 4; /*!< [11..8] Select one of the 13 channel inputs for this slot. */
__IM uint32_t : 4;
__IOM uint32_t THSEL7 : 3; /*!< [18..16] Select track and hold delay for this slot. NOTE: The
track and hold delay must be less than 50us for correct
operation. When the ADC is configured to use the 1.5Mhz
clock, the track and hold delay cannot exceed 64 clocks. */
__IM uint32_t : 5;
__IOM uint32_t ADSEL7 : 3; /*!< [26..24] Select the number of measurements to average in the
accumulate divide module for this slot. */
} SL7CFG_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t WLIM; /*!< (@ 0x0000002C) Window Comparator Limits Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t LLIM : 16; /*!< [15..0] Sets the lower limit for the wondow comparator. */
__IOM uint32_t ULIM : 16; /*!< [31..16] Sets the upper limit for the wondow comparator. */
} WLIM_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t FIFO; /*!< (@ 0x00000030) FIFO Data and Valid Count Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t DATA : 16; /*!< [15..0] Oldest data in the FIFO. */
__IOM uint32_t COUNT : 4; /*!< [19..16] Number of valid entries in the ADC FIFO. */
__IOM uint32_t RSVD_20 : 4; /*!< [23..20] RESERVED. */
__IOM uint32_t SLOTNUM : 3; /*!< [26..24] Slot number associated with this FIFO data. */
__IOM uint32_t RSVD_27 : 5; /*!< [31..27] RESERVED. */
} FIFO_b;
} ;
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[115];
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTEN; /*!< (@ 0x00000200) ADC Interrupt registers: Enable */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CNVCMP : 1; /*!< [0..0] ADC conversion complete interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t SCNCMP : 1; /*!< [1..1] ADC scan complete interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t FIFOOVR1 : 1; /*!< [2..2] FIFO 75 percent full interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t FIFOOVR2 : 1; /*!< [3..3] FIFO 100 percent full interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t WCEXC : 1; /*!< [4..4] Window comparator voltage excursion interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t WCINC : 1; /*!< [5..5] Window comparator voltage incursion interrupt. */
} INTEN_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTSTAT; /*!< (@ 0x00000204) ADC Interrupt registers: Status */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CNVCMP : 1; /*!< [0..0] ADC conversion complete interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t SCNCMP : 1; /*!< [1..1] ADC scan complete interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t FIFOOVR1 : 1; /*!< [2..2] FIFO 75 percent full interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t FIFOOVR2 : 1; /*!< [3..3] FIFO 100 percent full interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t WCEXC : 1; /*!< [4..4] Window comparator voltage excursion interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t WCINC : 1; /*!< [5..5] Window comparator voltage incursion interrupt. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTCLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000208) ADC Interrupt registers: Clear */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CNVCMP : 1; /*!< [0..0] ADC conversion complete interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t SCNCMP : 1; /*!< [1..1] ADC scan complete interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t FIFOOVR1 : 1; /*!< [2..2] FIFO 75 percent full interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t FIFOOVR2 : 1; /*!< [3..3] FIFO 100 percent full interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t WCEXC : 1; /*!< [4..4] Window comparator voltage excursion interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t WCINC : 1; /*!< [5..5] Window comparator voltage incursion interrupt. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTSET; /*!< (@ 0x0000020C) ADC Interrupt registers: Set */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CNVCMP : 1; /*!< [0..0] ADC conversion complete interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t SCNCMP : 1; /*!< [1..1] ADC scan complete interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t FIFOOVR1 : 1; /*!< [2..2] FIFO 75 percent full interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t FIFOOVR2 : 1; /*!< [3..3] FIFO 100 percent full interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t WCEXC : 1; /*!< [4..4] Window comparator voltage excursion interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t WCINC : 1; /*!< [5..5] Window comparator voltage incursion interrupt. */
} ;
} ADC_Type; /*!< Size = 528 (0x210) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ CLKGEN ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief Clock Generator (CLKGEN)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x40004000) CLKGEN Structure */
union {
__IOM uint32_t CALXT; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) XT Oscillator Control */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CALXT : 11; /*!< [10..0] XT Oscillator calibration value */
} CALXT_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CALRC; /*!< (@ 0x00000004) RC Oscillator Control */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CALRC : 18; /*!< [17..0] LFRC Oscillator calibration value */
} CALRC_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t ACALCTR; /*!< (@ 0x00000008) Autocalibration Counter */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t ACALCTR : 24; /*!< [23..0] Autocalibration Counter result. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t OCTRL; /*!< (@ 0x0000000C) Oscillator Control */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t STOPXT : 1; /*!< [0..0] Stop the XT Oscillator to the RTC */
__IOM uint32_t STOPRC : 1; /*!< [1..1] Stop the LFRC Oscillator to the RTC */
__IM uint32_t : 4;
__IOM uint32_t FOS : 1; /*!< [6..6] Oscillator switch on failure function */
__IOM uint32_t OSEL : 1; /*!< [7..7] Selects the RTC oscillator (1 => LFRC, 0 => XT) */
__IOM uint32_t ACAL : 3; /*!< [10..8] Autocalibration control */
} OCTRL_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CLKOUT; /*!< (@ 0x00000010) CLKOUT Frequency Select */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CKSEL : 6; /*!< [5..0] CLKOUT signal select */
__IM uint32_t : 1;
__IOM uint32_t CKEN : 1; /*!< [7..7] Enable the CLKOUT signal */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CLKKEY; /*!< (@ 0x00000014) Key Register for Clock Control Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CLKKEY : 32; /*!< [31..0] Key register value. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CCTRL; /*!< (@ 0x00000018) HFRC Clock Control */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CORESEL : 3; /*!< [2..0] Core Clock divisor */
__IOM uint32_t MEMSEL : 1; /*!< [3..3] Flash Clock divisor */
} CCTRL_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t STATUS; /*!< (@ 0x0000001C) Clock Generator Status */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t OMODE : 1; /*!< [0..0] Current RTC oscillator (1 => LFRC, 0 => XT) */
__IOM uint32_t OSCF : 1; /*!< [1..1] XT Oscillator is enabled but not oscillating */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t HFADJ; /*!< (@ 0x00000020) HFRC Adjustment */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t HFADJEN : 1; /*!< [0..0] HFRC adjustment control */
__IOM uint32_t HFADJCK : 3; /*!< [3..1] Repeat period for HFRC adjustment */
__IM uint32_t : 4;
__IOM uint32_t HFXTADJ : 11; /*!< [18..8] Target HFRC adjustment value. */
__IOM uint32_t HFWARMUP : 1; /*!< [19..19] XT warmup period for HFRC adjustment */
} HFADJ_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t HFVAL; /*!< (@ 0x00000024) HFADJ readback */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t HFTUNERB : 11; /*!< [10..0] Current HFTUNE value */
} HFVAL_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CLOCKEN; /*!< (@ 0x00000028) Clock Enable Status */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CLOCKEN : 32; /*!< [31..0] Clock enable status */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t UARTEN; /*!< (@ 0x0000002C) UART Enable */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t UARTEN : 1; /*!< [0..0] UART system clock control */
} ;
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[52];
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTEN; /*!< (@ 0x00000100) CLKGEN Interrupt Register: Enable */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t ACF : 1; /*!< [0..0] Autocalibration Fail interrupt */
__IOM uint32_t ACC : 1; /*!< [1..1] Autocalibration Complete interrupt */
__IOM uint32_t OF : 1; /*!< [2..2] XT Oscillator Fail interrupt */
__IOM uint32_t ALM : 1; /*!< [3..3] RTC Alarm interrupt */
} INTEN_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTSTAT; /*!< (@ 0x00000104) CLKGEN Interrupt Register: Status */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t ACF : 1; /*!< [0..0] Autocalibration Fail interrupt */
__IOM uint32_t ACC : 1; /*!< [1..1] Autocalibration Complete interrupt */
__IOM uint32_t OF : 1; /*!< [2..2] XT Oscillator Fail interrupt */
__IOM uint32_t ALM : 1; /*!< [3..3] RTC Alarm interrupt */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTCLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000108) CLKGEN Interrupt Register: Clear */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t ACF : 1; /*!< [0..0] Autocalibration Fail interrupt */
__IOM uint32_t ACC : 1; /*!< [1..1] Autocalibration Complete interrupt */
__IOM uint32_t OF : 1; /*!< [2..2] XT Oscillator Fail interrupt */
__IOM uint32_t ALM : 1; /*!< [3..3] RTC Alarm interrupt */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTSET; /*!< (@ 0x0000010C) CLKGEN Interrupt Register: Set */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t ACF : 1; /*!< [0..0] Autocalibration Fail interrupt */
__IOM uint32_t ACC : 1; /*!< [1..1] Autocalibration Complete interrupt */
__IOM uint32_t OF : 1; /*!< [2..2] XT Oscillator Fail interrupt */
__IOM uint32_t ALM : 1; /*!< [3..3] RTC Alarm interrupt */
} ;
} CLKGEN_Type; /*!< Size = 272 (0x110) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ CTIMER ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief Counter/Timer (CTIMER)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x40008000) CTIMER Structure */
union {
__IOM uint32_t TMR0; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) Counter/Timer Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CTTMRA0 : 16; /*!< [15..0] Counter/Timer A0. */
__IOM uint32_t CTTMRB0 : 16; /*!< [31..16] Counter/Timer B0. */
} TMR0_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CMPRA0; /*!< (@ 0x00000004) Counter/Timer A0 Compare Registers */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CMPR0A0 : 16; /*!< [15..0] Counter/Timer A0 Compare Register 0. Holds the lower
limit for timer half A. */
__IOM uint32_t CMPR1A0 : 16; /*!< [31..16] Counter/Timer A0 Compare Register 1. Holds the upper
limit for timer half A. */
} CMPRA0_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CMPRB0; /*!< (@ 0x00000008) Counter/Timer B0 Compare Registers */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CMPR0B0 : 16; /*!< [15..0] Counter/Timer B0 Compare Register 0. Holds the lower
limit for timer half B. */
__IOM uint32_t CMPR1B0 : 16; /*!< [31..16] Counter/Timer B0 Compare Register 1. Holds the upper
limit for timer half B. */
} CMPRB0_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CTRL0; /*!< (@ 0x0000000C) Counter/Timer Control */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t TMRA0EN : 1; /*!< [0..0] Counter/Timer A0 Enable bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRA0CLK : 5; /*!< [5..1] Counter/Timer A0 Clock Select. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRA0FN : 3; /*!< [8..6] Counter/Timer A0 Function Select. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRA0IE : 1; /*!< [9..9] Counter/Timer A0 Interrupt Enable bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRA0PE : 1; /*!< [10..10] Counter/Timer A0 Output Enable bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRA0CLR : 1; /*!< [11..11] Counter/Timer A0 Clear bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRA0POL : 1; /*!< [12..12] Counter/Timer A0 output polarity. */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t TMRB0EN : 1; /*!< [16..16] Counter/Timer B0 Enable bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRB0CLK : 5; /*!< [21..17] Counter/Timer B0 Clock Select. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRB0FN : 3; /*!< [24..22] Counter/Timer B0 Function Select. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRB0IE : 1; /*!< [25..25] Counter/Timer B0 Interrupt Enable bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRB0PE : 1; /*!< [26..26] Counter/Timer B0 Output Enable bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRB0CLR : 1; /*!< [27..27] Counter/Timer B0 Clear bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRB0POL : 1; /*!< [28..28] Counter/Timer B0 output polarity. */
__IM uint32_t : 2;
__IOM uint32_t CTLINK0 : 1; /*!< [31..31] Counter/Timer A0/B0 Link bit. */
} CTRL0_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t TMR1; /*!< (@ 0x00000010) Counter/Timer Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CTTMRA1 : 16; /*!< [15..0] Counter/Timer A1. */
__IOM uint32_t CTTMRB1 : 16; /*!< [31..16] Counter/Timer B1. */
} TMR1_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CMPRA1; /*!< (@ 0x00000014) Counter/Timer A1 Compare Registers */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CMPR0A1 : 16; /*!< [15..0] Counter/Timer A1 Compare Register 0. */
__IOM uint32_t CMPR1A1 : 16; /*!< [31..16] Counter/Timer A1 Compare Register 1. */
} CMPRA1_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CMPRB1; /*!< (@ 0x00000018) Counter/Timer B1 Compare Registers */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CMPR0B1 : 16; /*!< [15..0] Counter/Timer B1 Compare Register 0. */
__IOM uint32_t CMPR1B1 : 16; /*!< [31..16] Counter/Timer B1 Compare Register 1. */
} CMPRB1_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CTRL1; /*!< (@ 0x0000001C) Counter/Timer Control */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t TMRA1EN : 1; /*!< [0..0] Counter/Timer A1 Enable bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRA1CLK : 5; /*!< [5..1] Counter/Timer A1 Clock Select. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRA1FN : 3; /*!< [8..6] Counter/Timer A1 Function Select. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRA1IE : 1; /*!< [9..9] Counter/Timer A1 Interrupt Enable bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRA1PE : 1; /*!< [10..10] Counter/Timer A1 Output Enable bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRA1CLR : 1; /*!< [11..11] Counter/Timer A1 Clear bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRA1POL : 1; /*!< [12..12] Counter/Timer A1 output polarity. */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t TMRB1EN : 1; /*!< [16..16] Counter/Timer B1 Enable bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRB1CLK : 5; /*!< [21..17] Counter/Timer B1 Clock Select. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRB1FN : 3; /*!< [24..22] Counter/Timer B1 Function Select. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRB1IE : 1; /*!< [25..25] Counter/Timer B1 Interrupt Enable bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRB1PE : 1; /*!< [26..26] Counter/Timer B1 Output Enable bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRB1CLR : 1; /*!< [27..27] Counter/Timer B1 Clear bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRB1POL : 1; /*!< [28..28] Counter/Timer B1 output polarity. */
__IM uint32_t : 2;
__IOM uint32_t CTLINK1 : 1; /*!< [31..31] Counter/Timer A1/B1 Link bit. */
} CTRL1_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t TMR2; /*!< (@ 0x00000020) Counter/Timer Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CTTMRA2 : 16; /*!< [15..0] Counter/Timer A2. */
__IOM uint32_t CTTMRB2 : 16; /*!< [31..16] Counter/Timer B2. */
} TMR2_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CMPRA2; /*!< (@ 0x00000024) Counter/Timer A2 Compare Registers */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CMPR0A2 : 16; /*!< [15..0] Counter/Timer A2 Compare Register 0. */
__IOM uint32_t CMPR1A2 : 16; /*!< [31..16] Counter/Timer A2 Compare Register 1. */
} CMPRA2_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CMPRB2; /*!< (@ 0x00000028) Counter/Timer B2 Compare Registers */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CMPR0B2 : 16; /*!< [15..0] Counter/Timer B2 Compare Register 0. */
__IOM uint32_t CMPR1B2 : 16; /*!< [31..16] Counter/Timer B2 Compare Register 1. */
} CMPRB2_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CTRL2; /*!< (@ 0x0000002C) Counter/Timer Control */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t TMRA2EN : 1; /*!< [0..0] Counter/Timer A2 Enable bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRA2CLK : 5; /*!< [5..1] Counter/Timer A2 Clock Select. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRA2FN : 3; /*!< [8..6] Counter/Timer A2 Function Select. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRA2IE : 1; /*!< [9..9] Counter/Timer A2 Interrupt Enable bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRA2PE : 1; /*!< [10..10] Counter/Timer A2 Output Enable bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRA2CLR : 1; /*!< [11..11] Counter/Timer A2 Clear bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRA2POL : 1; /*!< [12..12] Counter/Timer A2 output polarity. */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t TMRB2EN : 1; /*!< [16..16] Counter/Timer B2 Enable bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRB2CLK : 5; /*!< [21..17] Counter/Timer B2 Clock Select. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRB2FN : 3; /*!< [24..22] Counter/Timer B2 Function Select. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRB2IE : 1; /*!< [25..25] Counter/Timer B2 Interrupt Enable bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRB2PE : 1; /*!< [26..26] Counter/Timer B2 Output Enable bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRB2CLR : 1; /*!< [27..27] Counter/Timer B2 Clear bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRB2POL : 1; /*!< [28..28] Counter/Timer B2 output polarity. */
__IM uint32_t : 2;
__IOM uint32_t CTLINK2 : 1; /*!< [31..31] Counter/Timer A2/B2 Link bit. */
} CTRL2_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t TMR3; /*!< (@ 0x00000030) Counter/Timer Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CTTMRA3 : 16; /*!< [15..0] Counter/Timer A3. */
__IOM uint32_t CTTMRB3 : 16; /*!< [31..16] Counter/Timer B3. */
} TMR3_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CMPRA3; /*!< (@ 0x00000034) Counter/Timer A3 Compare Registers */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CMPR0A3 : 16; /*!< [15..0] Counter/Timer A3 Compare Register 0. */
__IOM uint32_t CMPR1A3 : 16; /*!< [31..16] Counter/Timer A3 Compare Register 1. */
} CMPRA3_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CMPRB3; /*!< (@ 0x00000038) Counter/Timer B3 Compare Registers */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CMPR0B3 : 16; /*!< [15..0] Counter/Timer B3 Compare Register 0. */
__IOM uint32_t CMPR1B3 : 16; /*!< [31..16] Counter/Timer B3 Compare Register 1. */
} CMPRB3_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CTRL3; /*!< (@ 0x0000003C) Counter/Timer Control */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t TMRA3EN : 1; /*!< [0..0] Counter/Timer A3 Enable bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRA3CLK : 5; /*!< [5..1] Counter/Timer A3 Clock Select. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRA3FN : 3; /*!< [8..6] Counter/Timer A3 Function Select. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRA3IE : 1; /*!< [9..9] Counter/Timer A3 Interrupt Enable bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRA3PE : 1; /*!< [10..10] Counter/Timer A3 Output Enable bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRA3CLR : 1; /*!< [11..11] Counter/Timer A3 Clear bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRA3POL : 1; /*!< [12..12] Counter/Timer A3 output polarity. */
__IM uint32_t : 2;
__IOM uint32_t ADCEN : 1; /*!< [15..15] Special Timer A3 enable for ADC function. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRB3EN : 1; /*!< [16..16] Counter/Timer B3 Enable bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRB3CLK : 5; /*!< [21..17] Counter/Timer B3 Clock Select. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRB3FN : 3; /*!< [24..22] Counter/Timer B3 Function Select. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRB3IE : 1; /*!< [25..25] Counter/Timer B3 Interrupt Enable bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRB3PE : 1; /*!< [26..26] Counter/Timer B3 Output Enable bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRB3CLR : 1; /*!< [27..27] Counter/Timer B3 Clear bit. */
__IOM uint32_t TMRB3POL : 1; /*!< [28..28] Counter/Timer B3 output polarity. */
__IM uint32_t : 2;
__IOM uint32_t CTLINK3 : 1; /*!< [31..31] Counter/Timer A/B Link bit. */
} CTRL3_b;
} ;
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[112];
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTEN; /*!< (@ 0x00000200) Counter/Timer Interrupts: Enable */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CTMRA0INT : 1; /*!< [0..0] Counter/Timer A0 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t CTMRB0INT : 1; /*!< [1..1] Counter/Timer B0 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t CTMRA1INT : 1; /*!< [2..2] Counter/Timer A1 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t CTMRB1INT : 1; /*!< [3..3] Counter/Timer B1 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t CTMRA2INT : 1; /*!< [4..4] Counter/Timer A2 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t CTMRB2INT : 1; /*!< [5..5] Counter/Timer B2 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t CTMRA3INT : 1; /*!< [6..6] Counter/Timer A3 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t CTMRB3INT : 1; /*!< [7..7] Counter/Timer B3 interrupt. */
} INTEN_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTSTAT; /*!< (@ 0x00000204) Counter/Timer Interrupts: Status */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CTMRA0INT : 1; /*!< [0..0] Counter/Timer A0 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t CTMRB0INT : 1; /*!< [1..1] Counter/Timer B0 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t CTMRA1INT : 1; /*!< [2..2] Counter/Timer A1 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t CTMRB1INT : 1; /*!< [3..3] Counter/Timer B1 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t CTMRA2INT : 1; /*!< [4..4] Counter/Timer A2 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t CTMRB2INT : 1; /*!< [5..5] Counter/Timer B2 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t CTMRA3INT : 1; /*!< [6..6] Counter/Timer A3 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t CTMRB3INT : 1; /*!< [7..7] Counter/Timer B3 interrupt. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTCLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000208) Counter/Timer Interrupts: Clear */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CTMRA0INT : 1; /*!< [0..0] Counter/Timer A0 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t CTMRB0INT : 1; /*!< [1..1] Counter/Timer B0 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t CTMRA1INT : 1; /*!< [2..2] Counter/Timer A1 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t CTMRB1INT : 1; /*!< [3..3] Counter/Timer B1 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t CTMRA2INT : 1; /*!< [4..4] Counter/Timer A2 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t CTMRB2INT : 1; /*!< [5..5] Counter/Timer B2 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t CTMRA3INT : 1; /*!< [6..6] Counter/Timer A3 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t CTMRB3INT : 1; /*!< [7..7] Counter/Timer B3 interrupt. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTSET; /*!< (@ 0x0000020C) Counter/Timer Interrupts: Set */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CTMRA0INT : 1; /*!< [0..0] Counter/Timer A0 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t CTMRB0INT : 1; /*!< [1..1] Counter/Timer B0 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t CTMRA1INT : 1; /*!< [2..2] Counter/Timer A1 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t CTMRB1INT : 1; /*!< [3..3] Counter/Timer B1 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t CTMRA2INT : 1; /*!< [4..4] Counter/Timer A2 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t CTMRB2INT : 1; /*!< [5..5] Counter/Timer B2 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t CTMRA3INT : 1; /*!< [6..6] Counter/Timer A3 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t CTMRB3INT : 1; /*!< [7..7] Counter/Timer B3 interrupt. */
} ;
} CTIMER_Type; /*!< Size = 528 (0x210) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ GPIO ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief General Purpose IO (GPIO)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x40010000) GPIO Structure */
union {
__IOM uint32_t PADREGA; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) Pad Configuration Register A */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t PAD0PULL : 1; /*!< [0..0] Pad 0 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD0INPEN : 1; /*!< [1..1] Pad 0 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD0STRNG : 1; /*!< [2..2] Pad 0 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD0FNCSEL : 3; /*!< [5..3] Pad 0 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 2;
__IOM uint32_t PAD1PULL : 1; /*!< [8..8] Pad 1 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD1INPEN : 1; /*!< [9..9] Pad 1 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD1STRNG : 1; /*!< [10..10] Pad 1 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD1FNCSEL : 3; /*!< [13..11] Pad 1 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 2;
__IOM uint32_t PAD2PULL : 1; /*!< [16..16] Pad 2 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD2INPEN : 1; /*!< [17..17] Pad 2 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD2STRNG : 1; /*!< [18..18] Pad 2 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD2FNCSEL : 3; /*!< [21..19] Pad 2 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 2;
__IOM uint32_t PAD3PULL : 1; /*!< [24..24] Pad 3 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD3INPEN : 1; /*!< [25..25] Pad 3 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t PAD3STRNG : 1; /*!< [26..26] Pad 3 drive strength. */
__IOM uint32_t PAD3FNCSEL : 3; /*!< [29..27] Pad 3 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 1;
__IOM uint32_t PAD3PWRUP : 1; /*!< [31..31] Pad 3 upper power switch enable */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t PADREGB; /*!< (@ 0x00000004) Pad Configuration Register B */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t PAD4PULL : 1; /*!< [0..0] Pad 4 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD4INPEN : 1; /*!< [1..1] Pad 4 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD4STRNG : 1; /*!< [2..2] Pad 4 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD4FNCSEL : 3; /*!< [5..3] Pad 4 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 1;
__IOM uint32_t PAD4PWRUP : 1; /*!< [7..7] Pad 4 upper power switch enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD5PULL : 1; /*!< [8..8] Pad 5 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD5INPEN : 1; /*!< [9..9] Pad 5 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD5STRNG : 1; /*!< [10..10] Pad 5 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD5FNCSEL : 3; /*!< [13..11] Pad 5 function select */
__IOM uint32_t PAD5RSEL : 2; /*!< [15..14] Pad 5 pullup resistor selection. */
__IOM uint32_t PAD6PULL : 1; /*!< [16..16] Pad 6 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD6INPEN : 1; /*!< [17..17] Pad 6 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD6STRNG : 1; /*!< [18..18] Pad 6 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD6FNCSEL : 3; /*!< [21..19] Pad 6 function select */
__IOM uint32_t PAD6RSEL : 2; /*!< [23..22] Pad 6 pullup resistor selection. */
__IOM uint32_t PAD7PULL : 1; /*!< [24..24] Pad 7 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD7INPEN : 1; /*!< [25..25] Pad 7 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD7STRNG : 1; /*!< [26..26] Pad 7 drive strentgh */
__IOM uint32_t PAD7FNCSEL : 3; /*!< [29..27] Pad 7 function select */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t PADREGC; /*!< (@ 0x00000008) Pad Configuration Register C */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t PAD8PULL : 1; /*!< [0..0] Pad 8 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD8INPEN : 1; /*!< [1..1] Pad 8 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD8STRNG : 1; /*!< [2..2] Pad 8 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD8FNCSEL : 3; /*!< [5..3] Pad 8 function select */
__IOM uint32_t PAD8RSEL : 2; /*!< [7..6] Pad 8 pullup resistor selection. */
__IOM uint32_t PAD9PULL : 1; /*!< [8..8] Pad 9 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD9INPEN : 1; /*!< [9..9] Pad 9 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD9STRNG : 1; /*!< [10..10] Pad 9 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD9FNCSEL : 3; /*!< [13..11] Pad 9 function select */
__IOM uint32_t PAD9RSEL : 2; /*!< [15..14] Pad 9 pullup resistor selection */
__IOM uint32_t PAD10PULL : 1; /*!< [16..16] Pad 10 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD10INPEN : 1; /*!< [17..17] Pad 10 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD10STRNG : 1; /*!< [18..18] Pad 10 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD10FNCSEL : 3; /*!< [21..19] Pad 10 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 2;
__IOM uint32_t PAD11PULL : 1; /*!< [24..24] Pad 11 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD11INPEN : 1; /*!< [25..25] Pad 11 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD11STRNG : 1; /*!< [26..26] Pad 11 drive strentgh */
__IOM uint32_t PAD11FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [28..27] Pad 11 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 1;
__IOM uint32_t PAD11PWRDN : 1; /*!< [30..30] Pad 11 lower power switch enable */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t PADREGD; /*!< (@ 0x0000000C) Pad Configuration Register D */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t PAD12PULL : 1; /*!< [0..0] Pad 12 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD12INPEN : 1; /*!< [1..1] Pad 12 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD12STRNG : 1; /*!< [2..2] Pad 12 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD12FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [4..3] Pad 12 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t PAD13PULL : 1; /*!< [8..8] Pad 13 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD13INPEN : 1; /*!< [9..9] Pad 13 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD13STRNG : 1; /*!< [10..10] Pad 13 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD13FNCSEL : 3; /*!< [13..11] Pad 13 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 2;
__IOM uint32_t PAD14PULL : 1; /*!< [16..16] Pad 14 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD14INPEN : 1; /*!< [17..17] Pad 14 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD14STRNG : 1; /*!< [18..18] Pad 14 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD14FNCSEL : 3; /*!< [21..19] Pad 14 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 2;
__IOM uint32_t PAD15PULL : 1; /*!< [24..24] Pad 15 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD15INPEN : 1; /*!< [25..25] Pad 15 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD15STRNG : 1; /*!< [26..26] Pad 15 drive strentgh */
__IOM uint32_t PAD15FNCSEL : 3; /*!< [29..27] Pad 15 function select */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t PADREGE; /*!< (@ 0x00000010) Pad Configuration Register E */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t PAD16PULL : 1; /*!< [0..0] Pad 16 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD16INPEN : 1; /*!< [1..1] Pad 16 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD16STRNG : 1; /*!< [2..2] Pad 16 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD16FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [4..3] Pad 16 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t PAD17PULL : 1; /*!< [8..8] Pad 17 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD17INPEN : 1; /*!< [9..9] Pad 17 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD17STRNG : 1; /*!< [10..10] Pad 17 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD17FNCSEL : 3; /*!< [13..11] Pad 17 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 2;
__IOM uint32_t PAD18PULL : 1; /*!< [16..16] Pad 18 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD18INPEN : 1; /*!< [17..17] Pad 18 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD18STRNG : 1; /*!< [18..18] Pad 18 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD18FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [20..19] Pad 18 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t PAD19PULL : 1; /*!< [24..24] Pad 19 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD19INPEN : 1; /*!< [25..25] Pad 19 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD19STRNG : 1; /*!< [26..26] Pad 19 drive strentgh */
__IOM uint32_t PAD19FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [28..27] Pad 19 function select */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t PADREGF; /*!< (@ 0x00000014) Pad Configuration Register F */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t PAD20PULL : 1; /*!< [0..0] Pad 20 pulldown enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD20INPEN : 1; /*!< [1..1] Pad 20 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD20STRNG : 1; /*!< [2..2] Pad 20 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD20FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [4..3] Pad 20 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t PAD21PULL : 1; /*!< [8..8] Pad 21 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD21INPEN : 1; /*!< [9..9] Pad 21 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD21STRNG : 1; /*!< [10..10] Pad 21 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD21FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [12..11] Pad 21 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t PAD22PULL : 1; /*!< [16..16] Pad 22 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD22INPEN : 1; /*!< [17..17] Pad 22 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD22STRNG : 1; /*!< [18..18] Pad 22 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD22FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [20..19] Pad 22 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t PAD23PULL : 1; /*!< [24..24] Pad 23 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD23INPEN : 1; /*!< [25..25] Pad 23 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD23STRNG : 1; /*!< [26..26] Pad 23 drive strentgh */
__IOM uint32_t PAD23FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [28..27] Pad 23 function select */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t PADREGG; /*!< (@ 0x00000018) Pad Configuration Register G */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t PAD24PULL : 1; /*!< [0..0] Pad 24 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD24INPEN : 1; /*!< [1..1] Pad 24 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD24STRNG : 1; /*!< [2..2] Pad 24 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD24FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [4..3] Pad 24 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t PAD25PULL : 1; /*!< [8..8] Pad 25 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD25INPEN : 1; /*!< [9..9] Pad 25 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD25STRNG : 1; /*!< [10..10] Pad 25 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD25FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [12..11] Pad 25 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t PAD26PULL : 1; /*!< [16..16] Pad 26 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD26INPEN : 1; /*!< [17..17] Pad 26 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD26STRNG : 1; /*!< [18..18] Pad 26 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD26FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [20..19] Pad 26 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t PAD27PULL : 1; /*!< [24..24] Pad 27 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD27INPEN : 1; /*!< [25..25] Pad 27 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD27STRNG : 1; /*!< [26..26] Pad 27 drive strentgh */
__IOM uint32_t PAD27FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [28..27] Pad 27 function select */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t PADREGH; /*!< (@ 0x0000001C) Pad Configuration Register H */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t PAD28PULL : 1; /*!< [0..0] Pad 28 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD28INPEN : 1; /*!< [1..1] Pad 28 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD28STRNG : 1; /*!< [2..2] Pad 28 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD28FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [4..3] Pad 28 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t PAD29PULL : 1; /*!< [8..8] Pad 29 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD29INPEN : 1; /*!< [9..9] Pad 29 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD29STRNG : 1; /*!< [10..10] Pad 29 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD29FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [12..11] Pad 29 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t PAD30PULL : 1; /*!< [16..16] Pad 30 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD30INPEN : 1; /*!< [17..17] Pad 30 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD30STRNG : 1; /*!< [18..18] Pad 30 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD30FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [20..19] Pad 30 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t PAD31PULL : 1; /*!< [24..24] Pad 31 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD31INPEN : 1; /*!< [25..25] Pad 31 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD31STRNG : 1; /*!< [26..26] Pad 31 drive strentgh */
__IOM uint32_t PAD31FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [28..27] Pad 31 function select */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t PADREGI; /*!< (@ 0x00000020) Pad Configuration Register I */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t PAD32PULL : 1; /*!< [0..0] Pad 32 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD32INPEN : 1; /*!< [1..1] Pad 32 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD32STRNG : 1; /*!< [2..2] Pad 32 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD32FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [4..3] Pad 32 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t PAD33PULL : 1; /*!< [8..8] Pad 33 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD33INPEN : 1; /*!< [9..9] Pad 33 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD33STRNG : 1; /*!< [10..10] Pad 33 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD33FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [12..11] Pad 33 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t PAD34PULL : 1; /*!< [16..16] Pad 34 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD34INPEN : 1; /*!< [17..17] Pad 34 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD34STRNG : 1; /*!< [18..18] Pad 34 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD34FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [20..19] Pad 34 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t PAD35PULL : 1; /*!< [24..24] Pad 35 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD35INPEN : 1; /*!< [25..25] Pad 35 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD35STRNG : 1; /*!< [26..26] Pad 35 drive strentgh */
__IOM uint32_t PAD35FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [28..27] Pad 35 function select */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t PADREGJ; /*!< (@ 0x00000024) Pad Configuration Register J */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t PAD36PULL : 1; /*!< [0..0] Pad 36 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD36INPEN : 1; /*!< [1..1] Pad 36 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD36STRNG : 1; /*!< [2..2] Pad 36 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD36FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [4..3] Pad 36 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t PAD37PULL : 1; /*!< [8..8] Pad 37 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD37INPEN : 1; /*!< [9..9] Pad 37 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD37STRNG : 1; /*!< [10..10] Pad 37 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD37FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [12..11] Pad 37 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t PAD38PULL : 1; /*!< [16..16] Pad 38 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD38INPEN : 1; /*!< [17..17] Pad 38 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD38STRNG : 1; /*!< [18..18] Pad 38 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD38FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [20..19] Pad 38 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t PAD39PULL : 1; /*!< [24..24] Pad 39 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD39INPEN : 1; /*!< [25..25] Pad 39 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD39STRNG : 1; /*!< [26..26] Pad 39 drive strentgh */
__IOM uint32_t PAD39FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [28..27] Pad 39 function select */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t PADREGK; /*!< (@ 0x00000028) Pad Configuration Register K */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t PAD40PULL : 1; /*!< [0..0] Pad 40 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD40INPEN : 1; /*!< [1..1] Pad 40 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD40STRNG : 1; /*!< [2..2] Pad 40 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD40FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [4..3] Pad 40 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t PAD41PULL : 1; /*!< [8..8] Pad 41 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD41INPEN : 1; /*!< [9..9] Pad 41 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD41STRNG : 1; /*!< [10..10] Pad 41 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD41FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [12..11] Pad 41 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t PAD42PULL : 1; /*!< [16..16] Pad 42 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD42INPEN : 1; /*!< [17..17] Pad 42 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD42STRNG : 1; /*!< [18..18] Pad 42 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD42FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [20..19] Pad 42 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t PAD43PULL : 1; /*!< [24..24] Pad 43 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD43INPEN : 1; /*!< [25..25] Pad 43 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD43STRNG : 1; /*!< [26..26] Pad 43 drive strentgh */
__IOM uint32_t PAD43FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [28..27] Pad 43 function select */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t PADREGL; /*!< (@ 0x0000002C) Pad Configuration Register L */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t PAD44PULL : 1; /*!< [0..0] Pad 44 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD44INPEN : 1; /*!< [1..1] Pad 44 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD44STRNG : 1; /*!< [2..2] Pad 44 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD44FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [4..3] Pad 44 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t PAD45PULL : 1; /*!< [8..8] Pad 45 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD45INPEN : 1; /*!< [9..9] Pad 45 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD45STRNG : 1; /*!< [10..10] Pad 45 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD45FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [12..11] Pad 45 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t PAD46PULL : 1; /*!< [16..16] Pad 46 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD46INPEN : 1; /*!< [17..17] Pad 46 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD46STRNG : 1; /*!< [18..18] Pad 46 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD46FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [20..19] Pad 46 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t PAD47PULL : 1; /*!< [24..24] Pad 47 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD47INPEN : 1; /*!< [25..25] Pad 47 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD47STRNG : 1; /*!< [26..26] Pad 47 drive strentgh */
__IOM uint32_t PAD47FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [28..27] Pad 47 function select */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t PADREGM; /*!< (@ 0x00000030) Pad Configuration Register M */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t PAD48PULL : 1; /*!< [0..0] Pad 48 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD48INPEN : 1; /*!< [1..1] Pad 48 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD48STRNG : 1; /*!< [2..2] Pad 48 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD48FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [4..3] Pad 48 function select */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t PAD49PULL : 1; /*!< [8..8] Pad 49 pullup enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD49INPEN : 1; /*!< [9..9] Pad 49 input enable */
__IOM uint32_t PAD49STRNG : 1; /*!< [10..10] Pad 49 drive strength */
__IOM uint32_t PAD49FNCSEL : 2; /*!< [12..11] Pad 49 function select */
} ;
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[3];
union {
__IOM uint32_t CFGA; /*!< (@ 0x00000040) GPIO Configuration Register A */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t GPIO0INCFG : 1; /*!< [0..0] GPIO0 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO0OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [2..1] GPIO0 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO0INTD : 1; /*!< [3..3] GPIO0 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO1INCFG : 1; /*!< [4..4] GPIO1 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO1OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [6..5] GPIO1 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO1INTD : 1; /*!< [7..7] GPIO1 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO2INCFG : 1; /*!< [8..8] GPIO2 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO2OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [10..9] GPIO2 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO2INTD : 1; /*!< [11..11] GPIO2 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO3INCFG : 1; /*!< [12..12] GPIO3 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO3OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [14..13] GPIO3 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO3INTD : 1; /*!< [15..15] GPIO3 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO4INCFG : 1; /*!< [16..16] GPIO4 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO4OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [18..17] GPIO4 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO4INTD : 1; /*!< [19..19] GPIO4 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO5INCFG : 1; /*!< [20..20] GPIO5 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO5OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [22..21] GPIO5 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO5INTD : 1; /*!< [23..23] GPIO5 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO6INCFG : 1; /*!< [24..24] GPIO6 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO6OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [26..25] GPIO6 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO6INTD : 1; /*!< [27..27] GPIO6 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO7INCFG : 1; /*!< [28..28] GPIO7 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO7OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [30..29] GPIO7 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO7INTD : 1; /*!< [31..31] GPIO7 interrupt direction. */
} CFGA_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CFGB; /*!< (@ 0x00000044) GPIO Configuration Register B */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t GPIO8INCFG : 1; /*!< [0..0] GPIO8 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO8OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [2..1] GPIO8 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO8INTD : 1; /*!< [3..3] GPIO8 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO9INCFG : 1; /*!< [4..4] GPIO9 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO9OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [6..5] GPIO9 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO9INTD : 1; /*!< [7..7] GPIO9 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO10INCFG : 1; /*!< [8..8] GPIO10 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO10OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [10..9] GPIO10 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO10INTD : 1; /*!< [11..11] GPIO10 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO11INCFG : 1; /*!< [12..12] GPIO11 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO11OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [14..13] GPIO11 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO11INTD : 1; /*!< [15..15] GPIO11 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO12INCFG : 1; /*!< [16..16] GPIO12 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO12OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [18..17] GPIO12 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO12INTD : 1; /*!< [19..19] GPIO12 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO13INCFG : 1; /*!< [20..20] GPIO13 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO13OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [22..21] GPIO13 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO13INTD : 1; /*!< [23..23] GPIO13 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO14INCFG : 1; /*!< [24..24] GPIO14 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO14OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [26..25] GPIO14 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO14INTD : 1; /*!< [27..27] GPIO14 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO15INCFG : 1; /*!< [28..28] GPIO15 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO15OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [30..29] GPIO15 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO15INTD : 1; /*!< [31..31] GPIO15 interrupt direction. */
} CFGB_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CFGC; /*!< (@ 0x00000048) GPIO Configuration Register C */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t GPIO16INCFG : 1; /*!< [0..0] GPIO16 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO16OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [2..1] GPIO16 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO16INTD : 1; /*!< [3..3] GPIO16 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO17INCFG : 1; /*!< [4..4] GPIO17 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO17OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [6..5] GPIO17 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO17INTD : 1; /*!< [7..7] GPIO17 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO18INCFG : 1; /*!< [8..8] GPIO18 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO18OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [10..9] GPIO18 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO18INTD : 1; /*!< [11..11] GPIO18 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO19INCFG : 1; /*!< [12..12] GPIO19 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO19OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [14..13] GPIO19 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO19INTD : 1; /*!< [15..15] GPIO19 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO20INCFG : 1; /*!< [16..16] GPIO20 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO20OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [18..17] GPIO20 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO20INTD : 1; /*!< [19..19] GPIO20 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO21INCFG : 1; /*!< [20..20] GPIO21 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO21OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [22..21] GPIO21 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO21INTD : 1; /*!< [23..23] GPIO21 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO22INCFG : 1; /*!< [24..24] GPIO22 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO22OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [26..25] GPIO22 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO22INTD : 1; /*!< [27..27] GPIO22 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO23INCFG : 1; /*!< [28..28] GPIO23 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO23OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [30..29] GPIO23 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO23INTD : 1; /*!< [31..31] GPIO23 interrupt direction. */
} CFGC_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CFGD; /*!< (@ 0x0000004C) GPIO Configuration Register D */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t GPIO24INCFG : 1; /*!< [0..0] GPIO24 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO24OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [2..1] GPIO24 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO24INTD : 1; /*!< [3..3] GPIO24 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO25INCFG : 1; /*!< [4..4] GPIO25 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO25OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [6..5] GPIO25 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO25INTD : 1; /*!< [7..7] GPIO25 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO26INCFG : 1; /*!< [8..8] GPIO26 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO26OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [10..9] GPIO26 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO26INTD : 1; /*!< [11..11] GPIO26 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO27INCFG : 1; /*!< [12..12] GPIO27 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO27OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [14..13] GPIO27 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO27INTD : 1; /*!< [15..15] GPIO27 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO28INCFG : 1; /*!< [16..16] GPIO28 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO28OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [18..17] GPIO28 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO28INTD : 1; /*!< [19..19] GPIO28 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO29INCFG : 1; /*!< [20..20] GPIO29 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO29OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [22..21] GPIO29 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO29INTD : 1; /*!< [23..23] GPIO29 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO30INCFG : 1; /*!< [24..24] GPIO30 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO30OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [26..25] GPIO30 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO30INTD : 1; /*!< [27..27] GPIO30 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO31INCFG : 1; /*!< [28..28] GPIO31 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO31OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [30..29] GPIO31 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO31INTD : 1; /*!< [31..31] GPIO31 interrupt direction. */
} CFGD_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CFGE; /*!< (@ 0x00000050) GPIO Configuration Register E */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t GPIO32INCFG : 1; /*!< [0..0] GPIO32 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO32OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [2..1] GPIO32 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO32INTD : 1; /*!< [3..3] GPIO32 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO33INCFG : 1; /*!< [4..4] GPIO33 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO33OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [6..5] GPIO33 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO33INTD : 1; /*!< [7..7] GPIO33 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO34INCFG : 1; /*!< [8..8] GPIO34 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO34OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [10..9] GPIO34 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO34INTD : 1; /*!< [11..11] GPIO34 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO35INCFG : 1; /*!< [12..12] GPIO35 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO35OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [14..13] GPIO35 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO35INTD : 1; /*!< [15..15] GPIO35 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO36INCFG : 1; /*!< [16..16] GPIO36 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO36OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [18..17] GPIO36 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO36INTD : 1; /*!< [19..19] GPIO36 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO37INCFG : 1; /*!< [20..20] GPIO37 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO37OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [22..21] GPIO37 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO37INTD : 1; /*!< [23..23] GPIO37 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO38INCFG : 1; /*!< [24..24] GPIO38 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO38OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [26..25] GPIO38 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO38INTD : 1; /*!< [27..27] GPIO38 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO39INCFG : 1; /*!< [28..28] GPIO39 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO39OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [30..29] GPIO39 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO39INTD : 1; /*!< [31..31] GPIO39 interrupt direction. */
} CFGE_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CFGF; /*!< (@ 0x00000054) GPIO Configuration Register F */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t GPIO40INCFG : 1; /*!< [0..0] GPIO40 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO40OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [2..1] GPIO40 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO40INTD : 1; /*!< [3..3] GPIO40 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO41INCFG : 1; /*!< [4..4] GPIO41 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO41OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [6..5] GPIO41 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO41INTD : 1; /*!< [7..7] GPIO41 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO42INCFG : 1; /*!< [8..8] GPIO42 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO42OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [10..9] GPIO42 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO42INTD : 1; /*!< [11..11] GPIO42 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO43INCFG : 1; /*!< [12..12] GPIO43 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO43OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [14..13] GPIO43 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO43INTD : 1; /*!< [15..15] GPIO43 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO44INCFG : 1; /*!< [16..16] GPIO44 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO44OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [18..17] GPIO44 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO44INTD : 1; /*!< [19..19] GPIO44 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO45INCFG : 1; /*!< [20..20] GPIO45 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO45OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [22..21] GPIO45 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO45INTD : 1; /*!< [23..23] GPIO45 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO46INCFG : 1; /*!< [24..24] GPIO46 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO46OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [26..25] GPIO46 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO46INTD : 1; /*!< [27..27] GPIO46 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO47INCFG : 1; /*!< [28..28] GPIO47 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO47OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [30..29] GPIO47 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO47INTD : 1; /*!< [31..31] GPIO47 interrupt direction. */
} CFGF_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CFGG; /*!< (@ 0x00000058) GPIO Configuration Register G */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t GPIO48INCFG : 1; /*!< [0..0] GPIO48 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO48OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [2..1] GPIO48 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO48INTD : 1; /*!< [3..3] GPIO48 interrupt direction. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO49INCFG : 1; /*!< [4..4] GPIO49 input enable. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO49OUTCFG : 2; /*!< [6..5] GPIO49 output configuration. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO49INTD : 1; /*!< [7..7] GPIO49 interrupt direction. */
} CFGG_b;
} ;
__IM uint32_t RESERVED1;
union {
__IOM uint32_t PADKEY; /*!< (@ 0x00000060) Key Register for all pad configuration registers */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t PADKEY : 32; /*!< [31..0] Key register value. */
} ;
__IM uint32_t RESERVED2[7];
union {
__IOM uint32_t RDA; /*!< (@ 0x00000080) GPIO Input Register A */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t RDA : 32; /*!< [31..0] GPIO31-0 read data. */
} RDA_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t RDB; /*!< (@ 0x00000084) GPIO Input Register B */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t RDB : 18; /*!< [17..0] GPIO49-32 read data. */
} RDB_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t WTA; /*!< (@ 0x00000088) GPIO Output Register A */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t WTA : 32; /*!< [31..0] GPIO31-0 write data. */
} WTA_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t WTB; /*!< (@ 0x0000008C) GPIO Output Register B */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t WTB : 18; /*!< [17..0] GPIO49-32 write data. */
} WTB_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t WTSA; /*!< (@ 0x00000090) GPIO Output Register A Set */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t WTSA : 32; /*!< [31..0] Set the GPIO31-0 write data. */
} WTSA_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t WTSB; /*!< (@ 0x00000094) GPIO Output Register B Set */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t WTSB : 18; /*!< [17..0] Set the GPIO49-32 write data. */
} WTSB_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t WTCA; /*!< (@ 0x00000098) GPIO Output Register A Clear */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t WTCA : 32; /*!< [31..0] Clear the GPIO31-0 write data. */
} WTCA_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t WTCB; /*!< (@ 0x0000009C) GPIO Output Register B Clear */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t WTCB : 18; /*!< [17..0] Clear the GPIO49-32 write data. */
} WTCB_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t ENA; /*!< (@ 0x000000A0) GPIO Enable Register A */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t ENA : 32; /*!< [31..0] GPIO31-0 output enables */
} ENA_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t ENB; /*!< (@ 0x000000A4) GPIO Enable Register B */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t ENB : 18; /*!< [17..0] GPIO49-32 output enables */
} ENB_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t ENSA; /*!< (@ 0x000000A8) GPIO Enable Register A Set */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t ENSA : 32; /*!< [31..0] Set the GPIO31-0 output enables */
} ENSA_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t ENSB; /*!< (@ 0x000000AC) GPIO Enable Register B Set */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t ENSB : 18; /*!< [17..0] Set the GPIO49-32 output enables */
} ENSB_b;
} ;
__IM uint32_t RESERVED3;
union {
__IOM uint32_t ENCA; /*!< (@ 0x000000B4) GPIO Enable Register A Clear */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t ENCA : 32; /*!< [31..0] Clear the GPIO31-0 output enables */
} ENCA_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t ENCB; /*!< (@ 0x000000B8) GPIO Enable Register B Clear */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t ENCB : 18; /*!< [17..0] Clear the GPIO49-32 output enables */
} ENCB_b;
} ;
__IM uint32_t RESERVED4[81];
union {
__IOM uint32_t INT0EN; /*!< (@ 0x00000200) GPIO Interrupt Registers 31-0: Enable */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t GPIO0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] GPIO0 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO1 : 1; /*!< [1..1] GPIO1 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] GPIO2 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO3 : 1; /*!< [3..3] GPIO3 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO4 : 1; /*!< [4..4] GPIO4 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO5 : 1; /*!< [5..5] GPIO5 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO6 : 1; /*!< [6..6] GPIO6 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO7 : 1; /*!< [7..7] GPIO7 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO8 : 1; /*!< [8..8] GPIO8 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO9 : 1; /*!< [9..9] GPIO9 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO10 : 1; /*!< [10..10] GPIO10 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO11 : 1; /*!< [11..11] GPIO11 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO12 : 1; /*!< [12..12] GPIO12 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO13 : 1; /*!< [13..13] GPIO13 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO14 : 1; /*!< [14..14] GPIO14 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO15 : 1; /*!< [15..15] GPIO15 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO16 : 1; /*!< [16..16] GPIO16 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO17 : 1; /*!< [17..17] GPIO17 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO18 : 1; /*!< [18..18] GPIO18interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO19 : 1; /*!< [19..19] GPIO19 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO20 : 1; /*!< [20..20] GPIO20 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO21 : 1; /*!< [21..21] GPIO21 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO22 : 1; /*!< [22..22] GPIO22 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO23 : 1; /*!< [23..23] GPIO23 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO24 : 1; /*!< [24..24] GPIO24 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO25 : 1; /*!< [25..25] GPIO25 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO26 : 1; /*!< [26..26] GPIO26 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO27 : 1; /*!< [27..27] GPIO27 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO28 : 1; /*!< [28..28] GPIO28 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO29 : 1; /*!< [29..29] GPIO29 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO30 : 1; /*!< [30..30] GPIO30 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO31 : 1; /*!< [31..31] GPIO31 interrupt. */
} INT0EN_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INT0STAT; /*!< (@ 0x00000204) GPIO Interrupt Registers 31-0: Status */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t GPIO0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] GPIO0 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO1 : 1; /*!< [1..1] GPIO1 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] GPIO2 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO3 : 1; /*!< [3..3] GPIO3 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO4 : 1; /*!< [4..4] GPIO4 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO5 : 1; /*!< [5..5] GPIO5 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO6 : 1; /*!< [6..6] GPIO6 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO7 : 1; /*!< [7..7] GPIO7 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO8 : 1; /*!< [8..8] GPIO8 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO9 : 1; /*!< [9..9] GPIO9 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO10 : 1; /*!< [10..10] GPIO10 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO11 : 1; /*!< [11..11] GPIO11 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO12 : 1; /*!< [12..12] GPIO12 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO13 : 1; /*!< [13..13] GPIO13 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO14 : 1; /*!< [14..14] GPIO14 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO15 : 1; /*!< [15..15] GPIO15 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO16 : 1; /*!< [16..16] GPIO16 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO17 : 1; /*!< [17..17] GPIO17 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO18 : 1; /*!< [18..18] GPIO18interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO19 : 1; /*!< [19..19] GPIO19 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO20 : 1; /*!< [20..20] GPIO20 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO21 : 1; /*!< [21..21] GPIO21 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO22 : 1; /*!< [22..22] GPIO22 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO23 : 1; /*!< [23..23] GPIO23 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO24 : 1; /*!< [24..24] GPIO24 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO25 : 1; /*!< [25..25] GPIO25 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO26 : 1; /*!< [26..26] GPIO26 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO27 : 1; /*!< [27..27] GPIO27 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO28 : 1; /*!< [28..28] GPIO28 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO29 : 1; /*!< [29..29] GPIO29 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO30 : 1; /*!< [30..30] GPIO30 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO31 : 1; /*!< [31..31] GPIO31 interrupt. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INT0CLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000208) GPIO Interrupt Registers 31-0: Clear */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t GPIO0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] GPIO0 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO1 : 1; /*!< [1..1] GPIO1 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] GPIO2 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO3 : 1; /*!< [3..3] GPIO3 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO4 : 1; /*!< [4..4] GPIO4 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO5 : 1; /*!< [5..5] GPIO5 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO6 : 1; /*!< [6..6] GPIO6 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO7 : 1; /*!< [7..7] GPIO7 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO8 : 1; /*!< [8..8] GPIO8 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO9 : 1; /*!< [9..9] GPIO9 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO10 : 1; /*!< [10..10] GPIO10 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO11 : 1; /*!< [11..11] GPIO11 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO12 : 1; /*!< [12..12] GPIO12 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO13 : 1; /*!< [13..13] GPIO13 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO14 : 1; /*!< [14..14] GPIO14 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO15 : 1; /*!< [15..15] GPIO15 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO16 : 1; /*!< [16..16] GPIO16 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO17 : 1; /*!< [17..17] GPIO17 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO18 : 1; /*!< [18..18] GPIO18interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO19 : 1; /*!< [19..19] GPIO19 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO20 : 1; /*!< [20..20] GPIO20 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO21 : 1; /*!< [21..21] GPIO21 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO22 : 1; /*!< [22..22] GPIO22 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO23 : 1; /*!< [23..23] GPIO23 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO24 : 1; /*!< [24..24] GPIO24 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO25 : 1; /*!< [25..25] GPIO25 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO26 : 1; /*!< [26..26] GPIO26 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO27 : 1; /*!< [27..27] GPIO27 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO28 : 1; /*!< [28..28] GPIO28 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO29 : 1; /*!< [29..29] GPIO29 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO30 : 1; /*!< [30..30] GPIO30 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO31 : 1; /*!< [31..31] GPIO31 interrupt. */
} INT0CLR_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INT0SET; /*!< (@ 0x0000020C) GPIO Interrupt Registers 31-0: Set */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t GPIO0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] GPIO0 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO1 : 1; /*!< [1..1] GPIO1 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] GPIO2 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO3 : 1; /*!< [3..3] GPIO3 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO4 : 1; /*!< [4..4] GPIO4 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO5 : 1; /*!< [5..5] GPIO5 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO6 : 1; /*!< [6..6] GPIO6 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO7 : 1; /*!< [7..7] GPIO7 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO8 : 1; /*!< [8..8] GPIO8 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO9 : 1; /*!< [9..9] GPIO9 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO10 : 1; /*!< [10..10] GPIO10 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO11 : 1; /*!< [11..11] GPIO11 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO12 : 1; /*!< [12..12] GPIO12 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO13 : 1; /*!< [13..13] GPIO13 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO14 : 1; /*!< [14..14] GPIO14 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO15 : 1; /*!< [15..15] GPIO15 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO16 : 1; /*!< [16..16] GPIO16 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO17 : 1; /*!< [17..17] GPIO17 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO18 : 1; /*!< [18..18] GPIO18interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO19 : 1; /*!< [19..19] GPIO19 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO20 : 1; /*!< [20..20] GPIO20 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO21 : 1; /*!< [21..21] GPIO21 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO22 : 1; /*!< [22..22] GPIO22 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO23 : 1; /*!< [23..23] GPIO23 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO24 : 1; /*!< [24..24] GPIO24 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO25 : 1; /*!< [25..25] GPIO25 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO26 : 1; /*!< [26..26] GPIO26 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO27 : 1; /*!< [27..27] GPIO27 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO28 : 1; /*!< [28..28] GPIO28 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO29 : 1; /*!< [29..29] GPIO29 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO30 : 1; /*!< [30..30] GPIO30 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO31 : 1; /*!< [31..31] GPIO31 interrupt. */
} INT0SET_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INT1EN; /*!< (@ 0x00000210) GPIO Interrupt Registers 49-32: Enable */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t GPIO32 : 1; /*!< [0..0] GPIO32 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO33 : 1; /*!< [1..1] GPIO33 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO34 : 1; /*!< [2..2] GPIO34 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO35 : 1; /*!< [3..3] GPIO35 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO36 : 1; /*!< [4..4] GPIO36 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO37 : 1; /*!< [5..5] GPIO37 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO38 : 1; /*!< [6..6] GPIO38 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO39 : 1; /*!< [7..7] GPIO39 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO40 : 1; /*!< [8..8] GPIO40 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO41 : 1; /*!< [9..9] GPIO41 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO42 : 1; /*!< [10..10] GPIO42 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO43 : 1; /*!< [11..11] GPIO43 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO44 : 1; /*!< [12..12] GPIO44 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO45 : 1; /*!< [13..13] GPIO45 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO46 : 1; /*!< [14..14] GPIO46 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO47 : 1; /*!< [15..15] GPIO47 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO48 : 1; /*!< [16..16] GPIO48 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO49 : 1; /*!< [17..17] GPIO49 interrupt. */
} INT1EN_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INT1STAT; /*!< (@ 0x00000214) GPIO Interrupt Registers 49-32: Status */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t GPIO32 : 1; /*!< [0..0] GPIO32 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO33 : 1; /*!< [1..1] GPIO33 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO34 : 1; /*!< [2..2] GPIO34 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO35 : 1; /*!< [3..3] GPIO35 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO36 : 1; /*!< [4..4] GPIO36 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO37 : 1; /*!< [5..5] GPIO37 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO38 : 1; /*!< [6..6] GPIO38 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO39 : 1; /*!< [7..7] GPIO39 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO40 : 1; /*!< [8..8] GPIO40 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO41 : 1; /*!< [9..9] GPIO41 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO42 : 1; /*!< [10..10] GPIO42 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO43 : 1; /*!< [11..11] GPIO43 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO44 : 1; /*!< [12..12] GPIO44 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO45 : 1; /*!< [13..13] GPIO45 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO46 : 1; /*!< [14..14] GPIO46 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO47 : 1; /*!< [15..15] GPIO47 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO48 : 1; /*!< [16..16] GPIO48 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO49 : 1; /*!< [17..17] GPIO49 interrupt. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INT1CLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000218) GPIO Interrupt Registers 49-32: Clear */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t GPIO32 : 1; /*!< [0..0] GPIO32 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO33 : 1; /*!< [1..1] GPIO33 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO34 : 1; /*!< [2..2] GPIO34 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO35 : 1; /*!< [3..3] GPIO35 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO36 : 1; /*!< [4..4] GPIO36 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO37 : 1; /*!< [5..5] GPIO37 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO38 : 1; /*!< [6..6] GPIO38 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO39 : 1; /*!< [7..7] GPIO39 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO40 : 1; /*!< [8..8] GPIO40 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO41 : 1; /*!< [9..9] GPIO41 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO42 : 1; /*!< [10..10] GPIO42 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO43 : 1; /*!< [11..11] GPIO43 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO44 : 1; /*!< [12..12] GPIO44 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO45 : 1; /*!< [13..13] GPIO45 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO46 : 1; /*!< [14..14] GPIO46 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO47 : 1; /*!< [15..15] GPIO47 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO48 : 1; /*!< [16..16] GPIO48 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO49 : 1; /*!< [17..17] GPIO49 interrupt. */
} INT1CLR_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INT1SET; /*!< (@ 0x0000021C) GPIO Interrupt Registers 49-32: Set */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t GPIO32 : 1; /*!< [0..0] GPIO32 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO33 : 1; /*!< [1..1] GPIO33 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO34 : 1; /*!< [2..2] GPIO34 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO35 : 1; /*!< [3..3] GPIO35 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO36 : 1; /*!< [4..4] GPIO36 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO37 : 1; /*!< [5..5] GPIO37 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO38 : 1; /*!< [6..6] GPIO38 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO39 : 1; /*!< [7..7] GPIO39 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO40 : 1; /*!< [8..8] GPIO40 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO41 : 1; /*!< [9..9] GPIO41 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO42 : 1; /*!< [10..10] GPIO42 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO43 : 1; /*!< [11..11] GPIO43 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO44 : 1; /*!< [12..12] GPIO44 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO45 : 1; /*!< [13..13] GPIO45 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO46 : 1; /*!< [14..14] GPIO46 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO47 : 1; /*!< [15..15] GPIO47 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO48 : 1; /*!< [16..16] GPIO48 interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GPIO49 : 1; /*!< [17..17] GPIO49 interrupt. */
} INT1SET_b;
} ;
} GPIO_Type; /*!< Size = 544 (0x220) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ IOMSTR0 ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief I2C/SPI Master (IOMSTR0)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x50004000) IOMSTR0 Structure */
union {
__IOM uint32_t FIFO; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) FIFO Access Port */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t FIFO : 32; /*!< [31..0] FIFO access port. */
} FIFO_b;
} ;
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[63];
union {
__IOM uint32_t FIFOPTR; /*!< (@ 0x00000100) Current FIFO Pointers */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t FIFOSIZ : 7; /*!< [6..0] The number of bytes currently in the FIFO. */
__IM uint32_t : 9;
__IOM uint32_t FIFOREM : 7; /*!< [22..16] The number of bytes remaining in the FIFO (i.e. 64-FIFOSIZ). */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t TLNGTH; /*!< (@ 0x00000104) Transfer Length */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t TLNGTH : 12; /*!< [11..0] Remaining transfer length. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t FIFOTHR; /*!< (@ 0x00000108) FIFO Threshold Configuration */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t FIFORTHR : 6; /*!< [5..0] FIFO read threshold. */
__IM uint32_t : 2;
__IOM uint32_t FIFOWTHR : 6; /*!< [13..8] FIFO write threshold. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CLKCFG; /*!< (@ 0x0000010C) I/O Clock Configuration */
struct {
__IM uint32_t : 8;
__IOM uint32_t FSEL : 3; /*!< [10..8] Select the input clock frequency. */
__IOM uint32_t DIV3 : 1; /*!< [11..11] Enable divide by 3. */
__IOM uint32_t DIVEN : 1; /*!< [12..12] Enable clock division by TOTPER. */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t LOWPER : 8; /*!< [23..16] Clock low count minus 1. */
__IOM uint32_t TOTPER : 8; /*!< [31..24] Clock total count minus 1. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CMD; /*!< (@ 0x00000110) Command Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CMD : 32; /*!< [31..0] This register is the I/O Command. */
} CMD_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CMDRPT; /*!< (@ 0x00000114) Command Repeat Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CMDRPT : 5; /*!< [4..0] These bits hold the Command repeat count. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t STATUS; /*!< (@ 0x00000118) Status Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t ERR : 1; /*!< [0..0] This bit indicates if an error interrupt has occurred. */
__IOM uint32_t CMDACT : 1; /*!< [1..1] This bit indicates if the I/O Command is active. */
__IOM uint32_t IDLEST : 1; /*!< [2..2] This bit indicates if the I/O state machine is IDLE. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CFG; /*!< (@ 0x0000011C) I/O Master Configuration */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t IFCSEL : 1; /*!< [0..0] This bit selects the I/O interface. */
__IOM uint32_t SPOL : 1; /*!< [1..1] This bit selects SPI polarity. */
__IOM uint32_t SPHA : 1; /*!< [2..2] This bit selects SPI phase. */
__IM uint32_t : 28;
__IOM uint32_t IFCEN : 1; /*!< [31..31] This bit enables the IO Master. */
} CFG_b;
} ;
__IM uint32_t RESERVED1[56];
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTEN; /*!< (@ 0x00000200) IO Master Interrupts: Enable */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CMDCMP : 1; /*!< [0..0] This is the Command Complete interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t THR : 1; /*!< [1..1] This is the FIFO Threshold interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t FUNDFL : 1; /*!< [2..2] This is the Write FIFO Underflow interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t FOVFL : 1; /*!< [3..3] This is the Read FIFO Overflow interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< [4..4] This is the I2C NAK interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t WTLEN : 1; /*!< [5..5] This is the write length mismatch interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t IACC : 1; /*!< [6..6] This is the illegal FIFO access interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t ICMD : 1; /*!< [7..7] This is the illegal command interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t START : 1; /*!< [8..8] This is the START command interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t STOP : 1; /*!< [9..9] This is the STOP command interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t ARB : 1; /*!< [10..10] This is the arbitration loss interrupt. */
} INTEN_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTSTAT; /*!< (@ 0x00000204) IO Master Interrupts: Status */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CMDCMP : 1; /*!< [0..0] This is the Command Complete interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t THR : 1; /*!< [1..1] This is the FIFO Threshold interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t FUNDFL : 1; /*!< [2..2] This is the Write FIFO Underflow interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t FOVFL : 1; /*!< [3..3] This is the Read FIFO Overflow interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< [4..4] This is the I2C NAK interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t WTLEN : 1; /*!< [5..5] This is the write length mismatch interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t IACC : 1; /*!< [6..6] This is the illegal FIFO access interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t ICMD : 1; /*!< [7..7] This is the illegal command interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t START : 1; /*!< [8..8] This is the START command interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t STOP : 1; /*!< [9..9] This is the STOP command interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t ARB : 1; /*!< [10..10] This is the arbitration loss interrupt. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTCLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000208) IO Master Interrupts: Clear */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CMDCMP : 1; /*!< [0..0] This is the Command Complete interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t THR : 1; /*!< [1..1] This is the FIFO Threshold interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t FUNDFL : 1; /*!< [2..2] This is the Write FIFO Underflow interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t FOVFL : 1; /*!< [3..3] This is the Read FIFO Overflow interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< [4..4] This is the I2C NAK interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t WTLEN : 1; /*!< [5..5] This is the write length mismatch interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t IACC : 1; /*!< [6..6] This is the illegal FIFO access interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t ICMD : 1; /*!< [7..7] This is the illegal command interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t START : 1; /*!< [8..8] This is the START command interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t STOP : 1; /*!< [9..9] This is the STOP command interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t ARB : 1; /*!< [10..10] This is the arbitration loss interrupt. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTSET; /*!< (@ 0x0000020C) IO Master Interrupts: Set */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CMDCMP : 1; /*!< [0..0] This is the Command Complete interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t THR : 1; /*!< [1..1] This is the FIFO Threshold interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t FUNDFL : 1; /*!< [2..2] This is the Write FIFO Underflow interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t FOVFL : 1; /*!< [3..3] This is the Read FIFO Overflow interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t NAK : 1; /*!< [4..4] This is the I2C NAK interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t WTLEN : 1; /*!< [5..5] This is the write length mismatch interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t IACC : 1; /*!< [6..6] This is the illegal FIFO access interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t ICMD : 1; /*!< [7..7] This is the illegal command interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t START : 1; /*!< [8..8] This is the START command interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t STOP : 1; /*!< [9..9] This is the STOP command interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t ARB : 1; /*!< [10..10] This is the arbitration loss interrupt. */
} ;
} IOMSTR0_Type; /*!< Size = 528 (0x210) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ IOSLAVE ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief I2C/SPI Slave (IOSLAVE)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x50000000) IOSLAVE Structure */
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[64];
union {
__IOM uint32_t FIFOPTR; /*!< (@ 0x00000100) Current FIFO Pointer */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t FIFOPTR : 8; /*!< [7..0] Current FIFO pointer. */
__IOM uint32_t FIFOSIZ : 8; /*!< [15..8] The number of bytes currently in the hardware FIFO. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t FIFOCFG; /*!< (@ 0x00000104) FIFO Configuration */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t FIFOBASE : 5; /*!< [4..0] These bits hold the base address of the I/O FIFO in 8
byte segments. The IO Slave FIFO is situated in LRAM at
(FIFOBASE*8) to (FIFOMAX*8-1). */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t FIFOMAX : 6; /*!< [13..8] These bits hold the maximum FIFO address in 8 byte segments.
It is also the beginning of the RAM area of the LRAM. Note
that no RAM area is configured if FIFOMAX is set to 0x1F. */
__IM uint32_t : 10;
__IOM uint32_t ROBASE : 6; /*!< [29..24] Defines the read-only area. The IO Slave read-only
area is situated in LRAM at (ROBASE*8) to (FIFOOBASE*8-1) */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t FIFOTHR; /*!< (@ 0x00000108) FIFO Threshold Configuration */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t FIFOTHR : 8; /*!< [7..0] FIFO size interrupt threshold. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t FUPD; /*!< (@ 0x0000010C) FIFO Update Status */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t FIFOUPD : 1; /*!< [0..0] This bit indicates that a FIFO update is underway. */
__IOM uint32_t IOREAD : 1; /*!< [1..1] This bitfield indicates an IO read is active. */
} FUPD_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t FIFOCTR; /*!< (@ 0x00000110) Overall FIFO Counter */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t FIFOCTR : 10; /*!< [9..0] Virtual FIFO byte count */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t FIFOINC; /*!< (@ 0x00000114) Overall FIFO Counter Increment */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t FIFOINC : 10; /*!< [9..0] Increment the Overall FIFO Counter by this value on a
write */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CFG; /*!< (@ 0x00000118) I/O Slave Configuration */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t IFCSEL : 1; /*!< [0..0] This bit selects the I/O interface. */
__IOM uint32_t SPOL : 1; /*!< [1..1] This bit selects SPI polarity. */
__IOM uint32_t LSB : 1; /*!< [2..2] This bit selects the transfer bit ordering. */
__IM uint32_t : 1;
__IOM uint32_t STARTRD : 1; /*!< [4..4] This bit holds the cycle to initiate an I/O RAM read. */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t I2CADDR : 12; /*!< [19..8] 7-bit or 10-bit I2C device address. */
__IM uint32_t : 11;
__IOM uint32_t IFCEN : 1; /*!< [31..31] IOSLAVE interface enable. */
} CFG_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t PRENC; /*!< (@ 0x0000011C) I/O Slave Interrupt Priority Encode */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t PRENC : 5; /*!< [4..0] These bits hold the priority encode of the REGACC interrupts. */
} PRENC_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t IOINTCTL; /*!< (@ 0x00000120) I/O Interrupt Control */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t IOINTEN : 8; /*!< [7..0] These bits setread the IOINT interrupt enables. */
__IOM uint32_t IOINT : 8; /*!< [15..8] These bits read the IOINT interrupts. */
__IOM uint32_t IOINTCLR : 1; /*!< [16..16] This bit clears all of the IOINT interrupts when written
with a 1. */
__IM uint32_t : 7;
__IOM uint32_t IOINTSET : 8; /*!< [31..24] These bits set the IOINT interrupts when written with
a 1. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t GENADD; /*!< (@ 0x00000124) General Address Data */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t GADATA : 8; /*!< [7..0] The data supplied on the last General Address reference. */
} ;
__IM uint32_t RESERVED1[54];
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTEN; /*!< (@ 0x00000200) IO Slave Interrupts: Enable */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t FSIZE : 1; /*!< [0..0] FIFO Size interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t FOVFL : 1; /*!< [1..1] FIFO Overflow interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t FUNDFL : 1; /*!< [2..2] FIFO Underflow interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t FRDERR : 1; /*!< [3..3] FIFO Read Error interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GENAD : 1; /*!< [4..4] I2C General Address interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t IOINTW : 1; /*!< [5..5] I2C Interrupt Write interrupt. */
} INTEN_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTSTAT; /*!< (@ 0x00000204) IO Slave Interrupts: Status */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t FSIZE : 1; /*!< [0..0] FIFO Size interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t FOVFL : 1; /*!< [1..1] FIFO Overflow interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t FUNDFL : 1; /*!< [2..2] FIFO Underflow interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t FRDERR : 1; /*!< [3..3] FIFO Read Error interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GENAD : 1; /*!< [4..4] I2C General Address interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t IOINTW : 1; /*!< [5..5] I2C Interrupt Write interrupt. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTCLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000208) IO Slave Interrupts: Clear */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t FSIZE : 1; /*!< [0..0] FIFO Size interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t FOVFL : 1; /*!< [1..1] FIFO Overflow interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t FUNDFL : 1; /*!< [2..2] FIFO Underflow interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t FRDERR : 1; /*!< [3..3] FIFO Read Error interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GENAD : 1; /*!< [4..4] I2C General Address interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t IOINTW : 1; /*!< [5..5] I2C Interrupt Write interrupt. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTSET; /*!< (@ 0x0000020C) IO Slave Interrupts: Set */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t FSIZE : 1; /*!< [0..0] FIFO Size interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t FOVFL : 1; /*!< [1..1] FIFO Overflow interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t FUNDFL : 1; /*!< [2..2] FIFO Underflow interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t FRDERR : 1; /*!< [3..3] FIFO Read Error interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t GENAD : 1; /*!< [4..4] I2C General Address interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t IOINTW : 1; /*!< [5..5] I2C Interrupt Write interrupt. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t REGACCINTEN; /*!< (@ 0x00000210) Register Access Interrupts: Enable */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t REGACC : 32; /*!< [31..0] Register access interrupts. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t REGACCINTSTAT; /*!< (@ 0x00000214) Register Access Interrupts: Status */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t REGACC : 32; /*!< [31..0] Register access interrupts. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t REGACCINTCLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000218) Register Access Interrupts: Clear */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t REGACC : 32; /*!< [31..0] Register access interrupts. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t REGACCINTSET; /*!< (@ 0x0000021C) Register Access Interrupts: Set */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t REGACC : 32; /*!< [31..0] Register access interrupts. */
} ;
} IOSLAVE_Type; /*!< Size = 544 (0x220) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ MCUCTRL ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief MCU Miscellaneous Control Logic (MCUCTRL)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x40020000) MCUCTRL Structure */
union {
__IOM uint32_t CHIP_INFO; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) Chip Information Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t QUAL : 1; /*!< [0..0] Device qualified. */
__IOM uint32_t TEMP : 2; /*!< [2..1] Device temperature range. */
__IOM uint32_t PINS : 3; /*!< [5..3] Number of pins. */
__IOM uint32_t PKG : 2; /*!< [7..6] Device package type. */
__IOM uint32_t MINORREV : 4; /*!< [11..8] Minor device revision number. */
__IOM uint32_t MAJORREV : 4; /*!< [15..12] Major device revision number. */
__IOM uint32_t RAM : 4; /*!< [19..16] Device RAM size. */
__IOM uint32_t FLASH : 4; /*!< [23..20] Device flash size. */
__IOM uint32_t CLASS : 8; /*!< [31..24] Device class. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CHIPID0; /*!< (@ 0x00000004) Unique Chip ID 0 */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t VALUE : 32; /*!< [31..0] Unique chip ID 0. */
} CHIPID0_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CHIPID1; /*!< (@ 0x00000008) Unique Chip ID 1 */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t VALUE : 32; /*!< [31..0] Unique chip ID 1. */
} CHIPID1_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CHIPREV; /*!< (@ 0x0000000C) Chip Revision */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t REVISION : 8; /*!< [7..0] Chip Revision Number. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t SUPPLYSRC; /*!< (@ 0x00000010) Memory and Core Voltage Supply Source Select
Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t MEMBUCKEN : 1; /*!< [0..0] Enables and select the Memory Buck as the supply for
the Flash and SRAM power domain. */
__IOM uint32_t COREBUCKEN : 1; /*!< [1..1] Enables and Selects the Core Buck as the supply for the
low-voltage power domain. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t SUPPLYSTATUS; /*!< (@ 0x00000014) Memory and Core Voltage Supply Source Status
Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t MEMBUCKON : 1; /*!< [0..0] Indicate whether the Memory power domain is supplied
from the LDO or the Buck. */
__IOM uint32_t COREBUCKON : 1; /*!< [1..1] Indicates whether the Core low-voltage domain is supplied
from the LDO or the Buck. */
} ;
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[57];
union {
__IOM uint32_t BANDGAPEN; /*!< (@ 0x000000FC) Band Gap Enable */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t BGPEN : 1; /*!< [0..0] Bandgap Enable */
} ;
__IM uint32_t RESERVED1[16];
union {
__IOM uint32_t SRAMPWDINSLEEP; /*!< (@ 0x00000140) Powerdown an SRAM Bank in Deep Sleep mode */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t BANK0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Force SRAM Bank 0 to powerdown in deep sleep mode, causing
the contents of the bank to be lost. */
__IOM uint32_t BANK1 : 1; /*!< [1..1] Force SRAM Bank 1 to powerdown in deep sleep mode, causing
the contents of the bank to be lost. */
__IOM uint32_t BANK2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Force SRAM Bank 2 to powerdown in deep sleep mode, causing
the contents of the bank to be lost. */
__IOM uint32_t BANK3 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Force SRAM Bank 3 to powerdown in deep sleep mode, causing
the contents of the bank to be lost. */
__IOM uint32_t BANK4 : 1; /*!< [4..4] Force SRAM Bank 4 to powerdown in deep sleep mode, causing
the contents of the bank to be lost. */
__IOM uint32_t BANK5 : 1; /*!< [5..5] Force SRAM Bank 5 to powerdown in deep sleep mode, causing
the contents of the bank to be lost. */
__IOM uint32_t BANK6 : 1; /*!< [6..6] Force SRAM Bank 6 to powerdown in deep sleep mode, causing
the contents of the bank to be lost. */
__IOM uint32_t BANK7 : 1; /*!< [7..7] Force SRAM Bank 7 to powerdown in deep sleep mode, causing
the contents of the bank to be lost. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t SRAMPWRDIS; /*!< (@ 0x00000144) Disables individual banks of the SRAM array */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t BANK0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Remove power from SRAM Bank 0 which will cause an access
to its address space to generate a Hard Fault. */
__IOM uint32_t BANK1 : 1; /*!< [1..1] Remove power from SRAM Bank 1 which will cause an access
to its address space to generate a Hard Fault. */
__IOM uint32_t BANK2 : 1; /*!< [2..2] Remove power from SRAM Bank 2 which will cause an access
to its address space to generate a Hard Fault. */
__IOM uint32_t BANK3 : 1; /*!< [3..3] Remove power from SRAM Bank 3 which will cause an access
to its address space to generate a Hard Fault. */
__IOM uint32_t BANK4 : 1; /*!< [4..4] Remove power from SRAM Bank 4 which will cause an access
to its address space to generate a Hard Fault. */
__IOM uint32_t BANK5 : 1; /*!< [5..5] Remove power from SRAM Bank 5 which will cause an access
to its address space to generate a Hard Fault. */
__IOM uint32_t BANK6 : 1; /*!< [6..6] Remove power from SRAM Bank 6 which will cause an access
to its address space to generate a Hard Fault. */
__IOM uint32_t BANK7 : 1; /*!< [7..7] Remove power from SRAM Bank 7 which will cause an access
to its address space to generate a Hard Fault. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t FLASHPWRDIS; /*!< (@ 0x00000148) Disables individual banks of the Flash array */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t BANK0 : 1; /*!< [0..0] Remove power from Flash Bank 0 which will cause an access
to its address space to generate a Hard Fault. */
__IOM uint32_t BANK1 : 1; /*!< [1..1] Remove power from Flash Bank 1 which will cause an access
to its address space to generate a Hard Fault. */
} ;
__IM uint32_t RESERVED2[29];
union {
__IOM uint32_t ICODEFAULTADDR; /*!< (@ 0x000001C0) ICODE bus address which was present when a bus
fault occurred. */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t ADDR : 32; /*!< [31..0] The ICODE bus address observed when a Bus Fault occurred.
Once an address is captured in this field, it is held until
the corresponding Fault Observed bit is cleared in the
FAULTSTATUS register. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t DCODEFAULTADDR; /*!< (@ 0x000001C4) DCODE bus address which was present when a bus
fault occurred. */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t ADDR : 32; /*!< [31..0] The DCODE bus address observed when a Bus Fault occurred.
Once an address is captured in this field, it is held until
the corresponding Fault Observed bit is cleared in the
FAULTSTATUS register. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t SYSFAULTADDR; /*!< (@ 0x000001C8) System bus address which was present when a bus
fault occurred. */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t ADDR : 32; /*!< [31..0] SYS bus address observed when a Bus Fault occurred.
Once an address is captured in this field, it is held until
the corresponding Fault Observed bit is cleared in the
FAULTSTATUS register. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t FAULTSTATUS; /*!< (@ 0x000001CC) Reflects the status of the bus decoders' fault
detection. Any write to this register will
clear all of the status bits within the
register. */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t ICODE : 1; /*!< [0..0] The ICODE Bus Decoder Fault Detected bit. When set, a
fault has been detected, and the ICODEFAULTADDR register
will contain the bus address which generated the fault. */
__IOM uint32_t DCODE : 1; /*!< [1..1] DCODE Bus Decoder Fault Detected bit. When set, a fault
has been detected, and the DCODEFAULTADDR register will
contain the bus address which generated the fault. */
__IOM uint32_t SYS : 1; /*!< [2..2] SYS Bus Decoder Fault Detected bit. When set, a fault
has been detected, and the SYSFAULTADDR register will contain
the bus address which generated the fault. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t FAULTCAPTUREEN; /*!< (@ 0x000001D0) Enable the fault capture registers */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t ENABLE : 1; /*!< [0..0] Fault Capture Enable field. When set, the Fault Capture
monitors are enabled and addresses which generate a hard
fault are captured into the FAULTADDR registers. */
} ;
__IM uint32_t RESERVED3[31];
union {
__IOM uint32_t TPIUCTRL; /*!< (@ 0x00000250) TPIU Control Register. Determines the clock enable
and frequency for the M4's TPIU interface. */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t ENABLE : 1; /*!< [0..0] TPIU Enable field. When set, the ARM M4 TPIU is enabled
and data can be streamed out of the MCU's SWO port using
the ARM ITM and TPIU modules. */
__IM uint32_t : 7;
__IOM uint32_t CLKSEL : 2; /*!< [9..8] This field selects the frequency of the ARM M4 TPIU port. */
} ;
} MCUCTRL_Type; /*!< Size = 596 (0x254) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ RSTGEN ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief MCU Reset Generator (RSTGEN)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x40000000) RSTGEN Structure */
union {
__IOM uint32_t CFG; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) Configuration Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t BODHREN : 1; /*!< [0..0] Brown out high (2.1v) reset enable. */
__IOM uint32_t WDREN : 1; /*!< [1..1] Watchdog Timer Reset Enable. NOTE: The WDT module must
also be configured for WDT reset. */
} CFG_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t SWPOI; /*!< (@ 0x00000004) Software POI Reset */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t SWPOIKEY : 8; /*!< [7..0] 0x1B generates a software POI reset. */
} SWPOI_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t SWPOR; /*!< (@ 0x00000008) Software POR Reset */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t SWPORKEY : 8; /*!< [7..0] 0xD4 generates a software POR reset. */
} SWPOR_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t STAT; /*!< (@ 0x0000000C) Status Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t EXRSTAT : 1; /*!< [0..0] Reset was initiated by an External Reset. */
__IOM uint32_t PORSTAT : 1; /*!< [1..1] Reset was initiated by a Power-On Reset. */
__IOM uint32_t BORSTAT : 1; /*!< [2..2] Reset was initiated by a Brown-Out Reset. */
__IOM uint32_t SWRSTAT : 1; /*!< [3..3] Reset was a initiated by SW POR or AIRCR Reset. */
__IOM uint32_t POIRSTAT : 1; /*!< [4..4] Reset was a initiated by Software POI Reset. */
__IOM uint32_t DBGRSTAT : 1; /*!< [5..5] Reset was a initiated by Debugger Reset. */
__IOM uint32_t WDRSTAT : 1; /*!< [6..6] Reset was initiated by a Watchdog Timer Reset. */
} STAT_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CLRSTAT; /*!< (@ 0x00000010) Clear the status register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CLRSTAT : 1; /*!< [0..0] Writing a 1 to this bit clears all bits in the RST_STAT. */
} ;
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[123];
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTEN; /*!< (@ 0x00000200) Reset Interrupt register: Enable */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t BODH : 1; /*!< [0..0] Enables an interrupt that triggers when VCC is below
BODH level. */
} INTEN_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTSTAT; /*!< (@ 0x00000204) Reset Interrupt register: Status */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t BODH : 1; /*!< [0..0] Enables an interrupt that triggers when VCC is below
BODH level. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTCLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000208) Reset Interrupt register: Clear */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t BODH : 1; /*!< [0..0] Enables an interrupt that triggers when VCC is below
BODH level. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTSET; /*!< (@ 0x0000020C) Reset Interrupt register: Set */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t BODH : 1; /*!< [0..0] Enables an interrupt that triggers when VCC is below
BODH level. */
} ;
} RSTGEN_Type; /*!< Size = 528 (0x210) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ RTC ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief Real Time Clock (RTC)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x40004040) RTC Structure */
union {
__IOM uint32_t CTRLOW; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) RTC Counters Lower */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CTR100 : 8; /*!< [7..0] 100ths of a second Counter */
__IOM uint32_t CTRSEC : 7; /*!< [14..8] Seconds Counter */
__IM uint32_t : 1;
__IOM uint32_t CTRMIN : 7; /*!< [22..16] Minutes Counter */
__IM uint32_t : 1;
__IOM uint32_t CTRHR : 6; /*!< [29..24] Hours Counter */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CTRUP; /*!< (@ 0x00000004) RTC Counters Upper */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CTRDATE : 6; /*!< [5..0] Date Counter */
__IM uint32_t : 2;
__IOM uint32_t CTRMO : 5; /*!< [12..8] Months Counter */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t CTRYR : 8; /*!< [23..16] Years Counter */
__IOM uint32_t CTRWKDY : 3; /*!< [26..24] Weekdays Counter */
__IOM uint32_t CB : 1; /*!< [27..27] Century */
__IOM uint32_t CEB : 1; /*!< [28..28] Century enable */
__IM uint32_t : 2;
__IOM uint32_t CTERR : 1; /*!< [31..31] Counter read error status */
} CTRUP_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t ALMLOW; /*!< (@ 0x00000008) RTC Alarms Lower */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t ALM100 : 8; /*!< [7..0] 100ths of a second Alarm */
__IOM uint32_t ALMSEC : 7; /*!< [14..8] Seconds Alarm */
__IM uint32_t : 1;
__IOM uint32_t ALMMIN : 7; /*!< [22..16] Minutes Alarm */
__IM uint32_t : 1;
__IOM uint32_t ALMHR : 6; /*!< [29..24] Hours Alarm */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t ALMUP; /*!< (@ 0x0000000C) RTC Alarms Upper */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t ALMDATE : 6; /*!< [5..0] Date Alarm */
__IM uint32_t : 2;
__IOM uint32_t ALMMO : 5; /*!< [12..8] Months Alarm */
__IM uint32_t : 3;
__IOM uint32_t ALMWKDY : 3; /*!< [18..16] Weekdays Alarm */
} ALMUP_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t RTCCTL; /*!< (@ 0x00000010) RTC Control Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t WRTC : 1; /*!< [0..0] Counter write control */
__IOM uint32_t RPT : 3; /*!< [3..1] Alarm repeat interval */
__IOM uint32_t RSTOP : 1; /*!< [4..4] RTC input clock control */
__IOM uint32_t HR1224 : 1; /*!< [5..5] Hours Counter mode */
} ;
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[43];
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTEN; /*!< (@ 0x000000C0) CLK_GEN Interrupt Register: Enable */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t ACF : 1; /*!< [0..0] Autocalibration Fail interrupt */
__IOM uint32_t ACC : 1; /*!< [1..1] Autocalibration Complete interrupt */
__IOM uint32_t OF : 1; /*!< [2..2] XT Oscillator Fail interrupt */
__IOM uint32_t ALM : 1; /*!< [3..3] RTC Alarm interrupt */
} INTEN_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTSTAT; /*!< (@ 0x000000C4) CLK_GEN Interrupt Register: Status */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t ACF : 1; /*!< [0..0] Autocalibration Fail interrupt */
__IOM uint32_t ACC : 1; /*!< [1..1] Autocalibration Complete interrupt */
__IOM uint32_t OF : 1; /*!< [2..2] XT Oscillator Fail interrupt */
__IOM uint32_t ALM : 1; /*!< [3..3] RTC Alarm interrupt */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTCLR; /*!< (@ 0x000000C8) CLK_GEN Interrupt Register: Clear */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t ACF : 1; /*!< [0..0] Autocalibration Fail interrupt */
__IOM uint32_t ACC : 1; /*!< [1..1] Autocalibration Complete interrupt */
__IOM uint32_t OF : 1; /*!< [2..2] XT Oscillator Fail interrupt */
__IOM uint32_t ALM : 1; /*!< [3..3] RTC Alarm interrupt */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTSET; /*!< (@ 0x000000CC) CLK_GEN Interrupt Register: Set */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t ACF : 1; /*!< [0..0] Autocalibration Fail interrupt */
__IOM uint32_t ACC : 1; /*!< [1..1] Autocalibration Complete interrupt */
__IOM uint32_t OF : 1; /*!< [2..2] XT Oscillator Fail interrupt */
__IOM uint32_t ALM : 1; /*!< [3..3] RTC Alarm interrupt */
} ;
} RTC_Type; /*!< Size = 208 (0xd0) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ UART ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief Serial UART (UART)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x4001C000) UART Structure */
union {
__IOM uint32_t DR; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) UART Data Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t DATA : 8; /*!< [7..0] This is the UART data port. */
__IOM uint32_t FEDATA : 1; /*!< [8..8] This is the framing error indicator. */
__IOM uint32_t PEDATA : 1; /*!< [9..9] This is the parity error indicator. */
__IOM uint32_t BEDATA : 1; /*!< [10..10] This is the break error indicator. */
__IOM uint32_t OEDATA : 1; /*!< [11..11] This is the overrun error indicator. */
} DR_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t RSR; /*!< (@ 0x00000004) UART Status Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t FESTAT : 1; /*!< [0..0] This is the framing error indicator. */
__IOM uint32_t PESTAT : 1; /*!< [1..1] This is the parity error indicator. */
__IOM uint32_t BESTAT : 1; /*!< [2..2] This is the break error indicator. */
__IOM uint32_t OESTAT : 1; /*!< [3..3] This is the overrun error indicator. */
} RSR_b;
} ;
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[4];
union {
__IOM uint32_t FR; /*!< (@ 0x00000018) Flag Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CTS : 1; /*!< [0..0] This bit holds the clear to send indicator. */
__IOM uint32_t DSR : 1; /*!< [1..1] This bit holds the data set ready indicator. */
__IOM uint32_t DCD : 1; /*!< [2..2] This bit holds the data carrier detect indicator. */
__IOM uint32_t BUSY : 1; /*!< [3..3] This bit holds the busy indicator. */
__IOM uint32_t RXFE : 1; /*!< [4..4] This bit holds the receive FIFO empty indicator. */
__IOM uint32_t TXFF : 1; /*!< [5..5] This bit holds the transmit FIFO full indicator. */
__IOM uint32_t RXFF : 1; /*!< [6..6] This bit holds the receive FIFO full indicator. */
__IOM uint32_t TXFE : 1; /*!< [7..7] This bit holds the transmit FIFO empty indicator. */
__IOM uint32_t RI : 1; /*!< [8..8] This bit holds the ring indicator. */
} FR_b;
} ;
__IM uint32_t RESERVED1;
union {
__IOM uint32_t ILPR; /*!< (@ 0x00000020) IrDA Counter */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t ILPDVSR : 8; /*!< [7..0] These bits hold the IrDA counter divisor. */
} ILPR_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t IBRD; /*!< (@ 0x00000024) Integer Baud Rate Divisor */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t DIVINT : 16; /*!< [15..0] These bits hold the baud integer divisor. */
} IBRD_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t FBRD; /*!< (@ 0x00000028) Fractional Baud Rate Divisor */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t DIVFRAC : 6; /*!< [5..0] These bits hold the baud fractional divisor. */
} FBRD_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t LCRH; /*!< (@ 0x0000002C) Line Control High */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t BRK : 1; /*!< [0..0] This bit holds the break set. */
__IOM uint32_t PEN : 1; /*!< [1..1] This bit holds the parity enable. */
__IOM uint32_t EPS : 1; /*!< [2..2] This bit holds the even parity select. */
__IOM uint32_t STP2 : 1; /*!< [3..3] This bit holds the two stop bits select. */
__IOM uint32_t FEN : 1; /*!< [4..4] This bit holds the FIFO enable. */
__IOM uint32_t WLEN : 2; /*!< [6..5] These bits hold the write length. */
__IOM uint32_t SPS : 1; /*!< [7..7] This bit holds the stick parity select. */
} LCRH_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t CR; /*!< (@ 0x00000030) Control Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t UARTEN : 1; /*!< [0..0] This bit is the UART enable. */
__IOM uint32_t SIREN : 1; /*!< [1..1] This bit is the SIR ENDEC enable. */
__IOM uint32_t SIRLP : 1; /*!< [2..2] This bit is the SIR low power select. */
__IOM uint32_t CLKEN : 1; /*!< [3..3] This bit is the UART clock enable. */
__IOM uint32_t CLKSEL : 3; /*!< [6..4] This bitfield is the UART clock select. */
__IOM uint32_t LBE : 1; /*!< [7..7] This bit is the loopback enable. */
__IOM uint32_t TXE : 1; /*!< [8..8] This bit is the transmit enable. */
__IOM uint32_t RXE : 1; /*!< [9..9] This bit is the receive enable. */
__IOM uint32_t DTR : 1; /*!< [10..10] This bit enables data transmit ready. */
__IOM uint32_t RTS : 1; /*!< [11..11] This bit enables request to send. */
__IOM uint32_t OUT1 : 1; /*!< [12..12] This bit holds modem Out1. */
__IOM uint32_t OUT2 : 1; /*!< [13..13] This bit holds modem Out2. */
__IOM uint32_t RTSEN : 1; /*!< [14..14] This bit enables RTS hardware flow control. */
__IOM uint32_t CTSEN : 1; /*!< [15..15] This bit enables CTS hardware flow control. */
} CR_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t IFLS; /*!< (@ 0x00000034) FIFO Interrupt Level Select */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t TXIFLSEL : 3; /*!< [2..0] These bits hold the transmit FIFO interrupt level. */
__IOM uint32_t RXIFLSEL : 3; /*!< [5..3] These bits hold the receive FIFO interrupt level. */
} IFLS_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t IER; /*!< (@ 0x00000038) Interrupt Enable */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t RIMIM : 1; /*!< [0..0] This bit holds the modem RI interrupt enable. */
__IOM uint32_t CTSMIM : 1; /*!< [1..1] This bit holds the modem CTS interrupt enable. */
__IOM uint32_t DCDMIM : 1; /*!< [2..2] This bit holds the modem DCD interrupt enable. */
__IOM uint32_t DSRMIM : 1; /*!< [3..3] This bit holds the modem DSR interrupt enable. */
__IOM uint32_t RXIM : 1; /*!< [4..4] This bit holds the receive interrupt enable. */
__IOM uint32_t TXIM : 1; /*!< [5..5] This bit holds the transmit interrupt enable. */
__IOM uint32_t RTIM : 1; /*!< [6..6] This bit holds the receive timeout interrupt enable. */
__IOM uint32_t FEIM : 1; /*!< [7..7] This bit holds the framing error interrupt enable. */
__IOM uint32_t PEIM : 1; /*!< [8..8] This bit holds the parity error interrupt enable. */
__IOM uint32_t BEIM : 1; /*!< [9..9] This bit holds the break error interrupt enable. */
__IOM uint32_t OEIM : 1; /*!< [10..10] This bit holds the overflow interrupt enable. */
} IER_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t IES; /*!< (@ 0x0000003C) Interrupt Status */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t RIMRIS : 1; /*!< [0..0] This bit holds the modem RI interrupt status. */
__IOM uint32_t CTSMRIS : 1; /*!< [1..1] This bit holds the modem CTS interrupt status. */
__IOM uint32_t DCDMRIS : 1; /*!< [2..2] This bit holds the modem DCD interrupt status. */
__IOM uint32_t DSRMRIS : 1; /*!< [3..3] This bit holds the modem DSR interrupt status. */
__IOM uint32_t RXRIS : 1; /*!< [4..4] This bit holds the receive interrupt status. */
__IOM uint32_t TXRIS : 1; /*!< [5..5] This bit holds the transmit interrupt status. */
__IOM uint32_t RTRIS : 1; /*!< [6..6] This bit holds the receive timeout interrupt status. */
__IOM uint32_t FERIS : 1; /*!< [7..7] This bit holds the framing error interrupt status. */
__IOM uint32_t PERIS : 1; /*!< [8..8] This bit holds the parity error interrupt status. */
__IOM uint32_t BERIS : 1; /*!< [9..9] This bit holds the break error interrupt status. */
__IOM uint32_t OERIS : 1; /*!< [10..10] This bit holds the overflow interrupt status. */
} IES_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t MIS; /*!< (@ 0x00000040) Masked Interrupt Status */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t RIMMIS : 1; /*!< [0..0] This bit holds the modem RI interrupt status masked. */
__IOM uint32_t CTSMMIS : 1; /*!< [1..1] This bit holds the modem CTS interrupt status masked. */
__IOM uint32_t DCDMMIS : 1; /*!< [2..2] This bit holds the modem DCD interrupt status masked. */
__IOM uint32_t DSRMMIS : 1; /*!< [3..3] This bit holds the modem DSR interrupt status masked. */
__IOM uint32_t RXMIS : 1; /*!< [4..4] This bit holds the receive interrupt status masked. */
__IOM uint32_t TXMIS : 1; /*!< [5..5] This bit holds the transmit interrupt status masked. */
__IOM uint32_t RTMIS : 1; /*!< [6..6] This bit holds the receive timeout interrupt status masked. */
__IOM uint32_t FEMIS : 1; /*!< [7..7] This bit holds the framing error interrupt status masked. */
__IOM uint32_t PEMIS : 1; /*!< [8..8] This bit holds the parity error interrupt status masked. */
__IOM uint32_t BEMIS : 1; /*!< [9..9] This bit holds the break error interrupt status masked. */
__IOM uint32_t OEMIS : 1; /*!< [10..10] This bit holds the overflow interrupt status masked. */
} MIS_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t IEC; /*!< (@ 0x00000044) Interrupt Clear */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t RIMIC : 1; /*!< [0..0] This bit holds the modem RI interrupt clear. */
__IOM uint32_t CTSMIC : 1; /*!< [1..1] This bit holds the modem CTS interrupt clear. */
__IOM uint32_t DCDMIC : 1; /*!< [2..2] This bit holds the modem DCD interrupt clear. */
__IOM uint32_t DSRMIC : 1; /*!< [3..3] This bit holds the modem DSR interrupt clear. */
__IOM uint32_t RXIC : 1; /*!< [4..4] This bit holds the receive interrupt clear. */
__IOM uint32_t TXIC : 1; /*!< [5..5] This bit holds the transmit interrupt clear. */
__IOM uint32_t RTIC : 1; /*!< [6..6] This bit holds the receive timeout interrupt clear. */
__IOM uint32_t FEIC : 1; /*!< [7..7] This bit holds the framing error interrupt clear. */
__IOM uint32_t PEIC : 1; /*!< [8..8] This bit holds the parity error interrupt clear. */
__IOM uint32_t BEIC : 1; /*!< [9..9] This bit holds the break error interrupt clear. */
__IOM uint32_t OEIC : 1; /*!< [10..10] This bit holds the overflow interrupt clear. */
} IEC_b;
} ;
} UART_Type; /*!< Size = 72 (0x48) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ VCOMP ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief Voltage Comparator (VCOMP)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x4000C000) VCOMP Structure */
union {
__IOM uint32_t CFG; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) Configuration Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t PSEL : 2; /*!< [1..0] This bitfield selects the positive input to the comparator. */
__IM uint32_t : 6;
__IOM uint32_t NSEL : 2; /*!< [9..8] This bitfield selects the negative input to the comparator. */
__IM uint32_t : 6;
__IOM uint32_t LVLSEL : 4; /*!< [19..16] When the reference input NSEL is set to NSEL_DAC, this
bitfield selects the voltage level for the negative input
to the comparator. */
} CFG_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t STAT; /*!< (@ 0x00000004) Status Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t CMPOUT : 1; /*!< [0..0] This bit is 1 if the positive input of the comparator
is greater than the negative input. */
__IOM uint32_t PWDSTAT : 1; /*!< [1..1] This bit indicates the power down state of the voltage
comparator. */
} STAT_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t PWDKEY; /*!< (@ 0x00000008) Key Register for Powering Down the Voltage Comparator */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t PWDKEY : 32; /*!< [31..0] Key register value. */
} ;
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[125];
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTEN; /*!< (@ 0x00000200) Voltage Comparator Interrupt registers: Enable */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t OUTLOW : 1; /*!< [0..0] This bit is the vcompout low interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t OUTHI : 1; /*!< [1..1] This bit is the vcompout high interrupt. */
} INTEN_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTSTAT; /*!< (@ 0x00000204) Voltage Comparator Interrupt registers: Status */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t OUTLOW : 1; /*!< [0..0] This bit is the vcompout low interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t OUTHI : 1; /*!< [1..1] This bit is the vcompout high interrupt. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTCLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000208) Voltage Comparator Interrupt registers: Clear */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t OUTLOW : 1; /*!< [0..0] This bit is the vcompout low interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t OUTHI : 1; /*!< [1..1] This bit is the vcompout high interrupt. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTSET; /*!< (@ 0x0000020C) Voltage Comparator Interrupt registers: Set */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t OUTLOW : 1; /*!< [0..0] This bit is the vcompout low interrupt. */
__IOM uint32_t OUTHI : 1; /*!< [1..1] This bit is the vcompout high interrupt. */
} ;
} VCOMP_Type; /*!< Size = 528 (0x210) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ WDT ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
* @brief Watchdog Timer (WDT)
typedef struct { /*!< (@ 0x40024000) WDT Structure */
union {
__IOM uint32_t CFG; /*!< (@ 0x00000000) Configuration Register */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t WDTEN : 1; /*!< [0..0] This bitfield enables the WDT. */
__IOM uint32_t INTEN : 1; /*!< [1..1] This bitfield enables the WDT interrupt. Note : This
bit must be set before the interrupt status bit will reflect
a watchdog timer expiration. The IER interrupt register
must also be enabled for a WDT interrupt to be sent to
the NVIC. */
__IOM uint32_t RESEN : 1; /*!< [2..2] This bitfield enables the WDT reset. */
__IM uint32_t : 5;
__IOM uint32_t RESVAL : 8; /*!< [15..8] This bitfield is the compare value for counter bits
7:0 to generate a watchdog reset. */
__IOM uint32_t INTVAL : 8; /*!< [23..16] This bitfield is the compare value for counter bits
7:0 to generate a watchdog interrupt. */
} CFG_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t RSTRT; /*!< (@ 0x00000004) Restart the watchdog timer */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t RSTRT : 8; /*!< [7..0] Writing 0xB2 to WDTRSTRT restarts the watchdog timer. */
} RSTRT_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t LOCK; /*!< (@ 0x00000008) Locks the WDT */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t LOCK : 8; /*!< [7..0] Writing 0x3A locks the watchdog timer. Once locked, the
WDTCFG reg cannot be written and WDTEN is set. */
} LOCK_b;
} ;
__IM uint32_t RESERVED[125];
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTEN; /*!< (@ 0x00000200) WDT Interrupt register: Enable */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t WDTINT : 1; /*!< [0..0] Watchdog Timer Interrupt. */
} INTEN_b;
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTSTAT; /*!< (@ 0x00000204) WDT Interrupt register: Status */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t WDTINT : 1; /*!< [0..0] Watchdog Timer Interrupt. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTCLR; /*!< (@ 0x00000208) WDT Interrupt register: Clear */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t WDTINT : 1; /*!< [0..0] Watchdog Timer Interrupt. */
} ;
union {
__IOM uint32_t INTSET; /*!< (@ 0x0000020C) WDT Interrupt register: Set */
struct {
__IOM uint32_t WDTINT : 1; /*!< [0..0] Watchdog Timer Interrupt. */
} ;
} WDT_Type; /*!< Size = 528 (0x210) */
/** @} */ /* End of group Device_Peripheral_peripherals */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ Device Specific Peripheral Address Map ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/** @addtogroup Device_Peripheral_peripheralAddr
* @{
#define ADC_BASE 0x50008000UL
#define CLKGEN_BASE 0x40004000UL
#define CTIMER_BASE 0x40008000UL
#define GPIO_BASE 0x40010000UL
#define IOMSTR0_BASE 0x50004000UL
#define IOMSTR1_BASE 0x50005000UL
#define IOSLAVE_BASE 0x50000000UL
#define MCUCTRL_BASE 0x40020000UL
#define RSTGEN_BASE 0x40000000UL
#define RTC_BASE 0x40004040UL
#define UART_BASE 0x4001C000UL
#define VCOMP_BASE 0x4000C000UL
#define WDT_BASE 0x40024000UL
/** @} */ /* End of group Device_Peripheral_peripheralAddr */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ Peripheral declaration ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/** @addtogroup Device_Peripheral_declaration
* @{
#define ADC ((ADC_Type*) ADC_BASE)
#define GPIO ((GPIO_Type*) GPIO_BASE)
#define IOMSTR0 ((IOMSTR0_Type*) IOMSTR0_BASE)
#define IOMSTR1 ((IOMSTR0_Type*) IOMSTR1_BASE)
#define RTC ((RTC_Type*) RTC_BASE)
#define UART ((UART_Type*) UART_BASE)
#define VCOMP ((VCOMP_Type*) VCOMP_BASE)
#define WDT ((WDT_Type*) WDT_BASE)
/** @} */ /* End of group Device_Peripheral_declaration */
/* ========================================= End of section using anonymous unions ========================================= */
#if defined (__CC_ARM)
#pragma pop
#elif defined (__ICCARM__)
/* leave anonymous unions enabled */
#elif defined(__ARMCC_VERSION) && (__ARMCC_VERSION >= 6010050)
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
#elif defined (__GNUC__)
/* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
#elif defined (__TMS470__)
/* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
#elif defined (__TASKING__)
#pragma warning restore
#elif defined (__CSMC__)
/* anonymous unions are enabled by default */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ Pos/Mask Peripheral Section ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/** @addtogroup PosMask_peripherals
* @{
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ ADC ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ========================================================== CFG ========================================================== */
#define ADC_CFG_CLKSEL_Pos (24UL) /*!< CLKSEL (Bit 24) */
#define ADC_CFG_CLKSEL_Msk (0x7000000UL) /*!< CLKSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define ADC_CFG_TRIGPOL_Pos (20UL) /*!< TRIGPOL (Bit 20) */
#define ADC_CFG_TRIGPOL_Msk (0x100000UL) /*!< TRIGPOL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_CFG_TRIGSEL_Pos (16UL) /*!< TRIGSEL (Bit 16) */
#define ADC_CFG_TRIGSEL_Msk (0xf0000UL) /*!< TRIGSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x0f) */
#define ADC_CFG_REFSEL_Pos (8UL) /*!< REFSEL (Bit 8) */
#define ADC_CFG_REFSEL_Msk (0x300UL) /*!< REFSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define ADC_CFG_BATTLOAD_Pos (7UL) /*!< BATTLOAD (Bit 7) */
#define ADC_CFG_BATTLOAD_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< BATTLOAD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_CFG_OPMODE_Pos (5UL) /*!< OPMODE (Bit 5) */
#define ADC_CFG_OPMODE_Msk (0x60UL) /*!< OPMODE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define ADC_CFG_LPMODE_Pos (3UL) /*!< LPMODE (Bit 3) */
#define ADC_CFG_LPMODE_Msk (0x18UL) /*!< LPMODE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define ADC_CFG_RPTEN_Pos (2UL) /*!< RPTEN (Bit 2) */
#define ADC_CFG_RPTEN_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< RPTEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_CFG_TMPSPWR_Pos (1UL) /*!< TMPSPWR (Bit 1) */
#define ADC_CFG_TMPSPWR_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< TMPSPWR (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_CFG_ADCEN_Pos (0UL) /*!< ADCEN (Bit 0) */
#define ADC_CFG_ADCEN_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< ADCEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ========================================================= STAT ========================================================== */
#define ADC_STAT_PWDSTAT_Pos (0UL) /*!< PWDSTAT (Bit 0) */
#define ADC_STAT_PWDSTAT_Msk (0x3UL) /*!< PWDSTAT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
/* ========================================================== SWT ========================================================== */
#define ADC_SWT_SWT_Pos (0UL) /*!< SWT (Bit 0) */
#define ADC_SWT_SWT_Msk (0xffUL) /*!< SWT (Bitfield-Mask: 0xff) */
/* ======================================================== SL0CFG ========================================================= */
#define ADC_SL0CFG_ADSEL0_Pos (24UL) /*!< ADSEL0 (Bit 24) */
#define ADC_SL0CFG_ADSEL0_Msk (0x7000000UL) /*!< ADSEL0 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define ADC_SL0CFG_THSEL0_Pos (16UL) /*!< THSEL0 (Bit 16) */
#define ADC_SL0CFG_THSEL0_Msk (0x70000UL) /*!< THSEL0 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define ADC_SL0CFG_CHSEL0_Pos (8UL) /*!< CHSEL0 (Bit 8) */
#define ADC_SL0CFG_CHSEL0_Msk (0xf00UL) /*!< CHSEL0 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x0f) */
#define ADC_SL0CFG_WCEN0_Pos (1UL) /*!< WCEN0 (Bit 1) */
#define ADC_SL0CFG_WCEN0_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< WCEN0 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_SL0CFG_SLEN0_Pos (0UL) /*!< SLEN0 (Bit 0) */
#define ADC_SL0CFG_SLEN0_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< SLEN0 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== SL1CFG ========================================================= */
#define ADC_SL1CFG_ADSEL1_Pos (24UL) /*!< ADSEL1 (Bit 24) */
#define ADC_SL1CFG_ADSEL1_Msk (0x7000000UL) /*!< ADSEL1 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define ADC_SL1CFG_THSEL1_Pos (16UL) /*!< THSEL1 (Bit 16) */
#define ADC_SL1CFG_THSEL1_Msk (0x70000UL) /*!< THSEL1 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define ADC_SL1CFG_CHSEL1_Pos (8UL) /*!< CHSEL1 (Bit 8) */
#define ADC_SL1CFG_CHSEL1_Msk (0xf00UL) /*!< CHSEL1 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x0f) */
#define ADC_SL1CFG_WCEN1_Pos (1UL) /*!< WCEN1 (Bit 1) */
#define ADC_SL1CFG_WCEN1_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< WCEN1 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_SL1CFG_SLEN1_Pos (0UL) /*!< SLEN1 (Bit 0) */
#define ADC_SL1CFG_SLEN1_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< SLEN1 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== SL2CFG ========================================================= */
#define ADC_SL2CFG_ADSEL2_Pos (24UL) /*!< ADSEL2 (Bit 24) */
#define ADC_SL2CFG_ADSEL2_Msk (0x7000000UL) /*!< ADSEL2 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define ADC_SL2CFG_THSEL2_Pos (16UL) /*!< THSEL2 (Bit 16) */
#define ADC_SL2CFG_THSEL2_Msk (0x70000UL) /*!< THSEL2 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define ADC_SL2CFG_CHSEL2_Pos (8UL) /*!< CHSEL2 (Bit 8) */
#define ADC_SL2CFG_CHSEL2_Msk (0xf00UL) /*!< CHSEL2 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x0f) */
#define ADC_SL2CFG_WCEN2_Pos (1UL) /*!< WCEN2 (Bit 1) */
#define ADC_SL2CFG_WCEN2_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< WCEN2 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_SL2CFG_SLEN2_Pos (0UL) /*!< SLEN2 (Bit 0) */
#define ADC_SL2CFG_SLEN2_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< SLEN2 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== SL3CFG ========================================================= */
#define ADC_SL3CFG_ADSEL3_Pos (24UL) /*!< ADSEL3 (Bit 24) */
#define ADC_SL3CFG_ADSEL3_Msk (0x7000000UL) /*!< ADSEL3 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define ADC_SL3CFG_THSEL3_Pos (16UL) /*!< THSEL3 (Bit 16) */
#define ADC_SL3CFG_THSEL3_Msk (0x70000UL) /*!< THSEL3 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define ADC_SL3CFG_CHSEL3_Pos (8UL) /*!< CHSEL3 (Bit 8) */
#define ADC_SL3CFG_CHSEL3_Msk (0xf00UL) /*!< CHSEL3 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x0f) */
#define ADC_SL3CFG_WCEN3_Pos (1UL) /*!< WCEN3 (Bit 1) */
#define ADC_SL3CFG_WCEN3_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< WCEN3 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_SL3CFG_SLEN3_Pos (0UL) /*!< SLEN3 (Bit 0) */
#define ADC_SL3CFG_SLEN3_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< SLEN3 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== SL4CFG ========================================================= */
#define ADC_SL4CFG_ADSEL4_Pos (24UL) /*!< ADSEL4 (Bit 24) */
#define ADC_SL4CFG_ADSEL4_Msk (0x7000000UL) /*!< ADSEL4 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define ADC_SL4CFG_THSEL4_Pos (16UL) /*!< THSEL4 (Bit 16) */
#define ADC_SL4CFG_THSEL4_Msk (0x70000UL) /*!< THSEL4 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define ADC_SL4CFG_CHSEL4_Pos (8UL) /*!< CHSEL4 (Bit 8) */
#define ADC_SL4CFG_CHSEL4_Msk (0xf00UL) /*!< CHSEL4 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x0f) */
#define ADC_SL4CFG_WCEN4_Pos (1UL) /*!< WCEN4 (Bit 1) */
#define ADC_SL4CFG_WCEN4_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< WCEN4 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_SL4CFG_SLEN4_Pos (0UL) /*!< SLEN4 (Bit 0) */
#define ADC_SL4CFG_SLEN4_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< SLEN4 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== SL5CFG ========================================================= */
#define ADC_SL5CFG_ADSEL5_Pos (24UL) /*!< ADSEL5 (Bit 24) */
#define ADC_SL5CFG_ADSEL5_Msk (0x7000000UL) /*!< ADSEL5 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define ADC_SL5CFG_THSEL5_Pos (16UL) /*!< THSEL5 (Bit 16) */
#define ADC_SL5CFG_THSEL5_Msk (0x70000UL) /*!< THSEL5 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define ADC_SL5CFG_CHSEL5_Pos (8UL) /*!< CHSEL5 (Bit 8) */
#define ADC_SL5CFG_CHSEL5_Msk (0xf00UL) /*!< CHSEL5 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x0f) */
#define ADC_SL5CFG_WCEN5_Pos (1UL) /*!< WCEN5 (Bit 1) */
#define ADC_SL5CFG_WCEN5_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< WCEN5 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_SL5CFG_SLEN5_Pos (0UL) /*!< SLEN5 (Bit 0) */
#define ADC_SL5CFG_SLEN5_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< SLEN5 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== SL6CFG ========================================================= */
#define ADC_SL6CFG_ADSEL6_Pos (24UL) /*!< ADSEL6 (Bit 24) */
#define ADC_SL6CFG_ADSEL6_Msk (0x7000000UL) /*!< ADSEL6 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define ADC_SL6CFG_THSEL6_Pos (16UL) /*!< THSEL6 (Bit 16) */
#define ADC_SL6CFG_THSEL6_Msk (0x70000UL) /*!< THSEL6 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define ADC_SL6CFG_CHSEL6_Pos (8UL) /*!< CHSEL6 (Bit 8) */
#define ADC_SL6CFG_CHSEL6_Msk (0xf00UL) /*!< CHSEL6 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x0f) */
#define ADC_SL6CFG_WCEN6_Pos (1UL) /*!< WCEN6 (Bit 1) */
#define ADC_SL6CFG_WCEN6_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< WCEN6 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_SL6CFG_SLEN6_Pos (0UL) /*!< SLEN6 (Bit 0) */
#define ADC_SL6CFG_SLEN6_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< SLEN6 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== SL7CFG ========================================================= */
#define ADC_SL7CFG_ADSEL7_Pos (24UL) /*!< ADSEL7 (Bit 24) */
#define ADC_SL7CFG_ADSEL7_Msk (0x7000000UL) /*!< ADSEL7 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define ADC_SL7CFG_THSEL7_Pos (16UL) /*!< THSEL7 (Bit 16) */
#define ADC_SL7CFG_THSEL7_Msk (0x70000UL) /*!< THSEL7 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define ADC_SL7CFG_CHSEL7_Pos (8UL) /*!< CHSEL7 (Bit 8) */
#define ADC_SL7CFG_CHSEL7_Msk (0xf00UL) /*!< CHSEL7 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x0f) */
#define ADC_SL7CFG_WCEN7_Pos (1UL) /*!< WCEN7 (Bit 1) */
#define ADC_SL7CFG_WCEN7_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< WCEN7 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_SL7CFG_SLEN7_Pos (0UL) /*!< SLEN7 (Bit 0) */
#define ADC_SL7CFG_SLEN7_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< SLEN7 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ========================================================= WLIM ========================================================== */
#define ADC_WLIM_ULIM_Pos (16UL) /*!< ULIM (Bit 16) */
#define ADC_WLIM_ULIM_Msk (0xffff0000UL) /*!< ULIM (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffff) */
#define ADC_WLIM_LLIM_Pos (0UL) /*!< LLIM (Bit 0) */
#define ADC_WLIM_LLIM_Msk (0xffffUL) /*!< LLIM (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffff) */
/* ========================================================= FIFO ========================================================== */
#define ADC_FIFO_RSVD_27_Pos (27UL) /*!< RSVD_27 (Bit 27) */
#define ADC_FIFO_RSVD_27_Msk (0xf8000000UL) /*!< RSVD_27 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x1f) */
#define ADC_FIFO_SLOTNUM_Pos (24UL) /*!< SLOTNUM (Bit 24) */
#define ADC_FIFO_SLOTNUM_Msk (0x7000000UL) /*!< SLOTNUM (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define ADC_FIFO_RSVD_20_Pos (20UL) /*!< RSVD_20 (Bit 20) */
#define ADC_FIFO_RSVD_20_Msk (0xf00000UL) /*!< RSVD_20 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x0f) */
#define ADC_FIFO_COUNT_Pos (16UL) /*!< COUNT (Bit 16) */
#define ADC_FIFO_COUNT_Msk (0xf0000UL) /*!< COUNT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x0f) */
#define ADC_FIFO_DATA_Pos (0UL) /*!< DATA (Bit 0) */
#define ADC_FIFO_DATA_Msk (0xffffUL) /*!< DATA (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffff) */
/* ========================================================= INTEN ========================================================= */
#define ADC_INTEN_WCINC_Pos (5UL) /*!< WCINC (Bit 5) */
#define ADC_INTEN_WCINC_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< WCINC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_INTEN_WCEXC_Pos (4UL) /*!< WCEXC (Bit 4) */
#define ADC_INTEN_WCEXC_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< WCEXC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_INTEN_FIFOOVR2_Pos (3UL) /*!< FIFOOVR2 (Bit 3) */
#define ADC_INTEN_FIFOOVR2_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< FIFOOVR2 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_INTEN_FIFOOVR1_Pos (2UL) /*!< FIFOOVR1 (Bit 2) */
#define ADC_INTEN_FIFOOVR1_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< FIFOOVR1 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_INTEN_SCNCMP_Pos (1UL) /*!< SCNCMP (Bit 1) */
#define ADC_INTEN_SCNCMP_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< SCNCMP (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_INTEN_CNVCMP_Pos (0UL) /*!< CNVCMP (Bit 0) */
#define ADC_INTEN_CNVCMP_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< CNVCMP (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INTSTAT ======================================================== */
#define ADC_INTSTAT_WCINC_Pos (5UL) /*!< WCINC (Bit 5) */
#define ADC_INTSTAT_WCINC_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< WCINC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_INTSTAT_WCEXC_Pos (4UL) /*!< WCEXC (Bit 4) */
#define ADC_INTSTAT_WCEXC_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< WCEXC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_INTSTAT_FIFOOVR2_Pos (3UL) /*!< FIFOOVR2 (Bit 3) */
#define ADC_INTSTAT_FIFOOVR2_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< FIFOOVR2 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_INTSTAT_FIFOOVR1_Pos (2UL) /*!< FIFOOVR1 (Bit 2) */
#define ADC_INTSTAT_FIFOOVR1_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< FIFOOVR1 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_INTSTAT_SCNCMP_Pos (1UL) /*!< SCNCMP (Bit 1) */
#define ADC_INTSTAT_SCNCMP_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< SCNCMP (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_INTSTAT_CNVCMP_Pos (0UL) /*!< CNVCMP (Bit 0) */
#define ADC_INTSTAT_CNVCMP_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< CNVCMP (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INTCLR ========================================================= */
#define ADC_INTCLR_WCINC_Pos (5UL) /*!< WCINC (Bit 5) */
#define ADC_INTCLR_WCINC_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< WCINC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_INTCLR_WCEXC_Pos (4UL) /*!< WCEXC (Bit 4) */
#define ADC_INTCLR_WCEXC_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< WCEXC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_INTCLR_FIFOOVR2_Pos (3UL) /*!< FIFOOVR2 (Bit 3) */
#define ADC_INTCLR_FIFOOVR2_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< FIFOOVR2 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_INTCLR_FIFOOVR1_Pos (2UL) /*!< FIFOOVR1 (Bit 2) */
#define ADC_INTCLR_FIFOOVR1_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< FIFOOVR1 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_INTCLR_SCNCMP_Pos (1UL) /*!< SCNCMP (Bit 1) */
#define ADC_INTCLR_SCNCMP_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< SCNCMP (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_INTCLR_CNVCMP_Pos (0UL) /*!< CNVCMP (Bit 0) */
#define ADC_INTCLR_CNVCMP_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< CNVCMP (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INTSET ========================================================= */
#define ADC_INTSET_WCINC_Pos (5UL) /*!< WCINC (Bit 5) */
#define ADC_INTSET_WCINC_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< WCINC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_INTSET_WCEXC_Pos (4UL) /*!< WCEXC (Bit 4) */
#define ADC_INTSET_WCEXC_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< WCEXC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_INTSET_FIFOOVR2_Pos (3UL) /*!< FIFOOVR2 (Bit 3) */
#define ADC_INTSET_FIFOOVR2_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< FIFOOVR2 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_INTSET_FIFOOVR1_Pos (2UL) /*!< FIFOOVR1 (Bit 2) */
#define ADC_INTSET_FIFOOVR1_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< FIFOOVR1 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_INTSET_SCNCMP_Pos (1UL) /*!< SCNCMP (Bit 1) */
#define ADC_INTSET_SCNCMP_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< SCNCMP (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define ADC_INTSET_CNVCMP_Pos (0UL) /*!< CNVCMP (Bit 0) */
#define ADC_INTSET_CNVCMP_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< CNVCMP (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ CLKGEN ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ========================================================= CALXT ========================================================= */
#define CLKGEN_CALXT_CALXT_Pos (0UL) /*!< CALXT (Bit 0) */
#define CLKGEN_CALXT_CALXT_Msk (0x7ffUL) /*!< CALXT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x7ff) */
/* ========================================================= CALRC ========================================================= */
#define CLKGEN_CALRC_CALRC_Pos (0UL) /*!< CALRC (Bit 0) */
#define CLKGEN_CALRC_CALRC_Msk (0x3ffffUL) /*!< CALRC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x3ffff) */
/* ======================================================== ACALCTR ======================================================== */
#define CLKGEN_ACALCTR_ACALCTR_Pos (0UL) /*!< ACALCTR (Bit 0) */
#define CLKGEN_ACALCTR_ACALCTR_Msk (0xffffffUL) /*!< ACALCTR (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffffff) */
/* ========================================================= OCTRL ========================================================= */
#define CLKGEN_OCTRL_ACAL_Pos (8UL) /*!< ACAL (Bit 8) */
#define CLKGEN_OCTRL_ACAL_Msk (0x700UL) /*!< ACAL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define CLKGEN_OCTRL_OSEL_Pos (7UL) /*!< OSEL (Bit 7) */
#define CLKGEN_OCTRL_OSEL_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< OSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CLKGEN_OCTRL_FOS_Pos (6UL) /*!< FOS (Bit 6) */
#define CLKGEN_OCTRL_FOS_Msk (0x40UL) /*!< FOS (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CLKGEN_OCTRL_STOPRC_Pos (1UL) /*!< STOPRC (Bit 1) */
#define CLKGEN_OCTRL_STOPRC_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< STOPRC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CLKGEN_OCTRL_STOPXT_Pos (0UL) /*!< STOPXT (Bit 0) */
#define CLKGEN_OCTRL_STOPXT_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< STOPXT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== CLKOUT ========================================================= */
#define CLKGEN_CLKOUT_CKEN_Pos (7UL) /*!< CKEN (Bit 7) */
#define CLKGEN_CLKOUT_CKEN_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< CKEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CLKGEN_CLKOUT_CKSEL_Pos (0UL) /*!< CKSEL (Bit 0) */
#define CLKGEN_CLKOUT_CKSEL_Msk (0x3fUL) /*!< CKSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x3f) */
/* ======================================================== CLKKEY ========================================================= */
#define CLKGEN_CLKKEY_CLKKEY_Pos (0UL) /*!< CLKKEY (Bit 0) */
#define CLKGEN_CLKKEY_CLKKEY_Msk (0xffffffffUL) /*!< CLKKEY (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffffffff) */
/* ========================================================= CCTRL ========================================================= */
#define CLKGEN_CCTRL_MEMSEL_Pos (3UL) /*!< MEMSEL (Bit 3) */
#define CLKGEN_CCTRL_MEMSEL_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< MEMSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CLKGEN_CCTRL_CORESEL_Pos (0UL) /*!< CORESEL (Bit 0) */
#define CLKGEN_CCTRL_CORESEL_Msk (0x7UL) /*!< CORESEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
/* ======================================================== STATUS ========================================================= */
#define CLKGEN_STATUS_OSCF_Pos (1UL) /*!< OSCF (Bit 1) */
#define CLKGEN_STATUS_OSCF_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< OSCF (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CLKGEN_STATUS_OMODE_Pos (0UL) /*!< OMODE (Bit 0) */
#define CLKGEN_STATUS_OMODE_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< OMODE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ========================================================= HFADJ ========================================================= */
#define CLKGEN_HFADJ_HFWARMUP_Pos (19UL) /*!< HFWARMUP (Bit 19) */
#define CLKGEN_HFADJ_HFWARMUP_Msk (0x80000UL) /*!< HFWARMUP (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CLKGEN_HFADJ_HFXTADJ_Pos (8UL) /*!< HFXTADJ (Bit 8) */
#define CLKGEN_HFADJ_HFXTADJ_Msk (0x7ff00UL) /*!< HFXTADJ (Bitfield-Mask: 0x7ff) */
#define CLKGEN_HFADJ_HFADJCK_Pos (1UL) /*!< HFADJCK (Bit 1) */
#define CLKGEN_HFADJ_HFADJCK_Msk (0xeUL) /*!< HFADJCK (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define CLKGEN_HFADJ_HFADJEN_Pos (0UL) /*!< HFADJEN (Bit 0) */
#define CLKGEN_HFADJ_HFADJEN_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< HFADJEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ========================================================= HFVAL ========================================================= */
#define CLKGEN_HFVAL_HFTUNERB_Pos (0UL) /*!< HFTUNERB (Bit 0) */
#define CLKGEN_HFVAL_HFTUNERB_Msk (0x7ffUL) /*!< HFTUNERB (Bitfield-Mask: 0x7ff) */
/* ======================================================== CLOCKEN ======================================================== */
#define CLKGEN_CLOCKEN_CLOCKEN_Pos (0UL) /*!< CLOCKEN (Bit 0) */
#define CLKGEN_CLOCKEN_CLOCKEN_Msk (0xffffffffUL) /*!< CLOCKEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffffffff) */
/* ======================================================== UARTEN ========================================================= */
#define CLKGEN_UARTEN_UARTEN_Pos (0UL) /*!< UARTEN (Bit 0) */
#define CLKGEN_UARTEN_UARTEN_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< UARTEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ========================================================= INTEN ========================================================= */
#define CLKGEN_INTEN_ALM_Pos (3UL) /*!< ALM (Bit 3) */
#define CLKGEN_INTEN_ALM_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< ALM (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CLKGEN_INTEN_OF_Pos (2UL) /*!< OF (Bit 2) */
#define CLKGEN_INTEN_OF_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< OF (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CLKGEN_INTEN_ACC_Pos (1UL) /*!< ACC (Bit 1) */
#define CLKGEN_INTEN_ACC_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< ACC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CLKGEN_INTEN_ACF_Pos (0UL) /*!< ACF (Bit 0) */
#define CLKGEN_INTEN_ACF_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< ACF (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INTSTAT ======================================================== */
#define CLKGEN_INTSTAT_ALM_Pos (3UL) /*!< ALM (Bit 3) */
#define CLKGEN_INTSTAT_ALM_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< ALM (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CLKGEN_INTSTAT_OF_Pos (2UL) /*!< OF (Bit 2) */
#define CLKGEN_INTSTAT_OF_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< OF (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CLKGEN_INTSTAT_ACC_Pos (1UL) /*!< ACC (Bit 1) */
#define CLKGEN_INTSTAT_ACC_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< ACC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CLKGEN_INTSTAT_ACF_Pos (0UL) /*!< ACF (Bit 0) */
#define CLKGEN_INTSTAT_ACF_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< ACF (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INTCLR ========================================================= */
#define CLKGEN_INTCLR_ALM_Pos (3UL) /*!< ALM (Bit 3) */
#define CLKGEN_INTCLR_ALM_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< ALM (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CLKGEN_INTCLR_OF_Pos (2UL) /*!< OF (Bit 2) */
#define CLKGEN_INTCLR_OF_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< OF (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CLKGEN_INTCLR_ACC_Pos (1UL) /*!< ACC (Bit 1) */
#define CLKGEN_INTCLR_ACC_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< ACC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CLKGEN_INTCLR_ACF_Pos (0UL) /*!< ACF (Bit 0) */
#define CLKGEN_INTCLR_ACF_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< ACF (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INTSET ========================================================= */
#define CLKGEN_INTSET_ALM_Pos (3UL) /*!< ALM (Bit 3) */
#define CLKGEN_INTSET_ALM_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< ALM (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CLKGEN_INTSET_OF_Pos (2UL) /*!< OF (Bit 2) */
#define CLKGEN_INTSET_OF_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< OF (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CLKGEN_INTSET_ACC_Pos (1UL) /*!< ACC (Bit 1) */
#define CLKGEN_INTSET_ACC_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< ACC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CLKGEN_INTSET_ACF_Pos (0UL) /*!< ACF (Bit 0) */
#define CLKGEN_INTSET_ACF_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< ACF (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ CTIMER ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ========================================================= TMR0 ========================================================== */
#define CTIMER_TMR0_CTTMRB0_Pos (16UL) /*!< CTTMRB0 (Bit 16) */
#define CTIMER_TMR0_CTTMRB0_Msk (0xffff0000UL) /*!< CTTMRB0 (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffff) */
#define CTIMER_TMR0_CTTMRA0_Pos (0UL) /*!< CTTMRA0 (Bit 0) */
#define CTIMER_TMR0_CTTMRA0_Msk (0xffffUL) /*!< CTTMRA0 (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffff) */
/* ======================================================== CMPRA0 ========================================================= */
#define CTIMER_CMPRA0_CMPR1A0_Pos (16UL) /*!< CMPR1A0 (Bit 16) */
#define CTIMER_CMPRA0_CMPR1A0_Msk (0xffff0000UL) /*!< CMPR1A0 (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffff) */
#define CTIMER_CMPRA0_CMPR0A0_Pos (0UL) /*!< CMPR0A0 (Bit 0) */
#define CTIMER_CMPRA0_CMPR0A0_Msk (0xffffUL) /*!< CMPR0A0 (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffff) */
/* ======================================================== CMPRB0 ========================================================= */
#define CTIMER_CMPRB0_CMPR1B0_Pos (16UL) /*!< CMPR1B0 (Bit 16) */
#define CTIMER_CMPRB0_CMPR1B0_Msk (0xffff0000UL) /*!< CMPR1B0 (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffff) */
#define CTIMER_CMPRB0_CMPR0B0_Pos (0UL) /*!< CMPR0B0 (Bit 0) */
#define CTIMER_CMPRB0_CMPR0B0_Msk (0xffffUL) /*!< CMPR0B0 (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffff) */
/* ========================================================= CTRL0 ========================================================= */
#define CTIMER_CTRL0_CTLINK0_Pos (31UL) /*!< CTLINK0 (Bit 31) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL0_CTLINK0_Msk (0x80000000UL) /*!< CTLINK0 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0POL_Pos (28UL) /*!< TMRB0POL (Bit 28) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0POL_Msk (0x10000000UL) /*!< TMRB0POL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0CLR_Pos (27UL) /*!< TMRB0CLR (Bit 27) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0CLR_Msk (0x8000000UL) /*!< TMRB0CLR (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0PE_Pos (26UL) /*!< TMRB0PE (Bit 26) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0PE_Msk (0x4000000UL) /*!< TMRB0PE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0IE_Pos (25UL) /*!< TMRB0IE (Bit 25) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0IE_Msk (0x2000000UL) /*!< TMRB0IE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0FN_Pos (22UL) /*!< TMRB0FN (Bit 22) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0FN_Msk (0x1c00000UL) /*!< TMRB0FN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0CLK_Pos (17UL) /*!< TMRB0CLK (Bit 17) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0CLK_Msk (0x3e0000UL) /*!< TMRB0CLK (Bitfield-Mask: 0x1f) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0EN_Pos (16UL) /*!< TMRB0EN (Bit 16) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0EN_Msk (0x10000UL) /*!< TMRB0EN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0POL_Pos (12UL) /*!< TMRA0POL (Bit 12) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0POL_Msk (0x1000UL) /*!< TMRA0POL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0CLR_Pos (11UL) /*!< TMRA0CLR (Bit 11) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0CLR_Msk (0x800UL) /*!< TMRA0CLR (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0PE_Pos (10UL) /*!< TMRA0PE (Bit 10) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0PE_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< TMRA0PE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0IE_Pos (9UL) /*!< TMRA0IE (Bit 9) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0IE_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< TMRA0IE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0FN_Pos (6UL) /*!< TMRA0FN (Bit 6) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0FN_Msk (0x1c0UL) /*!< TMRA0FN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0CLK_Pos (1UL) /*!< TMRA0CLK (Bit 1) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0CLK_Msk (0x3eUL) /*!< TMRA0CLK (Bitfield-Mask: 0x1f) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0EN_Pos (0UL) /*!< TMRA0EN (Bit 0) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0EN_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< TMRA0EN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ========================================================= TMR1 ========================================================== */
#define CTIMER_TMR1_CTTMRB1_Pos (16UL) /*!< CTTMRB1 (Bit 16) */
#define CTIMER_TMR1_CTTMRB1_Msk (0xffff0000UL) /*!< CTTMRB1 (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffff) */
#define CTIMER_TMR1_CTTMRA1_Pos (0UL) /*!< CTTMRA1 (Bit 0) */
#define CTIMER_TMR1_CTTMRA1_Msk (0xffffUL) /*!< CTTMRA1 (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffff) */
/* ======================================================== CMPRA1 ========================================================= */
#define CTIMER_CMPRA1_CMPR1A1_Pos (16UL) /*!< CMPR1A1 (Bit 16) */
#define CTIMER_CMPRA1_CMPR1A1_Msk (0xffff0000UL) /*!< CMPR1A1 (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffff) */
#define CTIMER_CMPRA1_CMPR0A1_Pos (0UL) /*!< CMPR0A1 (Bit 0) */
#define CTIMER_CMPRA1_CMPR0A1_Msk (0xffffUL) /*!< CMPR0A1 (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffff) */
/* ======================================================== CMPRB1 ========================================================= */
#define CTIMER_CMPRB1_CMPR1B1_Pos (16UL) /*!< CMPR1B1 (Bit 16) */
#define CTIMER_CMPRB1_CMPR1B1_Msk (0xffff0000UL) /*!< CMPR1B1 (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffff) */
#define CTIMER_CMPRB1_CMPR0B1_Pos (0UL) /*!< CMPR0B1 (Bit 0) */
#define CTIMER_CMPRB1_CMPR0B1_Msk (0xffffUL) /*!< CMPR0B1 (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffff) */
/* ========================================================= CTRL1 ========================================================= */
#define CTIMER_CTRL1_CTLINK1_Pos (31UL) /*!< CTLINK1 (Bit 31) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL1_CTLINK1_Msk (0x80000000UL) /*!< CTLINK1 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1POL_Pos (28UL) /*!< TMRB1POL (Bit 28) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1POL_Msk (0x10000000UL) /*!< TMRB1POL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1CLR_Pos (27UL) /*!< TMRB1CLR (Bit 27) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1CLR_Msk (0x8000000UL) /*!< TMRB1CLR (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1PE_Pos (26UL) /*!< TMRB1PE (Bit 26) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1PE_Msk (0x4000000UL) /*!< TMRB1PE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1IE_Pos (25UL) /*!< TMRB1IE (Bit 25) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1IE_Msk (0x2000000UL) /*!< TMRB1IE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1FN_Pos (22UL) /*!< TMRB1FN (Bit 22) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1FN_Msk (0x1c00000UL) /*!< TMRB1FN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1CLK_Pos (17UL) /*!< TMRB1CLK (Bit 17) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1CLK_Msk (0x3e0000UL) /*!< TMRB1CLK (Bitfield-Mask: 0x1f) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1EN_Pos (16UL) /*!< TMRB1EN (Bit 16) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1EN_Msk (0x10000UL) /*!< TMRB1EN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1POL_Pos (12UL) /*!< TMRA1POL (Bit 12) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1POL_Msk (0x1000UL) /*!< TMRA1POL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1CLR_Pos (11UL) /*!< TMRA1CLR (Bit 11) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1CLR_Msk (0x800UL) /*!< TMRA1CLR (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1PE_Pos (10UL) /*!< TMRA1PE (Bit 10) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1PE_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< TMRA1PE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1IE_Pos (9UL) /*!< TMRA1IE (Bit 9) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1IE_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< TMRA1IE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1FN_Pos (6UL) /*!< TMRA1FN (Bit 6) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1FN_Msk (0x1c0UL) /*!< TMRA1FN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1CLK_Pos (1UL) /*!< TMRA1CLK (Bit 1) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1CLK_Msk (0x3eUL) /*!< TMRA1CLK (Bitfield-Mask: 0x1f) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1EN_Pos (0UL) /*!< TMRA1EN (Bit 0) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1EN_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< TMRA1EN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ========================================================= TMR2 ========================================================== */
#define CTIMER_TMR2_CTTMRB2_Pos (16UL) /*!< CTTMRB2 (Bit 16) */
#define CTIMER_TMR2_CTTMRB2_Msk (0xffff0000UL) /*!< CTTMRB2 (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffff) */
#define CTIMER_TMR2_CTTMRA2_Pos (0UL) /*!< CTTMRA2 (Bit 0) */
#define CTIMER_TMR2_CTTMRA2_Msk (0xffffUL) /*!< CTTMRA2 (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffff) */
/* ======================================================== CMPRA2 ========================================================= */
#define CTIMER_CMPRA2_CMPR1A2_Pos (16UL) /*!< CMPR1A2 (Bit 16) */
#define CTIMER_CMPRA2_CMPR1A2_Msk (0xffff0000UL) /*!< CMPR1A2 (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffff) */
#define CTIMER_CMPRA2_CMPR0A2_Pos (0UL) /*!< CMPR0A2 (Bit 0) */
#define CTIMER_CMPRA2_CMPR0A2_Msk (0xffffUL) /*!< CMPR0A2 (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffff) */
/* ======================================================== CMPRB2 ========================================================= */
#define CTIMER_CMPRB2_CMPR1B2_Pos (16UL) /*!< CMPR1B2 (Bit 16) */
#define CTIMER_CMPRB2_CMPR1B2_Msk (0xffff0000UL) /*!< CMPR1B2 (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffff) */
#define CTIMER_CMPRB2_CMPR0B2_Pos (0UL) /*!< CMPR0B2 (Bit 0) */
#define CTIMER_CMPRB2_CMPR0B2_Msk (0xffffUL) /*!< CMPR0B2 (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffff) */
/* ========================================================= CTRL2 ========================================================= */
#define CTIMER_CTRL2_CTLINK2_Pos (31UL) /*!< CTLINK2 (Bit 31) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL2_CTLINK2_Msk (0x80000000UL) /*!< CTLINK2 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2POL_Pos (28UL) /*!< TMRB2POL (Bit 28) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2POL_Msk (0x10000000UL) /*!< TMRB2POL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2CLR_Pos (27UL) /*!< TMRB2CLR (Bit 27) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2CLR_Msk (0x8000000UL) /*!< TMRB2CLR (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2PE_Pos (26UL) /*!< TMRB2PE (Bit 26) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2PE_Msk (0x4000000UL) /*!< TMRB2PE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2IE_Pos (25UL) /*!< TMRB2IE (Bit 25) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2IE_Msk (0x2000000UL) /*!< TMRB2IE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2FN_Pos (22UL) /*!< TMRB2FN (Bit 22) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2FN_Msk (0x1c00000UL) /*!< TMRB2FN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2CLK_Pos (17UL) /*!< TMRB2CLK (Bit 17) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2CLK_Msk (0x3e0000UL) /*!< TMRB2CLK (Bitfield-Mask: 0x1f) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2EN_Pos (16UL) /*!< TMRB2EN (Bit 16) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2EN_Msk (0x10000UL) /*!< TMRB2EN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2POL_Pos (12UL) /*!< TMRA2POL (Bit 12) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2POL_Msk (0x1000UL) /*!< TMRA2POL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2CLR_Pos (11UL) /*!< TMRA2CLR (Bit 11) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2CLR_Msk (0x800UL) /*!< TMRA2CLR (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2PE_Pos (10UL) /*!< TMRA2PE (Bit 10) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2PE_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< TMRA2PE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2IE_Pos (9UL) /*!< TMRA2IE (Bit 9) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2IE_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< TMRA2IE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2FN_Pos (6UL) /*!< TMRA2FN (Bit 6) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2FN_Msk (0x1c0UL) /*!< TMRA2FN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2CLK_Pos (1UL) /*!< TMRA2CLK (Bit 1) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2CLK_Msk (0x3eUL) /*!< TMRA2CLK (Bitfield-Mask: 0x1f) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2EN_Pos (0UL) /*!< TMRA2EN (Bit 0) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2EN_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< TMRA2EN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ========================================================= TMR3 ========================================================== */
#define CTIMER_TMR3_CTTMRB3_Pos (16UL) /*!< CTTMRB3 (Bit 16) */
#define CTIMER_TMR3_CTTMRB3_Msk (0xffff0000UL) /*!< CTTMRB3 (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffff) */
#define CTIMER_TMR3_CTTMRA3_Pos (0UL) /*!< CTTMRA3 (Bit 0) */
#define CTIMER_TMR3_CTTMRA3_Msk (0xffffUL) /*!< CTTMRA3 (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffff) */
/* ======================================================== CMPRA3 ========================================================= */
#define CTIMER_CMPRA3_CMPR1A3_Pos (16UL) /*!< CMPR1A3 (Bit 16) */
#define CTIMER_CMPRA3_CMPR1A3_Msk (0xffff0000UL) /*!< CMPR1A3 (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffff) */
#define CTIMER_CMPRA3_CMPR0A3_Pos (0UL) /*!< CMPR0A3 (Bit 0) */
#define CTIMER_CMPRA3_CMPR0A3_Msk (0xffffUL) /*!< CMPR0A3 (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffff) */
/* ======================================================== CMPRB3 ========================================================= */
#define CTIMER_CMPRB3_CMPR1B3_Pos (16UL) /*!< CMPR1B3 (Bit 16) */
#define CTIMER_CMPRB3_CMPR1B3_Msk (0xffff0000UL) /*!< CMPR1B3 (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffff) */
#define CTIMER_CMPRB3_CMPR0B3_Pos (0UL) /*!< CMPR0B3 (Bit 0) */
#define CTIMER_CMPRB3_CMPR0B3_Msk (0xffffUL) /*!< CMPR0B3 (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffff) */
/* ========================================================= CTRL3 ========================================================= */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_CTLINK3_Pos (31UL) /*!< CTLINK3 (Bit 31) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_CTLINK3_Msk (0x80000000UL) /*!< CTLINK3 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3POL_Pos (28UL) /*!< TMRB3POL (Bit 28) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3POL_Msk (0x10000000UL) /*!< TMRB3POL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3CLR_Pos (27UL) /*!< TMRB3CLR (Bit 27) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3CLR_Msk (0x8000000UL) /*!< TMRB3CLR (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3PE_Pos (26UL) /*!< TMRB3PE (Bit 26) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3PE_Msk (0x4000000UL) /*!< TMRB3PE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3IE_Pos (25UL) /*!< TMRB3IE (Bit 25) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3IE_Msk (0x2000000UL) /*!< TMRB3IE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3FN_Pos (22UL) /*!< TMRB3FN (Bit 22) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3FN_Msk (0x1c00000UL) /*!< TMRB3FN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3CLK_Pos (17UL) /*!< TMRB3CLK (Bit 17) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3CLK_Msk (0x3e0000UL) /*!< TMRB3CLK (Bitfield-Mask: 0x1f) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3EN_Pos (16UL) /*!< TMRB3EN (Bit 16) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3EN_Msk (0x10000UL) /*!< TMRB3EN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_ADCEN_Pos (15UL) /*!< ADCEN (Bit 15) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_ADCEN_Msk (0x8000UL) /*!< ADCEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3POL_Pos (12UL) /*!< TMRA3POL (Bit 12) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3POL_Msk (0x1000UL) /*!< TMRA3POL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3CLR_Pos (11UL) /*!< TMRA3CLR (Bit 11) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3CLR_Msk (0x800UL) /*!< TMRA3CLR (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3PE_Pos (10UL) /*!< TMRA3PE (Bit 10) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3PE_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< TMRA3PE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3IE_Pos (9UL) /*!< TMRA3IE (Bit 9) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3IE_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< TMRA3IE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3FN_Pos (6UL) /*!< TMRA3FN (Bit 6) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3FN_Msk (0x1c0UL) /*!< TMRA3FN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3CLK_Pos (1UL) /*!< TMRA3CLK (Bit 1) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3CLK_Msk (0x3eUL) /*!< TMRA3CLK (Bitfield-Mask: 0x1f) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3EN_Pos (0UL) /*!< TMRA3EN (Bit 0) */
#define CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3EN_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< TMRA3EN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ========================================================= INTEN ========================================================= */
#define CTIMER_INTEN_CTMRB3INT_Pos (7UL) /*!< CTMRB3INT (Bit 7) */
#define CTIMER_INTEN_CTMRB3INT_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< CTMRB3INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_INTEN_CTMRA3INT_Pos (6UL) /*!< CTMRA3INT (Bit 6) */
#define CTIMER_INTEN_CTMRA3INT_Msk (0x40UL) /*!< CTMRA3INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_INTEN_CTMRB2INT_Pos (5UL) /*!< CTMRB2INT (Bit 5) */
#define CTIMER_INTEN_CTMRB2INT_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< CTMRB2INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_INTEN_CTMRA2INT_Pos (4UL) /*!< CTMRA2INT (Bit 4) */
#define CTIMER_INTEN_CTMRA2INT_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< CTMRA2INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_INTEN_CTMRB1INT_Pos (3UL) /*!< CTMRB1INT (Bit 3) */
#define CTIMER_INTEN_CTMRB1INT_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< CTMRB1INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_INTEN_CTMRA1INT_Pos (2UL) /*!< CTMRA1INT (Bit 2) */
#define CTIMER_INTEN_CTMRA1INT_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< CTMRA1INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_INTEN_CTMRB0INT_Pos (1UL) /*!< CTMRB0INT (Bit 1) */
#define CTIMER_INTEN_CTMRB0INT_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< CTMRB0INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_INTEN_CTMRA0INT_Pos (0UL) /*!< CTMRA0INT (Bit 0) */
#define CTIMER_INTEN_CTMRA0INT_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< CTMRA0INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INTSTAT ======================================================== */
#define CTIMER_INTSTAT_CTMRB3INT_Pos (7UL) /*!< CTMRB3INT (Bit 7) */
#define CTIMER_INTSTAT_CTMRB3INT_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< CTMRB3INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_INTSTAT_CTMRA3INT_Pos (6UL) /*!< CTMRA3INT (Bit 6) */
#define CTIMER_INTSTAT_CTMRA3INT_Msk (0x40UL) /*!< CTMRA3INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_INTSTAT_CTMRB2INT_Pos (5UL) /*!< CTMRB2INT (Bit 5) */
#define CTIMER_INTSTAT_CTMRB2INT_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< CTMRB2INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_INTSTAT_CTMRA2INT_Pos (4UL) /*!< CTMRA2INT (Bit 4) */
#define CTIMER_INTSTAT_CTMRA2INT_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< CTMRA2INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_INTSTAT_CTMRB1INT_Pos (3UL) /*!< CTMRB1INT (Bit 3) */
#define CTIMER_INTSTAT_CTMRB1INT_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< CTMRB1INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_INTSTAT_CTMRA1INT_Pos (2UL) /*!< CTMRA1INT (Bit 2) */
#define CTIMER_INTSTAT_CTMRA1INT_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< CTMRA1INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_INTSTAT_CTMRB0INT_Pos (1UL) /*!< CTMRB0INT (Bit 1) */
#define CTIMER_INTSTAT_CTMRB0INT_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< CTMRB0INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_INTSTAT_CTMRA0INT_Pos (0UL) /*!< CTMRA0INT (Bit 0) */
#define CTIMER_INTSTAT_CTMRA0INT_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< CTMRA0INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INTCLR ========================================================= */
#define CTIMER_INTCLR_CTMRB3INT_Pos (7UL) /*!< CTMRB3INT (Bit 7) */
#define CTIMER_INTCLR_CTMRB3INT_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< CTMRB3INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_INTCLR_CTMRA3INT_Pos (6UL) /*!< CTMRA3INT (Bit 6) */
#define CTIMER_INTCLR_CTMRA3INT_Msk (0x40UL) /*!< CTMRA3INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_INTCLR_CTMRB2INT_Pos (5UL) /*!< CTMRB2INT (Bit 5) */
#define CTIMER_INTCLR_CTMRB2INT_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< CTMRB2INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_INTCLR_CTMRA2INT_Pos (4UL) /*!< CTMRA2INT (Bit 4) */
#define CTIMER_INTCLR_CTMRA2INT_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< CTMRA2INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_INTCLR_CTMRB1INT_Pos (3UL) /*!< CTMRB1INT (Bit 3) */
#define CTIMER_INTCLR_CTMRB1INT_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< CTMRB1INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_INTCLR_CTMRA1INT_Pos (2UL) /*!< CTMRA1INT (Bit 2) */
#define CTIMER_INTCLR_CTMRA1INT_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< CTMRA1INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_INTCLR_CTMRB0INT_Pos (1UL) /*!< CTMRB0INT (Bit 1) */
#define CTIMER_INTCLR_CTMRB0INT_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< CTMRB0INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_INTCLR_CTMRA0INT_Pos (0UL) /*!< CTMRA0INT (Bit 0) */
#define CTIMER_INTCLR_CTMRA0INT_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< CTMRA0INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INTSET ========================================================= */
#define CTIMER_INTSET_CTMRB3INT_Pos (7UL) /*!< CTMRB3INT (Bit 7) */
#define CTIMER_INTSET_CTMRB3INT_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< CTMRB3INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_INTSET_CTMRA3INT_Pos (6UL) /*!< CTMRA3INT (Bit 6) */
#define CTIMER_INTSET_CTMRA3INT_Msk (0x40UL) /*!< CTMRA3INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_INTSET_CTMRB2INT_Pos (5UL) /*!< CTMRB2INT (Bit 5) */
#define CTIMER_INTSET_CTMRB2INT_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< CTMRB2INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_INTSET_CTMRA2INT_Pos (4UL) /*!< CTMRA2INT (Bit 4) */
#define CTIMER_INTSET_CTMRA2INT_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< CTMRA2INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_INTSET_CTMRB1INT_Pos (3UL) /*!< CTMRB1INT (Bit 3) */
#define CTIMER_INTSET_CTMRB1INT_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< CTMRB1INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_INTSET_CTMRA1INT_Pos (2UL) /*!< CTMRA1INT (Bit 2) */
#define CTIMER_INTSET_CTMRA1INT_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< CTMRA1INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_INTSET_CTMRB0INT_Pos (1UL) /*!< CTMRB0INT (Bit 1) */
#define CTIMER_INTSET_CTMRB0INT_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< CTMRB0INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define CTIMER_INTSET_CTMRA0INT_Pos (0UL) /*!< CTMRA0INT (Bit 0) */
#define CTIMER_INTSET_CTMRA0INT_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< CTMRA0INT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ GPIO ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ======================================================== PADREGA ======================================================== */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD3PWRUP_Pos (31UL) /*!< PAD3PWRUP (Bit 31) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD3PWRUP_Msk (0x80000000UL) /*!< PAD3PWRUP (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD3FNCSEL_Pos (27UL) /*!< PAD3FNCSEL (Bit 27) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD3FNCSEL_Msk (0x38000000UL) /*!< PAD3FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD3STRNG_Pos (26UL) /*!< PAD3STRNG (Bit 26) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD3STRNG_Msk (0x4000000UL) /*!< PAD3STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD3INPEN_Pos (25UL) /*!< PAD3INPEN (Bit 25) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD3INPEN_Msk (0x2000000UL) /*!< PAD3INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD3PULL_Pos (24UL) /*!< PAD3PULL (Bit 24) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD3PULL_Msk (0x1000000UL) /*!< PAD3PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD2FNCSEL_Pos (19UL) /*!< PAD2FNCSEL (Bit 19) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD2FNCSEL_Msk (0x380000UL) /*!< PAD2FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD2STRNG_Pos (18UL) /*!< PAD2STRNG (Bit 18) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD2STRNG_Msk (0x40000UL) /*!< PAD2STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD2INPEN_Pos (17UL) /*!< PAD2INPEN (Bit 17) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD2INPEN_Msk (0x20000UL) /*!< PAD2INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD2PULL_Pos (16UL) /*!< PAD2PULL (Bit 16) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD2PULL_Msk (0x10000UL) /*!< PAD2PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD1FNCSEL_Pos (11UL) /*!< PAD1FNCSEL (Bit 11) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD1FNCSEL_Msk (0x3800UL) /*!< PAD1FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD1STRNG_Pos (10UL) /*!< PAD1STRNG (Bit 10) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD1STRNG_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< PAD1STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD1INPEN_Pos (9UL) /*!< PAD1INPEN (Bit 9) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD1INPEN_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< PAD1INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD1PULL_Pos (8UL) /*!< PAD1PULL (Bit 8) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD1PULL_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< PAD1PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD0FNCSEL_Pos (3UL) /*!< PAD0FNCSEL (Bit 3) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD0FNCSEL_Msk (0x38UL) /*!< PAD0FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD0STRNG_Pos (2UL) /*!< PAD0STRNG (Bit 2) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD0STRNG_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< PAD0STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD0INPEN_Pos (1UL) /*!< PAD0INPEN (Bit 1) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD0INPEN_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< PAD0INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD0PULL_Pos (0UL) /*!< PAD0PULL (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_PADREGA_PAD0PULL_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< PAD0PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== PADREGB ======================================================== */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD7FNCSEL_Pos (27UL) /*!< PAD7FNCSEL (Bit 27) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD7FNCSEL_Msk (0x38000000UL) /*!< PAD7FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD7STRNG_Pos (26UL) /*!< PAD7STRNG (Bit 26) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD7STRNG_Msk (0x4000000UL) /*!< PAD7STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD7INPEN_Pos (25UL) /*!< PAD7INPEN (Bit 25) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD7INPEN_Msk (0x2000000UL) /*!< PAD7INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD7PULL_Pos (24UL) /*!< PAD7PULL (Bit 24) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD7PULL_Msk (0x1000000UL) /*!< PAD7PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6RSEL_Pos (22UL) /*!< PAD6RSEL (Bit 22) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6RSEL_Msk (0xc00000UL) /*!< PAD6RSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6FNCSEL_Pos (19UL) /*!< PAD6FNCSEL (Bit 19) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6FNCSEL_Msk (0x380000UL) /*!< PAD6FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6STRNG_Pos (18UL) /*!< PAD6STRNG (Bit 18) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6STRNG_Msk (0x40000UL) /*!< PAD6STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6INPEN_Pos (17UL) /*!< PAD6INPEN (Bit 17) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6INPEN_Msk (0x20000UL) /*!< PAD6INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6PULL_Pos (16UL) /*!< PAD6PULL (Bit 16) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6PULL_Msk (0x10000UL) /*!< PAD6PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5RSEL_Pos (14UL) /*!< PAD5RSEL (Bit 14) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5RSEL_Msk (0xc000UL) /*!< PAD5RSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5FNCSEL_Pos (11UL) /*!< PAD5FNCSEL (Bit 11) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5FNCSEL_Msk (0x3800UL) /*!< PAD5FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5STRNG_Pos (10UL) /*!< PAD5STRNG (Bit 10) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5STRNG_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< PAD5STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5INPEN_Pos (9UL) /*!< PAD5INPEN (Bit 9) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5INPEN_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< PAD5INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5PULL_Pos (8UL) /*!< PAD5PULL (Bit 8) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5PULL_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< PAD5PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD4PWRUP_Pos (7UL) /*!< PAD4PWRUP (Bit 7) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD4PWRUP_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< PAD4PWRUP (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD4FNCSEL_Pos (3UL) /*!< PAD4FNCSEL (Bit 3) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD4FNCSEL_Msk (0x38UL) /*!< PAD4FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD4STRNG_Pos (2UL) /*!< PAD4STRNG (Bit 2) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD4STRNG_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< PAD4STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD4INPEN_Pos (1UL) /*!< PAD4INPEN (Bit 1) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD4INPEN_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< PAD4INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD4PULL_Pos (0UL) /*!< PAD4PULL (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_PADREGB_PAD4PULL_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< PAD4PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== PADREGC ======================================================== */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD11PWRDN_Pos (30UL) /*!< PAD11PWRDN (Bit 30) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD11PWRDN_Msk (0x40000000UL) /*!< PAD11PWRDN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD11FNCSEL_Pos (27UL) /*!< PAD11FNCSEL (Bit 27) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD11FNCSEL_Msk (0x18000000UL) /*!< PAD11FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD11STRNG_Pos (26UL) /*!< PAD11STRNG (Bit 26) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD11STRNG_Msk (0x4000000UL) /*!< PAD11STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD11INPEN_Pos (25UL) /*!< PAD11INPEN (Bit 25) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD11INPEN_Msk (0x2000000UL) /*!< PAD11INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD11PULL_Pos (24UL) /*!< PAD11PULL (Bit 24) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD11PULL_Msk (0x1000000UL) /*!< PAD11PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD10FNCSEL_Pos (19UL) /*!< PAD10FNCSEL (Bit 19) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD10FNCSEL_Msk (0x380000UL) /*!< PAD10FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD10STRNG_Pos (18UL) /*!< PAD10STRNG (Bit 18) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD10STRNG_Msk (0x40000UL) /*!< PAD10STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD10INPEN_Pos (17UL) /*!< PAD10INPEN (Bit 17) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD10INPEN_Msk (0x20000UL) /*!< PAD10INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD10PULL_Pos (16UL) /*!< PAD10PULL (Bit 16) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD10PULL_Msk (0x10000UL) /*!< PAD10PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9RSEL_Pos (14UL) /*!< PAD9RSEL (Bit 14) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9RSEL_Msk (0xc000UL) /*!< PAD9RSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9FNCSEL_Pos (11UL) /*!< PAD9FNCSEL (Bit 11) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9FNCSEL_Msk (0x3800UL) /*!< PAD9FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9STRNG_Pos (10UL) /*!< PAD9STRNG (Bit 10) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9STRNG_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< PAD9STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9INPEN_Pos (9UL) /*!< PAD9INPEN (Bit 9) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9INPEN_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< PAD9INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9PULL_Pos (8UL) /*!< PAD9PULL (Bit 8) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9PULL_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< PAD9PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8RSEL_Pos (6UL) /*!< PAD8RSEL (Bit 6) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8RSEL_Msk (0xc0UL) /*!< PAD8RSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8FNCSEL_Pos (3UL) /*!< PAD8FNCSEL (Bit 3) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8FNCSEL_Msk (0x38UL) /*!< PAD8FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8STRNG_Pos (2UL) /*!< PAD8STRNG (Bit 2) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8STRNG_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< PAD8STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8INPEN_Pos (1UL) /*!< PAD8INPEN (Bit 1) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8INPEN_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< PAD8INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8PULL_Pos (0UL) /*!< PAD8PULL (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8PULL_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< PAD8PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== PADREGD ======================================================== */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD15FNCSEL_Pos (27UL) /*!< PAD15FNCSEL (Bit 27) */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD15FNCSEL_Msk (0x38000000UL) /*!< PAD15FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD15STRNG_Pos (26UL) /*!< PAD15STRNG (Bit 26) */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD15STRNG_Msk (0x4000000UL) /*!< PAD15STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD15INPEN_Pos (25UL) /*!< PAD15INPEN (Bit 25) */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD15INPEN_Msk (0x2000000UL) /*!< PAD15INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD15PULL_Pos (24UL) /*!< PAD15PULL (Bit 24) */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD15PULL_Msk (0x1000000UL) /*!< PAD15PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD14FNCSEL_Pos (19UL) /*!< PAD14FNCSEL (Bit 19) */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD14FNCSEL_Msk (0x380000UL) /*!< PAD14FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD14STRNG_Pos (18UL) /*!< PAD14STRNG (Bit 18) */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD14STRNG_Msk (0x40000UL) /*!< PAD14STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD14INPEN_Pos (17UL) /*!< PAD14INPEN (Bit 17) */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD14INPEN_Msk (0x20000UL) /*!< PAD14INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD14PULL_Pos (16UL) /*!< PAD14PULL (Bit 16) */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD14PULL_Msk (0x10000UL) /*!< PAD14PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD13FNCSEL_Pos (11UL) /*!< PAD13FNCSEL (Bit 11) */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD13FNCSEL_Msk (0x3800UL) /*!< PAD13FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD13STRNG_Pos (10UL) /*!< PAD13STRNG (Bit 10) */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD13STRNG_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< PAD13STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD13INPEN_Pos (9UL) /*!< PAD13INPEN (Bit 9) */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD13INPEN_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< PAD13INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD13PULL_Pos (8UL) /*!< PAD13PULL (Bit 8) */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD13PULL_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< PAD13PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD12FNCSEL_Pos (3UL) /*!< PAD12FNCSEL (Bit 3) */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD12FNCSEL_Msk (0x18UL) /*!< PAD12FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD12STRNG_Pos (2UL) /*!< PAD12STRNG (Bit 2) */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD12STRNG_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< PAD12STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD12INPEN_Pos (1UL) /*!< PAD12INPEN (Bit 1) */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD12INPEN_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< PAD12INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD12PULL_Pos (0UL) /*!< PAD12PULL (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_PADREGD_PAD12PULL_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< PAD12PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== PADREGE ======================================================== */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD19FNCSEL_Pos (27UL) /*!< PAD19FNCSEL (Bit 27) */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD19FNCSEL_Msk (0x18000000UL) /*!< PAD19FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD19STRNG_Pos (26UL) /*!< PAD19STRNG (Bit 26) */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD19STRNG_Msk (0x4000000UL) /*!< PAD19STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD19INPEN_Pos (25UL) /*!< PAD19INPEN (Bit 25) */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD19INPEN_Msk (0x2000000UL) /*!< PAD19INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD19PULL_Pos (24UL) /*!< PAD19PULL (Bit 24) */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD19PULL_Msk (0x1000000UL) /*!< PAD19PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD18FNCSEL_Pos (19UL) /*!< PAD18FNCSEL (Bit 19) */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD18FNCSEL_Msk (0x180000UL) /*!< PAD18FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD18STRNG_Pos (18UL) /*!< PAD18STRNG (Bit 18) */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD18STRNG_Msk (0x40000UL) /*!< PAD18STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD18INPEN_Pos (17UL) /*!< PAD18INPEN (Bit 17) */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD18INPEN_Msk (0x20000UL) /*!< PAD18INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD18PULL_Pos (16UL) /*!< PAD18PULL (Bit 16) */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD18PULL_Msk (0x10000UL) /*!< PAD18PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD17FNCSEL_Pos (11UL) /*!< PAD17FNCSEL (Bit 11) */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD17FNCSEL_Msk (0x3800UL) /*!< PAD17FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD17STRNG_Pos (10UL) /*!< PAD17STRNG (Bit 10) */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD17STRNG_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< PAD17STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD17INPEN_Pos (9UL) /*!< PAD17INPEN (Bit 9) */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD17INPEN_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< PAD17INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD17PULL_Pos (8UL) /*!< PAD17PULL (Bit 8) */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD17PULL_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< PAD17PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD16FNCSEL_Pos (3UL) /*!< PAD16FNCSEL (Bit 3) */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD16FNCSEL_Msk (0x18UL) /*!< PAD16FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD16STRNG_Pos (2UL) /*!< PAD16STRNG (Bit 2) */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD16STRNG_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< PAD16STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD16INPEN_Pos (1UL) /*!< PAD16INPEN (Bit 1) */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD16INPEN_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< PAD16INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD16PULL_Pos (0UL) /*!< PAD16PULL (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_PADREGE_PAD16PULL_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< PAD16PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== PADREGF ======================================================== */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD23FNCSEL_Pos (27UL) /*!< PAD23FNCSEL (Bit 27) */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD23FNCSEL_Msk (0x18000000UL) /*!< PAD23FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD23STRNG_Pos (26UL) /*!< PAD23STRNG (Bit 26) */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD23STRNG_Msk (0x4000000UL) /*!< PAD23STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD23INPEN_Pos (25UL) /*!< PAD23INPEN (Bit 25) */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD23INPEN_Msk (0x2000000UL) /*!< PAD23INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD23PULL_Pos (24UL) /*!< PAD23PULL (Bit 24) */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD23PULL_Msk (0x1000000UL) /*!< PAD23PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD22FNCSEL_Pos (19UL) /*!< PAD22FNCSEL (Bit 19) */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD22FNCSEL_Msk (0x180000UL) /*!< PAD22FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD22STRNG_Pos (18UL) /*!< PAD22STRNG (Bit 18) */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD22STRNG_Msk (0x40000UL) /*!< PAD22STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD22INPEN_Pos (17UL) /*!< PAD22INPEN (Bit 17) */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD22INPEN_Msk (0x20000UL) /*!< PAD22INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD22PULL_Pos (16UL) /*!< PAD22PULL (Bit 16) */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD22PULL_Msk (0x10000UL) /*!< PAD22PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD21FNCSEL_Pos (11UL) /*!< PAD21FNCSEL (Bit 11) */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD21FNCSEL_Msk (0x1800UL) /*!< PAD21FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD21STRNG_Pos (10UL) /*!< PAD21STRNG (Bit 10) */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD21STRNG_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< PAD21STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD21INPEN_Pos (9UL) /*!< PAD21INPEN (Bit 9) */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD21INPEN_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< PAD21INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD21PULL_Pos (8UL) /*!< PAD21PULL (Bit 8) */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD21PULL_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< PAD21PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD20FNCSEL_Pos (3UL) /*!< PAD20FNCSEL (Bit 3) */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD20FNCSEL_Msk (0x18UL) /*!< PAD20FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD20STRNG_Pos (2UL) /*!< PAD20STRNG (Bit 2) */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD20STRNG_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< PAD20STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD20INPEN_Pos (1UL) /*!< PAD20INPEN (Bit 1) */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD20INPEN_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< PAD20INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD20PULL_Pos (0UL) /*!< PAD20PULL (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_PADREGF_PAD20PULL_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< PAD20PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== PADREGG ======================================================== */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD27FNCSEL_Pos (27UL) /*!< PAD27FNCSEL (Bit 27) */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD27FNCSEL_Msk (0x18000000UL) /*!< PAD27FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD27STRNG_Pos (26UL) /*!< PAD27STRNG (Bit 26) */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD27STRNG_Msk (0x4000000UL) /*!< PAD27STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD27INPEN_Pos (25UL) /*!< PAD27INPEN (Bit 25) */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD27INPEN_Msk (0x2000000UL) /*!< PAD27INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD27PULL_Pos (24UL) /*!< PAD27PULL (Bit 24) */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD27PULL_Msk (0x1000000UL) /*!< PAD27PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD26FNCSEL_Pos (19UL) /*!< PAD26FNCSEL (Bit 19) */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD26FNCSEL_Msk (0x180000UL) /*!< PAD26FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD26STRNG_Pos (18UL) /*!< PAD26STRNG (Bit 18) */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD26STRNG_Msk (0x40000UL) /*!< PAD26STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD26INPEN_Pos (17UL) /*!< PAD26INPEN (Bit 17) */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD26INPEN_Msk (0x20000UL) /*!< PAD26INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD26PULL_Pos (16UL) /*!< PAD26PULL (Bit 16) */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD26PULL_Msk (0x10000UL) /*!< PAD26PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD25FNCSEL_Pos (11UL) /*!< PAD25FNCSEL (Bit 11) */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD25FNCSEL_Msk (0x1800UL) /*!< PAD25FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD25STRNG_Pos (10UL) /*!< PAD25STRNG (Bit 10) */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD25STRNG_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< PAD25STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD25INPEN_Pos (9UL) /*!< PAD25INPEN (Bit 9) */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD25INPEN_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< PAD25INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD25PULL_Pos (8UL) /*!< PAD25PULL (Bit 8) */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD25PULL_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< PAD25PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD24FNCSEL_Pos (3UL) /*!< PAD24FNCSEL (Bit 3) */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD24FNCSEL_Msk (0x18UL) /*!< PAD24FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD24STRNG_Pos (2UL) /*!< PAD24STRNG (Bit 2) */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD24STRNG_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< PAD24STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD24INPEN_Pos (1UL) /*!< PAD24INPEN (Bit 1) */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD24INPEN_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< PAD24INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD24PULL_Pos (0UL) /*!< PAD24PULL (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_PADREGG_PAD24PULL_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< PAD24PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== PADREGH ======================================================== */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD31FNCSEL_Pos (27UL) /*!< PAD31FNCSEL (Bit 27) */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD31FNCSEL_Msk (0x18000000UL) /*!< PAD31FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD31STRNG_Pos (26UL) /*!< PAD31STRNG (Bit 26) */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD31STRNG_Msk (0x4000000UL) /*!< PAD31STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD31INPEN_Pos (25UL) /*!< PAD31INPEN (Bit 25) */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD31INPEN_Msk (0x2000000UL) /*!< PAD31INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD31PULL_Pos (24UL) /*!< PAD31PULL (Bit 24) */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD31PULL_Msk (0x1000000UL) /*!< PAD31PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD30FNCSEL_Pos (19UL) /*!< PAD30FNCSEL (Bit 19) */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD30FNCSEL_Msk (0x180000UL) /*!< PAD30FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD30STRNG_Pos (18UL) /*!< PAD30STRNG (Bit 18) */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD30STRNG_Msk (0x40000UL) /*!< PAD30STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD30INPEN_Pos (17UL) /*!< PAD30INPEN (Bit 17) */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD30INPEN_Msk (0x20000UL) /*!< PAD30INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD30PULL_Pos (16UL) /*!< PAD30PULL (Bit 16) */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD30PULL_Msk (0x10000UL) /*!< PAD30PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD29FNCSEL_Pos (11UL) /*!< PAD29FNCSEL (Bit 11) */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD29FNCSEL_Msk (0x1800UL) /*!< PAD29FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD29STRNG_Pos (10UL) /*!< PAD29STRNG (Bit 10) */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD29STRNG_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< PAD29STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD29INPEN_Pos (9UL) /*!< PAD29INPEN (Bit 9) */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD29INPEN_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< PAD29INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD29PULL_Pos (8UL) /*!< PAD29PULL (Bit 8) */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD29PULL_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< PAD29PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD28FNCSEL_Pos (3UL) /*!< PAD28FNCSEL (Bit 3) */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD28FNCSEL_Msk (0x18UL) /*!< PAD28FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD28STRNG_Pos (2UL) /*!< PAD28STRNG (Bit 2) */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD28STRNG_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< PAD28STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD28INPEN_Pos (1UL) /*!< PAD28INPEN (Bit 1) */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD28INPEN_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< PAD28INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD28PULL_Pos (0UL) /*!< PAD28PULL (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_PADREGH_PAD28PULL_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< PAD28PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== PADREGI ======================================================== */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD35FNCSEL_Pos (27UL) /*!< PAD35FNCSEL (Bit 27) */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD35FNCSEL_Msk (0x18000000UL) /*!< PAD35FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD35STRNG_Pos (26UL) /*!< PAD35STRNG (Bit 26) */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD35STRNG_Msk (0x4000000UL) /*!< PAD35STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD35INPEN_Pos (25UL) /*!< PAD35INPEN (Bit 25) */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD35INPEN_Msk (0x2000000UL) /*!< PAD35INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD35PULL_Pos (24UL) /*!< PAD35PULL (Bit 24) */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD35PULL_Msk (0x1000000UL) /*!< PAD35PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD34FNCSEL_Pos (19UL) /*!< PAD34FNCSEL (Bit 19) */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD34FNCSEL_Msk (0x180000UL) /*!< PAD34FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD34STRNG_Pos (18UL) /*!< PAD34STRNG (Bit 18) */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD34STRNG_Msk (0x40000UL) /*!< PAD34STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD34INPEN_Pos (17UL) /*!< PAD34INPEN (Bit 17) */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD34INPEN_Msk (0x20000UL) /*!< PAD34INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD34PULL_Pos (16UL) /*!< PAD34PULL (Bit 16) */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD34PULL_Msk (0x10000UL) /*!< PAD34PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD33FNCSEL_Pos (11UL) /*!< PAD33FNCSEL (Bit 11) */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD33FNCSEL_Msk (0x1800UL) /*!< PAD33FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD33STRNG_Pos (10UL) /*!< PAD33STRNG (Bit 10) */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD33STRNG_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< PAD33STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD33INPEN_Pos (9UL) /*!< PAD33INPEN (Bit 9) */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD33INPEN_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< PAD33INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD33PULL_Pos (8UL) /*!< PAD33PULL (Bit 8) */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD33PULL_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< PAD33PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD32FNCSEL_Pos (3UL) /*!< PAD32FNCSEL (Bit 3) */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD32FNCSEL_Msk (0x18UL) /*!< PAD32FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD32STRNG_Pos (2UL) /*!< PAD32STRNG (Bit 2) */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD32STRNG_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< PAD32STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD32INPEN_Pos (1UL) /*!< PAD32INPEN (Bit 1) */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD32INPEN_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< PAD32INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD32PULL_Pos (0UL) /*!< PAD32PULL (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_PADREGI_PAD32PULL_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< PAD32PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== PADREGJ ======================================================== */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD39FNCSEL_Pos (27UL) /*!< PAD39FNCSEL (Bit 27) */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD39FNCSEL_Msk (0x18000000UL) /*!< PAD39FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD39STRNG_Pos (26UL) /*!< PAD39STRNG (Bit 26) */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD39STRNG_Msk (0x4000000UL) /*!< PAD39STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD39INPEN_Pos (25UL) /*!< PAD39INPEN (Bit 25) */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD39INPEN_Msk (0x2000000UL) /*!< PAD39INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD39PULL_Pos (24UL) /*!< PAD39PULL (Bit 24) */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD39PULL_Msk (0x1000000UL) /*!< PAD39PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD38FNCSEL_Pos (19UL) /*!< PAD38FNCSEL (Bit 19) */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD38FNCSEL_Msk (0x180000UL) /*!< PAD38FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD38STRNG_Pos (18UL) /*!< PAD38STRNG (Bit 18) */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD38STRNG_Msk (0x40000UL) /*!< PAD38STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD38INPEN_Pos (17UL) /*!< PAD38INPEN (Bit 17) */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD38INPEN_Msk (0x20000UL) /*!< PAD38INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD38PULL_Pos (16UL) /*!< PAD38PULL (Bit 16) */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD38PULL_Msk (0x10000UL) /*!< PAD38PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD37FNCSEL_Pos (11UL) /*!< PAD37FNCSEL (Bit 11) */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD37FNCSEL_Msk (0x1800UL) /*!< PAD37FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD37STRNG_Pos (10UL) /*!< PAD37STRNG (Bit 10) */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD37STRNG_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< PAD37STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD37INPEN_Pos (9UL) /*!< PAD37INPEN (Bit 9) */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD37INPEN_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< PAD37INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD37PULL_Pos (8UL) /*!< PAD37PULL (Bit 8) */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD37PULL_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< PAD37PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD36FNCSEL_Pos (3UL) /*!< PAD36FNCSEL (Bit 3) */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD36FNCSEL_Msk (0x18UL) /*!< PAD36FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD36STRNG_Pos (2UL) /*!< PAD36STRNG (Bit 2) */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD36STRNG_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< PAD36STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD36INPEN_Pos (1UL) /*!< PAD36INPEN (Bit 1) */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD36INPEN_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< PAD36INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD36PULL_Pos (0UL) /*!< PAD36PULL (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD36PULL_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< PAD36PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== PADREGK ======================================================== */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD43FNCSEL_Pos (27UL) /*!< PAD43FNCSEL (Bit 27) */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD43FNCSEL_Msk (0x18000000UL) /*!< PAD43FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD43STRNG_Pos (26UL) /*!< PAD43STRNG (Bit 26) */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD43STRNG_Msk (0x4000000UL) /*!< PAD43STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD43INPEN_Pos (25UL) /*!< PAD43INPEN (Bit 25) */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD43INPEN_Msk (0x2000000UL) /*!< PAD43INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD43PULL_Pos (24UL) /*!< PAD43PULL (Bit 24) */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD43PULL_Msk (0x1000000UL) /*!< PAD43PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD42FNCSEL_Pos (19UL) /*!< PAD42FNCSEL (Bit 19) */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD42FNCSEL_Msk (0x180000UL) /*!< PAD42FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD42STRNG_Pos (18UL) /*!< PAD42STRNG (Bit 18) */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD42STRNG_Msk (0x40000UL) /*!< PAD42STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD42INPEN_Pos (17UL) /*!< PAD42INPEN (Bit 17) */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD42INPEN_Msk (0x20000UL) /*!< PAD42INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD42PULL_Pos (16UL) /*!< PAD42PULL (Bit 16) */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD42PULL_Msk (0x10000UL) /*!< PAD42PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD41FNCSEL_Pos (11UL) /*!< PAD41FNCSEL (Bit 11) */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD41FNCSEL_Msk (0x1800UL) /*!< PAD41FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD41STRNG_Pos (10UL) /*!< PAD41STRNG (Bit 10) */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD41STRNG_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< PAD41STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD41INPEN_Pos (9UL) /*!< PAD41INPEN (Bit 9) */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD41INPEN_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< PAD41INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD41PULL_Pos (8UL) /*!< PAD41PULL (Bit 8) */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD41PULL_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< PAD41PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD40FNCSEL_Pos (3UL) /*!< PAD40FNCSEL (Bit 3) */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD40FNCSEL_Msk (0x18UL) /*!< PAD40FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD40STRNG_Pos (2UL) /*!< PAD40STRNG (Bit 2) */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD40STRNG_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< PAD40STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD40INPEN_Pos (1UL) /*!< PAD40INPEN (Bit 1) */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD40INPEN_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< PAD40INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD40PULL_Pos (0UL) /*!< PAD40PULL (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_PADREGK_PAD40PULL_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< PAD40PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== PADREGL ======================================================== */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD47FNCSEL_Pos (27UL) /*!< PAD47FNCSEL (Bit 27) */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD47FNCSEL_Msk (0x18000000UL) /*!< PAD47FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD47STRNG_Pos (26UL) /*!< PAD47STRNG (Bit 26) */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD47STRNG_Msk (0x4000000UL) /*!< PAD47STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD47INPEN_Pos (25UL) /*!< PAD47INPEN (Bit 25) */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD47INPEN_Msk (0x2000000UL) /*!< PAD47INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD47PULL_Pos (24UL) /*!< PAD47PULL (Bit 24) */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD47PULL_Msk (0x1000000UL) /*!< PAD47PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD46FNCSEL_Pos (19UL) /*!< PAD46FNCSEL (Bit 19) */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD46FNCSEL_Msk (0x180000UL) /*!< PAD46FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD46STRNG_Pos (18UL) /*!< PAD46STRNG (Bit 18) */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD46STRNG_Msk (0x40000UL) /*!< PAD46STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD46INPEN_Pos (17UL) /*!< PAD46INPEN (Bit 17) */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD46INPEN_Msk (0x20000UL) /*!< PAD46INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD46PULL_Pos (16UL) /*!< PAD46PULL (Bit 16) */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD46PULL_Msk (0x10000UL) /*!< PAD46PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD45FNCSEL_Pos (11UL) /*!< PAD45FNCSEL (Bit 11) */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD45FNCSEL_Msk (0x1800UL) /*!< PAD45FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD45STRNG_Pos (10UL) /*!< PAD45STRNG (Bit 10) */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD45STRNG_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< PAD45STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD45INPEN_Pos (9UL) /*!< PAD45INPEN (Bit 9) */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD45INPEN_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< PAD45INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD45PULL_Pos (8UL) /*!< PAD45PULL (Bit 8) */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD45PULL_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< PAD45PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD44FNCSEL_Pos (3UL) /*!< PAD44FNCSEL (Bit 3) */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD44FNCSEL_Msk (0x18UL) /*!< PAD44FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD44STRNG_Pos (2UL) /*!< PAD44STRNG (Bit 2) */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD44STRNG_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< PAD44STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD44INPEN_Pos (1UL) /*!< PAD44INPEN (Bit 1) */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD44INPEN_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< PAD44INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD44PULL_Pos (0UL) /*!< PAD44PULL (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_PADREGL_PAD44PULL_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< PAD44PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== PADREGM ======================================================== */
#define GPIO_PADREGM_PAD49FNCSEL_Pos (11UL) /*!< PAD49FNCSEL (Bit 11) */
#define GPIO_PADREGM_PAD49FNCSEL_Msk (0x1800UL) /*!< PAD49FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGM_PAD49STRNG_Pos (10UL) /*!< PAD49STRNG (Bit 10) */
#define GPIO_PADREGM_PAD49STRNG_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< PAD49STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGM_PAD49INPEN_Pos (9UL) /*!< PAD49INPEN (Bit 9) */
#define GPIO_PADREGM_PAD49INPEN_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< PAD49INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGM_PAD49PULL_Pos (8UL) /*!< PAD49PULL (Bit 8) */
#define GPIO_PADREGM_PAD49PULL_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< PAD49PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGM_PAD48FNCSEL_Pos (3UL) /*!< PAD48FNCSEL (Bit 3) */
#define GPIO_PADREGM_PAD48FNCSEL_Msk (0x18UL) /*!< PAD48FNCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_PADREGM_PAD48STRNG_Pos (2UL) /*!< PAD48STRNG (Bit 2) */
#define GPIO_PADREGM_PAD48STRNG_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< PAD48STRNG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGM_PAD48INPEN_Pos (1UL) /*!< PAD48INPEN (Bit 1) */
#define GPIO_PADREGM_PAD48INPEN_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< PAD48INPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_PADREGM_PAD48PULL_Pos (0UL) /*!< PAD48PULL (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_PADREGM_PAD48PULL_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< PAD48PULL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ========================================================= CFGA ========================================================== */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO7INTD_Pos (31UL) /*!< GPIO7INTD (Bit 31) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO7INTD_Msk (0x80000000UL) /*!< GPIO7INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO7OUTCFG_Pos (29UL) /*!< GPIO7OUTCFG (Bit 29) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO7OUTCFG_Msk (0x60000000UL) /*!< GPIO7OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO7INCFG_Pos (28UL) /*!< GPIO7INCFG (Bit 28) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO7INCFG_Msk (0x10000000UL) /*!< GPIO7INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO6INTD_Pos (27UL) /*!< GPIO6INTD (Bit 27) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO6INTD_Msk (0x8000000UL) /*!< GPIO6INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO6OUTCFG_Pos (25UL) /*!< GPIO6OUTCFG (Bit 25) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO6OUTCFG_Msk (0x6000000UL) /*!< GPIO6OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO6INCFG_Pos (24UL) /*!< GPIO6INCFG (Bit 24) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO6INCFG_Msk (0x1000000UL) /*!< GPIO6INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO5INTD_Pos (23UL) /*!< GPIO5INTD (Bit 23) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO5INTD_Msk (0x800000UL) /*!< GPIO5INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO5OUTCFG_Pos (21UL) /*!< GPIO5OUTCFG (Bit 21) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO5OUTCFG_Msk (0x600000UL) /*!< GPIO5OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO5INCFG_Pos (20UL) /*!< GPIO5INCFG (Bit 20) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO5INCFG_Msk (0x100000UL) /*!< GPIO5INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO4INTD_Pos (19UL) /*!< GPIO4INTD (Bit 19) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO4INTD_Msk (0x80000UL) /*!< GPIO4INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO4OUTCFG_Pos (17UL) /*!< GPIO4OUTCFG (Bit 17) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO4OUTCFG_Msk (0x60000UL) /*!< GPIO4OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO4INCFG_Pos (16UL) /*!< GPIO4INCFG (Bit 16) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO4INCFG_Msk (0x10000UL) /*!< GPIO4INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO3INTD_Pos (15UL) /*!< GPIO3INTD (Bit 15) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO3INTD_Msk (0x8000UL) /*!< GPIO3INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO3OUTCFG_Pos (13UL) /*!< GPIO3OUTCFG (Bit 13) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO3OUTCFG_Msk (0x6000UL) /*!< GPIO3OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO3INCFG_Pos (12UL) /*!< GPIO3INCFG (Bit 12) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO3INCFG_Msk (0x1000UL) /*!< GPIO3INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO2INTD_Pos (11UL) /*!< GPIO2INTD (Bit 11) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO2INTD_Msk (0x800UL) /*!< GPIO2INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO2OUTCFG_Pos (9UL) /*!< GPIO2OUTCFG (Bit 9) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO2OUTCFG_Msk (0x600UL) /*!< GPIO2OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO2INCFG_Pos (8UL) /*!< GPIO2INCFG (Bit 8) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO2INCFG_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< GPIO2INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO1INTD_Pos (7UL) /*!< GPIO1INTD (Bit 7) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO1INTD_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< GPIO1INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO1OUTCFG_Pos (5UL) /*!< GPIO1OUTCFG (Bit 5) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO1OUTCFG_Msk (0x60UL) /*!< GPIO1OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO1INCFG_Pos (4UL) /*!< GPIO1INCFG (Bit 4) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO1INCFG_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< GPIO1INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO0INTD_Pos (3UL) /*!< GPIO0INTD (Bit 3) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO0INTD_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< GPIO0INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO0OUTCFG_Pos (1UL) /*!< GPIO0OUTCFG (Bit 1) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO0OUTCFG_Msk (0x6UL) /*!< GPIO0OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO0INCFG_Pos (0UL) /*!< GPIO0INCFG (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_CFGA_GPIO0INCFG_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< GPIO0INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ========================================================= CFGB ========================================================== */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO15INTD_Pos (31UL) /*!< GPIO15INTD (Bit 31) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO15INTD_Msk (0x80000000UL) /*!< GPIO15INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO15OUTCFG_Pos (29UL) /*!< GPIO15OUTCFG (Bit 29) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO15OUTCFG_Msk (0x60000000UL) /*!< GPIO15OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO15INCFG_Pos (28UL) /*!< GPIO15INCFG (Bit 28) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO15INCFG_Msk (0x10000000UL) /*!< GPIO15INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO14INTD_Pos (27UL) /*!< GPIO14INTD (Bit 27) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO14INTD_Msk (0x8000000UL) /*!< GPIO14INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO14OUTCFG_Pos (25UL) /*!< GPIO14OUTCFG (Bit 25) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO14OUTCFG_Msk (0x6000000UL) /*!< GPIO14OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO14INCFG_Pos (24UL) /*!< GPIO14INCFG (Bit 24) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO14INCFG_Msk (0x1000000UL) /*!< GPIO14INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO13INTD_Pos (23UL) /*!< GPIO13INTD (Bit 23) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO13INTD_Msk (0x800000UL) /*!< GPIO13INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO13OUTCFG_Pos (21UL) /*!< GPIO13OUTCFG (Bit 21) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO13OUTCFG_Msk (0x600000UL) /*!< GPIO13OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO13INCFG_Pos (20UL) /*!< GPIO13INCFG (Bit 20) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO13INCFG_Msk (0x100000UL) /*!< GPIO13INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO12INTD_Pos (19UL) /*!< GPIO12INTD (Bit 19) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO12INTD_Msk (0x80000UL) /*!< GPIO12INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO12OUTCFG_Pos (17UL) /*!< GPIO12OUTCFG (Bit 17) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO12OUTCFG_Msk (0x60000UL) /*!< GPIO12OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO12INCFG_Pos (16UL) /*!< GPIO12INCFG (Bit 16) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO12INCFG_Msk (0x10000UL) /*!< GPIO12INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO11INTD_Pos (15UL) /*!< GPIO11INTD (Bit 15) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO11INTD_Msk (0x8000UL) /*!< GPIO11INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO11OUTCFG_Pos (13UL) /*!< GPIO11OUTCFG (Bit 13) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO11OUTCFG_Msk (0x6000UL) /*!< GPIO11OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO11INCFG_Pos (12UL) /*!< GPIO11INCFG (Bit 12) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO11INCFG_Msk (0x1000UL) /*!< GPIO11INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO10INTD_Pos (11UL) /*!< GPIO10INTD (Bit 11) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO10INTD_Msk (0x800UL) /*!< GPIO10INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO10OUTCFG_Pos (9UL) /*!< GPIO10OUTCFG (Bit 9) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO10OUTCFG_Msk (0x600UL) /*!< GPIO10OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO10INCFG_Pos (8UL) /*!< GPIO10INCFG (Bit 8) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO10INCFG_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< GPIO10INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO9INTD_Pos (7UL) /*!< GPIO9INTD (Bit 7) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO9INTD_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< GPIO9INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO9OUTCFG_Pos (5UL) /*!< GPIO9OUTCFG (Bit 5) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO9OUTCFG_Msk (0x60UL) /*!< GPIO9OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO9INCFG_Pos (4UL) /*!< GPIO9INCFG (Bit 4) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO9INCFG_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< GPIO9INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO8INTD_Pos (3UL) /*!< GPIO8INTD (Bit 3) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO8INTD_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< GPIO8INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO8OUTCFG_Pos (1UL) /*!< GPIO8OUTCFG (Bit 1) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO8OUTCFG_Msk (0x6UL) /*!< GPIO8OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO8INCFG_Pos (0UL) /*!< GPIO8INCFG (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_CFGB_GPIO8INCFG_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< GPIO8INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ========================================================= CFGC ========================================================== */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO23INTD_Pos (31UL) /*!< GPIO23INTD (Bit 31) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO23INTD_Msk (0x80000000UL) /*!< GPIO23INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO23OUTCFG_Pos (29UL) /*!< GPIO23OUTCFG (Bit 29) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO23OUTCFG_Msk (0x60000000UL) /*!< GPIO23OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO23INCFG_Pos (28UL) /*!< GPIO23INCFG (Bit 28) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO23INCFG_Msk (0x10000000UL) /*!< GPIO23INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO22INTD_Pos (27UL) /*!< GPIO22INTD (Bit 27) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO22INTD_Msk (0x8000000UL) /*!< GPIO22INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO22OUTCFG_Pos (25UL) /*!< GPIO22OUTCFG (Bit 25) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO22OUTCFG_Msk (0x6000000UL) /*!< GPIO22OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO22INCFG_Pos (24UL) /*!< GPIO22INCFG (Bit 24) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO22INCFG_Msk (0x1000000UL) /*!< GPIO22INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO21INTD_Pos (23UL) /*!< GPIO21INTD (Bit 23) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO21INTD_Msk (0x800000UL) /*!< GPIO21INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO21OUTCFG_Pos (21UL) /*!< GPIO21OUTCFG (Bit 21) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO21OUTCFG_Msk (0x600000UL) /*!< GPIO21OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO21INCFG_Pos (20UL) /*!< GPIO21INCFG (Bit 20) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO21INCFG_Msk (0x100000UL) /*!< GPIO21INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO20INTD_Pos (19UL) /*!< GPIO20INTD (Bit 19) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO20INTD_Msk (0x80000UL) /*!< GPIO20INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO20OUTCFG_Pos (17UL) /*!< GPIO20OUTCFG (Bit 17) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO20OUTCFG_Msk (0x60000UL) /*!< GPIO20OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO20INCFG_Pos (16UL) /*!< GPIO20INCFG (Bit 16) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO20INCFG_Msk (0x10000UL) /*!< GPIO20INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO19INTD_Pos (15UL) /*!< GPIO19INTD (Bit 15) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO19INTD_Msk (0x8000UL) /*!< GPIO19INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO19OUTCFG_Pos (13UL) /*!< GPIO19OUTCFG (Bit 13) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO19OUTCFG_Msk (0x6000UL) /*!< GPIO19OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO19INCFG_Pos (12UL) /*!< GPIO19INCFG (Bit 12) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO19INCFG_Msk (0x1000UL) /*!< GPIO19INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO18INTD_Pos (11UL) /*!< GPIO18INTD (Bit 11) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO18INTD_Msk (0x800UL) /*!< GPIO18INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO18OUTCFG_Pos (9UL) /*!< GPIO18OUTCFG (Bit 9) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO18OUTCFG_Msk (0x600UL) /*!< GPIO18OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO18INCFG_Pos (8UL) /*!< GPIO18INCFG (Bit 8) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO18INCFG_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< GPIO18INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO17INTD_Pos (7UL) /*!< GPIO17INTD (Bit 7) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO17INTD_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< GPIO17INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO17OUTCFG_Pos (5UL) /*!< GPIO17OUTCFG (Bit 5) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO17OUTCFG_Msk (0x60UL) /*!< GPIO17OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO17INCFG_Pos (4UL) /*!< GPIO17INCFG (Bit 4) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO17INCFG_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< GPIO17INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO16INTD_Pos (3UL) /*!< GPIO16INTD (Bit 3) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO16INTD_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< GPIO16INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO16OUTCFG_Pos (1UL) /*!< GPIO16OUTCFG (Bit 1) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO16OUTCFG_Msk (0x6UL) /*!< GPIO16OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO16INCFG_Pos (0UL) /*!< GPIO16INCFG (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_CFGC_GPIO16INCFG_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< GPIO16INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ========================================================= CFGD ========================================================== */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO31INTD_Pos (31UL) /*!< GPIO31INTD (Bit 31) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO31INTD_Msk (0x80000000UL) /*!< GPIO31INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO31OUTCFG_Pos (29UL) /*!< GPIO31OUTCFG (Bit 29) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO31OUTCFG_Msk (0x60000000UL) /*!< GPIO31OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO31INCFG_Pos (28UL) /*!< GPIO31INCFG (Bit 28) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO31INCFG_Msk (0x10000000UL) /*!< GPIO31INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO30INTD_Pos (27UL) /*!< GPIO30INTD (Bit 27) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO30INTD_Msk (0x8000000UL) /*!< GPIO30INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO30OUTCFG_Pos (25UL) /*!< GPIO30OUTCFG (Bit 25) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO30OUTCFG_Msk (0x6000000UL) /*!< GPIO30OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO30INCFG_Pos (24UL) /*!< GPIO30INCFG (Bit 24) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO30INCFG_Msk (0x1000000UL) /*!< GPIO30INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO29INTD_Pos (23UL) /*!< GPIO29INTD (Bit 23) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO29INTD_Msk (0x800000UL) /*!< GPIO29INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO29OUTCFG_Pos (21UL) /*!< GPIO29OUTCFG (Bit 21) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO29OUTCFG_Msk (0x600000UL) /*!< GPIO29OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO29INCFG_Pos (20UL) /*!< GPIO29INCFG (Bit 20) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO29INCFG_Msk (0x100000UL) /*!< GPIO29INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO28INTD_Pos (19UL) /*!< GPIO28INTD (Bit 19) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO28INTD_Msk (0x80000UL) /*!< GPIO28INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO28OUTCFG_Pos (17UL) /*!< GPIO28OUTCFG (Bit 17) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO28OUTCFG_Msk (0x60000UL) /*!< GPIO28OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO28INCFG_Pos (16UL) /*!< GPIO28INCFG (Bit 16) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO28INCFG_Msk (0x10000UL) /*!< GPIO28INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO27INTD_Pos (15UL) /*!< GPIO27INTD (Bit 15) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO27INTD_Msk (0x8000UL) /*!< GPIO27INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO27OUTCFG_Pos (13UL) /*!< GPIO27OUTCFG (Bit 13) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO27OUTCFG_Msk (0x6000UL) /*!< GPIO27OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO27INCFG_Pos (12UL) /*!< GPIO27INCFG (Bit 12) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO27INCFG_Msk (0x1000UL) /*!< GPIO27INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO26INTD_Pos (11UL) /*!< GPIO26INTD (Bit 11) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO26INTD_Msk (0x800UL) /*!< GPIO26INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO26OUTCFG_Pos (9UL) /*!< GPIO26OUTCFG (Bit 9) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO26OUTCFG_Msk (0x600UL) /*!< GPIO26OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO26INCFG_Pos (8UL) /*!< GPIO26INCFG (Bit 8) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO26INCFG_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< GPIO26INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO25INTD_Pos (7UL) /*!< GPIO25INTD (Bit 7) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO25INTD_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< GPIO25INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO25OUTCFG_Pos (5UL) /*!< GPIO25OUTCFG (Bit 5) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO25OUTCFG_Msk (0x60UL) /*!< GPIO25OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO25INCFG_Pos (4UL) /*!< GPIO25INCFG (Bit 4) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO25INCFG_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< GPIO25INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO24INTD_Pos (3UL) /*!< GPIO24INTD (Bit 3) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO24INTD_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< GPIO24INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO24OUTCFG_Pos (1UL) /*!< GPIO24OUTCFG (Bit 1) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO24OUTCFG_Msk (0x6UL) /*!< GPIO24OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO24INCFG_Pos (0UL) /*!< GPIO24INCFG (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_CFGD_GPIO24INCFG_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< GPIO24INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ========================================================= CFGE ========================================================== */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO39INTD_Pos (31UL) /*!< GPIO39INTD (Bit 31) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO39INTD_Msk (0x80000000UL) /*!< GPIO39INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO39OUTCFG_Pos (29UL) /*!< GPIO39OUTCFG (Bit 29) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO39OUTCFG_Msk (0x60000000UL) /*!< GPIO39OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO39INCFG_Pos (28UL) /*!< GPIO39INCFG (Bit 28) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO39INCFG_Msk (0x10000000UL) /*!< GPIO39INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO38INTD_Pos (27UL) /*!< GPIO38INTD (Bit 27) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO38INTD_Msk (0x8000000UL) /*!< GPIO38INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO38OUTCFG_Pos (25UL) /*!< GPIO38OUTCFG (Bit 25) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO38OUTCFG_Msk (0x6000000UL) /*!< GPIO38OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO38INCFG_Pos (24UL) /*!< GPIO38INCFG (Bit 24) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO38INCFG_Msk (0x1000000UL) /*!< GPIO38INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO37INTD_Pos (23UL) /*!< GPIO37INTD (Bit 23) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO37INTD_Msk (0x800000UL) /*!< GPIO37INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO37OUTCFG_Pos (21UL) /*!< GPIO37OUTCFG (Bit 21) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO37OUTCFG_Msk (0x600000UL) /*!< GPIO37OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO37INCFG_Pos (20UL) /*!< GPIO37INCFG (Bit 20) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO37INCFG_Msk (0x100000UL) /*!< GPIO37INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO36INTD_Pos (19UL) /*!< GPIO36INTD (Bit 19) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO36INTD_Msk (0x80000UL) /*!< GPIO36INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO36OUTCFG_Pos (17UL) /*!< GPIO36OUTCFG (Bit 17) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO36OUTCFG_Msk (0x60000UL) /*!< GPIO36OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO36INCFG_Pos (16UL) /*!< GPIO36INCFG (Bit 16) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO36INCFG_Msk (0x10000UL) /*!< GPIO36INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO35INTD_Pos (15UL) /*!< GPIO35INTD (Bit 15) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO35INTD_Msk (0x8000UL) /*!< GPIO35INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO35OUTCFG_Pos (13UL) /*!< GPIO35OUTCFG (Bit 13) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO35OUTCFG_Msk (0x6000UL) /*!< GPIO35OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO35INCFG_Pos (12UL) /*!< GPIO35INCFG (Bit 12) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO35INCFG_Msk (0x1000UL) /*!< GPIO35INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO34INTD_Pos (11UL) /*!< GPIO34INTD (Bit 11) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO34INTD_Msk (0x800UL) /*!< GPIO34INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO34OUTCFG_Pos (9UL) /*!< GPIO34OUTCFG (Bit 9) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO34OUTCFG_Msk (0x600UL) /*!< GPIO34OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO34INCFG_Pos (8UL) /*!< GPIO34INCFG (Bit 8) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO34INCFG_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< GPIO34INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO33INTD_Pos (7UL) /*!< GPIO33INTD (Bit 7) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO33INTD_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< GPIO33INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO33OUTCFG_Pos (5UL) /*!< GPIO33OUTCFG (Bit 5) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO33OUTCFG_Msk (0x60UL) /*!< GPIO33OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO33INCFG_Pos (4UL) /*!< GPIO33INCFG (Bit 4) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO33INCFG_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< GPIO33INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO32INTD_Pos (3UL) /*!< GPIO32INTD (Bit 3) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO32INTD_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< GPIO32INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO32OUTCFG_Pos (1UL) /*!< GPIO32OUTCFG (Bit 1) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO32OUTCFG_Msk (0x6UL) /*!< GPIO32OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO32INCFG_Pos (0UL) /*!< GPIO32INCFG (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_CFGE_GPIO32INCFG_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< GPIO32INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ========================================================= CFGF ========================================================== */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO47INTD_Pos (31UL) /*!< GPIO47INTD (Bit 31) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO47INTD_Msk (0x80000000UL) /*!< GPIO47INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO47OUTCFG_Pos (29UL) /*!< GPIO47OUTCFG (Bit 29) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO47OUTCFG_Msk (0x60000000UL) /*!< GPIO47OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO47INCFG_Pos (28UL) /*!< GPIO47INCFG (Bit 28) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO47INCFG_Msk (0x10000000UL) /*!< GPIO47INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO46INTD_Pos (27UL) /*!< GPIO46INTD (Bit 27) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO46INTD_Msk (0x8000000UL) /*!< GPIO46INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO46OUTCFG_Pos (25UL) /*!< GPIO46OUTCFG (Bit 25) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO46OUTCFG_Msk (0x6000000UL) /*!< GPIO46OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO46INCFG_Pos (24UL) /*!< GPIO46INCFG (Bit 24) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO46INCFG_Msk (0x1000000UL) /*!< GPIO46INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO45INTD_Pos (23UL) /*!< GPIO45INTD (Bit 23) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO45INTD_Msk (0x800000UL) /*!< GPIO45INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO45OUTCFG_Pos (21UL) /*!< GPIO45OUTCFG (Bit 21) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO45OUTCFG_Msk (0x600000UL) /*!< GPIO45OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO45INCFG_Pos (20UL) /*!< GPIO45INCFG (Bit 20) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO45INCFG_Msk (0x100000UL) /*!< GPIO45INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO44INTD_Pos (19UL) /*!< GPIO44INTD (Bit 19) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO44INTD_Msk (0x80000UL) /*!< GPIO44INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO44OUTCFG_Pos (17UL) /*!< GPIO44OUTCFG (Bit 17) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO44OUTCFG_Msk (0x60000UL) /*!< GPIO44OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO44INCFG_Pos (16UL) /*!< GPIO44INCFG (Bit 16) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO44INCFG_Msk (0x10000UL) /*!< GPIO44INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO43INTD_Pos (15UL) /*!< GPIO43INTD (Bit 15) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO43INTD_Msk (0x8000UL) /*!< GPIO43INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO43OUTCFG_Pos (13UL) /*!< GPIO43OUTCFG (Bit 13) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO43OUTCFG_Msk (0x6000UL) /*!< GPIO43OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO43INCFG_Pos (12UL) /*!< GPIO43INCFG (Bit 12) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO43INCFG_Msk (0x1000UL) /*!< GPIO43INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO42INTD_Pos (11UL) /*!< GPIO42INTD (Bit 11) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO42INTD_Msk (0x800UL) /*!< GPIO42INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO42OUTCFG_Pos (9UL) /*!< GPIO42OUTCFG (Bit 9) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO42OUTCFG_Msk (0x600UL) /*!< GPIO42OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO42INCFG_Pos (8UL) /*!< GPIO42INCFG (Bit 8) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO42INCFG_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< GPIO42INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO41INTD_Pos (7UL) /*!< GPIO41INTD (Bit 7) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO41INTD_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< GPIO41INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO41OUTCFG_Pos (5UL) /*!< GPIO41OUTCFG (Bit 5) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO41OUTCFG_Msk (0x60UL) /*!< GPIO41OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO41INCFG_Pos (4UL) /*!< GPIO41INCFG (Bit 4) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO41INCFG_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< GPIO41INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO40INTD_Pos (3UL) /*!< GPIO40INTD (Bit 3) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO40INTD_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< GPIO40INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO40OUTCFG_Pos (1UL) /*!< GPIO40OUTCFG (Bit 1) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO40OUTCFG_Msk (0x6UL) /*!< GPIO40OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO40INCFG_Pos (0UL) /*!< GPIO40INCFG (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_CFGF_GPIO40INCFG_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< GPIO40INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ========================================================= CFGG ========================================================== */
#define GPIO_CFGG_GPIO49INTD_Pos (7UL) /*!< GPIO49INTD (Bit 7) */
#define GPIO_CFGG_GPIO49INTD_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< GPIO49INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGG_GPIO49OUTCFG_Pos (5UL) /*!< GPIO49OUTCFG (Bit 5) */
#define GPIO_CFGG_GPIO49OUTCFG_Msk (0x60UL) /*!< GPIO49OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGG_GPIO49INCFG_Pos (4UL) /*!< GPIO49INCFG (Bit 4) */
#define GPIO_CFGG_GPIO49INCFG_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< GPIO49INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGG_GPIO48INTD_Pos (3UL) /*!< GPIO48INTD (Bit 3) */
#define GPIO_CFGG_GPIO48INTD_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< GPIO48INTD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_CFGG_GPIO48OUTCFG_Pos (1UL) /*!< GPIO48OUTCFG (Bit 1) */
#define GPIO_CFGG_GPIO48OUTCFG_Msk (0x6UL) /*!< GPIO48OUTCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define GPIO_CFGG_GPIO48INCFG_Pos (0UL) /*!< GPIO48INCFG (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_CFGG_GPIO48INCFG_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< GPIO48INCFG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== PADKEY ========================================================= */
#define GPIO_PADKEY_PADKEY_Pos (0UL) /*!< PADKEY (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_PADKEY_PADKEY_Msk (0xffffffffUL) /*!< PADKEY (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffffffff) */
/* ========================================================== RDA ========================================================== */
#define GPIO_RDA_RDA_Pos (0UL) /*!< RDA (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_RDA_RDA_Msk (0xffffffffUL) /*!< RDA (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffffffff) */
/* ========================================================== RDB ========================================================== */
#define GPIO_RDB_RDB_Pos (0UL) /*!< RDB (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_RDB_RDB_Msk (0x3ffffUL) /*!< RDB (Bitfield-Mask: 0x3ffff) */
/* ========================================================== WTA ========================================================== */
#define GPIO_WTA_WTA_Pos (0UL) /*!< WTA (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_WTA_WTA_Msk (0xffffffffUL) /*!< WTA (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffffffff) */
/* ========================================================== WTB ========================================================== */
#define GPIO_WTB_WTB_Pos (0UL) /*!< WTB (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_WTB_WTB_Msk (0x3ffffUL) /*!< WTB (Bitfield-Mask: 0x3ffff) */
/* ========================================================= WTSA ========================================================== */
#define GPIO_WTSA_WTSA_Pos (0UL) /*!< WTSA (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_WTSA_WTSA_Msk (0xffffffffUL) /*!< WTSA (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffffffff) */
/* ========================================================= WTSB ========================================================== */
#define GPIO_WTSB_WTSB_Pos (0UL) /*!< WTSB (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_WTSB_WTSB_Msk (0x3ffffUL) /*!< WTSB (Bitfield-Mask: 0x3ffff) */
/* ========================================================= WTCA ========================================================== */
#define GPIO_WTCA_WTCA_Pos (0UL) /*!< WTCA (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_WTCA_WTCA_Msk (0xffffffffUL) /*!< WTCA (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffffffff) */
/* ========================================================= WTCB ========================================================== */
#define GPIO_WTCB_WTCB_Pos (0UL) /*!< WTCB (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_WTCB_WTCB_Msk (0x3ffffUL) /*!< WTCB (Bitfield-Mask: 0x3ffff) */
/* ========================================================== ENA ========================================================== */
#define GPIO_ENA_ENA_Pos (0UL) /*!< ENA (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_ENA_ENA_Msk (0xffffffffUL) /*!< ENA (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffffffff) */
/* ========================================================== ENB ========================================================== */
#define GPIO_ENB_ENB_Pos (0UL) /*!< ENB (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_ENB_ENB_Msk (0x3ffffUL) /*!< ENB (Bitfield-Mask: 0x3ffff) */
/* ========================================================= ENSA ========================================================== */
#define GPIO_ENSA_ENSA_Pos (0UL) /*!< ENSA (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_ENSA_ENSA_Msk (0xffffffffUL) /*!< ENSA (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffffffff) */
/* ========================================================= ENSB ========================================================== */
#define GPIO_ENSB_ENSB_Pos (0UL) /*!< ENSB (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_ENSB_ENSB_Msk (0x3ffffUL) /*!< ENSB (Bitfield-Mask: 0x3ffff) */
/* ========================================================= ENCA ========================================================== */
#define GPIO_ENCA_ENCA_Pos (0UL) /*!< ENCA (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_ENCA_ENCA_Msk (0xffffffffUL) /*!< ENCA (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffffffff) */
/* ========================================================= ENCB ========================================================== */
#define GPIO_ENCB_ENCB_Pos (0UL) /*!< ENCB (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_ENCB_ENCB_Msk (0x3ffffUL) /*!< ENCB (Bitfield-Mask: 0x3ffff) */
/* ======================================================== INT0EN ========================================================= */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO31_Pos (31UL) /*!< GPIO31 (Bit 31) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO31_Msk (0x80000000UL) /*!< GPIO31 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO30_Pos (30UL) /*!< GPIO30 (Bit 30) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO30_Msk (0x40000000UL) /*!< GPIO30 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO29_Pos (29UL) /*!< GPIO29 (Bit 29) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO29_Msk (0x20000000UL) /*!< GPIO29 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO28_Pos (28UL) /*!< GPIO28 (Bit 28) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO28_Msk (0x10000000UL) /*!< GPIO28 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO27_Pos (27UL) /*!< GPIO27 (Bit 27) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO27_Msk (0x8000000UL) /*!< GPIO27 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO26_Pos (26UL) /*!< GPIO26 (Bit 26) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO26_Msk (0x4000000UL) /*!< GPIO26 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO25_Pos (25UL) /*!< GPIO25 (Bit 25) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO25_Msk (0x2000000UL) /*!< GPIO25 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO24_Pos (24UL) /*!< GPIO24 (Bit 24) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO24_Msk (0x1000000UL) /*!< GPIO24 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO23_Pos (23UL) /*!< GPIO23 (Bit 23) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO23_Msk (0x800000UL) /*!< GPIO23 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO22_Pos (22UL) /*!< GPIO22 (Bit 22) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO22_Msk (0x400000UL) /*!< GPIO22 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO21_Pos (21UL) /*!< GPIO21 (Bit 21) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO21_Msk (0x200000UL) /*!< GPIO21 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO20_Pos (20UL) /*!< GPIO20 (Bit 20) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO20_Msk (0x100000UL) /*!< GPIO20 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO19_Pos (19UL) /*!< GPIO19 (Bit 19) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO19_Msk (0x80000UL) /*!< GPIO19 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO18_Pos (18UL) /*!< GPIO18 (Bit 18) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO18_Msk (0x40000UL) /*!< GPIO18 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO17_Pos (17UL) /*!< GPIO17 (Bit 17) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO17_Msk (0x20000UL) /*!< GPIO17 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO16_Pos (16UL) /*!< GPIO16 (Bit 16) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO16_Msk (0x10000UL) /*!< GPIO16 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO15_Pos (15UL) /*!< GPIO15 (Bit 15) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO15_Msk (0x8000UL) /*!< GPIO15 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO14_Pos (14UL) /*!< GPIO14 (Bit 14) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO14_Msk (0x4000UL) /*!< GPIO14 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO13_Pos (13UL) /*!< GPIO13 (Bit 13) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO13_Msk (0x2000UL) /*!< GPIO13 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO12_Pos (12UL) /*!< GPIO12 (Bit 12) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO12_Msk (0x1000UL) /*!< GPIO12 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO11_Pos (11UL) /*!< GPIO11 (Bit 11) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO11_Msk (0x800UL) /*!< GPIO11 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO10_Pos (10UL) /*!< GPIO10 (Bit 10) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO10_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< GPIO10 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO9_Pos (9UL) /*!< GPIO9 (Bit 9) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO9_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< GPIO9 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO8_Pos (8UL) /*!< GPIO8 (Bit 8) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO8_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< GPIO8 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO7_Pos (7UL) /*!< GPIO7 (Bit 7) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO7_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< GPIO7 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO6_Pos (6UL) /*!< GPIO6 (Bit 6) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO6_Msk (0x40UL) /*!< GPIO6 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO5_Pos (5UL) /*!< GPIO5 (Bit 5) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO5_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< GPIO5 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO4_Pos (4UL) /*!< GPIO4 (Bit 4) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO4_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< GPIO4 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO3_Pos (3UL) /*!< GPIO3 (Bit 3) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO3_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< GPIO3 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO2_Pos (2UL) /*!< GPIO2 (Bit 2) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO2_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< GPIO2 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO1_Pos (1UL) /*!< GPIO1 (Bit 1) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO1_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< GPIO1 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO0_Pos (0UL) /*!< GPIO0 (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_INT0EN_GPIO0_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< GPIO0 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================= INT0STAT ======================================================== */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO31_Pos (31UL) /*!< GPIO31 (Bit 31) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO31_Msk (0x80000000UL) /*!< GPIO31 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO30_Pos (30UL) /*!< GPIO30 (Bit 30) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO30_Msk (0x40000000UL) /*!< GPIO30 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO29_Pos (29UL) /*!< GPIO29 (Bit 29) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO29_Msk (0x20000000UL) /*!< GPIO29 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO28_Pos (28UL) /*!< GPIO28 (Bit 28) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO28_Msk (0x10000000UL) /*!< GPIO28 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO27_Pos (27UL) /*!< GPIO27 (Bit 27) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO27_Msk (0x8000000UL) /*!< GPIO27 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO26_Pos (26UL) /*!< GPIO26 (Bit 26) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO26_Msk (0x4000000UL) /*!< GPIO26 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO25_Pos (25UL) /*!< GPIO25 (Bit 25) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO25_Msk (0x2000000UL) /*!< GPIO25 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO24_Pos (24UL) /*!< GPIO24 (Bit 24) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO24_Msk (0x1000000UL) /*!< GPIO24 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO23_Pos (23UL) /*!< GPIO23 (Bit 23) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO23_Msk (0x800000UL) /*!< GPIO23 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO22_Pos (22UL) /*!< GPIO22 (Bit 22) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO22_Msk (0x400000UL) /*!< GPIO22 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO21_Pos (21UL) /*!< GPIO21 (Bit 21) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO21_Msk (0x200000UL) /*!< GPIO21 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO20_Pos (20UL) /*!< GPIO20 (Bit 20) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO20_Msk (0x100000UL) /*!< GPIO20 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO19_Pos (19UL) /*!< GPIO19 (Bit 19) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO19_Msk (0x80000UL) /*!< GPIO19 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO18_Pos (18UL) /*!< GPIO18 (Bit 18) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO18_Msk (0x40000UL) /*!< GPIO18 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO17_Pos (17UL) /*!< GPIO17 (Bit 17) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO17_Msk (0x20000UL) /*!< GPIO17 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO16_Pos (16UL) /*!< GPIO16 (Bit 16) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO16_Msk (0x10000UL) /*!< GPIO16 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO15_Pos (15UL) /*!< GPIO15 (Bit 15) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO15_Msk (0x8000UL) /*!< GPIO15 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO14_Pos (14UL) /*!< GPIO14 (Bit 14) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO14_Msk (0x4000UL) /*!< GPIO14 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO13_Pos (13UL) /*!< GPIO13 (Bit 13) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO13_Msk (0x2000UL) /*!< GPIO13 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO12_Pos (12UL) /*!< GPIO12 (Bit 12) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO12_Msk (0x1000UL) /*!< GPIO12 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO11_Pos (11UL) /*!< GPIO11 (Bit 11) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO11_Msk (0x800UL) /*!< GPIO11 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO10_Pos (10UL) /*!< GPIO10 (Bit 10) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO10_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< GPIO10 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO9_Pos (9UL) /*!< GPIO9 (Bit 9) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO9_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< GPIO9 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO8_Pos (8UL) /*!< GPIO8 (Bit 8) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO8_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< GPIO8 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO7_Pos (7UL) /*!< GPIO7 (Bit 7) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO7_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< GPIO7 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO6_Pos (6UL) /*!< GPIO6 (Bit 6) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO6_Msk (0x40UL) /*!< GPIO6 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO5_Pos (5UL) /*!< GPIO5 (Bit 5) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO5_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< GPIO5 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO4_Pos (4UL) /*!< GPIO4 (Bit 4) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO4_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< GPIO4 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO3_Pos (3UL) /*!< GPIO3 (Bit 3) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO3_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< GPIO3 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO2_Pos (2UL) /*!< GPIO2 (Bit 2) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO2_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< GPIO2 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO1_Pos (1UL) /*!< GPIO1 (Bit 1) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO1_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< GPIO1 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO0_Pos (0UL) /*!< GPIO0 (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_INT0STAT_GPIO0_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< GPIO0 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INT0CLR ======================================================== */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO31_Pos (31UL) /*!< GPIO31 (Bit 31) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO31_Msk (0x80000000UL) /*!< GPIO31 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO30_Pos (30UL) /*!< GPIO30 (Bit 30) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO30_Msk (0x40000000UL) /*!< GPIO30 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO29_Pos (29UL) /*!< GPIO29 (Bit 29) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO29_Msk (0x20000000UL) /*!< GPIO29 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO28_Pos (28UL) /*!< GPIO28 (Bit 28) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO28_Msk (0x10000000UL) /*!< GPIO28 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO27_Pos (27UL) /*!< GPIO27 (Bit 27) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO27_Msk (0x8000000UL) /*!< GPIO27 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO26_Pos (26UL) /*!< GPIO26 (Bit 26) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO26_Msk (0x4000000UL) /*!< GPIO26 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO25_Pos (25UL) /*!< GPIO25 (Bit 25) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO25_Msk (0x2000000UL) /*!< GPIO25 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO24_Pos (24UL) /*!< GPIO24 (Bit 24) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO24_Msk (0x1000000UL) /*!< GPIO24 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO23_Pos (23UL) /*!< GPIO23 (Bit 23) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO23_Msk (0x800000UL) /*!< GPIO23 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO22_Pos (22UL) /*!< GPIO22 (Bit 22) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO22_Msk (0x400000UL) /*!< GPIO22 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO21_Pos (21UL) /*!< GPIO21 (Bit 21) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO21_Msk (0x200000UL) /*!< GPIO21 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO20_Pos (20UL) /*!< GPIO20 (Bit 20) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO20_Msk (0x100000UL) /*!< GPIO20 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO19_Pos (19UL) /*!< GPIO19 (Bit 19) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO19_Msk (0x80000UL) /*!< GPIO19 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO18_Pos (18UL) /*!< GPIO18 (Bit 18) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO18_Msk (0x40000UL) /*!< GPIO18 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO17_Pos (17UL) /*!< GPIO17 (Bit 17) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO17_Msk (0x20000UL) /*!< GPIO17 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO16_Pos (16UL) /*!< GPIO16 (Bit 16) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO16_Msk (0x10000UL) /*!< GPIO16 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO15_Pos (15UL) /*!< GPIO15 (Bit 15) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO15_Msk (0x8000UL) /*!< GPIO15 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO14_Pos (14UL) /*!< GPIO14 (Bit 14) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO14_Msk (0x4000UL) /*!< GPIO14 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO13_Pos (13UL) /*!< GPIO13 (Bit 13) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO13_Msk (0x2000UL) /*!< GPIO13 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO12_Pos (12UL) /*!< GPIO12 (Bit 12) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO12_Msk (0x1000UL) /*!< GPIO12 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO11_Pos (11UL) /*!< GPIO11 (Bit 11) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO11_Msk (0x800UL) /*!< GPIO11 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO10_Pos (10UL) /*!< GPIO10 (Bit 10) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO10_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< GPIO10 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO9_Pos (9UL) /*!< GPIO9 (Bit 9) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO9_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< GPIO9 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO8_Pos (8UL) /*!< GPIO8 (Bit 8) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO8_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< GPIO8 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO7_Pos (7UL) /*!< GPIO7 (Bit 7) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO7_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< GPIO7 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO6_Pos (6UL) /*!< GPIO6 (Bit 6) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO6_Msk (0x40UL) /*!< GPIO6 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO5_Pos (5UL) /*!< GPIO5 (Bit 5) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO5_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< GPIO5 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO4_Pos (4UL) /*!< GPIO4 (Bit 4) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO4_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< GPIO4 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO3_Pos (3UL) /*!< GPIO3 (Bit 3) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO3_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< GPIO3 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO2_Pos (2UL) /*!< GPIO2 (Bit 2) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO2_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< GPIO2 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO1_Pos (1UL) /*!< GPIO1 (Bit 1) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO1_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< GPIO1 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO0_Pos (0UL) /*!< GPIO0 (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_INT0CLR_GPIO0_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< GPIO0 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INT0SET ======================================================== */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO31_Pos (31UL) /*!< GPIO31 (Bit 31) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO31_Msk (0x80000000UL) /*!< GPIO31 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO30_Pos (30UL) /*!< GPIO30 (Bit 30) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO30_Msk (0x40000000UL) /*!< GPIO30 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO29_Pos (29UL) /*!< GPIO29 (Bit 29) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO29_Msk (0x20000000UL) /*!< GPIO29 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO28_Pos (28UL) /*!< GPIO28 (Bit 28) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO28_Msk (0x10000000UL) /*!< GPIO28 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO27_Pos (27UL) /*!< GPIO27 (Bit 27) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO27_Msk (0x8000000UL) /*!< GPIO27 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO26_Pos (26UL) /*!< GPIO26 (Bit 26) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO26_Msk (0x4000000UL) /*!< GPIO26 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO25_Pos (25UL) /*!< GPIO25 (Bit 25) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO25_Msk (0x2000000UL) /*!< GPIO25 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO24_Pos (24UL) /*!< GPIO24 (Bit 24) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO24_Msk (0x1000000UL) /*!< GPIO24 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO23_Pos (23UL) /*!< GPIO23 (Bit 23) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO23_Msk (0x800000UL) /*!< GPIO23 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO22_Pos (22UL) /*!< GPIO22 (Bit 22) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO22_Msk (0x400000UL) /*!< GPIO22 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO21_Pos (21UL) /*!< GPIO21 (Bit 21) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO21_Msk (0x200000UL) /*!< GPIO21 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO20_Pos (20UL) /*!< GPIO20 (Bit 20) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO20_Msk (0x100000UL) /*!< GPIO20 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO19_Pos (19UL) /*!< GPIO19 (Bit 19) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO19_Msk (0x80000UL) /*!< GPIO19 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO18_Pos (18UL) /*!< GPIO18 (Bit 18) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO18_Msk (0x40000UL) /*!< GPIO18 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO17_Pos (17UL) /*!< GPIO17 (Bit 17) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO17_Msk (0x20000UL) /*!< GPIO17 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO16_Pos (16UL) /*!< GPIO16 (Bit 16) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO16_Msk (0x10000UL) /*!< GPIO16 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO15_Pos (15UL) /*!< GPIO15 (Bit 15) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO15_Msk (0x8000UL) /*!< GPIO15 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO14_Pos (14UL) /*!< GPIO14 (Bit 14) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO14_Msk (0x4000UL) /*!< GPIO14 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO13_Pos (13UL) /*!< GPIO13 (Bit 13) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO13_Msk (0x2000UL) /*!< GPIO13 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO12_Pos (12UL) /*!< GPIO12 (Bit 12) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO12_Msk (0x1000UL) /*!< GPIO12 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO11_Pos (11UL) /*!< GPIO11 (Bit 11) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO11_Msk (0x800UL) /*!< GPIO11 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO10_Pos (10UL) /*!< GPIO10 (Bit 10) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO10_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< GPIO10 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO9_Pos (9UL) /*!< GPIO9 (Bit 9) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO9_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< GPIO9 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO8_Pos (8UL) /*!< GPIO8 (Bit 8) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO8_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< GPIO8 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO7_Pos (7UL) /*!< GPIO7 (Bit 7) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO7_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< GPIO7 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO6_Pos (6UL) /*!< GPIO6 (Bit 6) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO6_Msk (0x40UL) /*!< GPIO6 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO5_Pos (5UL) /*!< GPIO5 (Bit 5) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO5_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< GPIO5 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO4_Pos (4UL) /*!< GPIO4 (Bit 4) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO4_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< GPIO4 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO3_Pos (3UL) /*!< GPIO3 (Bit 3) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO3_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< GPIO3 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO2_Pos (2UL) /*!< GPIO2 (Bit 2) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO2_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< GPIO2 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO1_Pos (1UL) /*!< GPIO1 (Bit 1) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO1_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< GPIO1 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO0_Pos (0UL) /*!< GPIO0 (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_INT0SET_GPIO0_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< GPIO0 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INT1EN ========================================================= */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO49_Pos (17UL) /*!< GPIO49 (Bit 17) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO49_Msk (0x20000UL) /*!< GPIO49 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO48_Pos (16UL) /*!< GPIO48 (Bit 16) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO48_Msk (0x10000UL) /*!< GPIO48 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO47_Pos (15UL) /*!< GPIO47 (Bit 15) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO47_Msk (0x8000UL) /*!< GPIO47 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO46_Pos (14UL) /*!< GPIO46 (Bit 14) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO46_Msk (0x4000UL) /*!< GPIO46 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO45_Pos (13UL) /*!< GPIO45 (Bit 13) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO45_Msk (0x2000UL) /*!< GPIO45 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO44_Pos (12UL) /*!< GPIO44 (Bit 12) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO44_Msk (0x1000UL) /*!< GPIO44 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO43_Pos (11UL) /*!< GPIO43 (Bit 11) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO43_Msk (0x800UL) /*!< GPIO43 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO42_Pos (10UL) /*!< GPIO42 (Bit 10) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO42_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< GPIO42 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO41_Pos (9UL) /*!< GPIO41 (Bit 9) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO41_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< GPIO41 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO40_Pos (8UL) /*!< GPIO40 (Bit 8) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO40_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< GPIO40 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO39_Pos (7UL) /*!< GPIO39 (Bit 7) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO39_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< GPIO39 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO38_Pos (6UL) /*!< GPIO38 (Bit 6) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO38_Msk (0x40UL) /*!< GPIO38 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO37_Pos (5UL) /*!< GPIO37 (Bit 5) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO37_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< GPIO37 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO36_Pos (4UL) /*!< GPIO36 (Bit 4) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO36_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< GPIO36 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO35_Pos (3UL) /*!< GPIO35 (Bit 3) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO35_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< GPIO35 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO34_Pos (2UL) /*!< GPIO34 (Bit 2) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO34_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< GPIO34 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO33_Pos (1UL) /*!< GPIO33 (Bit 1) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO33_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< GPIO33 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO32_Pos (0UL) /*!< GPIO32 (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_INT1EN_GPIO32_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< GPIO32 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================= INT1STAT ======================================================== */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO49_Pos (17UL) /*!< GPIO49 (Bit 17) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO49_Msk (0x20000UL) /*!< GPIO49 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO48_Pos (16UL) /*!< GPIO48 (Bit 16) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO48_Msk (0x10000UL) /*!< GPIO48 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO47_Pos (15UL) /*!< GPIO47 (Bit 15) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO47_Msk (0x8000UL) /*!< GPIO47 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO46_Pos (14UL) /*!< GPIO46 (Bit 14) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO46_Msk (0x4000UL) /*!< GPIO46 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO45_Pos (13UL) /*!< GPIO45 (Bit 13) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO45_Msk (0x2000UL) /*!< GPIO45 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO44_Pos (12UL) /*!< GPIO44 (Bit 12) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO44_Msk (0x1000UL) /*!< GPIO44 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO43_Pos (11UL) /*!< GPIO43 (Bit 11) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO43_Msk (0x800UL) /*!< GPIO43 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO42_Pos (10UL) /*!< GPIO42 (Bit 10) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO42_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< GPIO42 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO41_Pos (9UL) /*!< GPIO41 (Bit 9) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO41_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< GPIO41 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO40_Pos (8UL) /*!< GPIO40 (Bit 8) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO40_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< GPIO40 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO39_Pos (7UL) /*!< GPIO39 (Bit 7) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO39_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< GPIO39 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO38_Pos (6UL) /*!< GPIO38 (Bit 6) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO38_Msk (0x40UL) /*!< GPIO38 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO37_Pos (5UL) /*!< GPIO37 (Bit 5) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO37_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< GPIO37 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO36_Pos (4UL) /*!< GPIO36 (Bit 4) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO36_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< GPIO36 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO35_Pos (3UL) /*!< GPIO35 (Bit 3) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO35_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< GPIO35 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO34_Pos (2UL) /*!< GPIO34 (Bit 2) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO34_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< GPIO34 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO33_Pos (1UL) /*!< GPIO33 (Bit 1) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO33_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< GPIO33 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO32_Pos (0UL) /*!< GPIO32 (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_INT1STAT_GPIO32_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< GPIO32 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INT1CLR ======================================================== */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO49_Pos (17UL) /*!< GPIO49 (Bit 17) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO49_Msk (0x20000UL) /*!< GPIO49 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO48_Pos (16UL) /*!< GPIO48 (Bit 16) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO48_Msk (0x10000UL) /*!< GPIO48 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO47_Pos (15UL) /*!< GPIO47 (Bit 15) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO47_Msk (0x8000UL) /*!< GPIO47 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO46_Pos (14UL) /*!< GPIO46 (Bit 14) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO46_Msk (0x4000UL) /*!< GPIO46 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO45_Pos (13UL) /*!< GPIO45 (Bit 13) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO45_Msk (0x2000UL) /*!< GPIO45 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO44_Pos (12UL) /*!< GPIO44 (Bit 12) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO44_Msk (0x1000UL) /*!< GPIO44 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO43_Pos (11UL) /*!< GPIO43 (Bit 11) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO43_Msk (0x800UL) /*!< GPIO43 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO42_Pos (10UL) /*!< GPIO42 (Bit 10) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO42_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< GPIO42 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO41_Pos (9UL) /*!< GPIO41 (Bit 9) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO41_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< GPIO41 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO40_Pos (8UL) /*!< GPIO40 (Bit 8) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO40_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< GPIO40 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO39_Pos (7UL) /*!< GPIO39 (Bit 7) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO39_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< GPIO39 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO38_Pos (6UL) /*!< GPIO38 (Bit 6) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO38_Msk (0x40UL) /*!< GPIO38 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO37_Pos (5UL) /*!< GPIO37 (Bit 5) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO37_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< GPIO37 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO36_Pos (4UL) /*!< GPIO36 (Bit 4) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO36_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< GPIO36 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO35_Pos (3UL) /*!< GPIO35 (Bit 3) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO35_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< GPIO35 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO34_Pos (2UL) /*!< GPIO34 (Bit 2) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO34_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< GPIO34 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO33_Pos (1UL) /*!< GPIO33 (Bit 1) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO33_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< GPIO33 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO32_Pos (0UL) /*!< GPIO32 (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_INT1CLR_GPIO32_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< GPIO32 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INT1SET ======================================================== */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO49_Pos (17UL) /*!< GPIO49 (Bit 17) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO49_Msk (0x20000UL) /*!< GPIO49 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO48_Pos (16UL) /*!< GPIO48 (Bit 16) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO48_Msk (0x10000UL) /*!< GPIO48 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO47_Pos (15UL) /*!< GPIO47 (Bit 15) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO47_Msk (0x8000UL) /*!< GPIO47 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO46_Pos (14UL) /*!< GPIO46 (Bit 14) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO46_Msk (0x4000UL) /*!< GPIO46 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO45_Pos (13UL) /*!< GPIO45 (Bit 13) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO45_Msk (0x2000UL) /*!< GPIO45 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO44_Pos (12UL) /*!< GPIO44 (Bit 12) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO44_Msk (0x1000UL) /*!< GPIO44 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO43_Pos (11UL) /*!< GPIO43 (Bit 11) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO43_Msk (0x800UL) /*!< GPIO43 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO42_Pos (10UL) /*!< GPIO42 (Bit 10) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO42_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< GPIO42 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO41_Pos (9UL) /*!< GPIO41 (Bit 9) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO41_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< GPIO41 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO40_Pos (8UL) /*!< GPIO40 (Bit 8) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO40_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< GPIO40 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO39_Pos (7UL) /*!< GPIO39 (Bit 7) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO39_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< GPIO39 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO38_Pos (6UL) /*!< GPIO38 (Bit 6) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO38_Msk (0x40UL) /*!< GPIO38 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO37_Pos (5UL) /*!< GPIO37 (Bit 5) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO37_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< GPIO37 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO36_Pos (4UL) /*!< GPIO36 (Bit 4) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO36_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< GPIO36 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO35_Pos (3UL) /*!< GPIO35 (Bit 3) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO35_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< GPIO35 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO34_Pos (2UL) /*!< GPIO34 (Bit 2) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO34_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< GPIO34 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO33_Pos (1UL) /*!< GPIO33 (Bit 1) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO33_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< GPIO33 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO32_Pos (0UL) /*!< GPIO32 (Bit 0) */
#define GPIO_INT1SET_GPIO32_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< GPIO32 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ IOMSTR0 ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ========================================================= FIFO ========================================================== */
#define IOMSTR0_FIFO_FIFO_Pos (0UL) /*!< FIFO (Bit 0) */
#define IOMSTR0_FIFO_FIFO_Msk (0xffffffffUL) /*!< FIFO (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffffffff) */
/* ======================================================== FIFOPTR ======================================================== */
#define IOMSTR0_FIFOPTR_FIFOREM_Pos (16UL) /*!< FIFOREM (Bit 16) */
#define IOMSTR0_FIFOPTR_FIFOREM_Msk (0x7f0000UL) /*!< FIFOREM (Bitfield-Mask: 0x7f) */
#define IOMSTR0_FIFOPTR_FIFOSIZ_Pos (0UL) /*!< FIFOSIZ (Bit 0) */
#define IOMSTR0_FIFOPTR_FIFOSIZ_Msk (0x7fUL) /*!< FIFOSIZ (Bitfield-Mask: 0x7f) */
/* ======================================================== TLNGTH ========================================================= */
#define IOMSTR0_TLNGTH_TLNGTH_Pos (0UL) /*!< TLNGTH (Bit 0) */
#define IOMSTR0_TLNGTH_TLNGTH_Msk (0xfffUL) /*!< TLNGTH (Bitfield-Mask: 0xfff) */
/* ======================================================== FIFOTHR ======================================================== */
#define IOMSTR0_FIFOTHR_FIFOWTHR_Pos (8UL) /*!< FIFOWTHR (Bit 8) */
#define IOMSTR0_FIFOTHR_FIFOWTHR_Msk (0x3f00UL) /*!< FIFOWTHR (Bitfield-Mask: 0x3f) */
#define IOMSTR0_FIFOTHR_FIFORTHR_Pos (0UL) /*!< FIFORTHR (Bit 0) */
#define IOMSTR0_FIFOTHR_FIFORTHR_Msk (0x3fUL) /*!< FIFORTHR (Bitfield-Mask: 0x3f) */
/* ======================================================== CLKCFG ========================================================= */
#define IOMSTR0_CLKCFG_TOTPER_Pos (24UL) /*!< TOTPER (Bit 24) */
#define IOMSTR0_CLKCFG_TOTPER_Msk (0xff000000UL) /*!< TOTPER (Bitfield-Mask: 0xff) */
#define IOMSTR0_CLKCFG_LOWPER_Pos (16UL) /*!< LOWPER (Bit 16) */
#define IOMSTR0_CLKCFG_LOWPER_Msk (0xff0000UL) /*!< LOWPER (Bitfield-Mask: 0xff) */
#define IOMSTR0_CLKCFG_DIVEN_Pos (12UL) /*!< DIVEN (Bit 12) */
#define IOMSTR0_CLKCFG_DIVEN_Msk (0x1000UL) /*!< DIVEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_CLKCFG_DIV3_Pos (11UL) /*!< DIV3 (Bit 11) */
#define IOMSTR0_CLKCFG_DIV3_Msk (0x800UL) /*!< DIV3 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_CLKCFG_FSEL_Pos (8UL) /*!< FSEL (Bit 8) */
#define IOMSTR0_CLKCFG_FSEL_Msk (0x700UL) /*!< FSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
/* ========================================================== CMD ========================================================== */
#define IOMSTR0_CMD_CMD_Pos (0UL) /*!< CMD (Bit 0) */
#define IOMSTR0_CMD_CMD_Msk (0xffffffffUL) /*!< CMD (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffffffff) */
/* ======================================================== CMDRPT ========================================================= */
#define IOMSTR0_CMDRPT_CMDRPT_Pos (0UL) /*!< CMDRPT (Bit 0) */
#define IOMSTR0_CMDRPT_CMDRPT_Msk (0x1fUL) /*!< CMDRPT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x1f) */
/* ======================================================== STATUS ========================================================= */
#define IOMSTR0_STATUS_IDLEST_Pos (2UL) /*!< IDLEST (Bit 2) */
#define IOMSTR0_STATUS_IDLEST_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< IDLEST (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_STATUS_CMDACT_Pos (1UL) /*!< CMDACT (Bit 1) */
#define IOMSTR0_STATUS_CMDACT_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< CMDACT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_STATUS_ERR_Pos (0UL) /*!< ERR (Bit 0) */
#define IOMSTR0_STATUS_ERR_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< ERR (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ========================================================== CFG ========================================================== */
#define IOMSTR0_CFG_IFCEN_Pos (31UL) /*!< IFCEN (Bit 31) */
#define IOMSTR0_CFG_IFCEN_Msk (0x80000000UL) /*!< IFCEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_CFG_SPHA_Pos (2UL) /*!< SPHA (Bit 2) */
#define IOMSTR0_CFG_SPHA_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< SPHA (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_CFG_SPOL_Pos (1UL) /*!< SPOL (Bit 1) */
#define IOMSTR0_CFG_SPOL_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< SPOL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_CFG_IFCSEL_Pos (0UL) /*!< IFCSEL (Bit 0) */
#define IOMSTR0_CFG_IFCSEL_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< IFCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ========================================================= INTEN ========================================================= */
#define IOMSTR0_INTEN_ARB_Pos (10UL) /*!< ARB (Bit 10) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTEN_ARB_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< ARB (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTEN_STOP_Pos (9UL) /*!< STOP (Bit 9) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTEN_STOP_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< STOP (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTEN_START_Pos (8UL) /*!< START (Bit 8) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTEN_START_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< START (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTEN_ICMD_Pos (7UL) /*!< ICMD (Bit 7) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTEN_ICMD_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< ICMD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTEN_IACC_Pos (6UL) /*!< IACC (Bit 6) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTEN_IACC_Msk (0x40UL) /*!< IACC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTEN_WTLEN_Pos (5UL) /*!< WTLEN (Bit 5) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTEN_WTLEN_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< WTLEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTEN_NAK_Pos (4UL) /*!< NAK (Bit 4) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTEN_NAK_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< NAK (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTEN_FOVFL_Pos (3UL) /*!< FOVFL (Bit 3) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTEN_FOVFL_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< FOVFL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTEN_FUNDFL_Pos (2UL) /*!< FUNDFL (Bit 2) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTEN_FUNDFL_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< FUNDFL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTEN_THR_Pos (1UL) /*!< THR (Bit 1) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTEN_THR_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< THR (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTEN_CMDCMP_Pos (0UL) /*!< CMDCMP (Bit 0) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTEN_CMDCMP_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< CMDCMP (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INTSTAT ======================================================== */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSTAT_ARB_Pos (10UL) /*!< ARB (Bit 10) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSTAT_ARB_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< ARB (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSTAT_STOP_Pos (9UL) /*!< STOP (Bit 9) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSTAT_STOP_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< STOP (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSTAT_START_Pos (8UL) /*!< START (Bit 8) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSTAT_START_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< START (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSTAT_ICMD_Pos (7UL) /*!< ICMD (Bit 7) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSTAT_ICMD_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< ICMD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSTAT_IACC_Pos (6UL) /*!< IACC (Bit 6) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSTAT_IACC_Msk (0x40UL) /*!< IACC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSTAT_WTLEN_Pos (5UL) /*!< WTLEN (Bit 5) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSTAT_WTLEN_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< WTLEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSTAT_NAK_Pos (4UL) /*!< NAK (Bit 4) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSTAT_NAK_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< NAK (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSTAT_FOVFL_Pos (3UL) /*!< FOVFL (Bit 3) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSTAT_FOVFL_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< FOVFL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSTAT_FUNDFL_Pos (2UL) /*!< FUNDFL (Bit 2) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSTAT_FUNDFL_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< FUNDFL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSTAT_THR_Pos (1UL) /*!< THR (Bit 1) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSTAT_THR_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< THR (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSTAT_CMDCMP_Pos (0UL) /*!< CMDCMP (Bit 0) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSTAT_CMDCMP_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< CMDCMP (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INTCLR ========================================================= */
#define IOMSTR0_INTCLR_ARB_Pos (10UL) /*!< ARB (Bit 10) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTCLR_ARB_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< ARB (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTCLR_STOP_Pos (9UL) /*!< STOP (Bit 9) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTCLR_STOP_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< STOP (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTCLR_START_Pos (8UL) /*!< START (Bit 8) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTCLR_START_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< START (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTCLR_ICMD_Pos (7UL) /*!< ICMD (Bit 7) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTCLR_ICMD_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< ICMD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTCLR_IACC_Pos (6UL) /*!< IACC (Bit 6) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTCLR_IACC_Msk (0x40UL) /*!< IACC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTCLR_WTLEN_Pos (5UL) /*!< WTLEN (Bit 5) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTCLR_WTLEN_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< WTLEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTCLR_NAK_Pos (4UL) /*!< NAK (Bit 4) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTCLR_NAK_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< NAK (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTCLR_FOVFL_Pos (3UL) /*!< FOVFL (Bit 3) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTCLR_FOVFL_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< FOVFL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTCLR_FUNDFL_Pos (2UL) /*!< FUNDFL (Bit 2) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTCLR_FUNDFL_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< FUNDFL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTCLR_THR_Pos (1UL) /*!< THR (Bit 1) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTCLR_THR_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< THR (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTCLR_CMDCMP_Pos (0UL) /*!< CMDCMP (Bit 0) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTCLR_CMDCMP_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< CMDCMP (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INTSET ========================================================= */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSET_ARB_Pos (10UL) /*!< ARB (Bit 10) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSET_ARB_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< ARB (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSET_STOP_Pos (9UL) /*!< STOP (Bit 9) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSET_STOP_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< STOP (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSET_START_Pos (8UL) /*!< START (Bit 8) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSET_START_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< START (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSET_ICMD_Pos (7UL) /*!< ICMD (Bit 7) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSET_ICMD_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< ICMD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSET_IACC_Pos (6UL) /*!< IACC (Bit 6) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSET_IACC_Msk (0x40UL) /*!< IACC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSET_WTLEN_Pos (5UL) /*!< WTLEN (Bit 5) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSET_WTLEN_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< WTLEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSET_NAK_Pos (4UL) /*!< NAK (Bit 4) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSET_NAK_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< NAK (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSET_FOVFL_Pos (3UL) /*!< FOVFL (Bit 3) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSET_FOVFL_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< FOVFL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSET_FUNDFL_Pos (2UL) /*!< FUNDFL (Bit 2) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSET_FUNDFL_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< FUNDFL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSET_THR_Pos (1UL) /*!< THR (Bit 1) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSET_THR_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< THR (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSET_CMDCMP_Pos (0UL) /*!< CMDCMP (Bit 0) */
#define IOMSTR0_INTSET_CMDCMP_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< CMDCMP (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ IOSLAVE ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ======================================================== FIFOPTR ======================================================== */
#define IOSLAVE_FIFOPTR_FIFOSIZ_Pos (8UL) /*!< FIFOSIZ (Bit 8) */
#define IOSLAVE_FIFOPTR_FIFOSIZ_Msk (0xff00UL) /*!< FIFOSIZ (Bitfield-Mask: 0xff) */
#define IOSLAVE_FIFOPTR_FIFOPTR_Pos (0UL) /*!< FIFOPTR (Bit 0) */
#define IOSLAVE_FIFOPTR_FIFOPTR_Msk (0xffUL) /*!< FIFOPTR (Bitfield-Mask: 0xff) */
/* ======================================================== FIFOCFG ======================================================== */
#define IOSLAVE_FIFOCFG_ROBASE_Pos (24UL) /*!< ROBASE (Bit 24) */
#define IOSLAVE_FIFOCFG_ROBASE_Msk (0x3f000000UL) /*!< ROBASE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x3f) */
#define IOSLAVE_FIFOCFG_FIFOMAX_Pos (8UL) /*!< FIFOMAX (Bit 8) */
#define IOSLAVE_FIFOCFG_FIFOMAX_Msk (0x3f00UL) /*!< FIFOMAX (Bitfield-Mask: 0x3f) */
#define IOSLAVE_FIFOCFG_FIFOBASE_Msk (0x1fUL) /*!< FIFOBASE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x1f) */
/* ======================================================== FIFOTHR ======================================================== */
#define IOSLAVE_FIFOTHR_FIFOTHR_Pos (0UL) /*!< FIFOTHR (Bit 0) */
#define IOSLAVE_FIFOTHR_FIFOTHR_Msk (0xffUL) /*!< FIFOTHR (Bitfield-Mask: 0xff) */
/* ========================================================= FUPD ========================================================== */
#define IOSLAVE_FUPD_IOREAD_Pos (1UL) /*!< IOREAD (Bit 1) */
#define IOSLAVE_FUPD_IOREAD_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< IOREAD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOSLAVE_FUPD_FIFOUPD_Pos (0UL) /*!< FIFOUPD (Bit 0) */
#define IOSLAVE_FUPD_FIFOUPD_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< FIFOUPD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== FIFOCTR ======================================================== */
#define IOSLAVE_FIFOCTR_FIFOCTR_Pos (0UL) /*!< FIFOCTR (Bit 0) */
#define IOSLAVE_FIFOCTR_FIFOCTR_Msk (0x3ffUL) /*!< FIFOCTR (Bitfield-Mask: 0x3ff) */
/* ======================================================== FIFOINC ======================================================== */
#define IOSLAVE_FIFOINC_FIFOINC_Pos (0UL) /*!< FIFOINC (Bit 0) */
#define IOSLAVE_FIFOINC_FIFOINC_Msk (0x3ffUL) /*!< FIFOINC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x3ff) */
/* ========================================================== CFG ========================================================== */
#define IOSLAVE_CFG_IFCEN_Pos (31UL) /*!< IFCEN (Bit 31) */
#define IOSLAVE_CFG_IFCEN_Msk (0x80000000UL) /*!< IFCEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOSLAVE_CFG_I2CADDR_Pos (8UL) /*!< I2CADDR (Bit 8) */
#define IOSLAVE_CFG_I2CADDR_Msk (0xfff00UL) /*!< I2CADDR (Bitfield-Mask: 0xfff) */
#define IOSLAVE_CFG_STARTRD_Pos (4UL) /*!< STARTRD (Bit 4) */
#define IOSLAVE_CFG_STARTRD_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< STARTRD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOSLAVE_CFG_LSB_Pos (2UL) /*!< LSB (Bit 2) */
#define IOSLAVE_CFG_LSB_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< LSB (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOSLAVE_CFG_SPOL_Pos (1UL) /*!< SPOL (Bit 1) */
#define IOSLAVE_CFG_SPOL_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< SPOL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOSLAVE_CFG_IFCSEL_Pos (0UL) /*!< IFCSEL (Bit 0) */
#define IOSLAVE_CFG_IFCSEL_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< IFCSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ========================================================= PRENC ========================================================= */
#define IOSLAVE_PRENC_PRENC_Pos (0UL) /*!< PRENC (Bit 0) */
#define IOSLAVE_PRENC_PRENC_Msk (0x1fUL) /*!< PRENC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x1f) */
/* ======================================================= IOINTCTL ======================================================== */
#define IOSLAVE_IOINTCTL_IOINTSET_Pos (24UL) /*!< IOINTSET (Bit 24) */
#define IOSLAVE_IOINTCTL_IOINTSET_Msk (0xff000000UL) /*!< IOINTSET (Bitfield-Mask: 0xff) */
#define IOSLAVE_IOINTCTL_IOINTCLR_Pos (16UL) /*!< IOINTCLR (Bit 16) */
#define IOSLAVE_IOINTCTL_IOINTCLR_Msk (0x10000UL) /*!< IOINTCLR (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOSLAVE_IOINTCTL_IOINT_Pos (8UL) /*!< IOINT (Bit 8) */
#define IOSLAVE_IOINTCTL_IOINT_Msk (0xff00UL) /*!< IOINT (Bitfield-Mask: 0xff) */
#define IOSLAVE_IOINTCTL_IOINTEN_Pos (0UL) /*!< IOINTEN (Bit 0) */
#define IOSLAVE_IOINTCTL_IOINTEN_Msk (0xffUL) /*!< IOINTEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0xff) */
/* ======================================================== GENADD ========================================================= */
#define IOSLAVE_GENADD_GADATA_Pos (0UL) /*!< GADATA (Bit 0) */
#define IOSLAVE_GENADD_GADATA_Msk (0xffUL) /*!< GADATA (Bitfield-Mask: 0xff) */
/* ========================================================= INTEN ========================================================= */
#define IOSLAVE_INTEN_IOINTW_Pos (5UL) /*!< IOINTW (Bit 5) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTEN_IOINTW_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< IOINTW (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTEN_GENAD_Pos (4UL) /*!< GENAD (Bit 4) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTEN_GENAD_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< GENAD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTEN_FRDERR_Pos (3UL) /*!< FRDERR (Bit 3) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTEN_FRDERR_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< FRDERR (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTEN_FUNDFL_Pos (2UL) /*!< FUNDFL (Bit 2) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTEN_FUNDFL_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< FUNDFL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTEN_FOVFL_Pos (1UL) /*!< FOVFL (Bit 1) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTEN_FOVFL_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< FOVFL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTEN_FSIZE_Pos (0UL) /*!< FSIZE (Bit 0) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTEN_FSIZE_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< FSIZE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INTSTAT ======================================================== */
#define IOSLAVE_INTSTAT_IOINTW_Pos (5UL) /*!< IOINTW (Bit 5) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTSTAT_IOINTW_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< IOINTW (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTSTAT_GENAD_Pos (4UL) /*!< GENAD (Bit 4) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTSTAT_GENAD_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< GENAD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTSTAT_FRDERR_Pos (3UL) /*!< FRDERR (Bit 3) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTSTAT_FRDERR_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< FRDERR (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTSTAT_FUNDFL_Pos (2UL) /*!< FUNDFL (Bit 2) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTSTAT_FUNDFL_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< FUNDFL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTSTAT_FOVFL_Pos (1UL) /*!< FOVFL (Bit 1) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTSTAT_FOVFL_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< FOVFL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTSTAT_FSIZE_Pos (0UL) /*!< FSIZE (Bit 0) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTSTAT_FSIZE_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< FSIZE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INTCLR ========================================================= */
#define IOSLAVE_INTCLR_IOINTW_Pos (5UL) /*!< IOINTW (Bit 5) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTCLR_IOINTW_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< IOINTW (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTCLR_GENAD_Pos (4UL) /*!< GENAD (Bit 4) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTCLR_GENAD_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< GENAD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTCLR_FRDERR_Pos (3UL) /*!< FRDERR (Bit 3) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTCLR_FRDERR_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< FRDERR (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTCLR_FUNDFL_Pos (2UL) /*!< FUNDFL (Bit 2) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTCLR_FUNDFL_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< FUNDFL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTCLR_FOVFL_Pos (1UL) /*!< FOVFL (Bit 1) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTCLR_FOVFL_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< FOVFL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTCLR_FSIZE_Pos (0UL) /*!< FSIZE (Bit 0) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTCLR_FSIZE_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< FSIZE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INTSET ========================================================= */
#define IOSLAVE_INTSET_IOINTW_Pos (5UL) /*!< IOINTW (Bit 5) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTSET_IOINTW_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< IOINTW (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTSET_GENAD_Pos (4UL) /*!< GENAD (Bit 4) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTSET_GENAD_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< GENAD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTSET_FRDERR_Pos (3UL) /*!< FRDERR (Bit 3) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTSET_FRDERR_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< FRDERR (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTSET_FUNDFL_Pos (2UL) /*!< FUNDFL (Bit 2) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTSET_FUNDFL_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< FUNDFL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTSET_FOVFL_Pos (1UL) /*!< FOVFL (Bit 1) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTSET_FOVFL_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< FOVFL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTSET_FSIZE_Pos (0UL) /*!< FSIZE (Bit 0) */
#define IOSLAVE_INTSET_FSIZE_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< FSIZE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ====================================================== REGACCINTEN ====================================================== */
#define IOSLAVE_REGACCINTEN_REGACC_Msk (0xffffffffUL) /*!< REGACC (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffffffff) */
/* ===================================================== REGACCINTSTAT ===================================================== */
#define IOSLAVE_REGACCINTSTAT_REGACC_Msk (0xffffffffUL) /*!< REGACC (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffffffff) */
/* ===================================================== REGACCINTCLR ====================================================== */
#define IOSLAVE_REGACCINTCLR_REGACC_Msk (0xffffffffUL) /*!< REGACC (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffffffff) */
/* ===================================================== REGACCINTSET ====================================================== */
#define IOSLAVE_REGACCINTSET_REGACC_Msk (0xffffffffUL) /*!< REGACC (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffffffff) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ MCUCTRL ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ======================================================= CHIP_INFO ======================================================= */
#define MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_CLASS_Pos (24UL) /*!< CLASS (Bit 24) */
#define MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_CLASS_Msk (0xff000000UL) /*!< CLASS (Bitfield-Mask: 0xff) */
#define MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_FLASH_Pos (20UL) /*!< FLASH (Bit 20) */
#define MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_FLASH_Msk (0xf00000UL) /*!< FLASH (Bitfield-Mask: 0x0f) */
#define MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_RAM_Pos (16UL) /*!< RAM (Bit 16) */
#define MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_RAM_Msk (0xf0000UL) /*!< RAM (Bitfield-Mask: 0x0f) */
#define MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_MAJORREV_Pos (12UL) /*!< MAJORREV (Bit 12) */
#define MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_MAJORREV_Msk (0xf000UL) /*!< MAJORREV (Bitfield-Mask: 0x0f) */
#define MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_MINORREV_Msk (0xf00UL) /*!< MINORREV (Bitfield-Mask: 0x0f) */
#define MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_PKG_Pos (6UL) /*!< PKG (Bit 6) */
#define MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_PKG_Msk (0xc0UL) /*!< PKG (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_PINS_Pos (3UL) /*!< PINS (Bit 3) */
#define MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_PINS_Msk (0x38UL) /*!< PINS (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_TEMP_Pos (1UL) /*!< TEMP (Bit 1) */
#define MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_TEMP_Msk (0x6UL) /*!< TEMP (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_QUAL_Pos (0UL) /*!< QUAL (Bit 0) */
#define MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_QUAL_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< QUAL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== CHIPID0 ======================================================== */
#define MCUCTRL_CHIPID0_VALUE_Pos (0UL) /*!< VALUE (Bit 0) */
#define MCUCTRL_CHIPID0_VALUE_Msk (0xffffffffUL) /*!< VALUE (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffffffff) */
/* ======================================================== CHIPID1 ======================================================== */
#define MCUCTRL_CHIPID1_VALUE_Pos (0UL) /*!< VALUE (Bit 0) */
#define MCUCTRL_CHIPID1_VALUE_Msk (0xffffffffUL) /*!< VALUE (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffffffff) */
/* ======================================================== CHIPREV ======================================================== */
#define MCUCTRL_CHIPREV_REVISION_Msk (0xffUL) /*!< REVISION (Bitfield-Mask: 0xff) */
/* ======================================================= SUPPLYSRC ======================================================= */
#define MCUCTRL_SUPPLYSRC_COREBUCKEN_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< COREBUCKEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define MCUCTRL_SUPPLYSRC_MEMBUCKEN_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< MEMBUCKEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ===================================================== SUPPLYSTATUS ====================================================== */
#define MCUCTRL_SUPPLYSTATUS_COREBUCKON_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< COREBUCKON (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define MCUCTRL_SUPPLYSTATUS_MEMBUCKON_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< MEMBUCKON (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================= BANDGAPEN ======================================================= */
#define MCUCTRL_BANDGAPEN_BGPEN_Pos (0UL) /*!< BGPEN (Bit 0) */
#define MCUCTRL_BANDGAPEN_BGPEN_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< BGPEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ==================================================== SRAMPWDINSLEEP ===================================================== */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK7_Pos (7UL) /*!< BANK7 (Bit 7) */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK7_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< BANK7 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK6_Pos (6UL) /*!< BANK6 (Bit 6) */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK6_Msk (0x40UL) /*!< BANK6 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK5_Pos (5UL) /*!< BANK5 (Bit 5) */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK5_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< BANK5 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK4_Pos (4UL) /*!< BANK4 (Bit 4) */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK4_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< BANK4 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK3_Pos (3UL) /*!< BANK3 (Bit 3) */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK3_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< BANK3 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK2_Pos (2UL) /*!< BANK2 (Bit 2) */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK2_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< BANK2 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK1_Pos (1UL) /*!< BANK1 (Bit 1) */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK1_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< BANK1 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK0_Pos (0UL) /*!< BANK0 (Bit 0) */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK0_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< BANK0 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ====================================================== SRAMPWRDIS ======================================================= */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK7_Pos (7UL) /*!< BANK7 (Bit 7) */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK7_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< BANK7 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK6_Pos (6UL) /*!< BANK6 (Bit 6) */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK6_Msk (0x40UL) /*!< BANK6 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK5_Pos (5UL) /*!< BANK5 (Bit 5) */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK5_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< BANK5 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK4_Pos (4UL) /*!< BANK4 (Bit 4) */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK4_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< BANK4 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK3_Pos (3UL) /*!< BANK3 (Bit 3) */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK3_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< BANK3 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK2_Pos (2UL) /*!< BANK2 (Bit 2) */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK2_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< BANK2 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK1_Pos (1UL) /*!< BANK1 (Bit 1) */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK1_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< BANK1 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK0_Pos (0UL) /*!< BANK0 (Bit 0) */
#define MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK0_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< BANK0 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ====================================================== FLASHPWRDIS ====================================================== */
#define MCUCTRL_FLASHPWRDIS_BANK1_Pos (1UL) /*!< BANK1 (Bit 1) */
#define MCUCTRL_FLASHPWRDIS_BANK1_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< BANK1 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define MCUCTRL_FLASHPWRDIS_BANK0_Pos (0UL) /*!< BANK0 (Bit 0) */
#define MCUCTRL_FLASHPWRDIS_BANK0_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< BANK0 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ==================================================== ICODEFAULTADDR ===================================================== */
#define MCUCTRL_ICODEFAULTADDR_ADDR_Pos (0UL) /*!< ADDR (Bit 0) */
#define MCUCTRL_ICODEFAULTADDR_ADDR_Msk (0xffffffffUL) /*!< ADDR (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffffffff) */
/* ==================================================== DCODEFAULTADDR ===================================================== */
#define MCUCTRL_DCODEFAULTADDR_ADDR_Pos (0UL) /*!< ADDR (Bit 0) */
#define MCUCTRL_DCODEFAULTADDR_ADDR_Msk (0xffffffffUL) /*!< ADDR (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffffffff) */
/* ===================================================== SYSFAULTADDR ====================================================== */
#define MCUCTRL_SYSFAULTADDR_ADDR_Pos (0UL) /*!< ADDR (Bit 0) */
#define MCUCTRL_SYSFAULTADDR_ADDR_Msk (0xffffffffUL) /*!< ADDR (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffffffff) */
/* ====================================================== FAULTSTATUS ====================================================== */
#define MCUCTRL_FAULTSTATUS_SYS_Pos (2UL) /*!< SYS (Bit 2) */
#define MCUCTRL_FAULTSTATUS_SYS_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< SYS (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define MCUCTRL_FAULTSTATUS_DCODE_Pos (1UL) /*!< DCODE (Bit 1) */
#define MCUCTRL_FAULTSTATUS_DCODE_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< DCODE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define MCUCTRL_FAULTSTATUS_ICODE_Pos (0UL) /*!< ICODE (Bit 0) */
#define MCUCTRL_FAULTSTATUS_ICODE_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< ICODE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ==================================================== FAULTCAPTUREEN ===================================================== */
#define MCUCTRL_FAULTCAPTUREEN_ENABLE_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< ENABLE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================= TPIUCTRL ======================================================== */
#define MCUCTRL_TPIUCTRL_CLKSEL_Pos (8UL) /*!< CLKSEL (Bit 8) */
#define MCUCTRL_TPIUCTRL_CLKSEL_Msk (0x300UL) /*!< CLKSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define MCUCTRL_TPIUCTRL_ENABLE_Pos (0UL) /*!< ENABLE (Bit 0) */
#define MCUCTRL_TPIUCTRL_ENABLE_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< ENABLE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ RSTGEN ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ========================================================== CFG ========================================================== */
#define RSTGEN_CFG_WDREN_Pos (1UL) /*!< WDREN (Bit 1) */
#define RSTGEN_CFG_WDREN_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< WDREN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define RSTGEN_CFG_BODHREN_Pos (0UL) /*!< BODHREN (Bit 0) */
#define RSTGEN_CFG_BODHREN_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< BODHREN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ========================================================= SWPOI ========================================================= */
#define RSTGEN_SWPOI_SWPOIKEY_Pos (0UL) /*!< SWPOIKEY (Bit 0) */
#define RSTGEN_SWPOI_SWPOIKEY_Msk (0xffUL) /*!< SWPOIKEY (Bitfield-Mask: 0xff) */
/* ========================================================= SWPOR ========================================================= */
#define RSTGEN_SWPOR_SWPORKEY_Pos (0UL) /*!< SWPORKEY (Bit 0) */
#define RSTGEN_SWPOR_SWPORKEY_Msk (0xffUL) /*!< SWPORKEY (Bitfield-Mask: 0xff) */
/* ========================================================= STAT ========================================================== */
#define RSTGEN_STAT_WDRSTAT_Pos (6UL) /*!< WDRSTAT (Bit 6) */
#define RSTGEN_STAT_WDRSTAT_Msk (0x40UL) /*!< WDRSTAT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define RSTGEN_STAT_DBGRSTAT_Pos (5UL) /*!< DBGRSTAT (Bit 5) */
#define RSTGEN_STAT_DBGRSTAT_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< DBGRSTAT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define RSTGEN_STAT_POIRSTAT_Pos (4UL) /*!< POIRSTAT (Bit 4) */
#define RSTGEN_STAT_POIRSTAT_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< POIRSTAT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define RSTGEN_STAT_SWRSTAT_Pos (3UL) /*!< SWRSTAT (Bit 3) */
#define RSTGEN_STAT_SWRSTAT_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< SWRSTAT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define RSTGEN_STAT_BORSTAT_Pos (2UL) /*!< BORSTAT (Bit 2) */
#define RSTGEN_STAT_BORSTAT_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< BORSTAT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define RSTGEN_STAT_PORSTAT_Pos (1UL) /*!< PORSTAT (Bit 1) */
#define RSTGEN_STAT_PORSTAT_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< PORSTAT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define RSTGEN_STAT_EXRSTAT_Pos (0UL) /*!< EXRSTAT (Bit 0) */
#define RSTGEN_STAT_EXRSTAT_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< EXRSTAT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== CLRSTAT ======================================================== */
#define RSTGEN_CLRSTAT_CLRSTAT_Pos (0UL) /*!< CLRSTAT (Bit 0) */
#define RSTGEN_CLRSTAT_CLRSTAT_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< CLRSTAT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ========================================================= INTEN ========================================================= */
#define RSTGEN_INTEN_BODH_Pos (0UL) /*!< BODH (Bit 0) */
#define RSTGEN_INTEN_BODH_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< BODH (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INTSTAT ======================================================== */
#define RSTGEN_INTSTAT_BODH_Pos (0UL) /*!< BODH (Bit 0) */
#define RSTGEN_INTSTAT_BODH_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< BODH (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INTCLR ========================================================= */
#define RSTGEN_INTCLR_BODH_Pos (0UL) /*!< BODH (Bit 0) */
#define RSTGEN_INTCLR_BODH_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< BODH (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INTSET ========================================================= */
#define RSTGEN_INTSET_BODH_Pos (0UL) /*!< BODH (Bit 0) */
#define RSTGEN_INTSET_BODH_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< BODH (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ RTC ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ======================================================== CTRLOW ========================================================= */
#define RTC_CTRLOW_CTRHR_Pos (24UL) /*!< CTRHR (Bit 24) */
#define RTC_CTRLOW_CTRHR_Msk (0x3f000000UL) /*!< CTRHR (Bitfield-Mask: 0x3f) */
#define RTC_CTRLOW_CTRMIN_Pos (16UL) /*!< CTRMIN (Bit 16) */
#define RTC_CTRLOW_CTRMIN_Msk (0x7f0000UL) /*!< CTRMIN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x7f) */
#define RTC_CTRLOW_CTRSEC_Pos (8UL) /*!< CTRSEC (Bit 8) */
#define RTC_CTRLOW_CTRSEC_Msk (0x7f00UL) /*!< CTRSEC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x7f) */
#define RTC_CTRLOW_CTR100_Pos (0UL) /*!< CTR100 (Bit 0) */
#define RTC_CTRLOW_CTR100_Msk (0xffUL) /*!< CTR100 (Bitfield-Mask: 0xff) */
/* ========================================================= CTRUP ========================================================= */
#define RTC_CTRUP_CTERR_Pos (31UL) /*!< CTERR (Bit 31) */
#define RTC_CTRUP_CTERR_Msk (0x80000000UL) /*!< CTERR (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define RTC_CTRUP_CEB_Pos (28UL) /*!< CEB (Bit 28) */
#define RTC_CTRUP_CEB_Msk (0x10000000UL) /*!< CEB (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define RTC_CTRUP_CB_Pos (27UL) /*!< CB (Bit 27) */
#define RTC_CTRUP_CB_Msk (0x8000000UL) /*!< CB (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define RTC_CTRUP_CTRWKDY_Pos (24UL) /*!< CTRWKDY (Bit 24) */
#define RTC_CTRUP_CTRWKDY_Msk (0x7000000UL) /*!< CTRWKDY (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define RTC_CTRUP_CTRYR_Pos (16UL) /*!< CTRYR (Bit 16) */
#define RTC_CTRUP_CTRYR_Msk (0xff0000UL) /*!< CTRYR (Bitfield-Mask: 0xff) */
#define RTC_CTRUP_CTRMO_Pos (8UL) /*!< CTRMO (Bit 8) */
#define RTC_CTRUP_CTRMO_Msk (0x1f00UL) /*!< CTRMO (Bitfield-Mask: 0x1f) */
#define RTC_CTRUP_CTRDATE_Pos (0UL) /*!< CTRDATE (Bit 0) */
#define RTC_CTRUP_CTRDATE_Msk (0x3fUL) /*!< CTRDATE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x3f) */
/* ======================================================== ALMLOW ========================================================= */
#define RTC_ALMLOW_ALMHR_Pos (24UL) /*!< ALMHR (Bit 24) */
#define RTC_ALMLOW_ALMHR_Msk (0x3f000000UL) /*!< ALMHR (Bitfield-Mask: 0x3f) */
#define RTC_ALMLOW_ALMMIN_Pos (16UL) /*!< ALMMIN (Bit 16) */
#define RTC_ALMLOW_ALMMIN_Msk (0x7f0000UL) /*!< ALMMIN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x7f) */
#define RTC_ALMLOW_ALMSEC_Pos (8UL) /*!< ALMSEC (Bit 8) */
#define RTC_ALMLOW_ALMSEC_Msk (0x7f00UL) /*!< ALMSEC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x7f) */
#define RTC_ALMLOW_ALM100_Pos (0UL) /*!< ALM100 (Bit 0) */
#define RTC_ALMLOW_ALM100_Msk (0xffUL) /*!< ALM100 (Bitfield-Mask: 0xff) */
/* ========================================================= ALMUP ========================================================= */
#define RTC_ALMUP_ALMWKDY_Pos (16UL) /*!< ALMWKDY (Bit 16) */
#define RTC_ALMUP_ALMWKDY_Msk (0x70000UL) /*!< ALMWKDY (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define RTC_ALMUP_ALMMO_Pos (8UL) /*!< ALMMO (Bit 8) */
#define RTC_ALMUP_ALMMO_Msk (0x1f00UL) /*!< ALMMO (Bitfield-Mask: 0x1f) */
#define RTC_ALMUP_ALMDATE_Pos (0UL) /*!< ALMDATE (Bit 0) */
#define RTC_ALMUP_ALMDATE_Msk (0x3fUL) /*!< ALMDATE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x3f) */
/* ======================================================== RTCCTL ========================================================= */
#define RTC_RTCCTL_HR1224_Pos (5UL) /*!< HR1224 (Bit 5) */
#define RTC_RTCCTL_HR1224_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< HR1224 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define RTC_RTCCTL_RSTOP_Pos (4UL) /*!< RSTOP (Bit 4) */
#define RTC_RTCCTL_RSTOP_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< RSTOP (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define RTC_RTCCTL_RPT_Pos (1UL) /*!< RPT (Bit 1) */
#define RTC_RTCCTL_RPT_Msk (0xeUL) /*!< RPT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define RTC_RTCCTL_WRTC_Pos (0UL) /*!< WRTC (Bit 0) */
#define RTC_RTCCTL_WRTC_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< WRTC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ========================================================= INTEN ========================================================= */
#define RTC_INTEN_ALM_Pos (3UL) /*!< ALM (Bit 3) */
#define RTC_INTEN_ALM_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< ALM (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define RTC_INTEN_OF_Pos (2UL) /*!< OF (Bit 2) */
#define RTC_INTEN_OF_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< OF (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define RTC_INTEN_ACC_Pos (1UL) /*!< ACC (Bit 1) */
#define RTC_INTEN_ACC_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< ACC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define RTC_INTEN_ACF_Pos (0UL) /*!< ACF (Bit 0) */
#define RTC_INTEN_ACF_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< ACF (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INTSTAT ======================================================== */
#define RTC_INTSTAT_ALM_Pos (3UL) /*!< ALM (Bit 3) */
#define RTC_INTSTAT_ALM_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< ALM (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define RTC_INTSTAT_OF_Pos (2UL) /*!< OF (Bit 2) */
#define RTC_INTSTAT_OF_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< OF (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define RTC_INTSTAT_ACC_Pos (1UL) /*!< ACC (Bit 1) */
#define RTC_INTSTAT_ACC_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< ACC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define RTC_INTSTAT_ACF_Pos (0UL) /*!< ACF (Bit 0) */
#define RTC_INTSTAT_ACF_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< ACF (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INTCLR ========================================================= */
#define RTC_INTCLR_ALM_Pos (3UL) /*!< ALM (Bit 3) */
#define RTC_INTCLR_ALM_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< ALM (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define RTC_INTCLR_OF_Pos (2UL) /*!< OF (Bit 2) */
#define RTC_INTCLR_OF_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< OF (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define RTC_INTCLR_ACC_Pos (1UL) /*!< ACC (Bit 1) */
#define RTC_INTCLR_ACC_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< ACC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define RTC_INTCLR_ACF_Pos (0UL) /*!< ACF (Bit 0) */
#define RTC_INTCLR_ACF_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< ACF (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INTSET ========================================================= */
#define RTC_INTSET_ALM_Pos (3UL) /*!< ALM (Bit 3) */
#define RTC_INTSET_ALM_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< ALM (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define RTC_INTSET_OF_Pos (2UL) /*!< OF (Bit 2) */
#define RTC_INTSET_OF_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< OF (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define RTC_INTSET_ACC_Pos (1UL) /*!< ACC (Bit 1) */
#define RTC_INTSET_ACC_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< ACC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define RTC_INTSET_ACF_Pos (0UL) /*!< ACF (Bit 0) */
#define RTC_INTSET_ACF_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< ACF (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ UART ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ========================================================== DR =========================================================== */
#define UART_DR_OEDATA_Pos (11UL) /*!< OEDATA (Bit 11) */
#define UART_DR_OEDATA_Msk (0x800UL) /*!< OEDATA (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_DR_BEDATA_Pos (10UL) /*!< BEDATA (Bit 10) */
#define UART_DR_BEDATA_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< BEDATA (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_DR_PEDATA_Pos (9UL) /*!< PEDATA (Bit 9) */
#define UART_DR_PEDATA_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< PEDATA (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_DR_FEDATA_Pos (8UL) /*!< FEDATA (Bit 8) */
#define UART_DR_FEDATA_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< FEDATA (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_DR_DATA_Pos (0UL) /*!< DATA (Bit 0) */
#define UART_DR_DATA_Msk (0xffUL) /*!< DATA (Bitfield-Mask: 0xff) */
/* ========================================================== RSR ========================================================== */
#define UART_RSR_OESTAT_Pos (3UL) /*!< OESTAT (Bit 3) */
#define UART_RSR_OESTAT_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< OESTAT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_RSR_BESTAT_Pos (2UL) /*!< BESTAT (Bit 2) */
#define UART_RSR_BESTAT_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< BESTAT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_RSR_PESTAT_Pos (1UL) /*!< PESTAT (Bit 1) */
#define UART_RSR_PESTAT_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< PESTAT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_RSR_FESTAT_Pos (0UL) /*!< FESTAT (Bit 0) */
#define UART_RSR_FESTAT_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< FESTAT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ========================================================== FR =========================================================== */
#define UART_FR_RI_Pos (8UL) /*!< RI (Bit 8) */
#define UART_FR_RI_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< RI (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_FR_TXFE_Pos (7UL) /*!< TXFE (Bit 7) */
#define UART_FR_TXFE_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< TXFE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_FR_RXFF_Pos (6UL) /*!< RXFF (Bit 6) */
#define UART_FR_RXFF_Msk (0x40UL) /*!< RXFF (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_FR_TXFF_Pos (5UL) /*!< TXFF (Bit 5) */
#define UART_FR_TXFF_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< TXFF (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_FR_RXFE_Pos (4UL) /*!< RXFE (Bit 4) */
#define UART_FR_RXFE_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< RXFE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_FR_BUSY_Pos (3UL) /*!< BUSY (Bit 3) */
#define UART_FR_BUSY_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< BUSY (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_FR_DCD_Pos (2UL) /*!< DCD (Bit 2) */
#define UART_FR_DCD_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< DCD (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_FR_DSR_Pos (1UL) /*!< DSR (Bit 1) */
#define UART_FR_DSR_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< DSR (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_FR_CTS_Pos (0UL) /*!< CTS (Bit 0) */
#define UART_FR_CTS_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< CTS (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ========================================================= ILPR ========================================================== */
#define UART_ILPR_ILPDVSR_Pos (0UL) /*!< ILPDVSR (Bit 0) */
#define UART_ILPR_ILPDVSR_Msk (0xffUL) /*!< ILPDVSR (Bitfield-Mask: 0xff) */
/* ========================================================= IBRD ========================================================== */
#define UART_IBRD_DIVINT_Pos (0UL) /*!< DIVINT (Bit 0) */
#define UART_IBRD_DIVINT_Msk (0xffffUL) /*!< DIVINT (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffff) */
/* ========================================================= FBRD ========================================================== */
#define UART_FBRD_DIVFRAC_Pos (0UL) /*!< DIVFRAC (Bit 0) */
#define UART_FBRD_DIVFRAC_Msk (0x3fUL) /*!< DIVFRAC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x3f) */
/* ========================================================= LCRH ========================================================== */
#define UART_LCRH_SPS_Pos (7UL) /*!< SPS (Bit 7) */
#define UART_LCRH_SPS_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< SPS (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_LCRH_WLEN_Pos (5UL) /*!< WLEN (Bit 5) */
#define UART_LCRH_WLEN_Msk (0x60UL) /*!< WLEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define UART_LCRH_FEN_Pos (4UL) /*!< FEN (Bit 4) */
#define UART_LCRH_FEN_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< FEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_LCRH_STP2_Pos (3UL) /*!< STP2 (Bit 3) */
#define UART_LCRH_STP2_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< STP2 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_LCRH_EPS_Pos (2UL) /*!< EPS (Bit 2) */
#define UART_LCRH_EPS_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< EPS (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_LCRH_PEN_Pos (1UL) /*!< PEN (Bit 1) */
#define UART_LCRH_PEN_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< PEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_LCRH_BRK_Pos (0UL) /*!< BRK (Bit 0) */
#define UART_LCRH_BRK_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< BRK (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ========================================================== CR =========================================================== */
#define UART_CR_CTSEN_Pos (15UL) /*!< CTSEN (Bit 15) */
#define UART_CR_CTSEN_Msk (0x8000UL) /*!< CTSEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_CR_RTSEN_Pos (14UL) /*!< RTSEN (Bit 14) */
#define UART_CR_RTSEN_Msk (0x4000UL) /*!< RTSEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_CR_OUT2_Pos (13UL) /*!< OUT2 (Bit 13) */
#define UART_CR_OUT2_Msk (0x2000UL) /*!< OUT2 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_CR_OUT1_Pos (12UL) /*!< OUT1 (Bit 12) */
#define UART_CR_OUT1_Msk (0x1000UL) /*!< OUT1 (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_CR_RTS_Pos (11UL) /*!< RTS (Bit 11) */
#define UART_CR_RTS_Msk (0x800UL) /*!< RTS (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_CR_DTR_Pos (10UL) /*!< DTR (Bit 10) */
#define UART_CR_DTR_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< DTR (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_CR_RXE_Pos (9UL) /*!< RXE (Bit 9) */
#define UART_CR_RXE_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< RXE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_CR_TXE_Pos (8UL) /*!< TXE (Bit 8) */
#define UART_CR_TXE_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< TXE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_CR_LBE_Pos (7UL) /*!< LBE (Bit 7) */
#define UART_CR_LBE_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< LBE (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_CR_CLKSEL_Pos (4UL) /*!< CLKSEL (Bit 4) */
#define UART_CR_CLKSEL_Msk (0x70UL) /*!< CLKSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define UART_CR_CLKEN_Pos (3UL) /*!< CLKEN (Bit 3) */
#define UART_CR_CLKEN_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< CLKEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_CR_SIRLP_Pos (2UL) /*!< SIRLP (Bit 2) */
#define UART_CR_SIRLP_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< SIRLP (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_CR_SIREN_Pos (1UL) /*!< SIREN (Bit 1) */
#define UART_CR_SIREN_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< SIREN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_CR_UARTEN_Pos (0UL) /*!< UARTEN (Bit 0) */
#define UART_CR_UARTEN_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< UARTEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ========================================================= IFLS ========================================================== */
#define UART_IFLS_RXIFLSEL_Pos (3UL) /*!< RXIFLSEL (Bit 3) */
#define UART_IFLS_RXIFLSEL_Msk (0x38UL) /*!< RXIFLSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
#define UART_IFLS_TXIFLSEL_Pos (0UL) /*!< TXIFLSEL (Bit 0) */
#define UART_IFLS_TXIFLSEL_Msk (0x7UL) /*!< TXIFLSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x07) */
/* ========================================================== IER ========================================================== */
#define UART_IER_OEIM_Pos (10UL) /*!< OEIM (Bit 10) */
#define UART_IER_OEIM_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< OEIM (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_IER_BEIM_Pos (9UL) /*!< BEIM (Bit 9) */
#define UART_IER_BEIM_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< BEIM (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_IER_PEIM_Pos (8UL) /*!< PEIM (Bit 8) */
#define UART_IER_PEIM_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< PEIM (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_IER_FEIM_Pos (7UL) /*!< FEIM (Bit 7) */
#define UART_IER_FEIM_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< FEIM (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_IER_RTIM_Pos (6UL) /*!< RTIM (Bit 6) */
#define UART_IER_RTIM_Msk (0x40UL) /*!< RTIM (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_IER_TXIM_Pos (5UL) /*!< TXIM (Bit 5) */
#define UART_IER_TXIM_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< TXIM (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_IER_RXIM_Pos (4UL) /*!< RXIM (Bit 4) */
#define UART_IER_RXIM_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< RXIM (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_IER_DSRMIM_Pos (3UL) /*!< DSRMIM (Bit 3) */
#define UART_IER_DSRMIM_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< DSRMIM (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_IER_DCDMIM_Pos (2UL) /*!< DCDMIM (Bit 2) */
#define UART_IER_DCDMIM_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< DCDMIM (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_IER_CTSMIM_Pos (1UL) /*!< CTSMIM (Bit 1) */
#define UART_IER_CTSMIM_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< CTSMIM (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_IER_RIMIM_Pos (0UL) /*!< RIMIM (Bit 0) */
#define UART_IER_RIMIM_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< RIMIM (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ========================================================== IES ========================================================== */
#define UART_IES_OERIS_Pos (10UL) /*!< OERIS (Bit 10) */
#define UART_IES_OERIS_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< OERIS (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_IES_BERIS_Pos (9UL) /*!< BERIS (Bit 9) */
#define UART_IES_BERIS_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< BERIS (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_IES_PERIS_Pos (8UL) /*!< PERIS (Bit 8) */
#define UART_IES_PERIS_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< PERIS (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_IES_FERIS_Pos (7UL) /*!< FERIS (Bit 7) */
#define UART_IES_FERIS_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< FERIS (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_IES_RTRIS_Pos (6UL) /*!< RTRIS (Bit 6) */
#define UART_IES_RTRIS_Msk (0x40UL) /*!< RTRIS (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_IES_TXRIS_Pos (5UL) /*!< TXRIS (Bit 5) */
#define UART_IES_TXRIS_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< TXRIS (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_IES_RXRIS_Pos (4UL) /*!< RXRIS (Bit 4) */
#define UART_IES_RXRIS_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< RXRIS (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_IES_DSRMRIS_Pos (3UL) /*!< DSRMRIS (Bit 3) */
#define UART_IES_DSRMRIS_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< DSRMRIS (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_IES_DCDMRIS_Pos (2UL) /*!< DCDMRIS (Bit 2) */
#define UART_IES_DCDMRIS_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< DCDMRIS (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_IES_CTSMRIS_Pos (1UL) /*!< CTSMRIS (Bit 1) */
#define UART_IES_CTSMRIS_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< CTSMRIS (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_IES_RIMRIS_Pos (0UL) /*!< RIMRIS (Bit 0) */
#define UART_IES_RIMRIS_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< RIMRIS (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ========================================================== MIS ========================================================== */
#define UART_MIS_OEMIS_Pos (10UL) /*!< OEMIS (Bit 10) */
#define UART_MIS_OEMIS_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< OEMIS (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_MIS_BEMIS_Pos (9UL) /*!< BEMIS (Bit 9) */
#define UART_MIS_BEMIS_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< BEMIS (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_MIS_PEMIS_Pos (8UL) /*!< PEMIS (Bit 8) */
#define UART_MIS_PEMIS_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< PEMIS (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_MIS_FEMIS_Pos (7UL) /*!< FEMIS (Bit 7) */
#define UART_MIS_FEMIS_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< FEMIS (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_MIS_RTMIS_Pos (6UL) /*!< RTMIS (Bit 6) */
#define UART_MIS_RTMIS_Msk (0x40UL) /*!< RTMIS (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_MIS_TXMIS_Pos (5UL) /*!< TXMIS (Bit 5) */
#define UART_MIS_TXMIS_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< TXMIS (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_MIS_RXMIS_Pos (4UL) /*!< RXMIS (Bit 4) */
#define UART_MIS_RXMIS_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< RXMIS (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_MIS_DSRMMIS_Pos (3UL) /*!< DSRMMIS (Bit 3) */
#define UART_MIS_DSRMMIS_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< DSRMMIS (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_MIS_DCDMMIS_Pos (2UL) /*!< DCDMMIS (Bit 2) */
#define UART_MIS_DCDMMIS_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< DCDMMIS (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_MIS_CTSMMIS_Pos (1UL) /*!< CTSMMIS (Bit 1) */
#define UART_MIS_CTSMMIS_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< CTSMMIS (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_MIS_RIMMIS_Pos (0UL) /*!< RIMMIS (Bit 0) */
#define UART_MIS_RIMMIS_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< RIMMIS (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ========================================================== IEC ========================================================== */
#define UART_IEC_OEIC_Pos (10UL) /*!< OEIC (Bit 10) */
#define UART_IEC_OEIC_Msk (0x400UL) /*!< OEIC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_IEC_BEIC_Pos (9UL) /*!< BEIC (Bit 9) */
#define UART_IEC_BEIC_Msk (0x200UL) /*!< BEIC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_IEC_PEIC_Pos (8UL) /*!< PEIC (Bit 8) */
#define UART_IEC_PEIC_Msk (0x100UL) /*!< PEIC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_IEC_FEIC_Pos (7UL) /*!< FEIC (Bit 7) */
#define UART_IEC_FEIC_Msk (0x80UL) /*!< FEIC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_IEC_RTIC_Pos (6UL) /*!< RTIC (Bit 6) */
#define UART_IEC_RTIC_Msk (0x40UL) /*!< RTIC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_IEC_TXIC_Pos (5UL) /*!< TXIC (Bit 5) */
#define UART_IEC_TXIC_Msk (0x20UL) /*!< TXIC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_IEC_RXIC_Pos (4UL) /*!< RXIC (Bit 4) */
#define UART_IEC_RXIC_Msk (0x10UL) /*!< RXIC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_IEC_DSRMIC_Pos (3UL) /*!< DSRMIC (Bit 3) */
#define UART_IEC_DSRMIC_Msk (0x8UL) /*!< DSRMIC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_IEC_DCDMIC_Pos (2UL) /*!< DCDMIC (Bit 2) */
#define UART_IEC_DCDMIC_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< DCDMIC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_IEC_CTSMIC_Pos (1UL) /*!< CTSMIC (Bit 1) */
#define UART_IEC_CTSMIC_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< CTSMIC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define UART_IEC_RIMIC_Pos (0UL) /*!< RIMIC (Bit 0) */
#define UART_IEC_RIMIC_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< RIMIC (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ VCOMP ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ========================================================== CFG ========================================================== */
#define VCOMP_CFG_LVLSEL_Pos (16UL) /*!< LVLSEL (Bit 16) */
#define VCOMP_CFG_LVLSEL_Msk (0xf0000UL) /*!< LVLSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x0f) */
#define VCOMP_CFG_NSEL_Pos (8UL) /*!< NSEL (Bit 8) */
#define VCOMP_CFG_NSEL_Msk (0x300UL) /*!< NSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
#define VCOMP_CFG_PSEL_Pos (0UL) /*!< PSEL (Bit 0) */
#define VCOMP_CFG_PSEL_Msk (0x3UL) /*!< PSEL (Bitfield-Mask: 0x03) */
/* ========================================================= STAT ========================================================== */
#define VCOMP_STAT_PWDSTAT_Pos (1UL) /*!< PWDSTAT (Bit 1) */
#define VCOMP_STAT_PWDSTAT_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< PWDSTAT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define VCOMP_STAT_CMPOUT_Pos (0UL) /*!< CMPOUT (Bit 0) */
#define VCOMP_STAT_CMPOUT_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< CMPOUT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== PWDKEY ========================================================= */
#define VCOMP_PWDKEY_PWDKEY_Pos (0UL) /*!< PWDKEY (Bit 0) */
#define VCOMP_PWDKEY_PWDKEY_Msk (0xffffffffUL) /*!< PWDKEY (Bitfield-Mask: 0xffffffff) */
/* ========================================================= INTEN ========================================================= */
#define VCOMP_INTEN_OUTHI_Pos (1UL) /*!< OUTHI (Bit 1) */
#define VCOMP_INTEN_OUTHI_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< OUTHI (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define VCOMP_INTEN_OUTLOW_Pos (0UL) /*!< OUTLOW (Bit 0) */
#define VCOMP_INTEN_OUTLOW_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< OUTLOW (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INTSTAT ======================================================== */
#define VCOMP_INTSTAT_OUTHI_Pos (1UL) /*!< OUTHI (Bit 1) */
#define VCOMP_INTSTAT_OUTHI_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< OUTHI (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define VCOMP_INTSTAT_OUTLOW_Pos (0UL) /*!< OUTLOW (Bit 0) */
#define VCOMP_INTSTAT_OUTLOW_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< OUTLOW (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INTCLR ========================================================= */
#define VCOMP_INTCLR_OUTHI_Pos (1UL) /*!< OUTHI (Bit 1) */
#define VCOMP_INTCLR_OUTHI_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< OUTHI (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define VCOMP_INTCLR_OUTLOW_Pos (0UL) /*!< OUTLOW (Bit 0) */
#define VCOMP_INTCLR_OUTLOW_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< OUTLOW (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INTSET ========================================================= */
#define VCOMP_INTSET_OUTHI_Pos (1UL) /*!< OUTHI (Bit 1) */
#define VCOMP_INTSET_OUTHI_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< OUTHI (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define VCOMP_INTSET_OUTLOW_Pos (0UL) /*!< OUTLOW (Bit 0) */
#define VCOMP_INTSET_OUTLOW_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< OUTLOW (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ WDT ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ========================================================== CFG ========================================================== */
#define WDT_CFG_INTVAL_Pos (16UL) /*!< INTVAL (Bit 16) */
#define WDT_CFG_INTVAL_Msk (0xff0000UL) /*!< INTVAL (Bitfield-Mask: 0xff) */
#define WDT_CFG_RESVAL_Pos (8UL) /*!< RESVAL (Bit 8) */
#define WDT_CFG_RESVAL_Msk (0xff00UL) /*!< RESVAL (Bitfield-Mask: 0xff) */
#define WDT_CFG_RESEN_Pos (2UL) /*!< RESEN (Bit 2) */
#define WDT_CFG_RESEN_Msk (0x4UL) /*!< RESEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define WDT_CFG_INTEN_Pos (1UL) /*!< INTEN (Bit 1) */
#define WDT_CFG_INTEN_Msk (0x2UL) /*!< INTEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
#define WDT_CFG_WDTEN_Pos (0UL) /*!< WDTEN (Bit 0) */
#define WDT_CFG_WDTEN_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< WDTEN (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ========================================================= RSTRT ========================================================= */
#define WDT_RSTRT_RSTRT_Pos (0UL) /*!< RSTRT (Bit 0) */
#define WDT_RSTRT_RSTRT_Msk (0xffUL) /*!< RSTRT (Bitfield-Mask: 0xff) */
/* ========================================================= LOCK ========================================================== */
#define WDT_LOCK_LOCK_Pos (0UL) /*!< LOCK (Bit 0) */
#define WDT_LOCK_LOCK_Msk (0xffUL) /*!< LOCK (Bitfield-Mask: 0xff) */
/* ========================================================= INTEN ========================================================= */
#define WDT_INTEN_WDTINT_Pos (0UL) /*!< WDTINT (Bit 0) */
#define WDT_INTEN_WDTINT_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< WDTINT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INTSTAT ======================================================== */
#define WDT_INTSTAT_WDTINT_Pos (0UL) /*!< WDTINT (Bit 0) */
#define WDT_INTSTAT_WDTINT_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< WDTINT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INTCLR ========================================================= */
#define WDT_INTCLR_WDTINT_Pos (0UL) /*!< WDTINT (Bit 0) */
#define WDT_INTCLR_WDTINT_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< WDTINT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/* ======================================================== INTSET ========================================================= */
#define WDT_INTSET_WDTINT_Pos (0UL) /*!< WDTINT (Bit 0) */
#define WDT_INTSET_WDTINT_Msk (0x1UL) /*!< WDTINT (Bitfield-Mask: 0x01) */
/** @} */ /* End of group PosMask_peripherals */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ Enumerated Values Peripheral Section ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/** @addtogroup EnumValue_peripherals
* @{
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ ADC ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ========================================================== CFG ========================================================== */
/* ================================================ ADC CFG CLKSEL [24..26] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_CFG_CLKSEL */
ADC_CFG_CLKSEL_OFF = 0, /*!< OFF : Low Power Mode. */
ADC_CFG_CLKSEL_12MHZ = 1, /*!< 12MHZ : 12 MHz ADC clock. */
ADC_CFG_CLKSEL_6MHZ = 2, /*!< 6MHZ : 6 MHz ADC clock. */
ADC_CFG_CLKSEL_3MHZ = 3, /*!< 3MHZ : 12 MHz ADC clock. */
ADC_CFG_CLKSEL_1_5MHZ = 4, /*!< 1_5MHZ : 1.5 MHz ADC clock. */
/* =============================================== ADC CFG TRIGPOL [20..20] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_CFG_TRIGPOL */
ADC_CFG_TRIGPOL_RISING_EDGE = 0, /*!< RISING_EDGE : Trigger on rising edge. */
ADC_CFG_TRIGPOL_FALLING_EDGE = 1, /*!< FALLING_EDGE : Trigger on falling edge. */
/* =============================================== ADC CFG TRIGSEL [16..19] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_CFG_TRIGSEL */
ADC_CFG_TRIGSEL_EXT0 = 0, /*!< EXT0 : Off chip External Trigger0 (ADC_ET0) */
ADC_CFG_TRIGSEL_EXT1 = 1, /*!< EXT1 : Off chip External Trigger1 (ADC_ET1) */
ADC_CFG_TRIGSEL_EXT2 = 2, /*!< EXT2 : Off chip External Trigger2 (ADC_ET2) */
ADC_CFG_TRIGSEL_EXT3 = 3, /*!< EXT3 : Off chip External Trigger3 (ADC_ET3) */
ADC_CFG_TRIGSEL_EXT4 = 4, /*!< EXT4 : Off chip External Trigger4 (ADC_ET4) */
ADC_CFG_TRIGSEL_EXT5 = 5, /*!< EXT5 : Off chip External Trigger5 (ADC_ET5) */
ADC_CFG_TRIGSEL_EXT6 = 6, /*!< EXT6 : Off chip External Trigger6 (ADC_ET6) */
ADC_CFG_TRIGSEL_EXT7 = 7, /*!< EXT7 : Off chip External Trigger7 (ADC_ET7) */
ADC_CFG_TRIGSEL_SWT = 8, /*!< SWT : Software Trigger */
/* ================================================= ADC CFG REFSEL [8..9] ================================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_CFG_REFSEL */
ADC_CFG_REFSEL_INTERNAL = 0, /*!< INTERNAL : Internal Bandgap Reference Voltage */
ADC_CFG_REFSEL_VDD = 1, /*!< VDD : Select VDD as the ADEC reference voltage. */
ADC_CFG_REFSEL_ADCREF = 2, /*!< ADCREF : Off Chip Reference (ADC_REF) */
/* ================================================ ADC CFG BATTLOAD [7..7] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_CFG_BATTLOAD */
ADC_CFG_BATTLOAD_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Disable battery load. */
ADC_CFG_BATTLOAD_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Enable battery load. */
/* ================================================= ADC CFG OPMODE [5..6] ================================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_CFG_OPMODE */
ADC_CFG_OPMODE_SAMPLE_RATE_LE_125KSPS = 0, /*!< SAMPLE_RATE_LE_125KSPS : Sample Rate <= 125K sps */
ADC_CFG_OPMODE_SAMPLE_RATE_125K_1MSPS = 2, /*!< SAMPLE_RATE_125K_1MSPS : Sample Rate 125K to 1M sps */
/* ================================================= ADC CFG LPMODE [3..4] ================================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_CFG_LPMODE */
ADC_CFG_LPMODE_MODE0 = 0, /*!< MODE0 : Low Power Mode 0 (2'b00). Leaves the ADC fully powered
between scans with no latency between a
trigger event and sample data collection. */
ADC_CFG_LPMODE_MODE1 = 1, /*!< MODE1 : Low Power Mode 1 (2'b01). Enables a low power mode for
the ADC between scans requiring 50us initialization time
(latency) between a trigger event and the scan (assuming
the HFRC remains running and the MCU is not in deepsleep
mode in which case additional startup latency for HFRC
startup is required). */
ADC_CFG_LPMODE_MODE2 = 2, /*!< MODE2 : Low Power Mode 2 (2'b10). Disconnects power and clocks
to the ADC effectively eliminating all active power associated
with the ADC between scans. This mode requires 150us initialization
(again, assuming the HFRC remains running and the MCU is
not in deepsleep mode in which case additional startup
latency for HFRC startup is required). */
ADC_CFG_LPMODE_MODE_UNDEFINED = 3, /*!< MODE_UNDEFINED : Undefined Mode (2'b11) */
/* ================================================= ADC CFG RPTEN [2..2] ================================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_CFG_RPTEN */
ADC_CFG_RPTEN_SINGLE_SCAN = 0, /*!< SINGLE_SCAN : In Single Scan Mode, the ADC will complete a single
scan upon each trigger event. */
ADC_CFG_RPTEN_REPEATING_SCAN = 1, /*!< REPEATING_SCAN : In Repeating Scan Mode, the ADC will complete
it's first scan upon the initial trigger event and all
subsequent scans will occur at regular intervals defined
by the configuration programmed for the CTTMRA3 internal
timer until the timer is disabled or the ADC is disabled. */
/* ================================================ ADC CFG TMPSPWR [1..1] ================================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_CFG_TMPSPWR */
ADC_CFG_TMPSPWR_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Power down the temperature sensor. */
ADC_CFG_TMPSPWR_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Enable the temperature sensor when the ADC is in it's active
state. */
/* ================================================= ADC CFG ADCEN [0..0] ================================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_CFG_ADCEN */
ADC_CFG_ADCEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Disable the ADC module. */
ADC_CFG_ADCEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Enable the ADC module. */
/* ========================================================= STAT ========================================================== */
/* ================================================ ADC STAT PWDSTAT [0..1] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_STAT_PWDSTAT */
ADC_STAT_PWDSTAT_ON = 0, /*!< ON : Powered on. */
ADC_STAT_PWDSTAT_SWITCH_ON_SAR_OFF = 1, /*!< SWITCH_ON_SAR_OFF : Power switch on, ADC Low Power Mode 1. */
ADC_STAT_PWDSTAT_POWER_SWITCH_OFF = 2, /*!< POWER_SWITCH_OFF : Power switch off, ADC disabled. */
/* ========================================================== SWT ========================================================== */
/* ================================================== ADC SWT SWT [0..7] =================================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SWT_SWT */
ADC_SWT_SWT_GEN_SW_TRIGGER = 55, /*!< GEN_SW_TRIGGER : Writing this value generates a software trigger. */
/* ======================================================== SL0CFG ========================================================= */
/* ============================================== ADC SL0CFG ADSEL0 [24..26] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL0CFG_ADSEL0 */
ADC_SL0CFG_ADSEL0_AVG_1_MSRMT = 0, /*!< AVG_1_MSRMT : Average in 1 measurement in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL0CFG_ADSEL0_AVG_2_MSRMTS = 1, /*!< AVG_2_MSRMTS : Average in 2 measurements in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL0CFG_ADSEL0_AVG_4_MSRMTS = 2, /*!< AVG_4_MSRMTS : Average in 4 measurements in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL0CFG_ADSEL0_AVG_8_MSRMT = 3, /*!< AVG_8_MSRMT : Average in 8 measurements in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL0CFG_ADSEL0_AVG_16_MSRMTS = 4, /*!< AVG_16_MSRMTS : Average in 16 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
ADC_SL0CFG_ADSEL0_AVG_32_MSRMTS = 5, /*!< AVG_32_MSRMTS : Average in 32 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
ADC_SL0CFG_ADSEL0_AVG_64_MSRMTS = 6, /*!< AVG_64_MSRMTS : Average in 64 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
ADC_SL0CFG_ADSEL0_AVG_128_MSRMTS = 7, /*!< AVG_128_MSRMTS : Average in 128 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
/* ============================================== ADC SL0CFG THSEL0 [16..18] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL0CFG_THSEL0 */
ADC_SL0CFG_THSEL0_1_ADC_CLK = 0, /*!< 1_ADC_CLK : 1 ADC clock cycle. */
ADC_SL0CFG_THSEL0_2_ADC_CLKS = 1, /*!< 2_ADC_CLKS : 2 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL0CFG_THSEL0_4_ADC_CLKS = 2, /*!< 4_ADC_CLKS : 4 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL0CFG_THSEL0_8_ADC_CLKS = 3, /*!< 8_ADC_CLKS : 8 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL0CFG_THSEL0_16_ADC_CLKS = 4, /*!< 16_ADC_CLKS : 16 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL0CFG_THSEL0_32_ADC_CLKS = 5, /*!< 32_ADC_CLKS : 32 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL0CFG_THSEL0_64_ADC_CLKS = 6, /*!< 64_ADC_CLKS : 64 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL0CFG_THSEL0_128_ADC_CLKS = 7, /*!< 128_ADC_CLKS : 128 ADC clock cycles. */
/* =============================================== ADC SL0CFG CHSEL0 [8..11] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL0CFG_CHSEL0 */
ADC_SL0CFG_CHSEL0_EXT0 = 0, /*!< EXT0 : ADC_EXT0 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL0CFG_CHSEL0_EXT1 = 1, /*!< EXT1 : ADC_EXT1 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL0CFG_CHSEL0_EXT2 = 2, /*!< EXT2 : ADC_EXT2 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL0CFG_CHSEL0_EXT3 = 3, /*!< EXT3 : ADC_EXT3 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL0CFG_CHSEL0_EXT4 = 4, /*!< EXT4 : ADC_EXT4 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL0CFG_CHSEL0_EXT5 = 5, /*!< EXT5 : ADC_EXT5 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL0CFG_CHSEL0_EXT6 = 6, /*!< EXT6 : ADC_EXT6 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL0CFG_CHSEL0_EXT7 = 7, /*!< EXT7 : ADC_EXT7 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL0CFG_CHSEL0_TEMP = 8, /*!< TEMP : ADC_TEMP internal temperature sensor. */
ADC_SL0CFG_CHSEL0_VDD = 9, /*!< VDD : ADC_VDD internal power rail connection. */
ADC_SL0CFG_CHSEL0_VSS = 10, /*!< VSS : ADC_VSS internal ground connection. */
ADC_SL0CFG_CHSEL0_VBATT = 12, /*!< VBATT : ADC_VBATT internal voltage divide-by-3 connection to
input power rail. */
/* ================================================ ADC SL0CFG WCEN0 [1..1] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL0CFG_WCEN0 */
ADC_SL0CFG_WCEN0_WCEN = 1, /*!< WCEN : Enable the window compare for slot 0. */
/* ================================================ ADC SL0CFG SLEN0 [0..0] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL0CFG_SLEN0 */
ADC_SL0CFG_SLEN0_SLEN = 1, /*!< SLEN : Enable slot 0 for ADC conversions. */
/* ======================================================== SL1CFG ========================================================= */
/* ============================================== ADC SL1CFG ADSEL1 [24..26] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL1CFG_ADSEL1 */
ADC_SL1CFG_ADSEL1_AVG_1_MSRMT = 0, /*!< AVG_1_MSRMT : Average in 1 measurement in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL1CFG_ADSEL1_AVG_2_MSRMTS = 1, /*!< AVG_2_MSRMTS : Average in 2 measurements in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL1CFG_ADSEL1_AVG_4_MSRMTS = 2, /*!< AVG_4_MSRMTS : Average in 4 measurements in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL1CFG_ADSEL1_AVG_8_MSRMT = 3, /*!< AVG_8_MSRMT : Average in 8 measurements in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL1CFG_ADSEL1_AVG_16_MSRMTS = 4, /*!< AVG_16_MSRMTS : Average in 16 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
ADC_SL1CFG_ADSEL1_AVG_32_MSRMTS = 5, /*!< AVG_32_MSRMTS : Average in 32 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
ADC_SL1CFG_ADSEL1_AVG_64_MSRMTS = 6, /*!< AVG_64_MSRMTS : Average in 64 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
ADC_SL1CFG_ADSEL1_AVG_128_MSRMTS = 7, /*!< AVG_128_MSRMTS : Average in 128 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
/* ============================================== ADC SL1CFG THSEL1 [16..18] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL1CFG_THSEL1 */
ADC_SL1CFG_THSEL1_1_ADC_CLK = 0, /*!< 1_ADC_CLK : 1 ADC clock cycle. */
ADC_SL1CFG_THSEL1_2_ADC_CLKS = 1, /*!< 2_ADC_CLKS : 2 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL1CFG_THSEL1_4_ADC_CLKS = 2, /*!< 4_ADC_CLKS : 4 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL1CFG_THSEL1_8_ADC_CLKS = 3, /*!< 8_ADC_CLKS : 8 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL1CFG_THSEL1_16_ADC_CLKS = 4, /*!< 16_ADC_CLKS : 16 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL1CFG_THSEL1_32_ADC_CLKS = 5, /*!< 32_ADC_CLKS : 32 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL1CFG_THSEL1_64_ADC_CLKS = 6, /*!< 64_ADC_CLKS : 64 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL1CFG_THSEL1_128_ADC_CLKS = 7, /*!< 128_ADC_CLKS : 128 ADC clock cycles. */
/* =============================================== ADC SL1CFG CHSEL1 [8..11] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL1CFG_CHSEL1 */
ADC_SL1CFG_CHSEL1_EXT0 = 0, /*!< EXT0 : ADC_EXT0 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL1CFG_CHSEL1_EXT1 = 1, /*!< EXT1 : ADC_EXT1 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL1CFG_CHSEL1_EXT2 = 2, /*!< EXT2 : ADC_EXT2 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL1CFG_CHSEL1_EXT3 = 3, /*!< EXT3 : ADC_EXT3 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL1CFG_CHSEL1_EXT4 = 4, /*!< EXT4 : ADC_EXT4 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL1CFG_CHSEL1_EXT5 = 5, /*!< EXT5 : ADC_EXT5 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL1CFG_CHSEL1_EXT6 = 6, /*!< EXT6 : ADC_EXT6 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL1CFG_CHSEL1_EXT7 = 7, /*!< EXT7 : ADC_EXT7 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL1CFG_CHSEL1_TEMP = 8, /*!< TEMP : ADC_TEMP internal temperature sensor. */
ADC_SL1CFG_CHSEL1_VDD = 9, /*!< VDD : ADC_VDD internal power rail connection. */
ADC_SL1CFG_CHSEL1_VSS = 10, /*!< VSS : ADC_VSS internal ground connection. */
ADC_SL1CFG_CHSEL1_VBATT = 12, /*!< VBATT : ADC_VBATT internal voltage divide-by-3 connection to
input power rail. */
/* ================================================ ADC SL1CFG WCEN1 [1..1] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL1CFG_WCEN1 */
ADC_SL1CFG_WCEN1_WCEN = 1, /*!< WCEN : Enable the window compare for slot 1. */
/* ================================================ ADC SL1CFG SLEN1 [0..0] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL1CFG_SLEN1 */
ADC_SL1CFG_SLEN1_SLEN = 1, /*!< SLEN : Enable slot 1 for ADC conversions. */
/* ======================================================== SL2CFG ========================================================= */
/* ============================================== ADC SL2CFG ADSEL2 [24..26] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL2CFG_ADSEL2 */
ADC_SL2CFG_ADSEL2_AVG_1_MSRMT = 0, /*!< AVG_1_MSRMT : Average in 1 measurement in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL2CFG_ADSEL2_AVG_2_MSRMTS = 1, /*!< AVG_2_MSRMTS : Average in 2 measurements in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL2CFG_ADSEL2_AVG_4_MSRMTS = 2, /*!< AVG_4_MSRMTS : Average in 4 measurements in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL2CFG_ADSEL2_AVG_8_MSRMT = 3, /*!< AVG_8_MSRMT : Average in 8 measurements in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL2CFG_ADSEL2_AVG_16_MSRMTS = 4, /*!< AVG_16_MSRMTS : Average in 16 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
ADC_SL2CFG_ADSEL2_AVG_32_MSRMTS = 5, /*!< AVG_32_MSRMTS : Average in 32 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
ADC_SL2CFG_ADSEL2_AVG_64_MSRMTS = 6, /*!< AVG_64_MSRMTS : Average in 64 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
ADC_SL2CFG_ADSEL2_AVG_128_MSRMTS = 7, /*!< AVG_128_MSRMTS : Average in 128 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
/* ============================================== ADC SL2CFG THSEL2 [16..18] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL2CFG_THSEL2 */
ADC_SL2CFG_THSEL2_1_ADC_CLK = 0, /*!< 1_ADC_CLK : 1 ADC clock cycle. */
ADC_SL2CFG_THSEL2_2_ADC_CLKS = 1, /*!< 2_ADC_CLKS : 2 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL2CFG_THSEL2_4_ADC_CLKS = 2, /*!< 4_ADC_CLKS : 4 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL2CFG_THSEL2_8_ADC_CLKS = 3, /*!< 8_ADC_CLKS : 8 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL2CFG_THSEL2_16_ADC_CLKS = 4, /*!< 16_ADC_CLKS : 16 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL2CFG_THSEL2_32_ADC_CLKS = 5, /*!< 32_ADC_CLKS : 32 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL2CFG_THSEL2_64_ADC_CLKS = 6, /*!< 64_ADC_CLKS : 64 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL2CFG_THSEL2_128_ADC_CLKS = 7, /*!< 128_ADC_CLKS : 128 ADC clock cycles. */
/* =============================================== ADC SL2CFG CHSEL2 [8..11] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL2CFG_CHSEL2 */
ADC_SL2CFG_CHSEL2_EXT0 = 0, /*!< EXT0 : ADC_EXT0 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL2CFG_CHSEL2_EXT1 = 1, /*!< EXT1 : ADC_EXT1 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL2CFG_CHSEL2_EXT2 = 2, /*!< EXT2 : ADC_EXT2 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL2CFG_CHSEL2_EXT3 = 3, /*!< EXT3 : ADC_EXT3 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL2CFG_CHSEL2_EXT4 = 4, /*!< EXT4 : ADC_EXT4 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL2CFG_CHSEL2_EXT5 = 5, /*!< EXT5 : ADC_EXT5 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL2CFG_CHSEL2_EXT6 = 6, /*!< EXT6 : ADC_EXT6 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL2CFG_CHSEL2_EXT7 = 7, /*!< EXT7 : ADC_EXT7 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL2CFG_CHSEL2_TEMP = 8, /*!< TEMP : ADC_TEMP internal temperature sensor. */
ADC_SL2CFG_CHSEL2_VDD = 9, /*!< VDD : ADC_VDD internal power rail connection. */
ADC_SL2CFG_CHSEL2_VSS = 10, /*!< VSS : ADC_VSS internal ground connection. */
ADC_SL2CFG_CHSEL2_VBATT = 12, /*!< VBATT : ADC_VBATT internal voltage divide-by-3 connection to
input power rail. */
/* ================================================ ADC SL2CFG WCEN2 [1..1] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL2CFG_WCEN2 */
ADC_SL2CFG_WCEN2_WCEN = 1, /*!< WCEN : Enable the window compare for slot 2. */
/* ================================================ ADC SL2CFG SLEN2 [0..0] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL2CFG_SLEN2 */
ADC_SL2CFG_SLEN2_SLEN = 1, /*!< SLEN : Enable slot 2 for ADC conversions. */
/* ======================================================== SL3CFG ========================================================= */
/* ============================================== ADC SL3CFG ADSEL3 [24..26] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL3CFG_ADSEL3 */
ADC_SL3CFG_ADSEL3_AVG_1_MSRMT = 0, /*!< AVG_1_MSRMT : Average in 1 measurement in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL3CFG_ADSEL3_AVG_2_MSRMTS = 1, /*!< AVG_2_MSRMTS : Average in 2 measurements in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL3CFG_ADSEL3_AVG_4_MSRMTS = 2, /*!< AVG_4_MSRMTS : Average in 4 measurements in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL3CFG_ADSEL3_AVG_8_MSRMT = 3, /*!< AVG_8_MSRMT : Average in 8 measurements in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL3CFG_ADSEL3_AVG_16_MSRMTS = 4, /*!< AVG_16_MSRMTS : Average in 16 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
ADC_SL3CFG_ADSEL3_AVG_32_MSRMTS = 5, /*!< AVG_32_MSRMTS : Average in 32 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
ADC_SL3CFG_ADSEL3_AVG_64_MSRMTS = 6, /*!< AVG_64_MSRMTS : Average in 64 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
ADC_SL3CFG_ADSEL3_AVG_128_MSRMTS = 7, /*!< AVG_128_MSRMTS : Average in 128 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
/* ============================================== ADC SL3CFG THSEL3 [16..18] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL3CFG_THSEL3 */
ADC_SL3CFG_THSEL3_1_ADC_CLK = 0, /*!< 1_ADC_CLK : 1 ADC clock cycle. */
ADC_SL3CFG_THSEL3_2_ADC_CLKS = 1, /*!< 2_ADC_CLKS : 2 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL3CFG_THSEL3_4_ADC_CLKS = 2, /*!< 4_ADC_CLKS : 4 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL3CFG_THSEL3_8_ADC_CLKS = 3, /*!< 8_ADC_CLKS : 8 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL3CFG_THSEL3_16_ADC_CLKS = 4, /*!< 16_ADC_CLKS : 16 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL3CFG_THSEL3_32_ADC_CLKS = 5, /*!< 32_ADC_CLKS : 32 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL3CFG_THSEL3_64_ADC_CLKS = 6, /*!< 64_ADC_CLKS : 64 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL3CFG_THSEL3_128_ADC_CLKS = 7, /*!< 128_ADC_CLKS : 128 ADC clock cycles. */
/* =============================================== ADC SL3CFG CHSEL3 [8..11] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL3CFG_CHSEL3 */
ADC_SL3CFG_CHSEL3_EXT0 = 0, /*!< EXT0 : ADC_EXT0 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL3CFG_CHSEL3_EXT1 = 1, /*!< EXT1 : ADC_EXT1 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL3CFG_CHSEL3_EXT2 = 2, /*!< EXT2 : ADC_EXT2 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL3CFG_CHSEL3_EXT3 = 3, /*!< EXT3 : ADC_EXT3 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL3CFG_CHSEL3_EXT4 = 4, /*!< EXT4 : ADC_EXT4 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL3CFG_CHSEL3_EXT5 = 5, /*!< EXT5 : ADC_EXT5 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL3CFG_CHSEL3_EXT6 = 6, /*!< EXT6 : ADC_EXT6 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL3CFG_CHSEL3_EXT7 = 7, /*!< EXT7 : ADC_EXT7 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL3CFG_CHSEL3_TEMP = 8, /*!< TEMP : ADC_TEMP internal temperature sensor. */
ADC_SL3CFG_CHSEL3_VDD = 9, /*!< VDD : ADC_VDD internal power rail connection. */
ADC_SL3CFG_CHSEL3_VSS = 10, /*!< VSS : ADC_VSS internal ground connection. */
ADC_SL3CFG_CHSEL3_VBATT = 12, /*!< VBATT : ADC_VBATT internal voltage divide-by-3 connection to
input power rail. */
/* ================================================ ADC SL3CFG WCEN3 [1..1] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL3CFG_WCEN3 */
ADC_SL3CFG_WCEN3_WCEN = 1, /*!< WCEN : Enable the window compare for slot 3. */
/* ================================================ ADC SL3CFG SLEN3 [0..0] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL3CFG_SLEN3 */
ADC_SL3CFG_SLEN3_SLEN = 1, /*!< SLEN : Enable slot 3 for ADC conversions. */
/* ======================================================== SL4CFG ========================================================= */
/* ============================================== ADC SL4CFG ADSEL4 [24..26] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL4CFG_ADSEL4 */
ADC_SL4CFG_ADSEL4_AVG_1_MSRMT = 0, /*!< AVG_1_MSRMT : Average in 1 measurement in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL4CFG_ADSEL4_AVG_2_MSRMTS = 1, /*!< AVG_2_MSRMTS : Average in 2 measurements in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL4CFG_ADSEL4_AVG_4_MSRMTS = 2, /*!< AVG_4_MSRMTS : Average in 4 measurements in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL4CFG_ADSEL4_AVG_8_MSRMT = 3, /*!< AVG_8_MSRMT : Average in 8 measurements in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL4CFG_ADSEL4_AVG_16_MSRMTS = 4, /*!< AVG_16_MSRMTS : Average in 16 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
ADC_SL4CFG_ADSEL4_AVG_32_MSRMTS = 5, /*!< AVG_32_MSRMTS : Average in 32 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
ADC_SL4CFG_ADSEL4_AVG_64_MSRMTS = 6, /*!< AVG_64_MSRMTS : Average in 64 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
ADC_SL4CFG_ADSEL4_AVG_128_MSRMTS = 7, /*!< AVG_128_MSRMTS : Average in 128 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
/* ============================================== ADC SL4CFG THSEL4 [16..18] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL4CFG_THSEL4 */
ADC_SL4CFG_THSEL4_1_ADC_CLK = 0, /*!< 1_ADC_CLK : 1 ADC clock cycle. */
ADC_SL4CFG_THSEL4_2_ADC_CLKS = 1, /*!< 2_ADC_CLKS : 2 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL4CFG_THSEL4_4_ADC_CLKS = 2, /*!< 4_ADC_CLKS : 4 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL4CFG_THSEL4_8_ADC_CLKS = 3, /*!< 8_ADC_CLKS : 8 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL4CFG_THSEL4_16_ADC_CLKS = 4, /*!< 16_ADC_CLKS : 16 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL4CFG_THSEL4_32_ADC_CLKS = 5, /*!< 32_ADC_CLKS : 32 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL4CFG_THSEL4_64_ADC_CLKS = 6, /*!< 64_ADC_CLKS : 64 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL4CFG_THSEL4_128_ADC_CLKS = 7, /*!< 128_ADC_CLKS : 128 ADC clock cycles. */
/* =============================================== ADC SL4CFG CHSEL4 [8..11] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL4CFG_CHSEL4 */
ADC_SL4CFG_CHSEL4_EXT0 = 0, /*!< EXT0 : ADC_EXT0 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL4CFG_CHSEL4_EXT1 = 1, /*!< EXT1 : ADC_EXT1 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL4CFG_CHSEL4_EXT2 = 2, /*!< EXT2 : ADC_EXT2 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL4CFG_CHSEL4_EXT3 = 3, /*!< EXT3 : ADC_EXT3 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL4CFG_CHSEL4_EXT4 = 4, /*!< EXT4 : ADC_EXT4 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL4CFG_CHSEL4_EXT5 = 5, /*!< EXT5 : ADC_EXT5 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL4CFG_CHSEL4_EXT6 = 6, /*!< EXT6 : ADC_EXT6 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL4CFG_CHSEL4_EXT7 = 7, /*!< EXT7 : ADC_EXT7 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL4CFG_CHSEL4_TEMP = 8, /*!< TEMP : ADC_TEMP internal temperature sensor. */
ADC_SL4CFG_CHSEL4_VDD = 9, /*!< VDD : ADC_VDD internal power rail connection. */
ADC_SL4CFG_CHSEL4_VSS = 10, /*!< VSS : ADC_VSS internal ground connection. */
ADC_SL4CFG_CHSEL4_VBATT = 12, /*!< VBATT : ADC_VBATT internal voltage divide-by-3 connection to
input power rail. */
/* ================================================ ADC SL4CFG WCEN4 [1..1] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL4CFG_WCEN4 */
ADC_SL4CFG_WCEN4_WCEN = 1, /*!< WCEN : Enable the window compare for slot 4. */
/* ================================================ ADC SL4CFG SLEN4 [0..0] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL4CFG_SLEN4 */
ADC_SL4CFG_SLEN4_SLEN = 1, /*!< SLEN : Enable slot 4 for ADC conversions. */
/* ======================================================== SL5CFG ========================================================= */
/* ============================================== ADC SL5CFG ADSEL5 [24..26] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL5CFG_ADSEL5 */
ADC_SL5CFG_ADSEL5_AVG_1_MSRMT = 0, /*!< AVG_1_MSRMT : Average in 1 measurement in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL5CFG_ADSEL5_AVG_2_MSRMTS = 1, /*!< AVG_2_MSRMTS : Average in 2 measurements in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL5CFG_ADSEL5_AVG_4_MSRMTS = 2, /*!< AVG_4_MSRMTS : Average in 4 measurements in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL5CFG_ADSEL5_AVG_8_MSRMT = 3, /*!< AVG_8_MSRMT : Average in 8 measurements in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL5CFG_ADSEL5_AVG_16_MSRMTS = 4, /*!< AVG_16_MSRMTS : Average in 16 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
ADC_SL5CFG_ADSEL5_AVG_32_MSRMTS = 5, /*!< AVG_32_MSRMTS : Average in 32 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
ADC_SL5CFG_ADSEL5_AVG_64_MSRMTS = 6, /*!< AVG_64_MSRMTS : Average in 64 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
ADC_SL5CFG_ADSEL5_AVG_128_MSRMTS = 7, /*!< AVG_128_MSRMTS : Average in 128 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
/* ============================================== ADC SL5CFG THSEL5 [16..18] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL5CFG_THSEL5 */
ADC_SL5CFG_THSEL5_1_ADC_CLK = 0, /*!< 1_ADC_CLK : 1 ADC clock cycle. */
ADC_SL5CFG_THSEL5_2_ADC_CLKS = 1, /*!< 2_ADC_CLKS : 2 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL5CFG_THSEL5_4_ADC_CLKS = 2, /*!< 4_ADC_CLKS : 4 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL5CFG_THSEL5_8_ADC_CLKS = 3, /*!< 8_ADC_CLKS : 8 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL5CFG_THSEL5_16_ADC_CLKS = 4, /*!< 16_ADC_CLKS : 16 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL5CFG_THSEL5_32_ADC_CLKS = 5, /*!< 32_ADC_CLKS : 32 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL5CFG_THSEL5_64_ADC_CLKS = 6, /*!< 64_ADC_CLKS : 64 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL5CFG_THSEL5_128_ADC_CLKS = 7, /*!< 128_ADC_CLKS : 128 ADC clock cycles. */
/* =============================================== ADC SL5CFG CHSEL5 [8..11] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL5CFG_CHSEL5 */
ADC_SL5CFG_CHSEL5_EXT0 = 0, /*!< EXT0 : ADC_EXT0 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL5CFG_CHSEL5_EXT1 = 1, /*!< EXT1 : ADC_EXT1 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL5CFG_CHSEL5_EXT2 = 2, /*!< EXT2 : ADC_EXT2 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL5CFG_CHSEL5_EXT3 = 3, /*!< EXT3 : ADC_EXT3 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL5CFG_CHSEL5_EXT4 = 4, /*!< EXT4 : ADC_EXT4 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL5CFG_CHSEL5_EXT5 = 5, /*!< EXT5 : ADC_EXT5 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL5CFG_CHSEL5_EXT6 = 6, /*!< EXT6 : ADC_EXT6 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL5CFG_CHSEL5_EXT7 = 7, /*!< EXT7 : ADC_EXT7 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL5CFG_CHSEL5_TEMP = 8, /*!< TEMP : ADC_TEMP internal temperature sensor. */
ADC_SL5CFG_CHSEL5_VDD = 9, /*!< VDD : ADC_VDD internal power rail connection. */
ADC_SL5CFG_CHSEL5_VSS = 10, /*!< VSS : ADC_VSS internal ground connection. */
ADC_SL5CFG_CHSEL5_VBATT = 12, /*!< VBATT : ADC_VBATT internal voltage divide-by-3 connection to
input power rail. */
/* ================================================ ADC SL5CFG WCEN5 [1..1] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL5CFG_WCEN5 */
ADC_SL5CFG_WCEN5_WCEN = 1, /*!< WCEN : Enable the window compare for slot 5. */
/* ================================================ ADC SL5CFG SLEN5 [0..0] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL5CFG_SLEN5 */
ADC_SL5CFG_SLEN5_SLEN = 1, /*!< SLEN : Enable slot 5 for ADC conversions. */
/* ======================================================== SL6CFG ========================================================= */
/* ============================================== ADC SL6CFG ADSEL6 [24..26] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL6CFG_ADSEL6 */
ADC_SL6CFG_ADSEL6_AVG_1_MSRMT = 0, /*!< AVG_1_MSRMT : Average in 1 measurement in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL6CFG_ADSEL6_AVG_2_MSRMTS = 1, /*!< AVG_2_MSRMTS : Average in 2 measurements in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL6CFG_ADSEL6_AVG_4_MSRMTS = 2, /*!< AVG_4_MSRMTS : Average in 4 measurements in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL6CFG_ADSEL6_AVG_8_MSRMT = 3, /*!< AVG_8_MSRMT : Average in 8 measurements in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL6CFG_ADSEL6_AVG_16_MSRMTS = 4, /*!< AVG_16_MSRMTS : Average in 16 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
ADC_SL6CFG_ADSEL6_AVG_32_MSRMTS = 5, /*!< AVG_32_MSRMTS : Average in 32 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
ADC_SL6CFG_ADSEL6_AVG_64_MSRMTS = 6, /*!< AVG_64_MSRMTS : Average in 64 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
ADC_SL6CFG_ADSEL6_AVG_128_MSRMTS = 7, /*!< AVG_128_MSRMTS : Average in 128 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
/* ============================================== ADC SL6CFG THSEL6 [16..18] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL6CFG_THSEL6 */
ADC_SL6CFG_THSEL6_1_ADC_CLK = 0, /*!< 1_ADC_CLK : 1 ADC clock cycle. */
ADC_SL6CFG_THSEL6_2_ADC_CLKS = 1, /*!< 2_ADC_CLKS : 2 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL6CFG_THSEL6_4_ADC_CLKS = 2, /*!< 4_ADC_CLKS : 4 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL6CFG_THSEL6_8_ADC_CLKS = 3, /*!< 8_ADC_CLKS : 8 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL6CFG_THSEL6_16_ADC_CLKS = 4, /*!< 16_ADC_CLKS : 16 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL6CFG_THSEL6_32_ADC_CLKS = 5, /*!< 32_ADC_CLKS : 32 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL6CFG_THSEL6_64_ADC_CLKS = 6, /*!< 64_ADC_CLKS : 64 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL6CFG_THSEL6_128_ADC_CLKS = 7, /*!< 128_ADC_CLKS : 128 ADC clock cycles. */
/* =============================================== ADC SL6CFG CHSEL6 [8..11] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL6CFG_CHSEL6 */
ADC_SL6CFG_CHSEL6_EXT0 = 0, /*!< EXT0 : ADC_EXT0 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL6CFG_CHSEL6_EXT1 = 1, /*!< EXT1 : ADC_EXT1 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL6CFG_CHSEL6_EXT2 = 2, /*!< EXT2 : ADC_EXT2 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL6CFG_CHSEL6_EXT3 = 3, /*!< EXT3 : ADC_EXT3 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL6CFG_CHSEL6_EXT4 = 4, /*!< EXT4 : ADC_EXT4 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL6CFG_CHSEL6_EXT5 = 5, /*!< EXT5 : ADC_EXT5 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL6CFG_CHSEL6_EXT6 = 6, /*!< EXT6 : ADC_EXT6 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL6CFG_CHSEL6_EXT7 = 7, /*!< EXT7 : ADC_EXT7 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL6CFG_CHSEL6_TEMP = 8, /*!< TEMP : ADC_TEMP internal temperature sensor. */
ADC_SL6CFG_CHSEL6_VDD = 9, /*!< VDD : ADC_VDD internal power rail connection. */
ADC_SL6CFG_CHSEL6_VSS = 10, /*!< VSS : ADC_VSS internal ground connection. */
ADC_SL6CFG_CHSEL6_VBATT = 12, /*!< VBATT : ADC_VBATT internal voltage divide-by-3 connection to
input power rail. */
/* ================================================ ADC SL6CFG WCEN6 [1..1] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL6CFG_WCEN6 */
ADC_SL6CFG_WCEN6_WCEN = 1, /*!< WCEN : Enable the window compare for slot 6. */
/* ================================================ ADC SL6CFG SLEN6 [0..0] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL6CFG_SLEN6 */
ADC_SL6CFG_SLEN6_SLEN = 1, /*!< SLEN : Enable slot 6 for ADC conversions. */
/* ======================================================== SL7CFG ========================================================= */
/* ============================================== ADC SL7CFG ADSEL7 [24..26] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL7CFG_ADSEL7 */
ADC_SL7CFG_ADSEL7_AVG_1_MSRMT = 0, /*!< AVG_1_MSRMT : Average in 1 measurement in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL7CFG_ADSEL7_AVG_2_MSRMTS = 1, /*!< AVG_2_MSRMTS : Average in 2 measurements in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL7CFG_ADSEL7_AVG_4_MSRMTS = 2, /*!< AVG_4_MSRMTS : Average in 4 measurements in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL7CFG_ADSEL7_AVG_8_MSRMT = 3, /*!< AVG_8_MSRMT : Average in 8 measurements in the accumulate divide
module for this slot. */
ADC_SL7CFG_ADSEL7_AVG_16_MSRMTS = 4, /*!< AVG_16_MSRMTS : Average in 16 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
ADC_SL7CFG_ADSEL7_AVG_32_MSRMTS = 5, /*!< AVG_32_MSRMTS : Average in 32 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
ADC_SL7CFG_ADSEL7_AVG_64_MSRMTS = 6, /*!< AVG_64_MSRMTS : Average in 64 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
ADC_SL7CFG_ADSEL7_AVG_128_MSRMTS = 7, /*!< AVG_128_MSRMTS : Average in 128 measurements in the accumulate
divide module for this slot. */
/* ============================================== ADC SL7CFG THSEL7 [16..18] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL7CFG_THSEL7 */
ADC_SL7CFG_THSEL7_1_ADC_CLK = 0, /*!< 1_ADC_CLK : 1 ADC clock cycle. */
ADC_SL7CFG_THSEL7_2_ADC_CLKS = 1, /*!< 2_ADC_CLKS : 2 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL7CFG_THSEL7_4_ADC_CLKS = 2, /*!< 4_ADC_CLKS : 4 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL7CFG_THSEL7_8_ADC_CLKS = 3, /*!< 8_ADC_CLKS : 8 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL7CFG_THSEL7_16_ADC_CLKS = 4, /*!< 16_ADC_CLKS : 16 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL7CFG_THSEL7_32_ADC_CLKS = 5, /*!< 32_ADC_CLKS : 32 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL7CFG_THSEL7_64_ADC_CLKS = 6, /*!< 64_ADC_CLKS : 64 ADC clock cycles. */
ADC_SL7CFG_THSEL7_128_ADC_CLKS = 7, /*!< 128_ADC_CLKS : 128 ADC clock cycles. */
/* =============================================== ADC SL7CFG CHSEL7 [8..11] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL7CFG_CHSEL7 */
ADC_SL7CFG_CHSEL7_EXT0 = 0, /*!< EXT0 : ADC_EXT0 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL7CFG_CHSEL7_EXT1 = 1, /*!< EXT1 : ADC_EXT1 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL7CFG_CHSEL7_EXT2 = 2, /*!< EXT2 : ADC_EXT2 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL7CFG_CHSEL7_EXT3 = 3, /*!< EXT3 : ADC_EXT3 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL7CFG_CHSEL7_EXT4 = 4, /*!< EXT4 : ADC_EXT4 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL7CFG_CHSEL7_EXT5 = 5, /*!< EXT5 : ADC_EXT5 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL7CFG_CHSEL7_EXT6 = 6, /*!< EXT6 : ADC_EXT6 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL7CFG_CHSEL7_EXT7 = 7, /*!< EXT7 : ADC_EXT7 external GPIO pin connection. */
ADC_SL7CFG_CHSEL7_TEMP = 8, /*!< TEMP : ADC_TEMP internal temperature sensor. */
ADC_SL7CFG_CHSEL7_VDD = 9, /*!< VDD : ADC_VDD internal power rail connection. */
ADC_SL7CFG_CHSEL7_VSS = 10, /*!< VSS : ADC_VSS internal ground connection. */
ADC_SL7CFG_CHSEL7_VBATT = 12, /*!< VBATT : ADC_VBATT internal voltage divide-by-3 connection to
input power rail. */
/* ================================================ ADC SL7CFG WCEN7 [1..1] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL7CFG_WCEN7 */
ADC_SL7CFG_WCEN7_WCEN = 1, /*!< WCEN : Enable the window compare for slot 7. */
/* ================================================ ADC SL7CFG SLEN7 [0..0] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_SL7CFG_SLEN7 */
ADC_SL7CFG_SLEN7_SLEN = 1, /*!< SLEN : Enable slot 7 for ADC conversions. */
/* ========================================================= WLIM ========================================================== */
/* ========================================================= FIFO ========================================================== */
/* ========================================================= INTEN ========================================================= */
/* ================================================ ADC INTEN WCINC [5..5] ================================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_INTEN_WCINC */
ADC_INTEN_WCINC_WCINCINT = 1, /*!< WCINCINT : Window comparitor voltage incursion interrupt. */
/* ================================================ ADC INTEN WCEXC [4..4] ================================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_INTEN_WCEXC */
ADC_INTEN_WCEXC_WCEXCINT = 1, /*!< WCEXCINT : Window comparitor voltage excursion interrupt. */
/* =============================================== ADC INTEN FIFOOVR2 [3..3] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_INTEN_FIFOOVR2 */
ADC_INTEN_FIFOOVR2_FIFOFULLINT = 1, /*!< FIFOFULLINT : FIFO 100 percent full interrupt. */
/* =============================================== ADC INTEN FIFOOVR1 [2..2] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_INTEN_FIFOOVR1 */
ADC_INTEN_FIFOOVR1_FIFO75INT = 1, /*!< FIFO75INT : FIFO 75 percent full interrupt. */
/* ================================================ ADC INTEN SCNCMP [1..1] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_INTEN_SCNCMP */
ADC_INTEN_SCNCMP_SCNCMPINT = 1, /*!< SCNCMPINT : ADC scan complete interrupt. */
/* ================================================ ADC INTEN CNVCMP [0..0] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_INTEN_CNVCMP */
ADC_INTEN_CNVCMP_CNVCMPINT = 1, /*!< CNVCMPINT : ADC conversion complete interrupt. */
/* ======================================================== INTSTAT ======================================================== */
/* =============================================== ADC INTSTAT WCINC [5..5] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_INTSTAT_WCINC */
ADC_INTSTAT_WCINC_WCINCINT = 1, /*!< WCINCINT : Window comparitor voltage incursion interrupt. */
/* =============================================== ADC INTSTAT WCEXC [4..4] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_INTSTAT_WCEXC */
ADC_INTSTAT_WCEXC_WCEXCINT = 1, /*!< WCEXCINT : Window comparitor voltage excursion interrupt. */
/* ============================================== ADC INTSTAT FIFOOVR2 [3..3] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_INTSTAT_FIFOOVR2 */
ADC_INTSTAT_FIFOOVR2_FIFOFULLINT = 1, /*!< FIFOFULLINT : FIFO 100 percent full interrupt. */
/* ============================================== ADC INTSTAT FIFOOVR1 [2..2] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_INTSTAT_FIFOOVR1 */
ADC_INTSTAT_FIFOOVR1_FIFO75INT = 1, /*!< FIFO75INT : FIFO 75 percent full interrupt. */
/* =============================================== ADC INTSTAT SCNCMP [1..1] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_INTSTAT_SCNCMP */
ADC_INTSTAT_SCNCMP_SCNCMPINT = 1, /*!< SCNCMPINT : ADC scan complete interrupt. */
/* =============================================== ADC INTSTAT CNVCMP [0..0] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_INTSTAT_CNVCMP */
ADC_INTSTAT_CNVCMP_CNVCMPINT = 1, /*!< CNVCMPINT : ADC conversion complete interrupt. */
/* ======================================================== INTCLR ========================================================= */
/* ================================================ ADC INTCLR WCINC [5..5] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_INTCLR_WCINC */
ADC_INTCLR_WCINC_WCINCINT = 1, /*!< WCINCINT : Window comparitor voltage incursion interrupt. */
/* ================================================ ADC INTCLR WCEXC [4..4] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_INTCLR_WCEXC */
ADC_INTCLR_WCEXC_WCEXCINT = 1, /*!< WCEXCINT : Window comparitor voltage excursion interrupt. */
/* ============================================== ADC INTCLR FIFOOVR2 [3..3] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_INTCLR_FIFOOVR2 */
ADC_INTCLR_FIFOOVR2_FIFOFULLINT = 1, /*!< FIFOFULLINT : FIFO 100 percent full interrupt. */
/* ============================================== ADC INTCLR FIFOOVR1 [2..2] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_INTCLR_FIFOOVR1 */
ADC_INTCLR_FIFOOVR1_FIFO75INT = 1, /*!< FIFO75INT : FIFO 75 percent full interrupt. */
/* =============================================== ADC INTCLR SCNCMP [1..1] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_INTCLR_SCNCMP */
ADC_INTCLR_SCNCMP_SCNCMPINT = 1, /*!< SCNCMPINT : ADC scan complete interrupt. */
/* =============================================== ADC INTCLR CNVCMP [0..0] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_INTCLR_CNVCMP */
ADC_INTCLR_CNVCMP_CNVCMPINT = 1, /*!< CNVCMPINT : ADC conversion complete interrupt. */
/* ======================================================== INTSET ========================================================= */
/* ================================================ ADC INTSET WCINC [5..5] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_INTSET_WCINC */
ADC_INTSET_WCINC_WCINCINT = 1, /*!< WCINCINT : Window comparitor voltage incursion interrupt. */
/* ================================================ ADC INTSET WCEXC [4..4] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_INTSET_WCEXC */
ADC_INTSET_WCEXC_WCEXCINT = 1, /*!< WCEXCINT : Window comparitor voltage excursion interrupt. */
/* ============================================== ADC INTSET FIFOOVR2 [3..3] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_INTSET_FIFOOVR2 */
ADC_INTSET_FIFOOVR2_FIFOFULLINT = 1, /*!< FIFOFULLINT : FIFO 100 percent full interrupt. */
/* ============================================== ADC INTSET FIFOOVR1 [2..2] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_INTSET_FIFOOVR1 */
ADC_INTSET_FIFOOVR1_FIFO75INT = 1, /*!< FIFO75INT : FIFO 75 percent full interrupt. */
/* =============================================== ADC INTSET SCNCMP [1..1] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_INTSET_SCNCMP */
ADC_INTSET_SCNCMP_SCNCMPINT = 1, /*!< SCNCMPINT : ADC scan complete interrupt. */
/* =============================================== ADC INTSET CNVCMP [0..0] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< ADC_INTSET_CNVCMP */
ADC_INTSET_CNVCMP_CNVCMPINT = 1, /*!< CNVCMPINT : ADC conversion complete interrupt. */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ CLKGEN ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ========================================================= CALXT ========================================================= */
/* ========================================================= CALRC ========================================================= */
/* ======================================================== ACALCTR ======================================================== */
/* ========================================================= OCTRL ========================================================= */
/* =============================================== CLKGEN OCTRL ACAL [8..10] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< CLKGEN_OCTRL_ACAL */
CLKGEN_OCTRL_ACAL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Disable Autocalibration */
CLKGEN_OCTRL_ACAL_1024SEC = 2, /*!< 1024SEC : Autocalibrate every 1024 seconds */
CLKGEN_OCTRL_ACAL_512SEC = 3, /*!< 512SEC : Autocalibrate every 512 seconds */
CLKGEN_OCTRL_ACAL_XTFREQ = 6, /*!< XTFREQ : Frequency measurement using XT */
CLKGEN_OCTRL_ACAL_EXTFREQ = 7, /*!< EXTFREQ : Frequency measurement using external clock */
/* =============================================== CLKGEN OCTRL OSEL [7..7] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< CLKGEN_OCTRL_OSEL */
CLKGEN_OCTRL_OSEL_RTC_XT = 0, /*!< RTC_XT : RTC uses the XT */
/* ================================================ CLKGEN OCTRL FOS [6..6] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< CLKGEN_OCTRL_FOS */
CLKGEN_OCTRL_FOS_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Disable the oscillator switch on failure function */
CLKGEN_OCTRL_FOS_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Enable the oscillator switch on failure function */
/* ============================================== CLKGEN OCTRL STOPRC [1..1] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< CLKGEN_OCTRL_STOPRC */
CLKGEN_OCTRL_STOPRC_EN = 0, /*!< EN : Enable the LFRC Oscillator to drive the RTC */
CLKGEN_OCTRL_STOPRC_STOP = 1, /*!< STOP : Stop the LFRC Oscillator when driving the RTC */
/* ============================================== CLKGEN OCTRL STOPXT [0..0] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< CLKGEN_OCTRL_STOPXT */
CLKGEN_OCTRL_STOPXT_EN = 0, /*!< EN : Enable the XT Oscillator to drive the RTC */
CLKGEN_OCTRL_STOPXT_STOP = 1, /*!< STOP : Stop the XT Oscillator when driving the RTC */
/* ======================================================== CLKOUT ========================================================= */
/* =============================================== CLKGEN CLKOUT CKEN [7..7] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< CLKGEN_CLKOUT_CKEN */
/* ============================================== CLKGEN CLKOUT CKSEL [0..5] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< CLKGEN_CLKOUT_CKSEL */
CLKGEN_CLKOUT_CKSEL_XT_DIV16 = 4, /*!< XT_DIV16 : XT / 16 */
CLKGEN_CLKOUT_CKSEL_XT_DIV32 = 5, /*!< XT_DIV32 : XT / 32 */
CLKGEN_CLKOUT_CKSEL_RTC_1Hz = 16, /*!< RTC_1Hz : 1 Hz as selected in RTC */
CLKGEN_CLKOUT_CKSEL_XT_DIV2M = 22, /*!< XT_DIV2M : XT / 2^21 */
CLKGEN_CLKOUT_CKSEL_CG_100Hz = 24, /*!< CG_100Hz : 100 Hz as selected in CLKGEN */
CLKGEN_CLKOUT_CKSEL_HFRC_DIV128 = 31, /*!< HFRC_DIV128 : HFRC / 128 */
CLKGEN_CLKOUT_CKSEL_HFRC_DIV256 = 32, /*!< HFRC_DIV256 : HFRC / 256 */
CLKGEN_CLKOUT_CKSEL_LFRC_DIV512 = 37, /*!< LFRC_DIV512 : LFRC / 512 */
CLKGEN_CLKOUT_CKSEL_XT_DIV256 = 39, /*!< XT_DIV256 : XT / 256 */
CLKGEN_CLKOUT_CKSEL_XT_DIV8K = 40, /*!< XT_DIV8K : XT / 8192 */
CLKGEN_CLKOUT_CKSEL_XT_DIV64K = 41, /*!< XT_DIV64K : XT / 2^16 */
CLKGEN_CLKOUT_CKSEL_ULFRC_DIV128 = 43, /*!< ULFRC_DIV128 : Uncal LFRC / 128 */
CLKGEN_CLKOUT_CKSEL_ULFRC_1Hz = 44, /*!< ULFRC_1Hz : Uncal LFRC / 1024 */
CLKGEN_CLKOUT_CKSEL_HFRCNE = 50, /*!< HFRCNE : HFRC (not autoenabled) */
CLKGEN_CLKOUT_CKSEL_HFRCNE_DIV8 = 51, /*!< HFRCNE_DIV8 : HFRC / 8 (not autoenabled) */
CLKGEN_CLKOUT_CKSEL_XTNE = 53, /*!< XTNE : XT (not autoenabled) */
CLKGEN_CLKOUT_CKSEL_XTNE_DIV16 = 54, /*!< XTNE_DIV16 : XT / 16 (not autoenabled) */
CLKGEN_CLKOUT_CKSEL_LFRCNE_DIV32 = 55, /*!< LFRCNE_DIV32 : LFRC / 32 (not autoenabled) */
CLKGEN_CLKOUT_CKSEL_LFRCNE = 57, /*!< LFRCNE : LFRC (not autoenabled) - Default for undefined values */
/* ======================================================== CLKKEY ========================================================= */
/* ============================================= CLKGEN CLKKEY CLKKEY [0..31] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< CLKGEN_CLKKEY_CLKKEY */
CLKGEN_CLKKEY_CLKKEY_Key = 71, /*!< Key : Key */
/* ========================================================= CCTRL ========================================================= */
/* ============================================== CLKGEN CCTRL MEMSEL [3..3] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< CLKGEN_CCTRL_MEMSEL */
CLKGEN_CCTRL_MEMSEL_HFRC_DIV25 = 0, /*!< HFRC_DIV25 : Flash Clock is HFRC / 25 */
CLKGEN_CCTRL_MEMSEL_HFRC_DIV45 = 1, /*!< HFRC_DIV45 : Flash Clock is HFRC / 45 */
/* ============================================== CLKGEN CCTRL CORESEL [0..2] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< CLKGEN_CCTRL_CORESEL */
CLKGEN_CCTRL_CORESEL_HFRC = 0, /*!< HFRC : Core Clock is HFRC */
CLKGEN_CCTRL_CORESEL_HFRC_DIV2 = 1, /*!< HFRC_DIV2 : Core Clock is HFRC / 2 */
CLKGEN_CCTRL_CORESEL_HFRC_DIV3 = 2, /*!< HFRC_DIV3 : Core Clock is HFRC / 3 */
CLKGEN_CCTRL_CORESEL_HFRC_DIV4 = 3, /*!< HFRC_DIV4 : Core Clock is HFRC / 4 */
CLKGEN_CCTRL_CORESEL_HFRC_DIV5 = 4, /*!< HFRC_DIV5 : Core Clock is HFRC / 5 */
CLKGEN_CCTRL_CORESEL_HFRC_DIV6 = 5, /*!< HFRC_DIV6 : Core Clock is HFRC / 6 */
CLKGEN_CCTRL_CORESEL_HFRC_DIV7 = 6, /*!< HFRC_DIV7 : Core Clock is HFRC / 7 */
CLKGEN_CCTRL_CORESEL_HFRC_DIV8 = 7, /*!< HFRC_DIV8 : Core Clock is HFRC / 8 */
/* ======================================================== STATUS ========================================================= */
/* ========================================================= HFADJ ========================================================= */
/* ============================================ CLKGEN HFADJ HFWARMUP [19..19] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CLKGEN_HFADJ_HFWARMUP */
CLKGEN_HFADJ_HFWARMUP_1SEC = 0, /*!< 1SEC : Autoadjust XT warmup period = 1-2 seconds */
CLKGEN_HFADJ_HFWARMUP_2SEC = 1, /*!< 2SEC : Autoadjust XT warmup period = 2-4 seconds */
/* ============================================== CLKGEN HFADJ HFADJCK [1..3] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< CLKGEN_HFADJ_HFADJCK */
CLKGEN_HFADJ_HFADJCK_4SEC = 0, /*!< 4SEC : Autoadjust repeat period = 4 seconds */
CLKGEN_HFADJ_HFADJCK_16SEC = 1, /*!< 16SEC : Autoadjust repeat period = 16 seconds */
CLKGEN_HFADJ_HFADJCK_32SEC = 2, /*!< 32SEC : Autoadjust repeat period = 32 seconds */
CLKGEN_HFADJ_HFADJCK_64SEC = 3, /*!< 64SEC : Autoadjust repeat period = 64 seconds */
CLKGEN_HFADJ_HFADJCK_128SEC = 4, /*!< 128SEC : Autoadjust repeat period = 128 seconds */
CLKGEN_HFADJ_HFADJCK_256SEC = 5, /*!< 256SEC : Autoadjust repeat period = 256 seconds */
CLKGEN_HFADJ_HFADJCK_512SEC = 6, /*!< 512SEC : Autoadjust repeat period = 512 seconds */
CLKGEN_HFADJ_HFADJCK_1024SEC = 7, /*!< 1024SEC : Autoadjust repeat period = 1024 seconds */
/* ============================================== CLKGEN HFADJ HFADJEN [0..0] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< CLKGEN_HFADJ_HFADJEN */
CLKGEN_HFADJ_HFADJEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Disable the HFRC adjustment */
CLKGEN_HFADJ_HFADJEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Enable the HFRC adjustment */
/* ========================================================= HFVAL ========================================================= */
/* ======================================================== CLOCKEN ======================================================== */
/* ======================================================== UARTEN ========================================================= */
/* ============================================== CLKGEN UARTEN UARTEN [0..0] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< CLKGEN_UARTEN_UARTEN */
CLKGEN_UARTEN_UARTEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Disable the UART system clock */
CLKGEN_UARTEN_UARTEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Enable the UART system clock */
/* ========================================================= INTEN ========================================================= */
/* ======================================================== INTSTAT ======================================================== */
/* ======================================================== INTCLR ========================================================= */
/* ======================================================== INTSET ========================================================= */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ CTIMER ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ========================================================= TMR0 ========================================================== */
/* ======================================================== CMPRA0 ========================================================= */
/* ======================================================== CMPRB0 ========================================================= */
/* ========================================================= CTRL0 ========================================================= */
/* ============================================= CTIMER CTRL0 CTLINK0 [31..31] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL0_CTLINK0 */
CTIMER_CTRL0_CTLINK0_TWO_16BIT_TIMERS = 0, /*!< TWO_16BIT_TIMERS : Use A0/B0 timers as two independent 16-bit
timers (default). */
CTIMER_CTRL0_CTLINK0_32BIT_TIMER = 1, /*!< 32BIT_TIMER : Link A0/B0 timers into a single 32-bit timer. */
/* ============================================ CTIMER CTRL0 TMRB0POL [28..28] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0POL */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0POL_NORMAL = 0, /*!< NORMAL : The polarity of the TMRPINB0 pin is the same as the
timer output. */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0POL_INVERTED = 1, /*!< INVERTED : The polarity of the TMRPINB0 pin is the inverse of
the timer output. */
/* ============================================ CTIMER CTRL0 TMRB0CLR [27..27] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0CLR */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0CLR_RUN = 0, /*!< RUN : Allow counter/timer B0 to run */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0CLR_CLEAR = 1, /*!< CLEAR : Holds counter/timer B0 at 0x0000. */
/* ============================================= CTIMER CTRL0 TMRB0PE [26..26] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0PE */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0PE_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Counter/Timer B holds the TMRPINB signal at the value
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0PE_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Enable counter/timer B0 to generate a signal on TMRPINB. */
/* ============================================= CTIMER CTRL0 TMRB0IE [25..25] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0IE */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0IE_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Disable counter/timer B0 from generating an interrupt. */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0IE_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Enable counter/timer B0 to generate an interrupt. */
/* ============================================= CTIMER CTRL0 TMRB0FN [22..24] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0FN */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0FN_SINGLECOUNT = 0, /*!< SINGLECOUNT : Single count (output toggles and sticks). Count
to CMPR0B0, stop. */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0FN_REPEATEDCOUNT = 1, /*!< REPEATEDCOUNT : Repeated count (periodic 1-clock-cycle-wide
pulses). Count to CMPR0B0, restart. */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0FN_PULSE_ONCE = 2, /*!< PULSE_ONCE : Pulse once (aka one-shot). Count to CMPR0B0, assert,
count to CMPR1B, deassert, stop. */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0FN_PULSE_CONT = 3, /*!< PULSE_CONT : Pulse continously. Count to CMPR0B0, assert, count
to CMPR1B0, deassert, restart. */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0FN_CONTINUOUS = 4, /*!< CONTINUOUS : Continuous run (aka Free Run). Count continuously. */
/* ============================================ CTIMER CTRL0 TMRB0CLK [17..21] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0CLK */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0CLK_TMRPIN = 0, /*!< TMRPIN : Clock source is TMRPINB. */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0CLK_HFRC = 1, /*!< HFRC : Clock source is the HFRC */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0CLK_HFRC_DIV8 = 2, /*!< HFRC_DIV8 : Clock source is HFRC / 8 */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0CLK_HFRC_DIV128 = 3, /*!< HFRC_DIV128 : Clock source is HFRC / 128 */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0CLK_HFRC_DIV512 = 4, /*!< HFRC_DIV512 : Clock source is HFRC / 512 */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0CLK_HFRC_DIV2K = 5, /*!< HFRC_DIV2K : Clock source is HFRC / 2048 */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0CLK_XT = 6, /*!< XT : Clock source is the XT (uncalibrated). */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0CLK_XT_DIV2 = 7, /*!< XT_DIV2 : Clock source is XT / 2 */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0CLK_XT_DIV16 = 8, /*!< XT_DIV16 : Clock source is XT / 16 */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0CLK_XT_DIV256 = 9, /*!< XT_DIV256 : Clock source is XT / 256 */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0CLK_LFRC_DIV2 = 10, /*!< LFRC_DIV2 : Clock source is LFRC / 2 */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0CLK_LFRC_DIV32 = 11, /*!< LFRC_DIV32 : Clock source is LFRC / 32 */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0CLK_LFRC_DIV1K = 12, /*!< LFRC_DIV1K : Clock source is LFRC / 1024 */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0CLK_LFRC = 13, /*!< LFRC : Clock source is LFRC / 16K */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0CLK_RTC_100HZ = 14, /*!< RTC_100HZ : Clock source is 100 Hz from the current RTC oscillator. */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0CLK_HCLK = 15, /*!< HCLK : Clock source is HCLK. */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0CLK_BUCKB = 16, /*!< BUCKB : Clock source is buck converter stream B. */
/* ============================================= CTIMER CTRL0 TMRB0EN [16..16] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0EN */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0EN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Counter/Timer B0 Disable. */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRB0EN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Counter/Timer B0 Enable. */
/* ============================================ CTIMER CTRL0 TMRA0POL [12..12] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0POL */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0POL_NORMAL = 0, /*!< NORMAL : The polarity of the TMRPINA0 pin is the same as the
timer output. */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0POL_INVERTED = 1, /*!< INVERTED : The polarity of the TMRPINA0 pin is the inverse of
the timer output. */
/* ============================================ CTIMER CTRL0 TMRA0CLR [11..11] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0CLR */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0CLR_RUN = 0, /*!< RUN : Allow counter/timer A0 to run */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0CLR_CLEAR = 1, /*!< CLEAR : Holds counter/timer A0 at 0x0000. */
/* ============================================= CTIMER CTRL0 TMRA0PE [10..10] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0PE */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0PE_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Counter/Timer A holds the TMRPINA signal at the value
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0PE_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Enable counter/timer B0 to generate a signal on TMRPINB. */
/* ============================================== CTIMER CTRL0 TMRA0IE [9..9] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0IE */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0IE_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Disable counter/timer A0 from generating an interrupt. */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0IE_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Enable counter/timer A0 to generate an interrupt. */
/* ============================================== CTIMER CTRL0 TMRA0FN [6..8] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0FN */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0FN_SINGLECOUNT = 0, /*!< SINGLECOUNT : Single count (output toggles and sticks). Count
to CMPR0A0, stop. */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0FN_REPEATEDCOUNT = 1, /*!< REPEATEDCOUNT : Repeated count (periodic 1-clock-cycle-wide
pulses). Count to CMPR0A0, restart. */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0FN_PULSE_ONCE = 2, /*!< PULSE_ONCE : Pulse once (aka one-shot). Count to CMPR0A0, assert,
count to CMPR1B, deassert, stop. */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0FN_PULSE_CONT = 3, /*!< PULSE_CONT : Pulse continously. Count to CMPR0A0, assert, count
to CMPR1A0, deassert, restart. */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0FN_CONTINUOUS = 4, /*!< CONTINUOUS : Continuous run (aka Free Run). Count continuously. */
/* ============================================= CTIMER CTRL0 TMRA0CLK [1..5] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0CLK */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0CLK_TMRPIN = 0, /*!< TMRPIN : Clock source is TMRPINA. */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0CLK_HFRC = 1, /*!< HFRC : Clock source is the HFRC */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0CLK_HFRC_DIV8 = 2, /*!< HFRC_DIV8 : Clock source is HFRC / 8 */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0CLK_HFRC_DIV128 = 3, /*!< HFRC_DIV128 : Clock source is HFRC / 128 */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0CLK_HFRC_DIV512 = 4, /*!< HFRC_DIV512 : Clock source is HFRC / 512 */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0CLK_HFRC_DIV2K = 5, /*!< HFRC_DIV2K : Clock source is HFRC / 2048 */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0CLK_XT = 6, /*!< XT : Clock source is the XT (uncalibrated). */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0CLK_XT_DIV2 = 7, /*!< XT_DIV2 : Clock source is XT / 2 */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0CLK_XT_DIV16 = 8, /*!< XT_DIV16 : Clock source is XT / 16 */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0CLK_XT_DIV256 = 9, /*!< XT_DIV256 : Clock source is XT / 256 */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0CLK_LFRC_DIV2 = 10, /*!< LFRC_DIV2 : Clock source is LFRC / 2 */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0CLK_LFRC_DIV32 = 11, /*!< LFRC_DIV32 : Clock source is LFRC / 32 */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0CLK_LFRC_DIV1K = 12, /*!< LFRC_DIV1K : Clock source is LFRC / 1024 */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0CLK_LFRC = 13, /*!< LFRC : Clock source is LFRC / 16K */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0CLK_RTC_100HZ = 14, /*!< RTC_100HZ : Clock source is 100 Hz from the current RTC oscillator. */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0CLK_HCLK = 15, /*!< HCLK : Clock source is HCLK. */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0CLK_BUCKA = 16, /*!< BUCKA : Clock source is buck converter stream A. */
/* ============================================== CTIMER CTRL0 TMRA0EN [0..0] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0EN */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0EN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Counter/Timer A0 Disable. */
CTIMER_CTRL0_TMRA0EN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Counter/Timer A0 Enable. */
/* ========================================================= TMR1 ========================================================== */
/* ======================================================== CMPRA1 ========================================================= */
/* ======================================================== CMPRB1 ========================================================= */
/* ========================================================= CTRL1 ========================================================= */
/* ============================================= CTIMER CTRL1 CTLINK1 [31..31] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL1_CTLINK1 */
CTIMER_CTRL1_CTLINK1_TWO_16BIT_TIMERS = 0, /*!< TWO_16BIT_TIMERS : Use A0/B0 timers as two independent 16-bit
timers (default). */
CTIMER_CTRL1_CTLINK1_32BIT_TIMER = 1, /*!< 32BIT_TIMER : Link A1/B1 timers into a single 32-bit timer. */
/* ============================================ CTIMER CTRL1 TMRB1POL [28..28] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1POL */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1POL_NORMAL = 0, /*!< NORMAL : The polarity of the TMRPINB1 pin is the same as the
timer output. */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1POL_INVERTED = 1, /*!< INVERTED : The polarity of the TMRPINB1 pin is the inverse of
the timer output. */
/* ============================================ CTIMER CTRL1 TMRB1CLR [27..27] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1CLR */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1CLR_RUN = 0, /*!< RUN : Allow counter/timer B1 to run */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1CLR_CLEAR = 1, /*!< CLEAR : Holds counter/timer B1 at 0x0000. */
/* ============================================= CTIMER CTRL1 TMRB1PE [26..26] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1PE */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1PE_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Counter/Timer B holds the TMRPINB signal at the value
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1PE_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Enable counter/timer B1 to generate a signal on TMRPINB. */
/* ============================================= CTIMER CTRL1 TMRB1IE [25..25] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1IE */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1IE_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Disable counter/timer B1 from generating an interrupt. */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1IE_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Enable counter/timer B1 to generate an interrupt. */
/* ============================================= CTIMER CTRL1 TMRB1FN [22..24] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1FN */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1FN_SINGLECOUNT = 0, /*!< SINGLECOUNT : Single count (output toggles and sticks). Count
to CMPR0B1, stop. */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1FN_REPEATEDCOUNT = 1, /*!< REPEATEDCOUNT : Repeated count (periodic 1-clock-cycle-wide
pulses). Count to CMPR0B1, restart. */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1FN_PULSE_ONCE = 2, /*!< PULSE_ONCE : Pulse once (aka one-shot). Count to CMPR0B1, assert,
count to CMPR1B, deassert, stop. */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1FN_PULSE_CONT = 3, /*!< PULSE_CONT : Pulse continously. Count to CMPR0B1, assert, count
to CMPR1B1, deassert, restart. */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1FN_CONTINUOUS = 4, /*!< CONTINUOUS : Continuous run (aka Free Run). Count continuously. */
/* ============================================ CTIMER CTRL1 TMRB1CLK [17..21] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1CLK */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1CLK_TMRPIN = 0, /*!< TMRPIN : Clock source is TMRPINB. */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1CLK_HFRC = 1, /*!< HFRC : Clock source is the HFRC */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1CLK_HFRC_DIV8 = 2, /*!< HFRC_DIV8 : Clock source is HFRC / 8 */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1CLK_HFRC_DIV128 = 3, /*!< HFRC_DIV128 : Clock source is HFRC / 128 */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1CLK_HFRC_DIV512 = 4, /*!< HFRC_DIV512 : Clock source is HFRC / 512 */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1CLK_HFRC_DIV2K = 5, /*!< HFRC_DIV2K : Clock source is HFRC / 2048 */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1CLK_XT = 6, /*!< XT : Clock source is the XT (uncalibrated). */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1CLK_XT_DIV2 = 7, /*!< XT_DIV2 : Clock source is XT / 2 */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1CLK_XT_DIV16 = 8, /*!< XT_DIV16 : Clock source is XT / 16 */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1CLK_XT_DIV256 = 9, /*!< XT_DIV256 : Clock source is XT / 256 */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1CLK_LFRC_DIV2 = 10, /*!< LFRC_DIV2 : Clock source is LFRC / 2 */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1CLK_LFRC_DIV32 = 11, /*!< LFRC_DIV32 : Clock source is LFRC / 32 */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1CLK_LFRC_DIV1K = 12, /*!< LFRC_DIV1K : Clock source is LFRC / 1024 */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1CLK_LFRC = 13, /*!< LFRC : Clock source is LFRC / 16K */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1CLK_RTC_100HZ = 14, /*!< RTC_100HZ : Clock source is 100 Hz from the current RTC oscillator. */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1CLK_HCLK = 15, /*!< HCLK : Clock source is HCLK. */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1CLK_BUCKB = 16, /*!< BUCKB : Clock source is buck converter stream B. */
/* ============================================= CTIMER CTRL1 TMRB1EN [16..16] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1EN */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1EN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Counter/Timer B1 Disable. */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRB1EN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Counter/Timer B1 Enable. */
/* ============================================ CTIMER CTRL1 TMRA1POL [12..12] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1POL */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1POL_NORMAL = 0, /*!< NORMAL : The polarity of the TMRPINA1 pin is the same as the
timer output. */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1POL_INVERTED = 1, /*!< INVERTED : The polarity of the TMRPINA1 pin is the inverse of
the timer output. */
/* ============================================ CTIMER CTRL1 TMRA1CLR [11..11] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1CLR */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1CLR_RUN = 0, /*!< RUN : Allow counter/timer A1 to run */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1CLR_CLEAR = 1, /*!< CLEAR : Holds counter/timer A1 at 0x0000. */
/* ============================================= CTIMER CTRL1 TMRA1PE [10..10] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1PE */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1PE_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Counter/Timer A holds the TMRPINA signal at the value
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1PE_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Enable counter/timer A1 to generate a signal on TMRPINA. */
/* ============================================== CTIMER CTRL1 TMRA1IE [9..9] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1IE */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1IE_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Disable counter/timer A1 from generating an interrupt. */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1IE_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Enable counter/timer A1 to generate an interrupt. */
/* ============================================== CTIMER CTRL1 TMRA1FN [6..8] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1FN */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1FN_SINGLECOUNT = 0, /*!< SINGLECOUNT : Single count (output toggles and sticks). Count
to CMPR0A1, stop. */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1FN_REPEATEDCOUNT = 1, /*!< REPEATEDCOUNT : Repeated count (periodic 1-clock-cycle-wide
pulses). Count to CMPR0A1, restart. */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1FN_PULSE_ONCE = 2, /*!< PULSE_ONCE : Pulse once (aka one-shot). Count to CMPR0A1, assert,
count to CMPR1B, deassert, stop. */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1FN_PULSE_CONT = 3, /*!< PULSE_CONT : Pulse continously. Count to CMPR0A1, assert, count
to CMPR1A1, deassert, restart. */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1FN_CONTINUOUS = 4, /*!< CONTINUOUS : Continuous run (aka Free Run). Count continuously. */
/* ============================================= CTIMER CTRL1 TMRA1CLK [1..5] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1CLK */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1CLK_TMRPIN = 0, /*!< TMRPIN : Clock source is TMRPINA. */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1CLK_HFRC = 1, /*!< HFRC : Clock source is the HFRC */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1CLK_HFRC_DIV8 = 2, /*!< HFRC_DIV8 : Clock source is the HFRC / 8 */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1CLK_HFRC_DIV128 = 3, /*!< HFRC_DIV128 : Clock source is HFRC / 128 */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1CLK_HFRC_DIV512 = 4, /*!< HFRC_DIV512 : Clock source is HFRC / 512 */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1CLK_HFRC_DIV2K = 5, /*!< HFRC_DIV2K : Clock source is HFRC / 2048 */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1CLK_XT = 6, /*!< XT : Clock source is the XT (uncalibrated). */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1CLK_XT_DIV2 = 7, /*!< XT_DIV2 : Clock source is XT / 2 */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1CLK_XT_DIV16 = 8, /*!< XT_DIV16 : Clock source is XT / 16 */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1CLK_XT_DIV256 = 9, /*!< XT_DIV256 : Clock source is XT / 256 */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1CLK_LFRC_DIV2 = 10, /*!< LFRC_DIV2 : Clock source is LFRC / 2 */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1CLK_LFRC_DIV32 = 11, /*!< LFRC_DIV32 : Clock source is LFRC / 32 */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1CLK_LFRC_DIV1K = 12, /*!< LFRC_DIV1K : Clock source is LFRC / 1024 */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1CLK_LFRC = 13, /*!< LFRC : Clock source is LFRC / 16K */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1CLK_RTC_100HZ = 14, /*!< RTC_100HZ : Clock source is 100 Hz from the current RTC oscillator. */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1CLK_HCLK = 15, /*!< HCLK : Clock source is HCLK. */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1CLK_BUCKA = 16, /*!< BUCKA : Clock source is buck converter stream A. */
/* ============================================== CTIMER CTRL1 TMRA1EN [0..0] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1EN */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1EN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Counter/Timer A1 Disable. */
CTIMER_CTRL1_TMRA1EN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Counter/Timer A1 Enable. */
/* ========================================================= TMR2 ========================================================== */
/* ======================================================== CMPRA2 ========================================================= */
/* ======================================================== CMPRB2 ========================================================= */
/* ========================================================= CTRL2 ========================================================= */
/* ============================================= CTIMER CTRL2 CTLINK2 [31..31] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL2_CTLINK2 */
CTIMER_CTRL2_CTLINK2_TWO_16BIT_TIMERS = 0, /*!< TWO_16BIT_TIMERS : Use A0/B0 timers as two independent 16-bit
timers (default). */
CTIMER_CTRL2_CTLINK2_32BIT_TIMER = 1, /*!< 32BIT_TIMER : Link A2/B2 timers into a single 32-bit timer. */
/* ============================================ CTIMER CTRL2 TMRB2POL [28..28] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2POL */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2POL_NORMAL = 0, /*!< NORMAL : The polarity of the TMRPINB2 pin is the same as the
timer output. */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2POL_INVERTED = 1, /*!< INVERTED : The polarity of the TMRPINB2 pin is the inverse of
the timer output. */
/* ============================================ CTIMER CTRL2 TMRB2CLR [27..27] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2CLR */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2CLR_RUN = 0, /*!< RUN : Allow counter/timer B2 to run */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2CLR_CLEAR = 1, /*!< CLEAR : Holds counter/timer B2 at 0x0000. */
/* ============================================= CTIMER CTRL2 TMRB2PE [26..26] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2PE */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2PE_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Counter/Timer B holds the TMRPINB signal at the value
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2PE_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Enable counter/timer B2 to generate a signal on TMRPINB. */
/* ============================================= CTIMER CTRL2 TMRB2IE [25..25] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2IE */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2IE_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Disable counter/timer B2 from generating an interrupt. */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2IE_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Enable counter/timer B2 to generate an interrupt. */
/* ============================================= CTIMER CTRL2 TMRB2FN [22..24] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2FN */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2FN_SINGLECOUNT = 0, /*!< SINGLECOUNT : Single count (output toggles and sticks). Count
to CMPR0B2, stop. */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2FN_REPEATEDCOUNT = 1, /*!< REPEATEDCOUNT : Repeated count (periodic 1-clock-cycle-wide
pulses). Count to CMPR0B2, restart. */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2FN_PULSE_ONCE = 2, /*!< PULSE_ONCE : Pulse once (aka one-shot). Count to CMPR0B2, assert,
count to CMPR1B, deassert, stop. */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2FN_PULSE_CONT = 3, /*!< PULSE_CONT : Pulse continously. Count to CMPR0B2, assert, count
to CMPR1B2, deassert, restart. */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2FN_CONTINUOUS = 4, /*!< CONTINUOUS : Continuous run (aka Free Run). Count continuously. */
/* ============================================ CTIMER CTRL2 TMRB2CLK [17..21] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2CLK */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2CLK_TMRPIN = 0, /*!< TMRPIN : Clock source is TMRPINB. */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2CLK_HFRC = 1, /*!< HFRC : Clock source is the HFRC */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2CLK_HFRC_DIV8 = 2, /*!< HFRC_DIV8 : Clock source is HFRC / 8 */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2CLK_HFRC_DIV128 = 3, /*!< HFRC_DIV128 : Clock source is HFRC / 128 */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2CLK_HFRC_DIV512 = 4, /*!< HFRC_DIV512 : Clock source is HFRC / 512 */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2CLK_HFRC_DIV2K = 5, /*!< HFRC_DIV2K : Clock source is HFRC / 2048 */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2CLK_XT = 6, /*!< XT : Clock source is the XT (uncalibrated). */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2CLK_XT_DIV2 = 7, /*!< XT_DIV2 : Clock source is XT / 2 */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2CLK_XT_DIV16 = 8, /*!< XT_DIV16 : Clock source is XT / 16 */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2CLK_XT_DIV256 = 9, /*!< XT_DIV256 : Clock source is XT / 256 */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2CLK_LFRC_DIV2 = 10, /*!< LFRC_DIV2 : Clock source is LFRC / 2 */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2CLK_LFRC_DIV32 = 11, /*!< LFRC_DIV32 : Clock source is LFRC / 32 */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2CLK_LFRC_DIV1K = 12, /*!< LFRC_DIV1K : Clock source is LFRC / 1024 */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2CLK_LFRC = 13, /*!< LFRC : Clock source is LFRC / 16K */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2CLK_RTC_100HZ = 14, /*!< RTC_100HZ : Clock source is 100 Hz from the current RTC oscillator. */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2CLK_HCLK = 15, /*!< HCLK : Clock source is HCLK. */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2CLK_BUCKA = 16, /*!< BUCKA : Clock source is buck converter stream A. */
/* ============================================= CTIMER CTRL2 TMRB2EN [16..16] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2EN */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2EN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Counter/Timer B2 Disable. */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRB2EN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Counter/Timer B2 Enable. */
/* ============================================ CTIMER CTRL2 TMRA2POL [12..12] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2POL */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2POL_NORMAL = 0, /*!< NORMAL : The polarity of the TMRPINA2 pin is the same as the
timer output. */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2POL_INVERTED = 1, /*!< INVERTED : The polarity of the TMRPINA2 pin is the inverse of
the timer output. */
/* ============================================ CTIMER CTRL2 TMRA2CLR [11..11] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2CLR */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2CLR_RUN = 0, /*!< RUN : Allow counter/timer A2 to run */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2CLR_CLEAR = 1, /*!< CLEAR : Holds counter/timer A2 at 0x0000. */
/* ============================================= CTIMER CTRL2 TMRA2PE [10..10] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2PE */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2PE_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Counter/Timer A holds the TMRPINA signal at the value
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2PE_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Enable counter/timer A2 to generate a signal on TMRPINA. */
/* ============================================== CTIMER CTRL2 TMRA2IE [9..9] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2IE */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2IE_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Disable counter/timer A2 from generating an interrupt. */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2IE_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Enable counter/timer A2 to generate an interrupt. */
/* ============================================== CTIMER CTRL2 TMRA2FN [6..8] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2FN */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2FN_SINGLECOUNT = 0, /*!< SINGLECOUNT : Single count (output toggles and sticks). Count
to CMPR0A2, stop. */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2FN_REPEATEDCOUNT = 1, /*!< REPEATEDCOUNT : Repeated count (periodic 1-clock-cycle-wide
pulses). Count to CMPR0A2, restart. */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2FN_PULSE_ONCE = 2, /*!< PULSE_ONCE : Pulse once (aka one-shot). Count to CMPR0A2, assert,
count to CMPR1B, deassert, stop. */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2FN_PULSE_CONT = 3, /*!< PULSE_CONT : Pulse continously. Count to CMPR0A2, assert, count
to CMPR1A2, deassert, restart. */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2FN_CONTINUOUS = 4, /*!< CONTINUOUS : Continuous run (aka Free Run). Count continuously. */
/* ============================================= CTIMER CTRL2 TMRA2CLK [1..5] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2CLK */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2CLK_TMRPIN = 0, /*!< TMRPIN : Clock source is TMRPINA. */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2CLK_HFRC = 1, /*!< HFRC : Clock source is the HFRC */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2CLK_HFRC_DIV8 = 2, /*!< HFRC_DIV8 : Clock source is HFRC / 8 */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2CLK_HFRC_DIV128 = 3, /*!< HFRC_DIV128 : Clock source is HFRC / 128 */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2CLK_HFRC_DIV512 = 4, /*!< HFRC_DIV512 : Clock source is HFRC / 512 */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2CLK_HFRC_DIV2K = 5, /*!< HFRC_DIV2K : Clock source is HFRC / 2048 */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2CLK_XT = 6, /*!< XT : Clock source is the XT (uncalibrated). */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2CLK_XT_DIV2 = 7, /*!< XT_DIV2 : Clock source is XT / 2 */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2CLK_XT_DIV16 = 8, /*!< XT_DIV16 : Clock source is XT / 16 */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2CLK_XT_DIV256 = 9, /*!< XT_DIV256 : Clock source is XT / 256 */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2CLK_LFRC_DIV2 = 10, /*!< LFRC_DIV2 : Clock source is LFRC / 2 */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2CLK_LFRC_DIV32 = 11, /*!< LFRC_DIV32 : Clock source is LFRC / 32 */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2CLK_LFRC_DIV1K = 12, /*!< LFRC_DIV1K : Clock source is LFRC / 1024 */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2CLK_LFRC = 13, /*!< LFRC : Clock source is LFRC / 16K */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2CLK_RTC_100HZ = 14, /*!< RTC_100HZ : Clock source is 100 Hz from the current RTC oscillator. */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2CLK_HCLK = 15, /*!< HCLK : Clock source is HCLK. */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2CLK_BUCKB = 16, /*!< BUCKB : Clock source is buck converter stream B. */
/* ============================================== CTIMER CTRL2 TMRA2EN [0..0] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2EN */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2EN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Counter/Timer A2 Disable. */
CTIMER_CTRL2_TMRA2EN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Counter/Timer A2 Enable. */
/* ========================================================= TMR3 ========================================================== */
/* ======================================================== CMPRA3 ========================================================= */
/* ======================================================== CMPRB3 ========================================================= */
/* ========================================================= CTRL3 ========================================================= */
/* ============================================= CTIMER CTRL3 CTLINK3 [31..31] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL3_CTLINK3 */
CTIMER_CTRL3_CTLINK3_TWO_16BIT_TIMERS = 0, /*!< TWO_16BIT_TIMERS : Use A0/B0 timers as two independent 16-bit
timers (default). */
CTIMER_CTRL3_CTLINK3_32BIT_TIMER = 1, /*!< 32BIT_TIMER : Link A3/B3 timers into a single 32-bit timer. */
/* ============================================ CTIMER CTRL3 TMRB3POL [28..28] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3POL */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3POL_NORMAL = 0, /*!< NORMAL : The polarity of the TMRPINB3 pin is the same as the
timer output. */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3POL_INVERTED = 1, /*!< INVERTED : The polarity of the TMRPINB3 pin is the inverse of
the timer output. */
/* ============================================ CTIMER CTRL3 TMRB3CLR [27..27] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3CLR */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3CLR_RUN = 0, /*!< RUN : Allow counter/timer B3 to run. */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3CLR_CLEAR = 1, /*!< CLEAR : Holds counter/timer B3 at 0x0000. */
/* ============================================= CTIMER CTRL3 TMRB3PE [26..26] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3PE */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3PE_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Counter/Timer B holds the TMRPINB signal at the value
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3PE_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Enable counter/timer B3 to generate a signal on TMRPINB. */
/* ============================================= CTIMER CTRL3 TMRB3IE [25..25] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3IE */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3IE_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Disable counter/timer B3 from generating an interrupt. */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3IE_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Enable counter/timer B3 to generate an interrupt. */
/* ============================================= CTIMER CTRL3 TMRB3FN [22..24] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3FN */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3FN_SINGLECOUNT = 0, /*!< SINGLECOUNT : Single count (output toggles and sticks). Count
to CMPR0B3, stop. */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3FN_REPEATEDCOUNT = 1, /*!< REPEATEDCOUNT : Repeated count (periodic 1-clock-cycle-wide
pulses). Count to CMPR0B3, restart. */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3FN_PULSE_ONCE = 2, /*!< PULSE_ONCE : Pulse once (aka one-shot). Count to CMPR0B3, assert,
count to CMPR1B, deassert, stop. */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3FN_PULSE_CONT = 3, /*!< PULSE_CONT : Pulse continously. Count to CMPR0B3, assert, count
to CMPR1B3, deassert, restart. */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3FN_CONTINUOUS = 4, /*!< CONTINUOUS : Continuous run (aka Free Run). Count continuously. */
/* ============================================ CTIMER CTRL3 TMRB3CLK [17..21] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3CLK */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3CLK_TMRPIN = 0, /*!< TMRPIN : Clock source is TMRPINB. */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3CLK_HFRC = 1, /*!< HFRC : Clock source is the HFRC */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3CLK_HFRC_DIV8 = 2, /*!< HFRC_DIV8 : Clock source is HFRC / 8 */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3CLK_HFRC_DIV128 = 3, /*!< HFRC_DIV128 : Clock source is HFRC / 128 */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3CLK_HFRC_DIV512 = 4, /*!< HFRC_DIV512 : Clock source is HFRC / 512 */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3CLK_HFRC_DIV2K = 5, /*!< HFRC_DIV2K : Clock source is HFRC / 2048 */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3CLK_XT = 6, /*!< XT : Clock source is the XT (uncalibrated). */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3CLK_XT_DIV2 = 7, /*!< XT_DIV2 : Clock source is XT / 2 */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3CLK_XT_DIV16 = 8, /*!< XT_DIV16 : Clock source is XT / 16 */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3CLK_XT_DIV256 = 9, /*!< XT_DIV256 : Clock source is XT / 256 */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3CLK_LFRC_DIV2 = 10, /*!< LFRC_DIV2 : Clock source is LFRC / 2 */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3CLK_LFRC_DIV32 = 11, /*!< LFRC_DIV32 : Clock source is LFRC / 32 */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3CLK_LFRC_DIV1K = 12, /*!< LFRC_DIV1K : Clock source is LFRC / 1024 */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3CLK_LFRC = 13, /*!< LFRC : Clock source is LFRC / 16K */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3CLK_RTC_100HZ = 14, /*!< RTC_100HZ : Clock source is 100 Hz from the current RTC oscillator. */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3CLK_HCLK = 15, /*!< HCLK : Clock source is HCLK. */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3CLK_BUCKA = 16, /*!< BUCKA : Clock source is buck converter stream A. */
/* ============================================= CTIMER CTRL3 TMRB3EN [16..16] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3EN */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3EN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Counter/Timer B3 Disable. */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRB3EN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Counter/Timer B3 Enable. */
/* ============================================ CTIMER CTRL3 TMRA3POL [12..12] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3POL */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3POL_NORMAL = 0, /*!< NORMAL : The polarity of the TMRPINA3 pin is the same as the
timer output. */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3POL_INVERTED = 1, /*!< INVERTED : The polarity of the TMRPINA3 pin is the inverse of
the timer output. */
/* ============================================ CTIMER CTRL3 TMRA3CLR [11..11] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3CLR */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3CLR_CLEAR = 1, /*!< CLEAR : Holds counter/timer A3 at 0x0000. */
/* ============================================= CTIMER CTRL3 TMRA3PE [10..10] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3PE */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3PE_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Counter/Timer A holds the TMRPINA signal at the value
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3PE_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Enable counter/timer A3 to generate a signal on TMRPINA. */
/* ============================================== CTIMER CTRL3 TMRA3IE [9..9] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3IE */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3IE_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Disable counter/timer A3 from generating an interrupt. */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3IE_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Enable counter/timer A3 to generate an interrupt. */
/* ============================================== CTIMER CTRL3 TMRA3FN [6..8] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3FN */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3FN_SINGLECOUNT = 0, /*!< SINGLECOUNT : Single count (output toggles and sticks). Count
to CMPR0A3, stop. */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3FN_REPEATEDCOUNT = 1, /*!< REPEATEDCOUNT : Repeated count (periodic 1-clock-cycle-wide
pulses). Count to CMPR0A3, restart. */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3FN_PULSE_ONCE = 2, /*!< PULSE_ONCE : Pulse once (aka one-shot). Count to CMPR0A3, assert,
count to CMPR1B, deassert, stop. */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3FN_PULSE_CONT = 3, /*!< PULSE_CONT : Pulse continously. Count to CMPR0A3, assert, count
to CMPR1A3, deassert, restart. */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3FN_CONTINUOUS = 4, /*!< CONTINUOUS : Continuous run (aka Free Run). Count continuously. */
/* ============================================= CTIMER CTRL3 TMRA3CLK [1..5] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3CLK */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3CLK_TMRPIN = 0, /*!< TMRPIN : Clock source is TMRPINA. */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3CLK_HFRC = 1, /*!< HFRC : Clock source is the HFRC */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3CLK_HFRC_DIV8 = 2, /*!< HFRC_DIV8 : Clock source is HFRC / 8 */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3CLK_HFRC_DIV128 = 3, /*!< HFRC_DIV128 : Clock source is HFRC / 128 */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3CLK_HFRC_DIV512 = 4, /*!< HFRC_DIV512 : Clock source is HFRC / 512 */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3CLK_HFRC_DIV2K = 5, /*!< HFRC_DIV2K : Clock source is HFRC / 2048 */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3CLK_XT = 6, /*!< XT : Clock source is the XT (uncalibrated). */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3CLK_XT_DIV2 = 7, /*!< XT_DIV2 : Clock source is XT / 2 */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3CLK_XT_DIV16 = 8, /*!< XT_DIV16 : Clock source is XT / 16 */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3CLK_XT_DIV256 = 9, /*!< XT_DIV256 : Clock source is XT / 256 */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3CLK_LFRC_DIV2 = 10, /*!< LFRC_DIV2 : Clock source is LFRC / 2 */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3CLK_LFRC_DIV32 = 11, /*!< LFRC_DIV32 : Clock source is LFRC / 32 */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3CLK_LFRC_DIV1K = 12, /*!< LFRC_DIV1K : Clock source is LFRC / 1024 */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3CLK_LFRC = 13, /*!< LFRC : Clock source is LFRC / 16K */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3CLK_RTC_100HZ = 14, /*!< RTC_100HZ : Clock source is 100 Hz from the current RTC oscillator. */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3CLK_HCLK = 15, /*!< HCLK : Clock source is HCLK. */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3CLK_BUCKB = 16, /*!< BUCKB : Clock source is buck converter stream B. */
/* ============================================== CTIMER CTRL3 TMRA3EN [0..0] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3EN */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3EN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Counter/Timer A3 Disable. */
CTIMER_CTRL3_TMRA3EN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Counter/Timer A3 Enable. */
/* ========================================================= INTEN ========================================================= */
/* ======================================================== INTSTAT ======================================================== */
/* ======================================================== INTCLR ========================================================= */
/* ======================================================== INTSET ========================================================= */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ GPIO ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ======================================================== PADREGA ======================================================== */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGA PAD3PWRUP [31..31] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGA_PAD3PWRUP */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD3PWRUP_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Power switch disabled */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD3PWRUP_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Power switch enabled */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGA PAD3FNCSEL [27..29] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGA_PAD3FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD3FNCSEL_TRIG0 = 0, /*!< TRIG0 : Configure as the ADC Trigger 0 signal */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD3FNCSEL_SLnCE = 1, /*!< SLnCE : Configure as the IOSLAVE SPI nCE signal */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD3FNCSEL_M1nCE4 = 2, /*!< M1nCE4 : Configure as the SPI channel 4 nCE signal from IOMSTR1 */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD3FNCSEL_GPIO3 = 3, /*!< GPIO3 : Configure as GPIO3 */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD3FNCSEL_M0nCE = 4, /*!< M0nCE : Configure as the IOSLAVE SPI nCE loopback signal from
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD3FNCSEL_M1nCE = 5, /*!< M1nCE : Configure as the IOSLAVE SPI nCE loopback signal from
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD3FNCSEL_DIS = 6, /*!< DIS : Pad disabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGA PAD3STRNG [26..26] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGA_PAD3STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD3STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD3STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGA PAD3INPEN [25..25] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGA_PAD3INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD3INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD3INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGA PAD3PULL [24..24] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGA_PAD3PULL */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD3PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD3PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGA PAD2FNCSEL [19..21] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGA_PAD2FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD2FNCSEL_SLWIR3 = 0, /*!< SLWIR3 : Configure as the IOSLAVE SPI 3-wire MOSI/MISO signal */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD2FNCSEL_CLKOUT = 2, /*!< CLKOUT : Configure as the CLKOUT signal */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD2FNCSEL_GPIO2 = 3, /*!< GPIO2 : Configure as GPIO2 */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD2FNCSEL_M0MOSI = 4, /*!< M0MOSI : Configure as the IOSLAVE SPI MOSI loopback signal from
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD2FNCSEL_M1MOSI = 5, /*!< M1MOSI : Configure as the IOSLAVE SPI MOSI loopback signal from
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD2FNCSEL_M0WIR3 = 6, /*!< M0WIR3 : Configure as the IOSLAVE SPI 3-wire MOSI/MISO loopback
signal from IOMSTR0 */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD2FNCSEL_M1WIR3 = 7, /*!< M1WIR3 : Configure as the IOSLAVE SPI 3-wire MOSI/MISO loopback
signal from IOMSTR1 */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGA PAD2STRNG [18..18] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGA_PAD2STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD2STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD2STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGA PAD2INPEN [17..17] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGA_PAD2INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD2INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD2INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGA PAD2PULL [16..16] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGA_PAD2PULL */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD2PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD2PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGA PAD1FNCSEL [11..13] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGA_PAD1FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD1FNCSEL_SLSDA = 0, /*!< SLSDA : Configure as the IOSLAVE I2C SDA signal */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD1FNCSEL_UARTRX = 2, /*!< UARTRX : Configure as the UART RX signal */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD1FNCSEL_GPIO1 = 3, /*!< GPIO1 : Configure as GPIO1 */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD1FNCSEL_M0MISO = 4, /*!< M0MISO : Configure as the IOSLAVE SPI MISO loopback signal from
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD1FNCSEL_M1MISO = 5, /*!< M1MISO : Configure as the IOSLAVE SPI MISO loopback signal from
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD1FNCSEL_M0SDA = 6, /*!< M0SDA : Configure as the IOSLAVE I2C SDA loopback signal from
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD1FNCSEL_M1SDA = 7, /*!< M1SDA : Configure as the IOSLAVE I2C SDA loopback signal from
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGA PAD1STRNG [10..10] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGA_PAD1STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD1STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD1STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGA PAD1INPEN [9..9] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGA_PAD1INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD1INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD1INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGA PAD1PULL [8..8] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGA_PAD1PULL */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD1PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD1PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGA PAD0FNCSEL [3..5] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGA_PAD0FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD0FNCSEL_SLSCL = 0, /*!< SLSCL : Configure as the IOSLAVE I2C SCL signal */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD0FNCSEL_SLSCK = 1, /*!< SLSCK : Configure as the IOSLAVE SPI SCK signal */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD0FNCSEL_UARTTX = 2, /*!< UARTTX : Configure as the UART TX signal */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD0FNCSEL_GPIO0 = 3, /*!< GPIO0 : Configure as GPIO0 */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD0FNCSEL_M0SCK = 4, /*!< M0SCK : Configure as the IOSLAVE SPI SCK loopback signal from
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD0FNCSEL_M1SCK = 5, /*!< M1SCK : Configure as the IOSLAVE SPI SCK loopback signal from
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD0FNCSEL_M0SCL = 6, /*!< M0SCL : Configure as the IOSLAVE I2C SCL loopback signal from
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD0FNCSEL_M1SCL = 7, /*!< M1SCL : Configure as the IOSLAVE I2C SCL loopback signal from
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGA PAD0STRNG [2..2] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGA_PAD0STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD0STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD0STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGA PAD0INPEN [1..1] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGA_PAD0INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD0INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD0INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGA PAD0PULL [0..0] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGA_PAD0PULL */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD0PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGA_PAD0PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* ======================================================== PADREGB ======================================================== */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGB PAD7FNCSEL [27..29] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGB_PAD7FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD7FNCSEL_M0WIR3 = 0, /*!< M0WIR3 : Configure as the IOMSTR0 SPI 3-wire MOSI/MISO signal */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD7FNCSEL_M0MOSI = 1, /*!< M0MOSI : Configure as the IOMSTR0 SPI MOSI signal */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD7FNCSEL_CLKOUT = 2, /*!< CLKOUT : Configure as the CLKOUT signal */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD7FNCSEL_GPIO7 = 3, /*!< GPIO7 : Configure as GPIO7 */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD7FNCSEL_SLWIR3 = 6, /*!< SLWIR3 : Configure as the IOMSTR0 SPI 3-wire MOSI/MISO loopback
signal from IOSLAVE */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD7FNCSEL_DIS = 7, /*!< DIS : Pad disabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGB PAD7STRNG [26..26] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGB_PAD7STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD7STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD7STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGB PAD7INPEN [25..25] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGB_PAD7INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD7INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD7INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGB PAD7PULL [24..24] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGB_PAD7PULL */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD7PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD7PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGB PAD6RSEL [22..23] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6RSEL */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6RSEL_PULL1_5K = 0, /*!< PULL1_5K : Pullup is ~1.5 KOhms */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6RSEL_PULL6K = 1, /*!< PULL6K : Pullup is ~6 KOhms */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6RSEL_PULL12K = 2, /*!< PULL12K : Pullup is ~12 KOhms */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6RSEL_PULL24K = 3, /*!< PULL24K : Pullup is ~24 KOhms */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGB PAD6FNCSEL [19..21] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6FNCSEL_M0SDA = 0, /*!< M0SDA : Configure as the IOMSTR0 I2C SDA signal */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6FNCSEL_M0MISO = 1, /*!< M0MISO : Configure as the IOMSTR0 SPI MISO signal */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6FNCSEL_UACTS = 2, /*!< UACTS : Configure as the UART CTS signal */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6FNCSEL_GPIO6 = 3, /*!< GPIO6 : Configure as GPIO6 */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6FNCSEL_SLMISO = 4, /*!< SLMISO : Configure as the IOMSTR0 SPI MISO loopback signal from
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6FNCSEL_SLSDA = 6, /*!< SLSDA : Configure as the IOMSTR0 I2C SDA loopback signal from
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6FNCSEL_DIS = 7, /*!< DIS : Pad disabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGB PAD6STRNG [18..18] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGB PAD6INPEN [17..17] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGB PAD6PULL [16..16] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6PULL */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD6PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGB PAD5RSEL [14..15] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5RSEL */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5RSEL_PULL1_5K = 0, /*!< PULL1_5K : Pullup is ~1.5 KOhms */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5RSEL_PULL6K = 1, /*!< PULL6K : Pullup is ~6 KOhms */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5RSEL_PULL12K = 2, /*!< PULL12K : Pullup is ~12 KOhms */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5RSEL_PULL24K = 3, /*!< PULL24K : Pullup is ~24 KOhms */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGB PAD5FNCSEL [11..13] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5FNCSEL_M0SCL = 0, /*!< M0SCL : Configure as the IOMSTR0 I2C SCL signal */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5FNCSEL_M0SCK = 1, /*!< M0SCK : Configure as the IOMSTR0 SPI SCK signal */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5FNCSEL_UARTS = 2, /*!< UARTS : Configure as the UART RTS signal */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5FNCSEL_GPIO5 = 3, /*!< GPIO5 : Configure as GPIO5 */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5FNCSEL_SLSCK = 4, /*!< SLSCK : Configure as the IOMSTR0 SPI SCK loopback signal from
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5FNCSEL_SLSCL = 6, /*!< SLSCL : Configure as the IOMSTR0 I2C SCL loopback signal from
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5FNCSEL_DIS = 7, /*!< DIS : Pad disabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGB PAD5STRNG [10..10] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGB PAD5INPEN [9..9] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGB PAD5PULL [8..8] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5PULL */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD5PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGB PAD4PWRUP [7..7] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGB_PAD4PWRUP */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD4PWRUP_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Power switch disabled */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD4PWRUP_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Power switch enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGB PAD4FNCSEL [3..5] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGB_PAD4FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD4FNCSEL_TRIG1 = 0, /*!< TRIG1 : Configure as the ADC Trigger 1 signal */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD4FNCSEL_SLINT = 1, /*!< SLINT : Configure as the IOSLAVE interrupt out signal */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD4FNCSEL_M0nCE5 = 2, /*!< M0nCE5 : Configure as the SPI channel 5 nCE signal from IOMSTR0 */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD4FNCSEL_GPIO4 = 3, /*!< GPIO4 : Configure as GPIO4 */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD4FNCSEL_SLINTGP = 4, /*!< SLINTGP : Configure as the IOSLAVE interrupt loopback signal
to GPIO4 */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD4FNCSEL_SWO = 5, /*!< SWO : Configure as the serial wire debug SWO signal */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD4FNCSEL_CLKOUT = 6, /*!< CLKOUT : Configure as the CLKOUT signal */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD4FNCSEL_DIS = 7, /*!< DIS : Pad disabled */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGB PAD4STRNG [2..2] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGB_PAD4STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD4STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD4STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGB PAD4INPEN [1..1] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGB_PAD4INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD4INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD4INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGB PAD4PULL [0..0] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGB_PAD4PULL */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD4PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGB_PAD4PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* ======================================================== PADREGC ======================================================== */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGC PAD11PWRDN [30..30] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGC_PAD11PWRDN */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD11PWRDN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Power switch disabled */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD11PWRDN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Power switch enabled */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGC PAD11FNCSEL [27..28] =========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGC_PAD11FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD11FNCSEL_ANATST = 0, /*!< ANATST : Configure as the analog test output signal */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD11FNCSEL_M0nCE0 = 1, /*!< M0nCE0 : Configure as the SPI channel 0 nCE signal from IOMSTR0 */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD11FNCSEL_CLKOUT = 2, /*!< CLKOUT : Configure as the CLKOUT signal */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD11FNCSEL_GPIO11 = 3, /*!< GPIO11 : Configure as GPIO11 */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGC PAD11STRNG [26..26] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGC_PAD11STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD11STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD11STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGC PAD11INPEN [25..25] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGC_PAD11INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD11INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD11INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGC PAD11PULL [24..24] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGC_PAD11PULL */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD11PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD11PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGC PAD10FNCSEL [19..21] =========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGC_PAD10FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD10FNCSEL_M1WIR3 = 0, /*!< M1WIR3 : Configure as the IOMSTR1 SPI 3-wire MOSI/MISO signal */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD10FNCSEL_M1MOSI = 1, /*!< M1MOSI : Configure as the IOMSTR1 SPI MOSI signal */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD10FNCSEL_M0nCE6 = 2, /*!< M0nCE6 : Configure as the SPI channel 6 nCE signal from IOMSTR0 */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD10FNCSEL_GPIO10 = 3, /*!< GPIO10 : Configure as GPIO10 */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD10FNCSEL_EXTHFA = 5, /*!< EXTHFA : Configure as the external HFRC A clock signal */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD10FNCSEL_DIS = 6, /*!< DIS : Pad disabled */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD10FNCSEL_SLWIR3 = 7, /*!< SLWIR3 : Configure as the IOMSTR1 SPI 3-wire MOSI/MISO loopback
signal from IOSLAVE */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGC PAD10STRNG [18..18] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGC_PAD10STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD10STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD10STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGC PAD10INPEN [17..17] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGC_PAD10INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD10INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD10INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGC PAD10PULL [16..16] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGC_PAD10PULL */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD10PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD10PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGC PAD9RSEL [14..15] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9RSEL */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9RSEL_PULL1_5K = 0, /*!< PULL1_5K : Pullup is ~1.5 KOhms */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9RSEL_PULL6K = 1, /*!< PULL6K : Pullup is ~6 KOhms */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9RSEL_PULL12K = 2, /*!< PULL12K : Pullup is ~12 KOhms */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9RSEL_PULL24K = 3, /*!< PULL24K : Pullup is ~24 KOhms */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGC PAD9FNCSEL [11..13] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9FNCSEL_M1SDA = 0, /*!< M1SDA : Configure as the IOMSTR1 I2C SDA signal */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9FNCSEL_M1MISO = 1, /*!< M1MISO : Configure as the IOMSTR1 SPI MISO signal */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9FNCSEL_M0nCE5 = 2, /*!< M0nCE5 : Configure as the SPI channel 5 nCE signal from IOMSTR0 */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9FNCSEL_GPIO9 = 3, /*!< GPIO9 : Configure as GPIO9 */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9FNCSEL_SLMISO = 5, /*!< SLMISO : Configure as the IOMSTR1 SPI MISO loopback signal from
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9FNCSEL_DIS = 6, /*!< DIS : Pad disabled */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9FNCSEL_SLSDA = 7, /*!< SLSDA : Configure as the IOMSTR1 I2C SDA loopback signal from
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGC PAD9STRNG [10..10] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGC PAD9INPEN [9..9] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGC PAD9PULL [8..8] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9PULL */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD9PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGC PAD8RSEL [6..7] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8RSEL */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8RSEL_PULL1_5K = 0, /*!< PULL1_5K : Pullup is ~1.5 KOhms */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8RSEL_PULL6K = 1, /*!< PULL6K : Pullup is ~6 KOhms */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8RSEL_PULL12K = 2, /*!< PULL12K : Pullup is ~12 KOhms */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8RSEL_PULL24K = 3, /*!< PULL24K : Pullup is ~24 KOhms */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGC PAD8FNCSEL [3..5] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8FNCSEL_M1SCL = 0, /*!< M1SCL : Configure as the IOMSTR1 I2C SCL signal */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8FNCSEL_M1SCK = 1, /*!< M1SCK : Configure as the IOMSTR1 SPI SCK signal */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8FNCSEL_M0nCE4 = 2, /*!< M0nCE4 : Configure as the SPI channel 4 nCE signal from IOMSTR0 */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8FNCSEL_GPIO8 = 3, /*!< GPIO8 : Configure as GPIO8 */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8FNCSEL_SLSCK = 5, /*!< SLSCK : Configure as the IOMSTR1 SPI SCK loopback signal from
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8FNCSEL_DIS = 6, /*!< DIS : Pad disabled */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8FNCSEL_SLSCL = 7, /*!< SLSCL : Configure as the IOMSTR1 I2C SCL loopback signal from
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGC PAD8STRNG [2..2] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGC PAD8INPEN [1..1] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGC PAD8PULL [0..0] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8PULL */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGC_PAD8PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* ======================================================== PADREGD ======================================================== */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGD PAD15FNCSEL [27..29] =========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGD_PAD15FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD15FNCSEL_ADC3 = 0, /*!< ADC3 : Configure as the analog ADC input 3 */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD15FNCSEL_M1nCE3 = 1, /*!< M1nCE3 : Configure as the SPI channel 3 nCE signal from IOMSTR1 */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD15FNCSEL_UARTRX = 2, /*!< UARTRX : Configure as the UART RX signal */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD15FNCSEL_GPIO15 = 3, /*!< GPIO15 : Configure as GPIO15 */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD15FNCSEL_EXTXT = 5, /*!< EXTXT : Configure as the external XT clock signal */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD15FNCSEL_DIS = 7, /*!< DIS : Pad disabled */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGD PAD15STRNG [26..26] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGD_PAD15STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD15STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD15STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGD PAD15INPEN [25..25] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGD_PAD15INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD15INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD15INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGD PAD15PULL [24..24] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGD_PAD15PULL */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD15PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD15PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGD PAD14FNCSEL [19..21] =========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGD_PAD14FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD14FNCSEL_ADC2 = 0, /*!< ADC2 : Configure as the analog ADC input 2 */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD14FNCSEL_M1nCE2 = 1, /*!< M1nCE2 : Configure as the SPI channel 2 nCE signal from IOMSTR1 */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD14FNCSEL_UARTTX = 2, /*!< UARTTX : Configure as the UART TX signal */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD14FNCSEL_GPIO14 = 3, /*!< GPIO14 : Configure as GPIO14 */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD14FNCSEL_EXTHFS = 5, /*!< EXTHFS : Configure as the external HFRC select signal */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD14FNCSEL_DIS = 7, /*!< DIS : Pad disabled */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGD PAD14STRNG [18..18] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGD_PAD14STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD14STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD14STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGD PAD14INPEN [17..17] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGD_PAD14INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD14INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD14INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGD PAD14PULL [16..16] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGD_PAD14PULL */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD14PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD14PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGD PAD13FNCSEL [11..13] =========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGD_PAD13FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD13FNCSEL_ADC1 = 0, /*!< ADC1 : Configure as the analog ADC input 1 */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD13FNCSEL_M1nCE1 = 1, /*!< M1nCE1 : Configure as the SPI channel 1 nCE signal from IOMSTR1 */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD13FNCSEL_TCTB0 = 2, /*!< TCTB0 : Configure as the input/output signal from CTIMER B0 */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD13FNCSEL_GPIO13 = 3, /*!< GPIO13 : Configure as GPIO13 */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD13FNCSEL_EXTHFA = 5, /*!< EXTHFA : Configure as the external HFRC B clock signal */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD13FNCSEL_SWO = 6, /*!< SWO : Configure as the serial wire debug SWO signal */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD13FNCSEL_DIS = 7, /*!< DIS : Pad disabled */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGD PAD13STRNG [10..10] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGD_PAD13STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD13STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD13STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGD PAD13INPEN [9..9] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGD_PAD13INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD13INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD13INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGD PAD13PULL [8..8] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGD_PAD13PULL */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD13PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD13PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGD PAD12FNCSEL [3..4] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGD_PAD12FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD12FNCSEL_ADC0 = 0, /*!< ADC0 : Configure as the analog ADC input 0 */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD12FNCSEL_M1nCE0 = 1, /*!< M1nCE0 : Configure as the SPI channel 0 nCE signal from IOMSTR1 */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD12FNCSEL_TCTA0 = 2, /*!< TCTA0 : Configure as the input/output signal from CTIMER A0 */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD12FNCSEL_GPIO12 = 3, /*!< GPIO12 : Configure as GPIO12 */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGD PAD12STRNG [2..2] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGD_PAD12STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD12STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD12STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGD PAD12INPEN [1..1] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGD_PAD12INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD12INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD12INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGD PAD12PULL [0..0] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGD_PAD12PULL */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD12PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGD_PAD12PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* ======================================================== PADREGE ======================================================== */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGE PAD19FNCSEL [27..28] =========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGE_PAD19FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD19FNCSEL_CMPRF = 0, /*!< CMPRF : Configure as the analog comparator reference signal */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD19FNCSEL_M0nCE3 = 1, /*!< M0nCE3 : Configure as the SPI channel 3 nCE signal from IOMSTR0 */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD19FNCSEL_TCTB1 = 2, /*!< TCTB1 : Configure as the input/output signal from CTIMER B1 */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD19FNCSEL_GPIO19 = 3, /*!< GPIO19 : Configure as GPIO19 */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGE PAD19STRNG [26..26] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGE_PAD19STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD19STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD19STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGE PAD19INPEN [25..25] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGE_PAD19INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD19INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD19INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGE PAD19PULL [24..24] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGE_PAD19PULL */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD19PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD19PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGE PAD18FNCSEL [19..20] =========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGE_PAD18FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD18FNCSEL_CMPIN1 = 0, /*!< CMPIN1 : Configure as the analog comparator input 1 signal */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD18FNCSEL_M0nCE2 = 1, /*!< M0nCE2 : Configure as the SPI channel 2 nCE signal from IOMSTR0 */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD18FNCSEL_TCTA1 = 2, /*!< TCTA1 : Configure as the input/output signal from CTIMER A1 */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD18FNCSEL_GPIO18 = 3, /*!< GPIO18 : Configure as GPIO18 */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGE PAD18STRNG [18..18] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGE_PAD18STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD18STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD18STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGE PAD18INPEN [17..17] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGE_PAD18INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD18INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD18INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGE PAD18PULL [16..16] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGE_PAD18PULL */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD18PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD18PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGE PAD17FNCSEL [11..13] =========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGE_PAD17FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD17FNCSEL_CMPIN0 = 0, /*!< CMPIN0 : Configure as the analog comparator input 0 signal */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD17FNCSEL_M0nCE1 = 1, /*!< M0nCE1 : Configure as the SPI channel 1 nCE signal from IOMSTR0 */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD17FNCSEL_TRIG3 = 2, /*!< TRIG3 : Configure as the ADC Trigger 3 signal */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD17FNCSEL_GPIO17 = 3, /*!< GPIO17 : Configure as GPIO17 */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD17FNCSEL_EXTLF = 5, /*!< EXTLF : Configure as the external LFRC clock signal */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD17FNCSEL_DIS = 7, /*!< DIS : Pad disabled */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGE PAD17STRNG [10..10] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGE_PAD17STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD17STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD17STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGE PAD17INPEN [9..9] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGE_PAD17INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD17INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD17INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGE PAD17PULL [8..8] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGE_PAD17PULL */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD17PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD17PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGE PAD16FNCSEL [3..4] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGE_PAD16FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD16FNCSEL_ADCREF = 0, /*!< ADCREF : Configure as the analog ADC reference input signal */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD16FNCSEL_M0nCE4 = 1, /*!< M0nCE4 : Configure as the SPI channel 4 nCE signal from IOMSTR0 */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD16FNCSEL_TRIG2 = 2, /*!< TRIG2 : Configure as the ADC Trigger 2 signal */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD16FNCSEL_GPIO16 = 3, /*!< GPIO16 : Configure as GPIO16 */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGE PAD16STRNG [2..2] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGE_PAD16STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD16STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD16STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGE PAD16INPEN [1..1] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGE_PAD16INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD16INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD16INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGE PAD16PULL [0..0] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGE_PAD16PULL */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD16PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGE_PAD16PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* ======================================================== PADREGF ======================================================== */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGF PAD23FNCSEL [27..28] =========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGF_PAD23FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD23FNCSEL_UARTRX = 0, /*!< UARTRX : Configure as the UART RX signal */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD23FNCSEL_M0nCE0 = 1, /*!< M0nCE0 : Configure as the SPI channel 0 nCE signal from IOMSTR0 */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD23FNCSEL_TCTB3 = 2, /*!< TCTB3 : Configure as the input/output signal from CTIMER B3 */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD23FNCSEL_GPIO23 = 3, /*!< GPIO23 : Configure as GPIO23 */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGF PAD23STRNG [26..26] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGF_PAD23STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD23STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD23STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGF PAD23INPEN [25..25] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGF_PAD23INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD23INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD23INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGF PAD23PULL [24..24] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGF_PAD23PULL */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD23PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD23PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGF PAD22FNCSEL [19..20] =========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGF_PAD22FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD22FNCSEL_UARTTX = 0, /*!< UARTTX : Configure as the UART TX signal */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD22FNCSEL_M1nCE7 = 1, /*!< M1nCE7 : Configure as the SPI channel 7 nCE signal from IOMSTR1 */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD22FNCSEL_TCTA3 = 2, /*!< TCTA3 : Configure as the input/output signal from CTIMER A3 */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD22FNCSEL_GPIO22 = 3, /*!< GPIO22 : Configure as GPIO22 */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGF PAD22STRNG [18..18] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGF_PAD22STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD22STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD22STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGF PAD22INPEN [17..17] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGF_PAD22INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD22INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD22INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGF PAD22PULL [16..16] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGF_PAD22PULL */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD22PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD22PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGF PAD21FNCSEL [11..12] =========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGF_PAD21FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD21FNCSEL_SWDIO = 0, /*!< SWDIO : Configure as the serial wire debug data signal */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD21FNCSEL_M1nCE6 = 1, /*!< M1nCE6 : Configure as the SPI channel 6 nCE signal from IOMSTR1 */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD21FNCSEL_TCTB2 = 2, /*!< TCTB2 : Configure as the input/output signal from CTIMER B2 */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD21FNCSEL_GPIO21 = 3, /*!< GPIO21 : Configure as GPIO21 */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGF PAD21STRNG [10..10] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGF_PAD21STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD21STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD21STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGF PAD21INPEN [9..9] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGF_PAD21INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD21INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD21INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGF PAD21PULL [8..8] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGF_PAD21PULL */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD21PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD21PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGF PAD20FNCSEL [3..4] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGF_PAD20FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD20FNCSEL_SWDCK = 0, /*!< SWDCK : Configure as the serial wire debug clock signal */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD20FNCSEL_M1nCE5 = 1, /*!< M1nCE5 : Configure as the SPI channel 5 nCE signal from IOMSTR1 */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD20FNCSEL_TCTA2 = 2, /*!< TCTA2 : Configure as the input/output signal from CTIMER A2 */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD20FNCSEL_GPIO20 = 3, /*!< GPIO20 : Configure as GPIO20 */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGF PAD20STRNG [2..2] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGF_PAD20STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD20STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD20STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGF PAD20INPEN [1..1] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGF_PAD20INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD20INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD20INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGF PAD20PULL [0..0] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGF_PAD20PULL */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD20PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pulldown disabled */
GPIO_PADREGF_PAD20PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pulldown enabled */
/* ======================================================== PADREGG ======================================================== */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGG PAD27FNCSEL [27..28] =========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGG_PAD27FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD27FNCSEL_EXTHF = 0, /*!< EXTHF : Configure as the external HFRC clock signal */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD27FNCSEL_M1nCE4 = 1, /*!< M1nCE4 : Configure as the SPI channel 4 nCE signal from IOMSTR1 */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD27FNCSEL_TCTA1 = 2, /*!< TCTA1 : Configure as the input/output signal from CTIMER A1 */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD27FNCSEL_GPIO27 = 3, /*!< GPIO27 : Configure as GPIO27 */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGG PAD27STRNG [26..26] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGG_PAD27STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD27STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD27STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGG PAD27INPEN [25..25] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGG_PAD27INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD27INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD27INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGG PAD27PULL [24..24] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGG_PAD27PULL */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD27PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD27PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGG PAD26FNCSEL [19..20] =========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGG_PAD26FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD26FNCSEL_EXTLF = 0, /*!< EXTLF : Configure as the external LFRC clock signal */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD26FNCSEL_M0nCE3 = 1, /*!< M0nCE3 : Configure as the SPI channel 3 nCE signal from IOMSTR0 */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD26FNCSEL_TCTB0 = 2, /*!< TCTB0 : Configure as the input/output signal from CTIMER B0 */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD26FNCSEL_GPIO26 = 3, /*!< GPIO26 : Configure as GPIO26 */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGG PAD26STRNG [18..18] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGG_PAD26STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD26STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD26STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGG PAD26INPEN [17..17] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGG_PAD26INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD26INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD26INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGG PAD26PULL [16..16] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGG_PAD26PULL */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD26PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD26PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGG PAD25FNCSEL [11..12] =========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGG_PAD25FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD25FNCSEL_EXTXT = 0, /*!< EXTXT : Configure as the external XT clock signal */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD25FNCSEL_M0nCE2 = 1, /*!< M0nCE2 : Configure as the SPI channel 2 nCE signal from IOMSTR0 */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD25FNCSEL_TCTA0 = 2, /*!< TCTA0 : Configure as the input/output signal from CTIMER A0 */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD25FNCSEL_GPIO25 = 3, /*!< GPIO25 : Configure as GPIO25 */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGG PAD25STRNG [10..10] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGG_PAD25STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD25STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD25STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGG PAD25INPEN [9..9] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGG_PAD25INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD25INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD25INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGG PAD25PULL [8..8] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGG_PAD25PULL */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD25PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD25PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGG PAD24FNCSEL [3..4] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGG_PAD24FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD24FNCSEL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad disabled */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD24FNCSEL_M0nCE1 = 1, /*!< M0nCE1 : Configure as the SPI channel 1 nCE signal from IOMSTR0 */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD24FNCSEL_CLKOUT = 2, /*!< CLKOUT : Configure as the CLKOUT signal */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD24FNCSEL_GPIO24 = 3, /*!< GPIO24 : Configure as GPIO24 */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGG PAD24STRNG [2..2] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGG_PAD24STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD24STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD24STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGG PAD24INPEN [1..1] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGG_PAD24INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD24INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD24INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGG PAD24PULL [0..0] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGG_PAD24PULL */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD24PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGG_PAD24PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* ======================================================== PADREGH ======================================================== */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGH PAD31FNCSEL [27..28] =========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGH_PAD31FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD31FNCSEL_ADC6 = 0, /*!< ADC6 : Configure as the analog ADC input 6 signal */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD31FNCSEL_M0nCE4 = 1, /*!< M0nCE4 : Configure as the SPI channel 4 nCE signal from IOMSTR0 */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD31FNCSEL_TCTA3 = 2, /*!< TCTA3 : Configure as the input/output signal from CTIMER A3 */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD31FNCSEL_GPIO31 = 3, /*!< GPIO31 : Configure as GPIO31 */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGH PAD31STRNG [26..26] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGH_PAD31STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD31STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD31STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGH PAD31INPEN [25..25] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGH_PAD31INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD31INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD31INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGH PAD31PULL [24..24] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGH_PAD31PULL */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD31PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD31PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGH PAD30FNCSEL [19..20] =========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGH_PAD30FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD30FNCSEL_ADC5 = 0, /*!< ADC5 : Configure as the analog ADC input 5 signal */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD30FNCSEL_M1nCE7 = 1, /*!< M1nCE7 : Configure as the SPI channel 7 nCE signal from IOMSTR1 */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD30FNCSEL_TCTB2 = 2, /*!< TCTB2 : Configure as the input/output signal from CTIMER B2 */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD30FNCSEL_GPIO30 = 3, /*!< GPIO30 : Configure as GPIO30 */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGH PAD30STRNG [18..18] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGH_PAD30STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD30STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD30STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGH PAD30INPEN [17..17] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGH_PAD30INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD30INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD30INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGH PAD30PULL [16..16] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGH_PAD30PULL */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD30PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD30PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGH PAD29FNCSEL [11..12] =========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGH_PAD29FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD29FNCSEL_ADC4 = 0, /*!< ADC4 : Configure as the analog ADC input 4 signal */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD29FNCSEL_M1nCE6 = 1, /*!< M1nCE6 : Configure as the SPI channel 6 nCE signal from IOMSTR1 */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD29FNCSEL_TCTA2 = 2, /*!< TCTA2 : Configure as the input/output signal from CTIMER A2 */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD29FNCSEL_GPIO29 = 3, /*!< GPIO29 : Configure as GPIO29 */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGH PAD29STRNG [10..10] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGH_PAD29STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD29STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD29STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGH PAD29INPEN [9..9] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGH_PAD29INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD29INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD29INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGH PAD29PULL [8..8] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGH_PAD29PULL */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD29PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD29PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGH PAD28FNCSEL [3..4] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGH_PAD28FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD28FNCSEL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad disabled */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD28FNCSEL_M1nCE5 = 1, /*!< M1nCE5 : Configure as the SPI channel 5 nCE signal from IOMSTR1 */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD28FNCSEL_TCTB1 = 2, /*!< TCTB1 : Configure as the input/output signal from CTIMER B1 */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD28FNCSEL_GPIO28 = 3, /*!< GPIO28 : Configure as GPIO28 */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGH PAD28STRNG [2..2] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGH_PAD28STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD28STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD28STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGH PAD28INPEN [1..1] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGH_PAD28INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD28INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD28INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGH PAD28PULL [0..0] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGH_PAD28PULL */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD28PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGH_PAD28PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* ======================================================== PADREGI ======================================================== */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGI PAD35FNCSEL [27..28] =========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGI_PAD35FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD35FNCSEL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad disabled */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD35FNCSEL_M1nCE0 = 1, /*!< M1nCE0 : Configure as the SPI channel 0 nCE signal from IOMSTR1 */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD35FNCSEL_UARTTX = 2, /*!< UARTTX : Configure as the UART TX signal */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD35FNCSEL_GPIO35 = 3, /*!< GPIO35 : Configure as GPIO35 */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGI PAD35STRNG [26..26] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGI_PAD35STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD35STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD35STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGI PAD35INPEN [25..25] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGI_PAD35INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD35INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD35INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGI PAD35PULL [24..24] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGI_PAD35PULL */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD35PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD35PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGI PAD34FNCSEL [19..20] =========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGI_PAD34FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD34FNCSEL_CMPRF2 = 0, /*!< CMPRF2 : Configure as the analog comparator reference 2 signal */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD34FNCSEL_M0nCE7 = 1, /*!< M0nCE7 : Configure as the SPI channel 7 nCE signal from IOMSTR0 */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD34FNCSEL_DIS = 2, /*!< DIS : Pad disabled */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD34FNCSEL_GPIO34 = 3, /*!< GPIO34 : Configure as GPIO34 */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGI PAD34STRNG [18..18] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGI_PAD34STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD34STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD34STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGI PAD34INPEN [17..17] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGI_PAD34INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD34INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD34INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGI PAD34PULL [16..16] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGI_PAD34PULL */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD34PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD34PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGI PAD33FNCSEL [11..12] =========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGI_PAD33FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD33FNCSEL_CMPRF1 = 0, /*!< CMPRF1 : Configure as the analog comparator reference 1 signal */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD33FNCSEL_M0nCE6 = 1, /*!< M0nCE6 : Configure as the SPI channel 6 nCE signal from IOMSTR0 */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD33FNCSEL_DIS = 2, /*!< DIS : Pad disabled */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD33FNCSEL_GPIO33 = 3, /*!< GPIO33 : Configure as GPIO33 */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGI PAD33STRNG [10..10] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGI_PAD33STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD33STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD33STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGI PAD33INPEN [9..9] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGI_PAD33INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD33INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD33INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGI PAD33PULL [8..8] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGI_PAD33PULL */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD33PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD33PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGI PAD32FNCSEL [3..4] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGI_PAD32FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD32FNCSEL_ADC7 = 0, /*!< ADC7 : Configure as the analog ADC input 7 signal */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD32FNCSEL_M0nCE5 = 1, /*!< M0nCE5 : Configure as the SPI channel 5 nCE signal from IOMSTR0 */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD32FNCSEL_TCTB3 = 2, /*!< TCTB3 : Configure as the input/output signal from CTIMER B3 */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD32FNCSEL_GPIO32 = 3, /*!< GPIO32 : Configure as GPIO32 */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGI PAD32STRNG [2..2] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGI_PAD32STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD32STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD32STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGI PAD32INPEN [1..1] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGI_PAD32INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD32INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD32INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGI PAD32PULL [0..0] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGI_PAD32PULL */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD32PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGI_PAD32PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* ======================================================== PADREGJ ======================================================== */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGJ PAD39FNCSEL [27..28] =========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD39FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD39FNCSEL_TRIG2 = 0, /*!< TRIG2 : Configure as the ADC Trigger 2 signal */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD39FNCSEL_UARTTX = 1, /*!< UARTTX : Configure as the UART TX signal */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD39FNCSEL_CLKOUT = 2, /*!< CLKOUT : Configure as the CLKOUT signal */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD39FNCSEL_GPIO39 = 3, /*!< GPIO39 : Configure as GPIO39 */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGJ PAD39STRNG [26..26] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD39STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD39STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD39STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGJ PAD39INPEN [25..25] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD39INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD39INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD39INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGJ PAD39PULL [24..24] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD39PULL */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD39PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD39PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGJ PAD38FNCSEL [19..20] =========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD38FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD38FNCSEL_TRIG1 = 0, /*!< TRIG1 : Configure as the ADC Trigger 1 signal */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD38FNCSEL_M1nCE3 = 1, /*!< M1nCE3 : Configure as the SPI channel 3 nCE signal from IOMSTR1 */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD38FNCSEL_UACTS = 2, /*!< UACTS : Configure as the UART CTS signal */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD38FNCSEL_GPIO38 = 3, /*!< GPIO38 : Configure as GPIO38 */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGJ PAD38STRNG [18..18] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD38STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD38STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD38STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGJ PAD38INPEN [17..17] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD38INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD38INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD38INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGJ PAD38PULL [16..16] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD38PULL */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD38PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD38PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGJ PAD37FNCSEL [11..12] =========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD37FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD37FNCSEL_TRIG0 = 0, /*!< TRIG0 : Configure as the ADC Trigger 0 signal */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD37FNCSEL_M1nCE2 = 1, /*!< M1nCE2 : Configure as the SPI channel 2 nCE signal from IOMSTR1 */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD37FNCSEL_UARTS = 2, /*!< UARTS : Configure as the UART RTS signal */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD37FNCSEL_GPIO37 = 3, /*!< GPIO37 : Configure as GPIO37 */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGJ PAD37STRNG [10..10] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD37STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD37STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD37STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGJ PAD37INPEN [9..9] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD37INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD37INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD37INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGJ PAD37PULL [8..8] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD37PULL */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD37PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD37PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGJ PAD36FNCSEL [3..4] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD36FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD36FNCSEL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad disabled */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD36FNCSEL_M1nCE1 = 1, /*!< M1nCE1 : Configure as the SPI channel 1 nCE signal from IOMSTR1 */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD36FNCSEL_UARTRX = 2, /*!< UARTRX : Configure as the UART RX signal */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD36FNCSEL_GPIO36 = 3, /*!< GPIO36 : Configure as GPIO36 */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGJ PAD36STRNG [2..2] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD36STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD36STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD36STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGJ PAD36INPEN [1..1] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD36INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD36INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD36INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGJ PAD36PULL [0..0] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD36PULL */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD36PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGJ_PAD36PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* ======================================================== PADREGK ======================================================== */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGK PAD43FNCSEL [27..28] =========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGK_PAD43FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD43FNCSEL_TRIG6 = 0, /*!< TRIG6 : Configure as the ADC Trigger 6 signal */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD43FNCSEL_M0nCE1 = 1, /*!< M0nCE1 : Configure as the SPI channel 1 nCE signal from IOMSTR0 */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD43FNCSEL_TCTB0 = 2, /*!< TCTB0 : Configure as the input/output signal from CTIMER B0 */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD43FNCSEL_GPIO43 = 3, /*!< GPIO43 : Configure as GPIO43 */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGK PAD43STRNG [26..26] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGK_PAD43STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD43STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD43STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGK PAD43INPEN [25..25] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGK_PAD43INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD43INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD43INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGK PAD43PULL [24..24] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGK_PAD43PULL */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD43PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD43PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGK PAD42FNCSEL [19..20] =========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGK_PAD42FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD42FNCSEL_TRIG5 = 0, /*!< TRIG5 : Configure as the ADC Trigger 5 signal */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD42FNCSEL_M0nCE0 = 1, /*!< M0nCE0 : Configure as the SPI channel 0 nCE signal from IOMSTR0 */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD42FNCSEL_TCTA0 = 2, /*!< TCTA0 : Configure as the input/output signal from CTIMER A0 */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD42FNCSEL_GPIO42 = 3, /*!< GPIO42 : Configure as GPIO42 */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGK PAD42STRNG [18..18] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGK_PAD42STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD42STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD42STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGK PAD42INPEN [17..17] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGK_PAD42INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD42INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD42INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGK PAD42PULL [16..16] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGK_PAD42PULL */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD42PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD42PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGK PAD41FNCSEL [11..12] =========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGK_PAD41FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD41FNCSEL_TRIG4 = 0, /*!< TRIG4 : Configure as the ADC Trigger 4 signal */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD41FNCSEL_DIS = 1, /*!< DIS : Pad disabled */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD41FNCSEL_SWO = 2, /*!< SWO : Configure as the serial wire debug SWO signal */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD41FNCSEL_GPIO41 = 3, /*!< GPIO41 : Configure as GPIO41 */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGK PAD41STRNG [10..10] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGK_PAD41STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD41STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD41STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGK PAD41INPEN [9..9] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGK_PAD41INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD41INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD41INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGK PAD41PULL [8..8] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGK_PAD41PULL */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD41PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD41PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGK PAD40FNCSEL [3..4] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGK_PAD40FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD40FNCSEL_TRIG3 = 0, /*!< TRIG3 : Configure as the ADC Trigger 3 signal */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD40FNCSEL_UARTRX = 1, /*!< UARTRX : Configure as the UART RX signal */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD40FNCSEL_DIS = 2, /*!< DIS : Pad disabled */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD40FNCSEL_GPIO40 = 3, /*!< GPIO40 : Configure as GPIO40 */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGK PAD40STRNG [2..2] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGK_PAD40STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD40STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD40STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGK PAD40INPEN [1..1] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGK_PAD40INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD40INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD40INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGK PAD40PULL [0..0] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGK_PAD40PULL */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD40PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGK_PAD40PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* ======================================================== PADREGL ======================================================== */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGL PAD47FNCSEL [27..28] =========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGL_PAD47FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD47FNCSEL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad disabled */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD47FNCSEL_M0nCE5 = 1, /*!< M0nCE5 : Configure as the SPI channel 5 nCE signal from IOMSTR0 */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD47FNCSEL_TCTB2 = 2, /*!< TCTB2 : Configure as the input/output signal from CTIMER B2 */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD47FNCSEL_GPIO47 = 3, /*!< GPIO47 : Configure as GPIO47 */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGL PAD47STRNG [26..26] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGL_PAD47STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD47STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD47STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGL PAD47INPEN [25..25] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGL_PAD47INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD47INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD47INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGL PAD47PULL [24..24] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGL_PAD47PULL */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD47PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD47PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGL PAD46FNCSEL [19..20] =========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGL_PAD46FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD46FNCSEL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad disabled */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD46FNCSEL_M0nCE4 = 1, /*!< M0nCE4 : Configure as the SPI channel 4 nCE signal from IOMSTR0 */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD46FNCSEL_TCTA2 = 2, /*!< TCTA2 : Configure as the input/output signal from CTIMER A2 */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD46FNCSEL_GPIO46 = 3, /*!< GPIO46 : Configure as GPIO46 */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGL PAD46STRNG [18..18] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGL_PAD46STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD46STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD46STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGL PAD46INPEN [17..17] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGL_PAD46INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD46INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD46INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGL PAD46PULL [16..16] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGL_PAD46PULL */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD46PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD46PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGL PAD45FNCSEL [11..12] =========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGL_PAD45FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD45FNCSEL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad disabled */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD45FNCSEL_M0nCE3 = 1, /*!< M0nCE3 : Configure as the SPI channel 3 nCE signal from IOMSTR0 */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD45FNCSEL_TCTB1 = 2, /*!< TCTB1 : Configure as the input/output signal from CTIMER B1 */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD45FNCSEL_GPIO45 = 3, /*!< GPIO45 : Configure as GPIO45 */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGL PAD45STRNG [10..10] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGL_PAD45STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD45STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD45STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGL PAD45INPEN [9..9] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGL_PAD45INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD45INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD45INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGL PAD45PULL [8..8] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGL_PAD45PULL */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD45PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD45PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGL PAD44FNCSEL [3..4] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGL_PAD44FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD44FNCSEL_TRIG7 = 0, /*!< TRIG7 : Configure as the ADC Trigger 7 signal */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD44FNCSEL_M0nCE2 = 1, /*!< M0nCE2 : Configure as the SPI channel 2 nCE signal from IOMSTR0 */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD44FNCSEL_TCTA1 = 2, /*!< TCTA1 : Configure as the input/output signal from CTIMER A1 */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD44FNCSEL_GPIO44 = 3, /*!< GPIO44 : Configure as GPIO44 */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGL PAD44STRNG [2..2] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGL_PAD44STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD44STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD44STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGL PAD44INPEN [1..1] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGL_PAD44INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD44INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD44INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGL PAD44PULL [0..0] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGL_PAD44PULL */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD44PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGL_PAD44PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* ======================================================== PADREGM ======================================================== */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGM PAD49FNCSEL [11..12] =========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGM_PAD49FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGM_PAD49FNCSEL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad disabled */
GPIO_PADREGM_PAD49FNCSEL_M0nCE7 = 1, /*!< M0nCE7 : Configure as the SPI channel 7 nCE signal from IOMSTR0 */
GPIO_PADREGM_PAD49FNCSEL_TCTB3 = 2, /*!< TCTB3 : Configure as the input/output signal from CTIMER B3 */
GPIO_PADREGM_PAD49FNCSEL_GPIO49 = 3, /*!< GPIO49 : Configure as GPIO49 */
/* =========================================== GPIO PADREGM PAD49STRNG [10..10] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGM_PAD49STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGM_PAD49STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGM_PAD49STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGM PAD49INPEN [9..9] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGM_PAD49INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGM_PAD49INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGM_PAD49INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGM PAD49PULL [8..8] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGM_PAD49PULL */
GPIO_PADREGM_PAD49PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGM_PAD49PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGM PAD48FNCSEL [3..4] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGM_PAD48FNCSEL */
GPIO_PADREGM_PAD48FNCSEL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad disabled */
GPIO_PADREGM_PAD48FNCSEL_M0nCE6 = 1, /*!< M0nCE6 : Configure as the SPI channel 6 nCE signal from IOMSTR0 */
GPIO_PADREGM_PAD48FNCSEL_TCTA3 = 2, /*!< TCTA3 : Configure as the input/output signal from CTIMER A3 */
GPIO_PADREGM_PAD48FNCSEL_GPIO48 = 3, /*!< GPIO48 : Configure as GPIO48 */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGM PAD48STRNG [2..2] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGM_PAD48STRNG */
GPIO_PADREGM_PAD48STRNG_LOW = 0, /*!< LOW : Low drive strength */
GPIO_PADREGM_PAD48STRNG_HIGH = 1, /*!< HIGH : High drive strength */
/* ============================================ GPIO PADREGM PAD48INPEN [1..1] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGM_PAD48INPEN */
GPIO_PADREGM_PAD48INPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pad input disabled */
GPIO_PADREGM_PAD48INPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pad input enabled */
/* ============================================= GPIO PADREGM PAD48PULL [0..0] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADREGM_PAD48PULL */
GPIO_PADREGM_PAD48PULL_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Pullup disabled */
GPIO_PADREGM_PAD48PULL_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Pullup enabled */
/* ========================================================= CFGA ========================================================== */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGA GPIO7INTD [31..31] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGA_GPIO7INTD */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO7INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO7INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGA GPIO7OUTCFG [29..30] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGA_GPIO7OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO7OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO7OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO7OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO7OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGA GPIO7INCFG [28..28] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGA_GPIO7INCFG */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO7INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO7INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGA GPIO6INTD [27..27] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGA_GPIO6INTD */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO6INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO6INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGA GPIO6OUTCFG [25..26] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGA_GPIO6OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO6OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO6OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO6OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO6OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGA GPIO6INCFG [24..24] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGA_GPIO6INCFG */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO6INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO6INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGA GPIO5INTD [23..23] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGA_GPIO5INTD */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO5INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO5INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGA GPIO5OUTCFG [21..22] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGA_GPIO5OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO5OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO5OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO5OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO5OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGA GPIO5INCFG [20..20] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGA_GPIO5INCFG */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO5INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO5INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGA GPIO4INTD [19..19] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGA_GPIO4INTD */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO4INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO4INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGA GPIO4OUTCFG [17..18] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGA_GPIO4OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO4OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO4OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO4OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO4OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGA GPIO4INCFG [16..16] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGA_GPIO4INCFG */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO4INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO4INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGA GPIO3INTD [15..15] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGA_GPIO3INTD */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO3INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO3INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGA GPIO3OUTCFG [13..14] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGA_GPIO3OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO3OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO3OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO3OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO3OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGA GPIO3INCFG [12..12] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGA_GPIO3INCFG */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO3INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO3INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGA GPIO2INTD [11..11] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGA_GPIO2INTD */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO2INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO2INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGA GPIO2OUTCFG [9..10] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGA_GPIO2OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO2OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO2OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO2OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO2OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================== GPIO CFGA GPIO2INCFG [8..8] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGA_GPIO2INCFG */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO2INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO2INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================== GPIO CFGA GPIO1INTD [7..7] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGA_GPIO1INTD */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO1INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO1INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGA GPIO1OUTCFG [5..6] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGA_GPIO1OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO1OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO1OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO1OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO1OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================== GPIO CFGA GPIO1INCFG [4..4] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGA_GPIO1INCFG */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO1INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO1INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================== GPIO CFGA GPIO0INTD [3..3] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGA_GPIO0INTD */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO0INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO0INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGA GPIO0OUTCFG [1..2] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGA_GPIO0OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO0OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO0OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO0OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO0OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================== GPIO CFGA GPIO0INCFG [0..0] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGA_GPIO0INCFG */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO0INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGA_GPIO0INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ========================================================= CFGB ========================================================== */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGB GPIO15INTD [31..31] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGB_GPIO15INTD */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO15INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO15INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGB GPIO15OUTCFG [29..30] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGB_GPIO15OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO15OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO15OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO15OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO15OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGB GPIO15INCFG [28..28] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGB_GPIO15INCFG */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO15INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO15INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGB GPIO14INTD [27..27] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGB_GPIO14INTD */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO14INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO14INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGB GPIO14OUTCFG [25..26] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGB_GPIO14OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO14OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO14OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO14OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO14OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGB GPIO14INCFG [24..24] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGB_GPIO14INCFG */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO14INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO14INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGB GPIO13INTD [23..23] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGB_GPIO13INTD */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO13INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO13INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGB GPIO13OUTCFG [21..22] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGB_GPIO13OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO13OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO13OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO13OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO13OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGB GPIO13INCFG [20..20] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGB_GPIO13INCFG */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO13INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO13INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGB GPIO12INTD [19..19] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGB_GPIO12INTD */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO12INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO12INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGB GPIO12OUTCFG [17..18] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGB_GPIO12OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO12OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO12OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO12OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO12OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGB GPIO12INCFG [16..16] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGB_GPIO12INCFG */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO12INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO12INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGB GPIO11INTD [15..15] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGB_GPIO11INTD */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO11INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO11INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGB GPIO11OUTCFG [13..14] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGB_GPIO11OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO11OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO11OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO11OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO11OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGB GPIO11INCFG [12..12] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGB_GPIO11INCFG */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO11INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO11INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGB GPIO10INTD [11..11] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGB_GPIO10INTD */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO10INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO10INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGB GPIO10OUTCFG [9..10] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGB_GPIO10OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO10OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO10OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO10OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO10OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGB GPIO10INCFG [8..8] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGB_GPIO10INCFG */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO10INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO10INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================== GPIO CFGB GPIO9INTD [7..7] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGB_GPIO9INTD */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO9INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO9INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGB GPIO9OUTCFG [5..6] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGB_GPIO9OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO9OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO9OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO9OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO9OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================== GPIO CFGB GPIO9INCFG [4..4] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGB_GPIO9INCFG */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO9INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO9INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================== GPIO CFGB GPIO8INTD [3..3] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGB_GPIO8INTD */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO8INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO8INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGB GPIO8OUTCFG [1..2] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGB_GPIO8OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO8OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO8OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO8OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO8OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================== GPIO CFGB GPIO8INCFG [0..0] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGB_GPIO8INCFG */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO8INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGB_GPIO8INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ========================================================= CFGC ========================================================== */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGC GPIO23INTD [31..31] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGC_GPIO23INTD */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO23INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO23INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGC GPIO23OUTCFG [29..30] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGC_GPIO23OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO23OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO23OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO23OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO23OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGC GPIO23INCFG [28..28] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGC_GPIO23INCFG */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO23INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO23INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGC GPIO22INTD [27..27] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGC_GPIO22INTD */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO22INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO22INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGC GPIO22OUTCFG [25..26] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGC_GPIO22OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO22OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO22OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO22OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO22OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGC GPIO22INCFG [24..24] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGC_GPIO22INCFG */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO22INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO22INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGC GPIO21INTD [23..23] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGC_GPIO21INTD */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO21INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO21INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGC GPIO21OUTCFG [21..22] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGC_GPIO21OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO21OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO21OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO21OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO21OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGC GPIO21INCFG [20..20] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGC_GPIO21INCFG */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO21INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO21INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGC GPIO20INTD [19..19] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGC_GPIO20INTD */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO20INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO20INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGC GPIO20OUTCFG [17..18] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGC_GPIO20OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO20OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO20OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO20OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO20OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGC GPIO20INCFG [16..16] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGC_GPIO20INCFG */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO20INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO20INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGC GPIO19INTD [15..15] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGC_GPIO19INTD */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO19INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO19INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGC GPIO19OUTCFG [13..14] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGC_GPIO19OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO19OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO19OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO19OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO19OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGC GPIO19INCFG [12..12] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGC_GPIO19INCFG */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO19INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO19INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGC GPIO18INTD [11..11] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGC_GPIO18INTD */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO18INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO18INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGC GPIO18OUTCFG [9..10] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGC_GPIO18OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO18OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO18OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO18OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO18OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGC GPIO18INCFG [8..8] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGC_GPIO18INCFG */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO18INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO18INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================== GPIO CFGC GPIO17INTD [7..7] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGC_GPIO17INTD */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO17INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO17INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGC GPIO17OUTCFG [5..6] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGC_GPIO17OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO17OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO17OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO17OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO17OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGC GPIO17INCFG [4..4] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGC_GPIO17INCFG */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO17INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO17INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================== GPIO CFGC GPIO16INTD [3..3] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGC_GPIO16INTD */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO16INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO16INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGC GPIO16OUTCFG [1..2] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGC_GPIO16OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO16OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO16OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO16OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO16OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGC GPIO16INCFG [0..0] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGC_GPIO16INCFG */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO16INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGC_GPIO16INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ========================================================= CFGD ========================================================== */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGD GPIO31INTD [31..31] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGD_GPIO31INTD */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO31INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO31INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGD GPIO31OUTCFG [29..30] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGD_GPIO31OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO31OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO31OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO31OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO31OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGD GPIO31INCFG [28..28] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGD_GPIO31INCFG */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO31INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO31INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGD GPIO30INTD [27..27] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGD_GPIO30INTD */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO30INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO30INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGD GPIO30OUTCFG [25..26] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGD_GPIO30OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO30OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO30OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO30OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO30OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGD GPIO30INCFG [24..24] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGD_GPIO30INCFG */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO30INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO30INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGD GPIO29INTD [23..23] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGD_GPIO29INTD */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO29INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO29INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGD GPIO29OUTCFG [21..22] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGD_GPIO29OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO29OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO29OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO29OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO29OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGD GPIO29INCFG [20..20] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGD_GPIO29INCFG */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO29INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO29INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGD GPIO28INTD [19..19] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGD_GPIO28INTD */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO28INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO28INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGD GPIO28OUTCFG [17..18] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGD_GPIO28OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO28OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO28OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO28OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO28OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGD GPIO28INCFG [16..16] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGD_GPIO28INCFG */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO28INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO28INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGD GPIO27INTD [15..15] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGD_GPIO27INTD */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO27INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO27INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGD GPIO27OUTCFG [13..14] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGD_GPIO27OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO27OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO27OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO27OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO27OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGD GPIO27INCFG [12..12] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGD_GPIO27INCFG */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO27INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO27INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGD GPIO26INTD [11..11] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGD_GPIO26INTD */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO26INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO26INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGD GPIO26OUTCFG [9..10] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGD_GPIO26OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO26OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO26OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO26OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO26OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGD GPIO26INCFG [8..8] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGD_GPIO26INCFG */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO26INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO26INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================== GPIO CFGD GPIO25INTD [7..7] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGD_GPIO25INTD */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO25INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO25INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGD GPIO25OUTCFG [5..6] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGD_GPIO25OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO25OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO25OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO25OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO25OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGD GPIO25INCFG [4..4] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGD_GPIO25INCFG */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO25INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO25INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================== GPIO CFGD GPIO24INTD [3..3] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGD_GPIO24INTD */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO24INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO24INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGD GPIO24OUTCFG [1..2] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGD_GPIO24OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO24OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO24OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO24OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO24OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGD GPIO24INCFG [0..0] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGD_GPIO24INCFG */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO24INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGD_GPIO24INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ========================================================= CFGE ========================================================== */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGE GPIO39INTD [31..31] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGE_GPIO39INTD */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO39INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO39INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGE GPIO39OUTCFG [29..30] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGE_GPIO39OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO39OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO39OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO39OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO39OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGE GPIO39INCFG [28..28] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGE_GPIO39INCFG */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO39INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO39INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGE GPIO38INTD [27..27] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGE_GPIO38INTD */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO38INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO38INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGE GPIO38OUTCFG [25..26] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGE_GPIO38OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO38OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO38OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO38OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO38OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGE GPIO38INCFG [24..24] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGE_GPIO38INCFG */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO38INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO38INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGE GPIO37INTD [23..23] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGE_GPIO37INTD */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO37INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO37INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGE GPIO37OUTCFG [21..22] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGE_GPIO37OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO37OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO37OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO37OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO37OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGE GPIO37INCFG [20..20] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGE_GPIO37INCFG */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO37INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO37INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGE GPIO36INTD [19..19] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGE_GPIO36INTD */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO36INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO36INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGE GPIO36OUTCFG [17..18] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGE_GPIO36OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO36OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO36OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO36OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO36OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGE GPIO36INCFG [16..16] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGE_GPIO36INCFG */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO36INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO36INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGE GPIO35INTD [15..15] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGE_GPIO35INTD */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO35INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO35INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGE GPIO35OUTCFG [13..14] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGE_GPIO35OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO35OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO35OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO35OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO35OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGE GPIO35INCFG [12..12] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGE_GPIO35INCFG */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO35INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO35INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGE GPIO34INTD [11..11] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGE_GPIO34INTD */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO34INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO34INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGE GPIO34OUTCFG [9..10] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGE_GPIO34OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO34OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO34OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO34OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO34OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGE GPIO34INCFG [8..8] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGE_GPIO34INCFG */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO34INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO34INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================== GPIO CFGE GPIO33INTD [7..7] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGE_GPIO33INTD */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO33INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO33INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGE GPIO33OUTCFG [5..6] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGE_GPIO33OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO33OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO33OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO33OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO33OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGE GPIO33INCFG [4..4] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGE_GPIO33INCFG */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO33INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO33INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================== GPIO CFGE GPIO32INTD [3..3] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGE_GPIO32INTD */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO32INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO32INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGE GPIO32OUTCFG [1..2] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGE_GPIO32OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO32OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO32OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO32OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO32OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGE GPIO32INCFG [0..0] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGE_GPIO32INCFG */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO32INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGE_GPIO32INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ========================================================= CFGF ========================================================== */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGF GPIO47INTD [31..31] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGF_GPIO47INTD */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO47INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO47INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGF GPIO47OUTCFG [29..30] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGF_GPIO47OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO47OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO47OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO47OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO47OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGF GPIO47INCFG [28..28] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGF_GPIO47INCFG */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO47INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO47INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGF GPIO46INTD [27..27] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGF_GPIO46INTD */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO46INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO46INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGF GPIO46OUTCFG [25..26] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGF_GPIO46OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO46OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO46OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO46OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO46OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGF GPIO46INCFG [24..24] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGF_GPIO46INCFG */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO46INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO46INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGF GPIO45INTD [23..23] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGF_GPIO45INTD */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO45INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO45INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGF GPIO45OUTCFG [21..22] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGF_GPIO45OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO45OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO45OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO45OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO45OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGF GPIO45INCFG [20..20] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGF_GPIO45INCFG */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO45INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO45INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGF GPIO44INTD [19..19] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGF_GPIO44INTD */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO44INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO44INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGF GPIO44OUTCFG [17..18] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGF_GPIO44OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO44OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO44OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO44OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO44OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGF GPIO44INCFG [16..16] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGF_GPIO44INCFG */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO44INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO44INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGF GPIO43INTD [15..15] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGF_GPIO43INTD */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO43INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO43INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGF GPIO43OUTCFG [13..14] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGF_GPIO43OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO43OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO43OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO43OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO43OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGF GPIO43INCFG [12..12] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGF_GPIO43INCFG */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO43INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO43INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGF GPIO42INTD [11..11] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGF_GPIO42INTD */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO42INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO42INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================ GPIO CFGF GPIO42OUTCFG [9..10] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGF_GPIO42OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO42OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO42OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO42OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO42OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGF GPIO42INCFG [8..8] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGF_GPIO42INCFG */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO42INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO42INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================== GPIO CFGF GPIO41INTD [7..7] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGF_GPIO41INTD */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO41INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO41INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGF GPIO41OUTCFG [5..6] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGF_GPIO41OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO41OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO41OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO41OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO41OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGF GPIO41INCFG [4..4] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGF_GPIO41INCFG */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO41INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO41INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================== GPIO CFGF GPIO40INTD [3..3] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGF_GPIO40INTD */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO40INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO40INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGF GPIO40OUTCFG [1..2] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGF_GPIO40OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO40OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO40OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO40OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO40OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGF GPIO40INCFG [0..0] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGF_GPIO40INCFG */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO40INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGF_GPIO40INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ========================================================= CFGG ========================================================== */
/* ============================================== GPIO CFGG GPIO49INTD [7..7] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGG_GPIO49INTD */
GPIO_CFGG_GPIO49INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGG_GPIO49INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGG GPIO49OUTCFG [5..6] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGG_GPIO49OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGG_GPIO49OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGG_GPIO49OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGG_GPIO49OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGG_GPIO49OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGG GPIO49INCFG [4..4] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGG_GPIO49INCFG */
GPIO_CFGG_GPIO49INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGG_GPIO49INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ============================================== GPIO CFGG GPIO48INTD [3..3] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGG_GPIO48INTD */
GPIO_CFGG_GPIO48INTD_INTLH = 0, /*!< INTLH : Interrupt on low to high GPIO transition */
GPIO_CFGG_GPIO48INTD_INTHL = 1, /*!< INTHL : Interrupt on high to low GPIO transition */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGG GPIO48OUTCFG [1..2] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGG_GPIO48OUTCFG */
GPIO_CFGG_GPIO48OUTCFG_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Output disabled */
GPIO_CFGG_GPIO48OUTCFG_PUSHPULL = 1, /*!< PUSHPULL : Output is push-pull */
GPIO_CFGG_GPIO48OUTCFG_OD = 2, /*!< OD : Output is open drain */
GPIO_CFGG_GPIO48OUTCFG_TS = 3, /*!< TS : Output is tri-state */
/* ============================================= GPIO CFGG GPIO48INCFG [0..0] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_CFGG_GPIO48INCFG */
GPIO_CFGG_GPIO48INCFG_READ = 0, /*!< READ : Read the GPIO pin data */
GPIO_CFGG_GPIO48INCFG_RDZERO = 1, /*!< RDZERO : Readback will always be zero */
/* ======================================================== PADKEY ========================================================= */
/* ============================================== GPIO PADKEY PADKEY [0..31] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< GPIO_PADKEY_PADKEY */
GPIO_PADKEY_PADKEY_Key = 115, /*!< Key : Key */
/* ========================================================== RDA ========================================================== */
/* ========================================================== RDB ========================================================== */
/* ========================================================== WTA ========================================================== */
/* ========================================================== WTB ========================================================== */
/* ========================================================= WTSA ========================================================== */
/* ========================================================= WTSB ========================================================== */
/* ========================================================= WTCA ========================================================== */
/* ========================================================= WTCB ========================================================== */
/* ========================================================== ENA ========================================================== */
/* ========================================================== ENB ========================================================== */
/* ========================================================= ENSA ========================================================== */
/* ========================================================= ENSB ========================================================== */
/* ========================================================= ENCA ========================================================== */
/* ========================================================= ENCB ========================================================== */
/* ======================================================== INT0EN ========================================================= */
/* ======================================================= INT0STAT ======================================================== */
/* ======================================================== INT0CLR ======================================================== */
/* ======================================================== INT0SET ======================================================== */
/* ======================================================== INT1EN ========================================================= */
/* ======================================================= INT1STAT ======================================================== */
/* ======================================================== INT1CLR ======================================================== */
/* ======================================================== INT1SET ======================================================== */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ IOMSTR0 ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ========================================================= FIFO ========================================================== */
/* ======================================================== FIFOPTR ======================================================== */
/* ======================================================== TLNGTH ========================================================= */
/* ======================================================== FIFOTHR ======================================================== */
/* ======================================================== CLKCFG ========================================================= */
/* ============================================= IOMSTR0 CLKCFG DIVEN [12..12] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< IOMSTR0_CLKCFG_DIVEN */
IOMSTR0_CLKCFG_DIVEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Disable TOTPER division. */
IOMSTR0_CLKCFG_DIVEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Enable TOTPER division. */
/* ============================================= IOMSTR0 CLKCFG DIV3 [11..11] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< IOMSTR0_CLKCFG_DIV3 */
IOMSTR0_CLKCFG_DIV3_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Select divide by 1. */
IOMSTR0_CLKCFG_DIV3_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Select divide by 3. */
/* ============================================== IOMSTR0 CLKCFG FSEL [8..10] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< IOMSTR0_CLKCFG_FSEL */
IOMSTR0_CLKCFG_FSEL_HFRC_DIV64 = 0, /*!< HFRC_DIV64 : Selects the HFRC / 64 as the input clock. */
IOMSTR0_CLKCFG_FSEL_HFRC = 1, /*!< HFRC : Selects the HFRC as the input clock. */
IOMSTR0_CLKCFG_FSEL_HFRC_DIV2 = 2, /*!< HFRC_DIV2 : Selects the HFRC / 2 as the input clock. */
IOMSTR0_CLKCFG_FSEL_HFRC_DIV4 = 3, /*!< HFRC_DIV4 : Selects the HFRC / 4 as the input clock. */
IOMSTR0_CLKCFG_FSEL_HFRC_DIV8 = 4, /*!< HFRC_DIV8 : Selects the HFRC / 8 as the input clock. */
IOMSTR0_CLKCFG_FSEL_HFRC_DIV16 = 5, /*!< HFRC_DIV16 : Selects the HFRC / 16 as the input clock. */
IOMSTR0_CLKCFG_FSEL_HFRC_DIV32 = 6, /*!< HFRC_DIV32 : Selects the HFRC / 32 as the input clock. */
/* ========================================================== CMD ========================================================== */
/* ================================================ IOMSTR0 CMD CMD [0..31] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< IOMSTR0_CMD_CMD */
IOMSTR0_CMD_CMD_POS_LENGTH = 0, /*!< POS_LENGTH : LSB bit position of the CMD LENGTH field. */
IOMSTR0_CMD_CMD_POS_OFFSET = 8, /*!< POS_OFFSET : LSB bit position of the CMD OFFSET field. */
IOMSTR0_CMD_CMD_POS_ADDRESS = 16, /*!< POS_ADDRESS : LSB bit position of the I2C CMD ADDRESS field. */
IOMSTR0_CMD_CMD_POS_UPLNGTH = 23, /*!< POS_UPLNGTH : LSB bit position of the SPI CMD UPLNGTH field. */
IOMSTR0_CMD_CMD_POS_10BIT = 26, /*!< POS_10BIT : LSB bit position of the I2C CMD 10-bit field. */
IOMSTR0_CMD_CMD_POS_LSB = 27, /*!< POS_LSB : LSB bit position of the CMD LSB-first field. */
IOMSTR0_CMD_CMD_POS_CONT = 28, /*!< POS_CONT : LSB bit position of the CMD CONTinue field. */
IOMSTR0_CMD_CMD_POS_OPER = 29, /*!< POS_OPER : LSB bit position of the CMD OPERation field. */
IOMSTR0_CMD_CMD_MSK_LENGTH = 255, /*!< MSK_LENGTH : LSB bit mask of the CMD LENGTH field. */
IOMSTR0_CMD_CMD_MSK_OFFSET = 65280, /*!< MSK_OFFSET : LSB bit mask of the CMD OFFSET field. */
IOMSTR0_CMD_CMD_MSK_ADDRESS = 16711680,/*!< MSK_ADDRESS : LSB bit mask of the I2C CMD ADDRESS field. */
IOMSTR0_CMD_CMD_MSK_CHNL = 458752,/*!< MSK_CHNL : LSB bit mask of the SPI CMD CHANNEL field. */
IOMSTR0_CMD_CMD_MSK_UPLNGTH = 125829120,/*!< MSK_UPLNGTH : LSB bit mask of the SPI CMD UPLNGTH field. */
IOMSTR0_CMD_CMD_MSK_10BIT = 67108864,/*!< MSK_10BIT : LSB bit mask of the I2C CMD 10-bit field. */
IOMSTR0_CMD_CMD_MSK_LSB = 134217728,/*!< MSK_LSB : LSB bit mask of the CMD LSB-first field. */
IOMSTR0_CMD_CMD_MSK_CONT = 268435456,/*!< MSK_CONT : LSB bit mask of the CMD CONTinue field. */
IOMSTR0_CMD_CMD_MSK_OPER = -536870912,/*!< MSK_OPER : LSB bit mask of the CMD OPERation field. */
/* ======================================================== CMDRPT ========================================================= */
/* ======================================================== STATUS ========================================================= */
/* ============================================= IOMSTR0 STATUS IDLEST [2..2] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< IOMSTR0_STATUS_IDLEST */
IOMSTR0_STATUS_IDLEST_IDLE = 1, /*!< IDLE : The I/O state machine is in the idle state. */
/* ============================================= IOMSTR0 STATUS CMDACT [1..1] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< IOMSTR0_STATUS_CMDACT */
IOMSTR0_STATUS_CMDACT_ACTIVE = 1, /*!< ACTIVE : An I/O command is active. */
/* =============================================== IOMSTR0 STATUS ERR [0..0] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< IOMSTR0_STATUS_ERR */
IOMSTR0_STATUS_ERR_ERROR = 1, /*!< ERROR : An error has been indicated by the IOM. */
/* ========================================================== CFG ========================================================== */
/* ============================================== IOMSTR0 CFG IFCEN [31..31] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< IOMSTR0_CFG_IFCEN */
IOMSTR0_CFG_IFCEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Disable the IO Master. */
IOMSTR0_CFG_IFCEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Enable the IO Master. */
/* ================================================ IOMSTR0 CFG SPHA [2..2] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< IOMSTR0_CFG_SPHA */
IOMSTR0_CFG_SPHA_SAMPLE_LEADING_EDGE = 0, /*!< SAMPLE_LEADING_EDGE : Sample on the leading (first) clock edge. */
IOMSTR0_CFG_SPHA_SAMPLE_TRAILING_EDGE = 1, /*!< SAMPLE_TRAILING_EDGE : Sample on the trailing (second) clock
edge. */
/* ================================================ IOMSTR0 CFG SPOL [1..1] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< IOMSTR0_CFG_SPOL */
IOMSTR0_CFG_SPOL_CLK_BASE_0 = 0, /*!< CLK_BASE_0 : The base value of the clock is 0. */
IOMSTR0_CFG_SPOL_CLK_BASE_1 = 1, /*!< CLK_BASE_1 : The base value of the clock is 1. */
/* =============================================== IOMSTR0 CFG IFCSEL [0..0] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< IOMSTR0_CFG_IFCSEL */
IOMSTR0_CFG_IFCSEL_I2C = 0, /*!< I2C : Selects I2C interface for the I/O Master. */
IOMSTR0_CFG_IFCSEL_SPI = 1, /*!< SPI : Selects SPI interface for the I/O Master. */
/* ========================================================= INTEN ========================================================= */
/* ======================================================== INTSTAT ======================================================== */
/* ======================================================== INTCLR ========================================================= */
/* ======================================================== INTSET ========================================================= */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ IOSLAVE ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ======================================================== FIFOPTR ======================================================== */
/* ======================================================== FIFOCFG ======================================================== */
/* ======================================================== FIFOTHR ======================================================== */
/* ========================================================= FUPD ========================================================== */
/* ======================================================== FIFOCTR ======================================================== */
/* ======================================================== FIFOINC ======================================================== */
/* ========================================================== CFG ========================================================== */
/* ============================================== IOSLAVE CFG IFCEN [31..31] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< IOSLAVE_CFG_IFCEN */
IOSLAVE_CFG_IFCEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Disable the IOSLAVE */
IOSLAVE_CFG_IFCEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Enable the IOSLAVE */
/* ============================================== IOSLAVE CFG STARTRD [4..4] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< IOSLAVE_CFG_STARTRD */
IOSLAVE_CFG_STARTRD_LATE = 0, /*!< LATE : Initiate I/O RAM read late in each transferred byte. */
IOSLAVE_CFG_STARTRD_EARLY = 1, /*!< EARLY : Initiate I/O RAM read early in each transferred byte. */
/* ================================================ IOSLAVE CFG LSB [2..2] ================================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< IOSLAVE_CFG_LSB */
IOSLAVE_CFG_LSB_MSB_FIRST = 0, /*!< MSB_FIRST : Data is assumed to be sent and received with MSB
first. */
IOSLAVE_CFG_LSB_LSB_FIRST = 1, /*!< LSB_FIRST : Data is assumed to be sent and received with LSB
first. */
/* ================================================ IOSLAVE CFG SPOL [1..1] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< IOSLAVE_CFG_SPOL */
IOSLAVE_CFG_SPOL_SPI_MODES_0_3 = 0, /*!< SPI_MODES_0_3 : Polarity 0, handles SPI modes 0 and 3. */
IOSLAVE_CFG_SPOL_SPI_MODES_1_2 = 1, /*!< SPI_MODES_1_2 : Polarity 1, handles SPI modes 1 and 2. */
/* =============================================== IOSLAVE CFG IFCSEL [0..0] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< IOSLAVE_CFG_IFCSEL */
IOSLAVE_CFG_IFCSEL_I2C = 0, /*!< I2C : Selects I2C interface for the IO Slave. */
IOSLAVE_CFG_IFCSEL_SPI = 1, /*!< SPI : Selects SPI interface for the IO Slave. */
/* ========================================================= PRENC ========================================================= */
/* ======================================================= IOINTCTL ======================================================== */
/* ======================================================== GENADD ========================================================= */
/* ========================================================= INTEN ========================================================= */
/* ======================================================== INTSTAT ======================================================== */
/* ======================================================== INTCLR ========================================================= */
/* ======================================================== INTSET ========================================================= */
/* ====================================================== REGACCINTEN ====================================================== */
/* ===================================================== REGACCINTSTAT ===================================================== */
/* ===================================================== REGACCINTCLR ====================================================== */
/* ===================================================== REGACCINTSET ====================================================== */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ MCUCTRL ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ======================================================= CHIP_INFO ======================================================= */
/* =========================================== MCUCTRL CHIP_INFO CLASS [24..31] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_CLASS */
/* =========================================== MCUCTRL CHIP_INFO FLASH [20..23] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_FLASH */
MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_FLASH_256K = 3, /*!< 256K : 256K of available flash. */
MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_FLASH_512K = 4, /*!< 512K : 512K of available flash. */
/* ============================================ MCUCTRL CHIP_INFO RAM [16..19] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_RAM */
MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_RAM_32K = 0, /*!< 32K : 32K of available SRAM. */
MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_RAM_64K = 1, /*!< 64K : 64K of available SRAM. */
/* ============================================= MCUCTRL CHIP_INFO PKG [6..7] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_PKG */
MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_PKG_BGA = 2, /*!< BGA : Ball grid array. */
MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_PKG_CSP = 3, /*!< CSP : Chip-scale package. */
/* ============================================= MCUCTRL CHIP_INFO PINS [3..5] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_PINS */
MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_PINS_41PINS = 1, /*!< 41PINS : 41 package pins total. */
/* ============================================= MCUCTRL CHIP_INFO TEMP [1..2] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_TEMP */
MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_TEMP_COMMERCIAL = 0, /*!< COMMERCIAL : Commercial temperature range. */
/* ============================================= MCUCTRL CHIP_INFO QUAL [0..0] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_QUAL */
MCUCTRL_CHIP_INFO_QUAL_QUALIFIED = 1, /*!< QUALIFIED : Fully qualified device. */
/* ======================================================== CHIPID0 ======================================================== */
/* ============================================= MCUCTRL CHIPID0 VALUE [0..31] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_CHIPID0_VALUE */
/* ======================================================== CHIPID1 ======================================================== */
/* ============================================= MCUCTRL CHIPID1 VALUE [0..31] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_CHIPID1_VALUE */
/* ======================================================== CHIPREV ======================================================== */
/* ============================================ MCUCTRL CHIPREV REVISION [0..7] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_CHIPREV_REVISION */
/* ======================================================= SUPPLYSRC ======================================================= */
/* ========================================== MCUCTRL SUPPLYSRC COREBUCKEN [1..1] ========================================== */
MCUCTRL_SUPPLYSRC_COREBUCKEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Enable the Core Buck for the low-voltage power domain. */
/* ========================================== MCUCTRL SUPPLYSRC MEMBUCKEN [0..0] =========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_SUPPLYSRC_MEMBUCKEN */
MCUCTRL_SUPPLYSRC_MEMBUCKEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Enable the Memory Buck as the supply for flash and SRAM. */
/* ===================================================== SUPPLYSTATUS ====================================================== */
/* ======================================== MCUCTRL SUPPLYSTATUS COREBUCKON [1..1] ========================================= */
MCUCTRL_SUPPLYSTATUS_COREBUCKON_LDO = 0, /*!< LDO : Indicates the the LDO is supplying the Core low-voltage. */
MCUCTRL_SUPPLYSTATUS_COREBUCKON_BUCK = 1, /*!< BUCK : Indicates the the Buck is supplying the Core low-voltage. */
/* ========================================= MCUCTRL SUPPLYSTATUS MEMBUCKON [0..0] ========================================= */
MCUCTRL_SUPPLYSTATUS_MEMBUCKON_LDO = 0, /*!< LDO : Indicates the LDO is supplying the memory power domain. */
MCUCTRL_SUPPLYSTATUS_MEMBUCKON_BUCK = 1, /*!< BUCK : Indicates the Buck is supplying the memory power domain. */
/* ======================================================= BANDGAPEN ======================================================= */
/* ============================================ MCUCTRL BANDGAPEN BGPEN [0..0] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_BANDGAPEN_BGPEN */
MCUCTRL_BANDGAPEN_BGPEN_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Bandgap disable. */
MCUCTRL_BANDGAPEN_BGPEN_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Bandgap enable. */
/* ==================================================== SRAMPWDINSLEEP ===================================================== */
/* ========================================== MCUCTRL SRAMPWDINSLEEP BANK7 [7..7] ========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK7 */
MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK7_NORMAL = 0, /*!< NORMAL : SRAM Bank 7 normal operation. */
/* ========================================== MCUCTRL SRAMPWDINSLEEP BANK6 [6..6] ========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK6 */
MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK6_NORMAL = 0, /*!< NORMAL : SRAM Bank 6 normal operation. */
/* ========================================== MCUCTRL SRAMPWDINSLEEP BANK5 [5..5] ========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK5 */
MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK5_NORMAL = 0, /*!< NORMAL : SRAM Bank 5 normal operation. */
/* ========================================== MCUCTRL SRAMPWDINSLEEP BANK4 [4..4] ========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK4 */
MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK4_NORMAL = 0, /*!< NORMAL : SRAM Bank 4 normal operation. */
/* ========================================== MCUCTRL SRAMPWDINSLEEP BANK3 [3..3] ========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK3 */
MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK3_NORMAL = 0, /*!< NORMAL : SRAM Bank 3 normal operation. */
/* ========================================== MCUCTRL SRAMPWDINSLEEP BANK2 [2..2] ========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK2 */
MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK2_NORMAL = 0, /*!< NORMAL : SRAM Bank 2 normal operation. */
/* ========================================== MCUCTRL SRAMPWDINSLEEP BANK1 [1..1] ========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK1 */
MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK1_NORMAL = 0, /*!< NORMAL : SRAM Bank 1 normal operation. */
/* ========================================== MCUCTRL SRAMPWDINSLEEP BANK0 [0..0] ========================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK0 */
MCUCTRL_SRAMPWDINSLEEP_BANK0_NORMAL = 0, /*!< NORMAL : SRAM Bank 0 normal operation. */
/* ====================================================== SRAMPWRDIS ======================================================= */
/* ============================================ MCUCTRL SRAMPWRDIS BANK7 [7..7] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK7 */
MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK7_DIS = 1, /*!< DIS : Disable SRAM Bank 7. */
/* ============================================ MCUCTRL SRAMPWRDIS BANK6 [6..6] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK6 */
MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK6_DIS = 1, /*!< DIS : Disable SRAM Bank 6. */
/* ============================================ MCUCTRL SRAMPWRDIS BANK5 [5..5] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK5 */
MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK5_DIS = 1, /*!< DIS : Disable SRAM Bank 5. */
/* ============================================ MCUCTRL SRAMPWRDIS BANK4 [4..4] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK4 */
MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK4_DIS = 1, /*!< DIS : Disable SRAM Bank 4. */
/* ============================================ MCUCTRL SRAMPWRDIS BANK3 [3..3] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK3 */
MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK3_DIS = 1, /*!< DIS : Disable SRAM Bank 3. */
/* ============================================ MCUCTRL SRAMPWRDIS BANK2 [2..2] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK2 */
MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK2_DIS = 1, /*!< DIS : Disable SRAM Bank 2. */
/* ============================================ MCUCTRL SRAMPWRDIS BANK1 [1..1] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK1 */
MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK1_DIS = 1, /*!< DIS : Disable SRAM Bank 1. */
/* ============================================ MCUCTRL SRAMPWRDIS BANK0 [0..0] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK0 */
MCUCTRL_SRAMPWRDIS_BANK0_DIS = 1, /*!< DIS : Disable SRAM Bank 0. */
/* ====================================================== FLASHPWRDIS ====================================================== */
/* =========================================== MCUCTRL FLASHPWRDIS BANK1 [1..1] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_FLASHPWRDIS_BANK1 */
MCUCTRL_FLASHPWRDIS_BANK1_DIS = 1, /*!< DIS : Disable Flash instance 1. */
/* =========================================== MCUCTRL FLASHPWRDIS BANK0 [0..0] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_FLASHPWRDIS_BANK0 */
MCUCTRL_FLASHPWRDIS_BANK0_DIS = 1, /*!< DIS : Disable Flash instance 0. */
/* ==================================================== ICODEFAULTADDR ===================================================== */
/* ==================================================== DCODEFAULTADDR ===================================================== */
/* ===================================================== SYSFAULTADDR ====================================================== */
/* ====================================================== FAULTSTATUS ====================================================== */
/* ============================================ MCUCTRL FAULTSTATUS SYS [2..2] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_FAULTSTATUS_SYS */
MCUCTRL_FAULTSTATUS_SYS_NOFAULT = 0, /*!< NOFAULT : No bus fault has been detected. */
MCUCTRL_FAULTSTATUS_SYS_FAULT = 1, /*!< FAULT : Bus fault detected. */
/* =========================================== MCUCTRL FAULTSTATUS DCODE [1..1] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_FAULTSTATUS_DCODE */
MCUCTRL_FAULTSTATUS_DCODE_NOFAULT = 0, /*!< NOFAULT : No DCODE fault has been detected. */
/* =========================================== MCUCTRL FAULTSTATUS ICODE [0..0] ============================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_FAULTSTATUS_ICODE */
MCUCTRL_FAULTSTATUS_ICODE_NOFAULT = 0, /*!< NOFAULT : No ICODE fault has been detected. */
/* ==================================================== FAULTCAPTUREEN ===================================================== */
/* ========================================= MCUCTRL FAULTCAPTUREEN ENABLE [0..0] ========================================== */
MCUCTRL_FAULTCAPTUREEN_ENABLE_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Disable fault capture. */
MCUCTRL_FAULTCAPTUREEN_ENABLE_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Enable fault capture. */
/* ======================================================= TPIUCTRL ======================================================== */
/* ============================================ MCUCTRL TPIUCTRL CLKSEL [8..9] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_TPIUCTRL_CLKSEL */
MCUCTRL_TPIUCTRL_CLKSEL_LOW_PWR = 0, /*!< LOW_PWR : Low power state. */
MCUCTRL_TPIUCTRL_CLKSEL_6MHZ = 1, /*!< 6MHZ : Selects 6MHz frequency. */
MCUCTRL_TPIUCTRL_CLKSEL_3MHZ = 2, /*!< 3MHZ : Selects 3MHz frequency. */
MCUCTRL_TPIUCTRL_CLKSEL_1_5MHZ = 3, /*!< 1_5MHZ : Selects 1.5 MHz frequency. */
/* ============================================ MCUCTRL TPIUCTRL ENABLE [0..0] ============================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< MCUCTRL_TPIUCTRL_ENABLE */
MCUCTRL_TPIUCTRL_ENABLE_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Disable the TPIU. */
MCUCTRL_TPIUCTRL_ENABLE_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Enable the TPIU. */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ RSTGEN ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ========================================================== CFG ========================================================== */
/* ========================================================= SWPOI ========================================================= */
/* ============================================= RSTGEN SWPOI SWPOIKEY [0..7] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< RSTGEN_SWPOI_SWPOIKEY */
RSTGEN_SWPOI_SWPOIKEY_KEYVALUE = 27, /*!< KEYVALUE : Writing 0x1B key value generates a software POI reset. */
/* ========================================================= SWPOR ========================================================= */
/* ============================================= RSTGEN SWPOR SWPORKEY [0..7] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< RSTGEN_SWPOR_SWPORKEY */
RSTGEN_SWPOR_SWPORKEY_KEYVALUE = 212, /*!< KEYVALUE : Writing 0xD4 key value generates a software POR reset. */
/* ========================================================= STAT ========================================================== */
/* ======================================================== CLRSTAT ======================================================== */
/* ========================================================= INTEN ========================================================= */
/* ======================================================== INTSTAT ======================================================== */
/* ======================================================== INTCLR ========================================================= */
/* ======================================================== INTSET ========================================================= */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ RTC ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ======================================================== CTRLOW ========================================================= */
/* ========================================================= CTRUP ========================================================= */
/* =============================================== RTC CTRUP CTERR [31..31] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< RTC_CTRUP_CTERR */
RTC_CTRUP_CTERR_NOERR = 0, /*!< NOERR : No read error occurred */
RTC_CTRUP_CTERR_RDERR = 1, /*!< RDERR : Read error occurred */
/* ================================================ RTC CTRUP CEB [28..28] ================================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< RTC_CTRUP_CEB */
RTC_CTRUP_CEB_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Disable the Century bit from changing */
RTC_CTRUP_CEB_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Enable the Century bit to change */
/* ================================================= RTC CTRUP CB [27..27] ================================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< RTC_CTRUP_CB */
RTC_CTRUP_CB_2000 = 0, /*!< 2000 : Century is 2000s */
RTC_CTRUP_CB_1900_2100 = 1, /*!< 1900_2100 : Century is 1900s/2100s */
/* ======================================================== ALMLOW ========================================================= */
/* ========================================================= ALMUP ========================================================= */
/* ======================================================== RTCCTL ========================================================= */
/* =============================================== RTC RTCCTL HR1224 [5..5] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< RTC_RTCCTL_HR1224 */
RTC_RTCCTL_HR1224_24HR = 0, /*!< 24HR : Hours in 24 hour mode */
RTC_RTCCTL_HR1224_12HR = 1, /*!< 12HR : Hours in 12 hour mode */
} RTC_RTCCTL_HR1224_Enum;
/* ================================================ RTC RTCCTL RSTOP [4..4] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< RTC_RTCCTL_RSTOP */
RTC_RTCCTL_RSTOP_RUN = 0, /*!< RUN : Allow the RTC input clock to run */
RTC_RTCCTL_RSTOP_STOP = 1, /*!< STOP : Stop the RTC input clock */
/* ================================================= RTC RTCCTL RPT [1..3] ================================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< RTC_RTCCTL_RPT */
RTC_RTCCTL_RPT_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Alarm interrupt disabled */
RTC_RTCCTL_RPT_YEAR = 1, /*!< YEAR : Interrupt every year */
RTC_RTCCTL_RPT_MONTH = 2, /*!< MONTH : Interrupt every month */
RTC_RTCCTL_RPT_WEEK = 3, /*!< WEEK : Interrupt every week */
RTC_RTCCTL_RPT_DAY = 4, /*!< DAY : Interrupt every day */
RTC_RTCCTL_RPT_HR = 5, /*!< HR : Interrupt every hour */
RTC_RTCCTL_RPT_MIN = 6, /*!< MIN : Interrupt every minute */
RTC_RTCCTL_RPT_SEC = 7, /*!< SEC : Interrupt every second/10th/100th */
/* ================================================ RTC RTCCTL WRTC [0..0] ================================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< RTC_RTCCTL_WRTC */
RTC_RTCCTL_WRTC_DIS = 0, /*!< DIS : Counter writes are disabled */
RTC_RTCCTL_WRTC_EN = 1, /*!< EN : Counter writes are enabled */
/* ========================================================= INTEN ========================================================= */
/* ======================================================== INTSTAT ======================================================== */
/* ======================================================== INTCLR ========================================================= */
/* ======================================================== INTSET ========================================================= */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ UART ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ========================================================== DR =========================================================== */
/* ================================================ UART DR OEDATA [11..11] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< UART_DR_OEDATA */
UART_DR_OEDATA_NOERR = 0, /*!< NOERR : No error on UART OEDATA, overrun error indicator. */
UART_DR_OEDATA_ERR = 1, /*!< ERR : Error on UART OEDATA, overrun error indicator. */
/* ================================================ UART DR BEDATA [10..10] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< UART_DR_BEDATA */
UART_DR_BEDATA_NOERR = 0, /*!< NOERR : No error on UART BEDATA, break error indicator. */
UART_DR_BEDATA_ERR = 1, /*!< ERR : Error on UART BEDATA, break error indicator. */
/* ================================================= UART DR PEDATA [9..9] ================================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< UART_DR_PEDATA */
UART_DR_PEDATA_NOERR = 0, /*!< NOERR : No error on UART PEDATA, parity error indicator. */
UART_DR_PEDATA_ERR = 1, /*!< ERR : Error on UART PEDATA, parity error indicator. */
/* ================================================= UART DR FEDATA [8..8] ================================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< UART_DR_FEDATA */
UART_DR_FEDATA_NOERR = 0, /*!< NOERR : No error on UART FEDATA, framing error indicator. */
UART_DR_FEDATA_ERR = 1, /*!< ERR : Error on UART FEDATA, framing error indicator. */
/* ========================================================== RSR ========================================================== */
/* ================================================ UART RSR OESTAT [3..3] ================================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< UART_RSR_OESTAT */
UART_RSR_OESTAT_NOERR = 0, /*!< NOERR : No error on UART OESTAT, overrun error indicator. */
UART_RSR_OESTAT_ERR = 1, /*!< ERR : Error on UART OESTAT, overrun error indicator. */
/* ================================================ UART RSR BESTAT [2..2] ================================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< UART_RSR_BESTAT */
UART_RSR_BESTAT_NOERR = 0, /*!< NOERR : No error on UART BESTAT, break error indicator. */
UART_RSR_BESTAT_ERR = 1, /*!< ERR : Error on UART BESTAT, break error indicator. */
/* ================================================ UART RSR PESTAT [1..1] ================================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< UART_RSR_PESTAT */
UART_RSR_PESTAT_NOERR = 0, /*!< NOERR : No error on UART PESTAT, parity error indicator. */
UART_RSR_PESTAT_ERR = 1, /*!< ERR : Error on UART PESTAT, parity error indicator. */
/* ================================================ UART RSR FESTAT [0..0] ================================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< UART_RSR_FESTAT */
UART_RSR_FESTAT_NOERR = 0, /*!< NOERR : No error on UART FESTAT, framing error indicator. */
UART_RSR_FESTAT_ERR = 1, /*!< ERR : Error on UART FESTAT, framing error indicator. */
/* ========================================================== FR =========================================================== */
/* ================================================== UART FR TXFE [7..7] ================================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< UART_FR_TXFE */
UART_FR_TXFE_XMTFIFO_EMPTY = 1, /*!< XMTFIFO_EMPTY : Transmit fifo is empty. */
/* ================================================== UART FR RXFF [6..6] ================================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< UART_FR_RXFF */
UART_FR_RXFF_RCVFIFO_FULL = 1, /*!< RCVFIFO_FULL : Receive fifo is full. */
/* ================================================== UART FR TXFF [5..5] ================================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< UART_FR_TXFF */
UART_FR_TXFF_XMTFIFO_FULL = 1, /*!< XMTFIFO_FULL : Transmit fifo is full. */
/* ================================================== UART FR RXFE [4..4] ================================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< UART_FR_RXFE */
UART_FR_RXFE_RCVFIFO_EMPTY = 1, /*!< RCVFIFO_EMPTY : Receive fifo is empty. */
/* ================================================== UART FR BUSY [3..3] ================================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< UART_FR_BUSY */
UART_FR_BUSY_BUSY = 1, /*!< BUSY : UART busy indicator. */
/* ================================================== UART FR DCD [2..2] =================================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< UART_FR_DCD */
UART_FR_DCD_DETECTED = 1, /*!< DETECTED : Data carrier detect detected. */
/* ================================================== UART FR DSR [1..1] =================================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< UART_FR_DSR */
UART_FR_DSR_READY = 1, /*!< READY : Data set ready. */
/* ================================================== UART FR CTS [0..0] =================================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< UART_FR_CTS */
UART_FR_CTS_CLEARTOSEND = 1, /*!< CLEARTOSEND : Clear to send is indicated. */
/* ========================================================= ILPR ========================================================== */
/* ========================================================= IBRD ========================================================== */
/* ========================================================= FBRD ========================================================== */
/* ========================================================= LCRH ========================================================== */
/* ========================================================== CR =========================================================== */
/* ================================================= UART CR CLKSEL [4..6] ================================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< UART_CR_CLKSEL */
UART_CR_CLKSEL_NOCLK = 0, /*!< NOCLK : No UART clock. This is the low power default. */
UART_CR_CLKSEL_24MHZ = 1, /*!< 24MHZ : 24 MHz clock. Must be used if CLKGEN CORESEL=0. */
UART_CR_CLKSEL_12MHZ = 2, /*!< 12MHZ : 12 MHz clock. Must be used if CLKGEN CORESEL=1. Note
that CORESEL=1 is unsupported by the IO Master. */
UART_CR_CLKSEL_6MHZ = 3, /*!< 6MHZ : 6 MHz clock. Must be used if CLKGEN CORESEL=2, 3, or
4. Note that CORESEL=2 is unsupported. */
UART_CR_CLKSEL_3MHZ = 4, /*!< 3MHZ : 3 MHz clock. Must be used if CLKGEN CORESEL=5, 6, or
7. */
/* ========================================================= IFLS ========================================================== */
/* ========================================================== IER ========================================================== */
/* ========================================================== IES ========================================================== */
/* ========================================================== MIS ========================================================== */
/* ========================================================== IEC ========================================================== */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ VCOMP ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ========================================================== CFG ========================================================== */
/* =============================================== VCOMP CFG LVLSEL [16..19] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< VCOMP_CFG_LVLSEL */
VCOMP_CFG_LVLSEL_0P58V = 0, /*!< 0P58V : Set Reference input to 0.58 Volts. */
VCOMP_CFG_LVLSEL_0P77V = 1, /*!< 0P77V : Set Reference input to 0.77 Volts. */
VCOMP_CFG_LVLSEL_0P97V = 2, /*!< 0P97V : Set Reference input to 0.97 Volts. */
VCOMP_CFG_LVLSEL_1P16V = 3, /*!< 1P16V : Set Reference input to 1.16 Volts. */
VCOMP_CFG_LVLSEL_1P35V = 4, /*!< 1P35V : Set Reference input to 1.35 Volts. */
VCOMP_CFG_LVLSEL_1P55V = 5, /*!< 1P55V : Set Reference input to 1.55 Volts. */
VCOMP_CFG_LVLSEL_1P74V = 6, /*!< 1P74V : Set Reference input to 1.74 Volts. */
VCOMP_CFG_LVLSEL_1P93V = 7, /*!< 1P93V : Set Reference input to 1.93 Volts. */
VCOMP_CFG_LVLSEL_2P13V = 8, /*!< 2P13V : Set Reference input to 2.13 Volts. */
VCOMP_CFG_LVLSEL_2P32V = 9, /*!< 2P32V : Set Reference input to 2.32 Volts. */
VCOMP_CFG_LVLSEL_2P51V = 10, /*!< 2P51V : Set Reference input to 2.51 Volts. */
VCOMP_CFG_LVLSEL_2P71V = 11, /*!< 2P71V : Set Reference input to 2.71 Volts. */
VCOMP_CFG_LVLSEL_2P90V = 12, /*!< 2P90V : Set Reference input to 2.90 Volts. */
VCOMP_CFG_LVLSEL_3P09V = 13, /*!< 3P09V : Set Reference input to 3.09 Volts. */
VCOMP_CFG_LVLSEL_3P29V = 14, /*!< 3P29V : Set Reference input to 3.29 Volts. */
VCOMP_CFG_LVLSEL_3P48V = 15, /*!< 3P48V : Set Reference input to 3.48 Volts. */
/* ================================================= VCOMP CFG NSEL [8..9] ================================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< VCOMP_CFG_NSEL */
VCOMP_CFG_NSEL_VREFEXT1 = 0, /*!< VREFEXT1 : Use external reference 1 for reference input. */
VCOMP_CFG_NSEL_VREFEXT2 = 1, /*!< VREFEXT2 : Use external reference 2 for reference input. */
VCOMP_CFG_NSEL_VREFEXT3 = 3, /*!< VREFEXT3 : Use external reference 3 for reference input. */
/* ================================================= VCOMP CFG PSEL [0..1] ================================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< VCOMP_CFG_PSEL */
VCOMP_CFG_PSEL_VDDADJ = 0, /*!< VDDADJ : Use VDDADJ for the positive input. */
VCOMP_CFG_PSEL_VTEMP = 1, /*!< VTEMP : Use the temperature sensor output for the positive input. */
VCOMP_CFG_PSEL_VEXT1 = 2, /*!< VEXT1 : Use external voltage 1 for positive input. */
VCOMP_CFG_PSEL_VEXT2 = 3, /*!< VEXT2 : Use external voltage 1 for positive input. */
/* ========================================================= STAT ========================================================== */
/* =============================================== VCOMP STAT PWDSTAT [1..1] =============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< VCOMP_STAT_PWDSTAT */
VCOMP_STAT_PWDSTAT_POWERED_DOWN = 1, /*!< POWERED_DOWN : The voltage comparator is powered down. */
/* =============================================== VCOMP STAT CMPOUT [0..0] ================================================ */
typedef enum { /*!< VCOMP_STAT_CMPOUT */
VCOMP_STAT_CMPOUT_VOUT_LOW = 0, /*!< VOUT_LOW : The negative input of the comparator is greater than
the positive input. */
VCOMP_STAT_CMPOUT_VOUT_HIGH = 1, /*!< VOUT_HIGH : The positive input of the comparator is greater
than the negative input. */
/* ======================================================== PWDKEY ========================================================= */
/* ============================================== VCOMP PWDKEY PWDKEY [0..31] ============================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< VCOMP_PWDKEY_PWDKEY */
VCOMP_PWDKEY_PWDKEY_Key = 55, /*!< Key : Key */
/* ========================================================= INTEN ========================================================= */
/* ======================================================== INTSTAT ======================================================== */
/* ======================================================== INTCLR ========================================================= */
/* ======================================================== INTSET ========================================================= */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ================ WDT ================ */
/* =========================================================================================================================== */
/* ========================================================== CFG ========================================================== */
/* ========================================================= RSTRT ========================================================= */
/* ================================================ WDT RSTRT RSTRT [0..7] ================================================= */
typedef enum { /*!< WDT_RSTRT_RSTRT */
WDT_RSTRT_RSTRT_KEYVALUE = 178, /*!< KEYVALUE : This is the key value to write to WDTRSTRT to restart
the WDT. */
/* ========================================================= LOCK ========================================================== */
/* ================================================= WDT LOCK LOCK [0..7] ================================================== */
typedef enum { /*!< WDT_LOCK_LOCK */
WDT_LOCK_LOCK_KEYVALUE = 58, /*!< KEYVALUE : This is the key value to write to WDTLOCK to lock
the WDT. */
/* ========================================================= INTEN ========================================================= */
/* ======================================================== INTSTAT ======================================================== */
/* ======================================================== INTCLR ========================================================= */
/* ======================================================== INTSET ========================================================= */
/** @} */ /* End of group EnumValue_peripherals */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* APOLLO1_H */
/** @} */ /* End of group apollo1 */
/** @} */ /* End of group Ambiq Micro */