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2022-10-23 23:45:43 -07:00
from string import Template
import textwrap
import re
def fix_startup_file(config, filename):
# Get the stack size from the config file. Note that the startup file
# measures in words, not bytes.
stack_size = config['STACK']['size']
# Read in every line of the given file
input_lines = None
with open(filename) as f:
input_lines = [line for line in f]
# Perform a search-and-replace with the new stack size.
def fix_line(line):
return re.sub(r'(Stack EQU )0x[0-9a-fA-F]*',
r'\g<1>' + '0x{:08X}'.format(stack_size),
output_lines = map(fix_line, input_lines)
output_text = ''.join(output_lines)
# Write the new file back to the input
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
def generate_link_script(config):
mapping = dict()
mapping['ro_base'] = format_number(config['ROMEM']['start'])
mapping['ro_size'] = format_number(config['ROMEM']['size'])
mapping['rw_base'] = format_number(config['RWMEM']['start'])
mapping['rw_size'] = format_number(config['RWMEM']['size'])
mapping['stack_base'] = format_number(config['STACK']['start'])
mapping['stack_size'] = format_number(config['STACK']['size'])
mapping['tcm_base'] = format_number(config['TCM']['start'])
mapping['tcm_size'] = format_number(config['TCM']['size'])
mapping['additional_sections'] = generate_sections(config)
link_script = link_script_template.substitute(**mapping)
debug_file = debug_file_template.substitute(**mapping)
return (link_script, debug_file)
def generate_sections(config):
# If there aren't any custom sections in the config file, we don't need to
# add anything to the linker scripts.
if 'custom_sections' not in config:
return ''
elif not config['custom_sections']:
return ''
L = []
for mem_section in config['custom_sections']:
D = dict()
D['name'] = mem_section['blockname']
D['start'] = format_number(mem_section['start'])
D['length'] = format_number(mem_section['length'])
D['sections'] = '\n'.join(' * ({})'.format(x) for x in mem_section['sections'])
S = extra_section_template.substitute(**D)
L.append(textwrap.indent(S, 4 * ' '))
return '\n' + '\n'.join(L)
def format_number(n):
return '0x{:08X}'.format(n)
link_script_template = Template('''\
; Scatter file for Keil linker configuration.
LR_1 ${ro_base}
ROMEM ${ro_base} ${ro_size}
*.o (RESET, +First)
* (+RO)
RWMEM ${rw_base} ${rw_size}
* (+RW, +ZI)
TCM ${tcm_base} ${tcm_size}
* (.tcm)
STACKMEM ${stack_base} ${stack_size}
startup_keil.o (STACK)
extra_section_template = Template('''\
${name} ${start} ${length}
debug_file_template = Template('''\
* Name: Dbg_RAM.ini
* Purpose: RAM Debug Initialization File
* Note(s):
* This file is part of the uVision/ARM development tools.
* This software may only be used under the terms of a valid, current,
* end user licence from KEIL for a compatible version of KEIL software
* development tools. Nothing else gives you the right to use this software.
* This software is supplied "AS IS" without warranties of any kind.
* Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Keil - An ARM Company. All rights reserved.
TraceSetup() Turn on ITM clocks, etc.
FUNC void TraceSetup (void)
// turn on the ITM/TPIU clock
//_WDWORD(0x40020250, 0x00000201); // TPIU clock enabled at 3MHz
Setup() configure PC & SP for RAM Debug
FUNC void Setup (void) {
SP = _RDWORD(${ro_base}+0x0); // Setup Stack Pointer
PC = _RDWORD(${ro_base}+0x4); // Setup Program Counter
_WDWORD(0xE000ED08, ${ro_base}+0x0); // Setup Vector Table Offset Register (done in system file)
OnResetExec() executed after reset via uVision's 'Reset'-button
FUNC void OnResetExec (void)
LOAD %L INCREMENTAL // load the application
Setup(); // Setup for Running
BS main
extra_section_template = Template('''\
${name} ${start} ${length}