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2022-10-23 23:45:43 -07:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Utility to create image blobs for Corvette Secure Boot
import argparse
import sys
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import array
import hashlib
import hmac
import os
import binascii
import importlib
from am_defines import *
#from keys_info import keyTblAes, keyTblHmac, minAesKeyIdx, maxAesKeyIdx, minHmacKeyIdx, maxHmacKeyIdx, INFO_KEY
# Generate the image blob as per command line parameters
def process(loadaddress, appFile, magicNum, crcI, crcB, authI, authB, protection, authKeyIdx, output, encKeyIdx, version, erasePrev, child0, child1, authalgo, encalgo, keyFile):
app_binarray = bytearray()
# Open the file, and read it into an array of integers.
with appFile as f_app:
filenames = keyFile.split('.')
keys = importlib.import_module(filenames[0])
encVal = 0
if (encalgo != 0):
encVal = 1
if ((encKeyIdx < keys.minAesKeyIdx) or (encKeyIdx > keys.maxAesKeyIdx)):
am_print("Invalid encKey Idx ", encKeyIdx, level=AM_PRINT_LEVEL_ERROR);
if (encalgo == 2):
if (encKeyIdx & 0x1):
am_print("Invalid encKey Idx ", encKeyIdx, level=AM_PRINT_LEVEL_ERROR);
keySize = 32
keySize = 16
if (authalgo != 0):
if ((authKeyIdx < keys.minHmacKeyIdx) or (authKeyIdx > keys.maxHmacKeyIdx) or (authKeyIdx & 0x1)):
am_print("Invalid authKey Idx ", authKeyIdx, level=AM_PRINT_LEVEL_ERROR);
if (magicNum == AM_IMAGE_MAGIC_MAIN):
hdr_length = AM_IMAGEHDR_SIZE_MAIN; #fixed header length
elif ((magicNum == AM_IMAGE_MAGIC_CHILD) or (magicNum == AM_IMAGE_MAGIC_CUSTPATCH) or (magicNum == AM_IMAGE_MAGIC_NONSECURE) or (magicNum == AM_IMAGE_MAGIC_INFO0)):
hdr_length = AM_IMAGEHDR_SIZE_AUX; #fixed header length
am_print("magic number", hex(magicNum), " not supported", level=AM_PRINT_LEVEL_ERROR)
am_print("Header Size = ", hex(hdr_length))
#generate mutable byte array for the header
hdr_binarray = bytearray([0x00]*hdr_length);
orig_app_length = (len(app_binarray))
am_print("original app_size ",hex(orig_app_length), "(",orig_app_length,")")
am_print("load_address ",hex(loadaddress), "(",loadaddress,")")
if (loadaddress & 0x3):
am_print("load address needs to be word aligned", level=AM_PRINT_LEVEL_ERROR)
if (loadaddress & (FLASH_PAGE_SIZE - 1)):
am_print("WARNING!!! - load address is not page aligned", level=AM_PRINT_LEVEL_ERROR)
if (magicNum == AM_IMAGE_MAGIC_INFO0):
if (orig_app_length & 0x3):
am_print("INFO0 blob length needs to be multiple of 4", level=AM_PRINT_LEVEL_ERROR)
if ((loadaddress + orig_app_length) > INFO_SIZE_BYTES):
am_print("INFO0 Offset and length exceed size", level=AM_PRINT_LEVEL_ERROR)
if (encVal == 1):
app_binarray = pad_to_block_size(app_binarray, block_size, 1)
# Add Padding
app_binarray = pad_to_block_size(app_binarray, 4, 0)
app_length = (len(app_binarray))
am_print("app_size ",hex(app_length), "(",app_length,")")
# Create Image blobs
# w0
blobLen = hdr_length + app_length
w0 = (magicNum << 24) | ((encVal & 0x1) << 23) | blobLen
am_print("w0 =", hex(w0))
fill_word(hdr_binarray, 0, w0)
# w2
securityVal = ((authI << 1) | crcI) << 4 | (authB << 1) | crcB
am_print("Security Value ", hex(securityVal))
w2 = ((securityVal << 24) & 0xff000000) | ((authalgo) & 0xf) | ((authKeyIdx << 4) & 0xf0) | ((encalgo << 8) & 0xf00) | ((encKeyIdx << 12) & 0xf000)
fill_word(hdr_binarray, 8, w2)
am_print("w2 = ",hex(w2))
if (magicNum == AM_IMAGE_MAGIC_INFO0):
# Insert the INFO0 size and offset
addrWord = ((orig_app_length>>2) << 16) | ((loadaddress>>2) & 0xFFFF)
versionKeyWord = keys.INFO_KEY
# Insert the application binary load address.
addrWord = loadaddress | (protection & 0x3)
# Initialize versionKeyWord
versionKeyWord = (version & 0x7FFF) | ((erasePrev & 0x1) << 15)
am_print("addrWord = ",hex(addrWord))
fill_word(hdr_binarray, AM_IMAGEHDR_OFFSET_ADDR, addrWord)
am_print("versionKeyWord = ",hex(versionKeyWord))
fill_word(hdr_binarray, AM_IMAGEHDR_OFFSET_VERKEY, versionKeyWord)
# Initialize child (Child Ptr/ Feature key)
am_print("child0/feature = ",hex(child0))
fill_word(hdr_binarray, AM_IMAGEHDR_OFFSET_CHILDPTR, child0)
am_print("child1 = ",hex(child1))
fill_word(hdr_binarray, AM_IMAGEHDR_OFFSET_CHILDPTR + 4, child1)
authKeyIdx = authKeyIdx - keys.minHmacKeyIdx
if (authB != 0): # Authentication needed
am_print("Boot Authentication Enabled")
# am_print("Key used for HMAC")
# am_print([hex(keys.keyTblHmac[authKeyIdx*AM_SECBOOT_KEYIDX_BYTES + n]) for n in range (0, AM_HMAC_SIG_SIZE)])
# Initialize the clear image HMAC
sigClr = compute_hmac(keys.keyTblHmac[authKeyIdx*AM_SECBOOT_KEYIDX_BYTES:(authKeyIdx*AM_SECBOOT_KEYIDX_BYTES+AM_HMAC_SIG_SIZE)], (hdr_binarray[AM_IMAGEHDR_START_HMAC:hdr_length] + app_binarray))
am_print("HMAC Clear")
am_print([hex(n) for n in sigClr])
# Fill up the HMAC
for x in range(0, AM_HMAC_SIG_SIZE):
hdr_binarray[AM_IMAGEHDR_OFFSET_SIGCLR + x] = sigClr[x]
# All the header fields part of the encryption are now final
if (encVal == 1):
am_print("Encryption Enabled")
encKeyIdx = encKeyIdx - keys.minAesKeyIdx
am_print("Initialization Vector")
am_print([hex(ivValAes[n]) for n in range (0, AM_SECBOOT_AESCBC_BLOCK_SIZE_BYTES)])
keyAes = os.urandom(keySize)
am_print("AES Key used for encryption")
am_print([hex(keyAes[n]) for n in range (0, keySize)])
# Encrypted Part
am_print("Encrypting blob of size " , (hdr_length - AM_IMAGEHDR_START_ENCRYPT + app_length))
enc_binarray = encrypt_app_aes((hdr_binarray[AM_IMAGEHDR_START_ENCRYPT:hdr_length] + app_binarray), keyAes, ivValAes)
# am_print("Key used for encrypting AES Key")
# am_print([hex(keys.keyTblAes[encKeyIdx*keySize + n]) for n in range (0, keySize)])
# Encrypted Key
enc_key = encrypt_app_aes(keyAes, keys.keyTblAes[encKeyIdx*keySize:encKeyIdx*keySize + keySize], ivVal0)
am_print("Encrypted Key")
am_print([hex(enc_key[n]) for n in range (0, keySize)])
# Fill up the IV
hdr_binarray[AM_IMAGEHDR_OFFSET_IV + x] = ivValAes[x]
# Fill up the Encrypted Key
for x in range(0, keySize):
hdr_binarray[AM_IMAGEHDR_OFFSET_KEK + x] = enc_key[x]
enc_binarray = hdr_binarray[AM_IMAGEHDR_START_ENCRYPT:hdr_length] + app_binarray
if (authI != 0): # Install Authentication needed
am_print("Install Authentication Enabled")
# am_print("Key used for HMAC")
# am_print([hex(keys.keyTblHmac[authKeyIdx*AM_SECBOOT_KEYIDX_BYTES + n]) for n in range (0, AM_HMAC_SIG_SIZE)])
# Initialize the top level HMAC
sig = compute_hmac(keys.keyTblHmac[authKeyIdx*AM_SECBOOT_KEYIDX_BYTES:(authKeyIdx*AM_SECBOOT_KEYIDX_BYTES+AM_HMAC_SIG_SIZE)], (hdr_binarray[AM_IMAGEHDR_START_HMAC_INST:AM_IMAGEHDR_START_ENCRYPT] + enc_binarray))
am_print("Generated Signature")
am_print([hex(n) for n in sig])
# Fill up the HMAC
for x in range(0, AM_HMAC_SIG_SIZE):
hdr_binarray[AM_IMAGEHDR_OFFSET_SIG + x] = sig[x]
# compute the CRC for the blob - this is done on a clear image
crc = crc32(hdr_binarray[AM_IMAGEHDR_START_CRC:hdr_length] + app_binarray)
am_print("crc = ",hex(crc));
w1 = crc
fill_word(hdr_binarray, AM_IMAGEHDR_OFFSET_CRC, w1)
# now output all three binary arrays in the proper order
output = output + '.bin'
am_print("Writing to file ", output)
with open(output, mode = 'wb') as out:
def parse_arguments():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description =
'Generate Corvette Image Blob')
parser.add_argument('--bin', dest='appFile', type=argparse.FileType('rb'),
help='binary file (blah.bin)')
parser.add_argument('--load-address', dest='loadaddress', type=auto_int, default=hex(AM_SECBOOT_DEFAULT_NONSECURE_MAIN),
help='Load address of the binary.')
parser.add_argument('--magic-num', dest='magic_num', default=hex(AM_IMAGE_MAGIC_NONSECURE),
type=lambda x: x.lower(),
# type = str.lower,
choices = [
help = 'Magic Num ('
+ str(hex(AM_IMAGE_MAGIC_MAIN)) + ': Main, '
+ str(hex(AM_IMAGE_MAGIC_CHILD)) + ': Child, '
+ str(hex(AM_IMAGE_MAGIC_CUSTPATCH)) + ': CustOTA, '
+ str(hex(AM_IMAGE_MAGIC_NONSECURE)) + ': NonSecure, '
+ str(hex(AM_IMAGE_MAGIC_INFO0)) + ': Info0) '
'- default[Main]'
parser.add_argument('-o', dest = 'output', default='outimage',
help = 'Output filename (without the extension)')
parser.add_argument('--authkey', dest = 'authkey', type=auto_int, default=(AM_SECBOOT_MIN_KEYIDX_INFO0), choices = range(AM_SECBOOT_MIN_KEYIDX_INFO0, AM_SECBOOT_MAX_KEYIDX_INFO0 + 1),
help = 'Authentication Key Idx? (' + str(AM_SECBOOT_MIN_KEYIDX_INFO0) + ' to ' + str(AM_SECBOOT_MAX_KEYIDX_INFO0) + ')')
parser.add_argument('--kek', dest = 'kek', type=auto_int, default=(AM_SECBOOT_MIN_KEYIDX_INFO0), choices = range(AM_SECBOOT_MIN_KEYIDX_INFO0, AM_SECBOOT_MAX_KEYIDX_INFO0 + 1),
help = 'KEK Index? (' + str(AM_SECBOOT_MIN_KEYIDX_INFO0) + ' to ' + str(AM_SECBOOT_MAX_KEYIDX_INFO0) + ')')
parser.add_argument('--authalgo', dest = 'authalgo', type=auto_int, default=0, choices=range(0, AM_SECBOOT_AUTH_ALGO_MAX+1),
help = helpAuthAlgo)
parser.add_argument('--encalgo', dest = 'encalgo', type=auto_int, default=0, choices = range(0, AM_SECBOOT_ENC_ALGO_MAX+1),
help = helpEncAlgo)
parser.add_argument('--child0', dest = 'child0', type=auto_int, default=hex(0xFFFFFFFF),
help = 'child (blobPtr#0 for Main / feature key for AM3P)')
parser.add_argument('--child1', dest = 'child1', type=auto_int, default=hex(0xFFFFFFFF),
help = 'child (blobPtr#1 for Main)')
parser.add_argument('--version', dest = 'version', type=auto_int, default=0,
help = 'version (15 bit)')
parser.add_argument('--crcI', dest = 'crcI', type=auto_int, default=1, choices=[0,1],
help = 'Install CRC check enabled (Default = Y)?')
parser.add_argument('--crcB', dest = 'crcB', type=auto_int, default=0, choices=[0,1],
help = 'Boot CRC check enabled (Default = N)?')
parser.add_argument('--authI', dest = 'authI', type=auto_int, default=0, choices=[0,1],
help = 'Install Authentication check enabled (Default = N)?')
parser.add_argument('--authB', dest = 'authB', type=auto_int, default=0, choices=[0,1],
help = 'Boot Authentication check enabled (Default = N)?')
parser.add_argument('--erasePrev', dest = 'erasePrev', type=auto_int, default=0, choices=[0,1],
help = 'erasePrev (Valid only for main)')
parser.add_argument('-p', dest = 'protection', type=auto_int, default=0, choices = [0x0, 0x1, 0x2, 0x3],
help = 'protection info 2 bit C W')
parser.add_argument('-k', type=str, dest='keyFile', nargs='?', default='keys_info.py',
help='key file in specified format [default = keys_info.py]')
parser.add_argument('--loglevel', dest='loglevel', type=auto_int, default=AM_PRINT_LEVEL_INFO,
args = parser.parse_args()
args.magic_num = int(args.magic_num, 16)
return args
# Main function.
def main():
# Read the arguments.
args = parse_arguments()
process(args.loadaddress, args.appFile, args.magic_num, args.crcI, args.crcB, args.authI, args.authB, args.protection, args.authkey, args.output, args.kek, args.version, args.erasePrev, args.child0, args.child1, args.authalgo, args.encalgo, args.keyFile)
if __name__ == '__main__':