using Ryujinx.SDL2.Common; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using static SDL2.SDL; namespace Ryujinx.Input.SDL2 { public class SDL2GamepadDriver : IGamepadDriver { private readonly Dictionary _gamepadsInstanceIdsMapping; private readonly List _gamepadsIds; private readonly Lock _lock = new(); public ReadOnlySpan GamepadsIds { get { lock (_lock) { return _gamepadsIds.ToArray(); } } } public string DriverName => "SDL2"; public event Action OnGamepadConnected; public event Action OnGamepadDisconnected; public SDL2GamepadDriver() { _gamepadsInstanceIdsMapping = new Dictionary(); _gamepadsIds = new List(); SDL2Driver.Instance.Initialize(); SDL2Driver.Instance.OnJoyStickConnected += HandleJoyStickConnected; SDL2Driver.Instance.OnJoystickDisconnected += HandleJoyStickDisconnected; // Add already connected gamepads int numJoysticks = SDL_NumJoysticks(); for (int joystickIndex = 0; joystickIndex < numJoysticks; joystickIndex++) { HandleJoyStickConnected(joystickIndex, SDL_JoystickGetDeviceInstanceID(joystickIndex)); } } private string GenerateGamepadId(int joystickIndex) { Guid guid = SDL_JoystickGetDeviceGUID(joystickIndex); // Add a unique identifier to the start of the GUID in case of duplicates. if (guid == Guid.Empty) { return null; } string id; lock (_lock) { int guidIndex = 0; id = guidIndex + "-" + guid; while (_gamepadsIds.Contains(id)) { id = (++guidIndex) + "-" + guid; } } return id; } private int GetJoystickIndexByGamepadId(string id) { lock (_lock) { return _gamepadsIds.IndexOf(id); } } private void HandleJoyStickDisconnected(int joystickInstanceId) { if (!_gamepadsInstanceIdsMapping.Remove(joystickInstanceId, out string id)) return; lock (_lock) { _gamepadsIds.Remove(id); } OnGamepadDisconnected?.Invoke(id); } private void HandleJoyStickConnected(int joystickDeviceId, int joystickInstanceId) { if (SDL_IsGameController(joystickDeviceId) == SDL_bool.SDL_TRUE) { if (_gamepadsInstanceIdsMapping.ContainsKey(joystickInstanceId)) { // Sometimes a JoyStick connected event fires after the app starts even though it was connected before // so it is rejected to avoid doubling the entries. return; } string id = GenerateGamepadId(joystickDeviceId); if (id == null) { return; } if (_gamepadsInstanceIdsMapping.TryAdd(joystickInstanceId, id)) { lock (_lock) { if (joystickDeviceId <= _gamepadsIds.FindLastIndex(_ => true)) _gamepadsIds.Insert(joystickDeviceId, id); else _gamepadsIds.Add(id); } OnGamepadConnected?.Invoke(id); } } } protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (disposing) { SDL2Driver.Instance.OnJoyStickConnected -= HandleJoyStickConnected; SDL2Driver.Instance.OnJoystickDisconnected -= HandleJoyStickDisconnected; // Simulate a full disconnect when disposing foreach (string id in _gamepadsIds) { OnGamepadDisconnected?.Invoke(id); } lock (_lock) { _gamepadsIds.Clear(); } SDL2Driver.Instance.Dispose(); } } public void Dispose() { GC.SuppressFinalize(this); Dispose(true); } public IGamepad GetGamepad(string id) { int joystickIndex = GetJoystickIndexByGamepadId(id); if (joystickIndex == -1) { return null; } nint gamepadHandle = SDL_GameControllerOpen(joystickIndex); if (gamepadHandle == nint.Zero) { return null; } return new SDL2Gamepad(gamepadHandle, id); } } }